Trade name(s) for {{c1::acetaminophen}} include {{c2::Tylenol®}}. acetaminophen BLS Maryland medication pain pharmacology protocols trade-name What are the indication(s) for acetaminophen: Indications for this medication:
Patients aged ≥2 judged to be in mild to moderate discomfort
(e.g., 1–5 on FACES scale) acetaminophen BLS indications Maryland medication pain pharmacology protocols What are the adverse effect(s) of acetaminophen: Adverse effects of this drug:
not clinically significant acetaminophen adverse-effects BLS Maryland medication pain pharmacology protocols Precaution(s) for {{c1::acetaminophen}}: {{c2::administration of acetaminophen for mild to moderate pain}} {{c3::does not eliminate the need for transport of the patient to the hospital}} {{c4::to receive a comprehensive evaluation of the cause of the pain and appropriate definitive treatment.}} acetaminophen BLS Maryland medication pain pharmacology precaution protocols Contraindications for {{c1::acetaminophen}}:
{{c2::1.   head injury
2.   hypotension
3.   administration of acetaminophen or medications containing 
acetaminophen within the previous four (4) hours
4.  inability to swallow or take medications by mouth
5.   respiratory distress
6.   persistent vomiting
7.   known or suspected liver disease (including patients suspected of current alcohol ingestion)
8.   allergy to acetaminophen
9.   patients less than 2 years of age}}. acetaminophen BLS contraindications Maryland medication pain pharmacology protocols What is an important consideration with the contraindication(s) of acetaminophen? Many common cold preparations contain this medication. acetaminophen alert BLS contraindications Maryland medication pain pharmacology precaution protocols Mnemonic for the contraindications of acetaminophen: AAA HH RSVP or AHAHA RSVP:
Acetaminophen with previous 4 hours
Alcohol/liver disease

Head injury

Respiratory distress
Swallowing difficulty
Pediatric (< 2 years old) acetaminophen BLS contraindications Maryland medication mnemonic pain pharmacology protocols {{c1::Acetaminophen}} dosage for {{c2::children}} (i.e. {{c3::<13 years old}}):
{{c4::<2 years of age: not indicated
2–4 years: 1 unit dose 160 mg/5 mL
5–12 years: 2 unit doses of 160 mg/5 mL each for a total of 320 mg/10 mL}} acetaminophen BLS dosage Maryland medication pain pediatric pharmacology protocols {{c1::Acetaminophen}} dosage for {{c2::children}} (i.e. {{c3::< 13 years old}}):
{{c4::< 2 years of age: not indicated}}
{{c5::2--4 years: Unit dose 160 mg/5 mL}}
{{c6::5–12 years: 2 unit doses of 160 mg/5 mL each for a total of 320 mg/10 mL}} acetaminophen BLS dosage Maryland medication pain pediatric pharmacology protocols {{c1::Acetaminophen}} dosage for {{c2::adults}} (i.e. {{c3::≥13 years}}):
{{c4::4 unit doses of 160 mg/5 mL each for a total of 640 mg/20 mL}} or 
{{c5::325 mg pill or tablet x2 for a total of 650 mg}}.
acetaminophen adult BLS dosage Maryland medication pain pharmacology protocols What is the acetaminophen dosage for adults? Administering acetaminophen for this group:
four (4) unit doses of 160 mg/5 mL each for a total of 640 mg/20 mL
two (2) 325 mg pill or tablet for a total of 650 mg acetaminophen adult BLS dosage Maryland medication pain pharmacology protocols What is the acetaminophen dosage for children? Administering acetaminophen for this group:
< 2 years of age: not indicated
2–4 years: one (1) unit dose 160 mg/5 mL
5–12 years: two (2) unit doses of 160 mg/5 mL each for a total of 320 mg/10 mL acetaminophen BLS dosage Maryland medication pain pediatric pharmacology protocols What is the acetaminophen dosage for children <2 years of age? Administering acetaminophen for this group:
not indicated acetaminophen BLS dosage Maryland medication pain pediatric pharmacology protocols What is the acetaminophen dosage for children 2–4 years? Administering acetaminophen for this group:
One (1) unit dose 160 mg/5 mL acetaminophen BLS dosage Maryland medication pain pediatric pharmacology protocols What is the acetaminophen dosage for children 5–12 years? Administering acetaminophen for this group:
Two (2) unit doses of 160 mg/5 mL each for a total of 320 mg/10 mL acetaminophen BLS dosage Maryland medication pain pediatric pharmacology protocols Many {{c1::common cold preparations}} contain {{c2::acetaminophen}}. acetaminophen alert BLS contraindications Maryland medication pain pharmacology protocols For preparing {{c1::acetaminophen}} use the {{c2::unit dose only}}; {{c3::do not use}} {{c2::multidose bottle of liquid}}. acetaminophen alert BLS Maryland medication pain pharmacology preparation protocols One (1) unit dose of {{c1::acetaminophen}} is {{c2::160 mg/5 mL liquid}} or {{c3::325 mg pill/tablet}}. acetaminophen alert BLS Maryland medication pain pharmacology preparation protocols What are some trade name(s) for acetaminophen? Trade names for this medication include Tylenol®. acetaminophen BLS Maryland medication pain pharmacology protocols trade-name What are the adverse effect(s) of Albuterol: Adverse effects of this medication:
1.   tachycardia/palpitations
2.   hypertension
3.   angina
4.   nervousness/anxiety
5.   tremors
