What are the solid organs in the abdominal cavity? Liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, and women (in women). 18 definition gastrointestinal urologic What are the hollow organs in the abdominal cavity? Gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and urinary bladder. 18 definition gastrointestinal urologic What does the liver do? Assists in digestion by secreting bile, filters toxic substances, creates glucose stores, and produces substances necessary for blood clotting and immune functions 18 anatomy definition function gastrointestinal What does the gallbladder do? Acts as a reservoir for bile. 18 anatomy definition function gastrointestinal What are the three sections of the small intestines? duodenum, jejunum, ileum 18 anatomy function gastrointestinal What does the pancreas do? Aids digestion by secreting juice that contains enzymes that help break down starches, fats, and protein. Also releases amylase. 18 anatomy definition gastrointestinal urologic Where does amylase come from and go into? It comes from the pancreas and goes into the duodenum. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What is bicarbonate? It is an alkali and is part of the buffering system that neutraizes stomach acids in the duodenum. It also comes from the pancreas. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What is insulin? It regulates the amount of glucose in the bloodstream, and is produced in the pancreas. 18 definition gastrointestinal hormone urologic What is the jejunum? It is the second part of the small intestine and pays a major role in the absorption of digestive products. It comprises much of the surface area of the small intestine. 18 anatomy definition gastrointestinal urologic What kind of environment does the jejunum and ileum have? They have a mostly pH-neutral environment for absorption. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What is the ileum? The ileum is the third part of the intestine, and is where soluble molecules are absorbed into the blood, and where proteins, fats, and starches are reduced to amino acids, fatty acids, and simple sugars. 18 anatomy definition gastrointestinal urologic What is peristalsis? It is a rhythmic movement that moves waste matter through the intestines. 18 anatomy definition gastrointestinal urologic What is the spleen? It is located is located in the abdomen but has no digestive function. It is part of the lymphatic system, assists in filtering blood, developing red blood cells and antibodies, and serves as a blood reservoir. 18 anatomy definition gastrointestinal What do the kidneys do?
They play an important role in the regulation of acidity and blood pressure, and remove sodium chloride from the body and therefore excess fluid.
18 gastrointestinal urologic How much of the output of blood from the heart passes through the kidneys each minute?  Nearly 20% of the heart's output passes through them. 18 gastrointestinal urologic value What is the renal pelvis? It is a cone-shaped collecting area that connects the ureter and the kidney. 18 anatomy definition excretory gastrointestinal urologic Where is the urinary bladder? It is located immediately behind the pubis symphysis. 18 anatomy definition gastrointestinal urologic How much urine does the average adult form each day? They form 1.5 to 2L of it each day. 18 gastrointestinal urologic value How much blood circulates through the kidneys daily? c. 1,500 L of blood flows through them daily. 18 gastrointestinal urologic value What lines the abdominal cavity? The parietal peritoneum lines it. 18 anatomy gastrointestinal What lines the organs themselves? The visceral peritoneum lines them. 18 anatomy gastrointestinal urologic What is peritonitis? This is irritation of the peritoneum. 18 definition gastrointestinal urologic What is ileus? This is paralysis of the muscular contractions that normally propel material through the intestines. It can lead to abdominal distention. 18 definition gastrointestinal urologic What is emesis? Vomiting caused by paralysis in the intestines. 18 definition gastrointestinal urologic How do you gauge the degree of distention in a patient? To do this, simply look at the patient's abdomen. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What else is also associated with peritonitis? It is also associated with a loss of body fluid into the abdominal cavity. This fluid shift decreases the volume of circulating blood and may lead to decreased blood pressure or even shock. 18 gastrointestinal urologic If a patient has peritonitis that has progressed, what will they present with? In this case, they will present with tachycardia and hypotension. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What can parietal peritoneum nerves sense? They can sense pain, touch, pressure, heat, and cold, and can easily localize pain. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What can visceral peritoneum sense? "It can not localize sensation, so the patient will describe such pain as a ""deep"" pain." 18 gastrointestinal urologic What is referred pain? It is the result of connections between somatic and autonomic nervous system, so that pain may be perceived at a distant point of the body. 18 definition gastrointestinal urologic Where might acute cholecystitis (AKA inflammed gallbladder) cause referred pain? It may cause pain in the right shoulder, because the autonomic nerves serving the gallbladder lie near the spinal cord, at the same anatomic level as the spinal sensory nerves that supply the skin of the shoulder. 18 gastrointestinal urologic Where might appendicitis cause pain? It causes pain in the right lower quadrant (direct), around the navel (referred), and rebounding pain (pain felt on the rebound after palpation) 18 gastrointestinal urologic Where might an ulcer cause pain? It might cause pain at the upper mid-abdoman or upper part of back. 18 gastrointestinal urologic Where might diverticulitis cause pain? It might cause pain in the lower left quadrant. 18 gastrointestinal urologic Where might an abdominal aortic aneurysm, A.K.A., an A.A.A., cause pain? This condition might cause pain in the lower part of the back, or the lower quadrants. 18 gastrointestinal urologic Where might cystitis, A.K.A. inflamed bladder, cause pain? It might cause pain in the lower mid-abdomen, or retropubic area. 18 gastrointestinal urologic Where might a kidney infection cause pain? It might cause pain in the costovertebral angle, which is the acute angle formed on either side of the human back between the twelfth rib and the vertebral column. 18 gastrointestinal urologic Where might kidney stones cause pain? It might cause pain in the right or left flanks, radiating to the genitalia. 18 gastrointestinal urologic Where might pancreatitis cause pain? It might cause pain in the upper abdomen (both quadrants) and the back. 18 abdomen assessment endocrine gastrointestinal Where might pneumonia cause pain? It might cause pain in the upper abdomen (referred pain). 18 gastrointestinal urologic Where might a hernia cause pain? It might cause pain anywhere in the