6.   dizziness
7.   headache
8.   sweating
9.   nausea/vomiting
10. sore throat adverse-effects airway albuterol BLS breathing Maryland medication pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress What are the indication(s) of Albuterol? Indications for this medication:
1.   signs and symptoms of respiratory distress
2.   bronchospasm/wheezing associated with:
      a.   asthma
      b.   chronic bronchitis
      c.   emphysema
      d.   allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) airway albuterol BLS breathing indications Maryland medication pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress What is the Albuterol dosage for adults? The dosage for this group:
Inhaler: maximum of two (2) doses (four (4) puffs) over a 30-minute period
Nebulizer: 2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol connected to 6–8 lpm of oxygen; may repeat
one (1) time airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress What is the Albuterol dosage for children? The Albuterol dosage for this group:
Inhaler: maximum of two (2) doses (four (4) puffs) over a 30-minute period
May repeat one (1) time; connect to 6–8 lpm of oxygen:
<2 years: 1.25 mg by nebulized aerosol
≥2 years: 2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress What is the Albuterol dosage for children (<2 years old)? The Albuterol dosage for this group:
Inhaler: maximum of two (2) doses (four (4) puffs) over a 30-minute period
1.25 mg by nebulized aerosol. 
May repeat one (1) time; connect to 6–8 lpm of oxygen: airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress What is the Albuterol dosage for children (≥2 years old)? The Albuterol dosage for this group:
Inhaler: maximum of two (2) doses (four (4) puffs) over a 30-minute period
2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol.  
May repeat one (1) time; connect to 6–8 lpm of oxygen airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress What are some trade name(s) for Albuterol? Trade names for this medication include Proventil®, Ventolin®. airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress Trade name(s) for {{c1::Albuterol}} include {{c2::Proventil®, Ventolin®}}. airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress trade-name What are the precaution(s) for acetaminophen? Precautions for this medication are:
Administration of acetaminophen for mild to moderate pain does not eliminate
the need for transport of the patient to the hospital to receive a comprehensive
of the cause of the pain and appropriate definitive treatment. acetaminophen BLS Maryland medication pain pharmacology precaution protocols What are the precaution(s) for Albuterol? Precautions for this medication are:
May cause severe bronchospasm from repeated excessive use. airway albuterol BLS breathing Maryland medication pain pharmacology precaution protocols respiratory-distress Precaution(s) for {{c1::Albuterol}}: {{c2::may cause severe bronchospasm from repeated excessive use.}} airway albuterol BLS breathing Maryland medication pain pharmacology precaution protocols respiratory-distress What are the contraindication(s) of acetaminophen? The contraindications of this medication are:
1.   head injury
2.   hypotension
3.   administration of acetaminophen or medications containing 
acetaminophen within the previous four (4) hours
4.  inability to swallow or take medications by mouth
5.   respiratory distress
6.   persistent vomiting
7.   known or suspected liver disease (including patients suspected of current alcohol ingestion)
8.   allergy to acetaminophen
9.   patients less than 2 years of age}}. acetaminophen BLS contraindications Maryland medication pain pharmacology protocols What are the contraindication(s) of Albuterol? The contraindications of this medication are:
Known hypersensitivity airway albuterol BLS breathing contraindications Maryland medication pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress Contraindication(s) for {{c1::Albuterol}}:
{{c2::known hypersensitivity}}. airway albuterol BLS breathing contraindications Maryland medication pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress For preparing {{c1::Albuterol}} you need either a {{c2::hand-held (unit dose) aerosol inhaler}} (aka a(n) {{c2::MDI}}) or a(n) {{c3::ampule for nebulizer}}. airway albuterol BLS breathing Maryland medication pharmacology preparation protocols respiratory-distress For preparing {{c1::Albuterol}} you need {{c2::either a hand-held (unit dose) aerosol inhaler (MDI) or ampule for nebulizer}}. airway albuterol BLS breathing Maryland medication pharmacology preparation protocols respiratory-distress {{c1::Albuterol}} dosage for {{c2::children}}:
{{c3::Inhaler: Patient may receive a maximum of 2 doses (4 puffs) over a 30 minute period.
<2 years: 1.25 mg by nebulized aerosol
≥2 years: 2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol
For both: May repeat one (1) time; connect to 6–8 lpm of oxygen}}. airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress {{c1::Albuterol}} dosage for {{c2::children <2 years old}}:
Inhaler: {{c3::Patient may receive a maximum of 2 doses (4 puffs) over a 30 minute period}}.
Nebulizer: {{c4::1.25 mg by nebulized aerosol
May repeat one (1) time; connect to 6–8 lpm of oxygen}}. airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress {{c1::Albuterol}} dosage for {{c2::children <2 years old}}:
Inhaler: {{c3::Patient may receive a maximum of 2 doses (4 puffs) over a 30 minute period}}.
Nebulizer: {{c3::1.25 mg by nebulized aerosol
May repeat one (1) time; connect to 6–8 lpm of oxygen}}. airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress {{c1::Albuterol}} dosage for {{c2::children ≥2 years old}}:
{{c3::Inhaler: Patient may receive a maximum of 2 doses (4 puffs) over a 30 minute period.
Nebulizer: 2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol
May repeat one (1) time; connect to 6–8 lpm of oxygen}}. airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress {{c1::Albuterol}} dosage for {{c2::children ≥2 years old}}:
Inhaler: {{c3::Patient may receive a maximum of 2 doses (4 puffs) over a 30 minute period}}.
Nebulizer: {{c3::2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol
May repeat one (1) time; connect to 6–8 lpm of oxygen}}. airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress {{c1::Albuterol}} dosage for {{c2::adults}}:
Inhaler: {{c3::Patient may receive a maximum of 2 doses (4 puffs) over a 30 minute period}}.
Nebulizer: {{c4::2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol
May repeat one (1) time; connect to 6–8 lpm of oxygen}}. adult airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress {{c1::Albuterol}} dosage for {{c2::adults}}:
{{c3::Inhaler: Patient may receive a maximum of 2 doses (4 puffs) over a 30 minute period.
Nebulizer: 2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol
May repeat one (1) time; connect to 6–8 lpm of oxygen}}. adult airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress {{c1::Albuterol}} dosage via {{c2::inhaler}}:
{{c3::Adult: Patient may receive a maximum of 2 doses (4 puffs) over a 30-minute period
Pediatric: Patient may receive a maximum of 2 doses (4 puffs) over a 30-minute period}}
adult airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress {{c1::Albuterol}} dosage via {{c2::nebulizer}}:
{{c3::Adult: 2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol
one time
(<2 years old): 1.25 mg by nebulized aerosol
(≥2 years old): 2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol

For all: may repeat one (1) time; connect to 6–8 lpm of oxygen}} adult airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress {{c1::Albuterol}} dosage via {{c1::nebulizer}}:
Adult: {{c2::2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol.  May repeat one (1) time; connect to 6–8 lpm of oxygen}}
Pediatric: {{c3::
(<2 years old): 1.25 mg by nebulized aerosol
(≥2 years old): 2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol.
May repeat one (1) time; connect to 6–8 lpm of oxygen}} adult airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress {{c1::Albuterol}} dosage via {{c1::inhaler}}:
Adult: {{c2::Patient may receive a maximum of 2 doses (4 puffs) over a 30-minute period}}
Pediatric: {{c3::Patient may receive a maximum of 2 doses (4 puffs) over a 30-minute period}} adult airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress What are the dosage(s) for Albuterol via inhaler? The dosages for this medication via this method:
Adult: Patient may receive a maximum of 2 doses (4 puffs) over a 30-minute period
Pediatric: Patient may receive a maximum of 2 doses (4 puffs) over a 30-minute period adult airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress What are the dosage(s) for Albuterol via MDI? The dosages for this medication via this route:
Adult: Patient may receive a maximum of 2 doses (4 puffs) over a 30-minute period
Pediatric: Patient may receive a maximum of 2 doses (4 puffs) over a 30-minute period adult airway albuterol BLS breathing dosage Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress What does MDI stand for? metered-dose inhaler abbreviations airway albuterol BLS breathing Maryland medication pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress terminology What is a MDI? This device delivers a consistent amount of medication using a short burst of aerosolized medicine via inhalation. abbreviations airway albuterol BLS breathing device Maryland medication pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress terminology What is a metered-dose inhaler? This device delivers a consistent amount of medication using a short burst of aerosolized medicine via inhalation abbreviations airway albuterol BLS breathing device Maryland medication pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress terminology What are the dosage(s) for Albuterol via nebulizer? The dosages for this medication via this method:
Adult: 2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol
(<2 years old): 1.25 mg by nebulized aerosol
(≥2 years old): 2.5 mg by nebulized aerosol

For all patients: May repeat one (1) time; connect to 6–8 lpm of oxygen abbreviations adult airway albuterol BLS breathing device Maryland medication pediatric pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress terminology Adverse effect(s) of {{c1::Albuterol}} include
{{c2::1.   tachycardia/palpitations
2.   hypertension
3.   angina
4.   nervousness/anxiety
5.   tremors
6.   dizziness
7.   headache
8.   sweating
9.   nausea/vomiting
10. sore throat}} adverse-effects airway albuterol BLS breathing Maryland medication pharmacology protocols respiratory-distress Adverse effect(s) of {{c1::acetaminophen}} include
{{c2::nothing clinically significant}} acetaminophen adverse-effects BLS Maryland medication pain pharmacology protocols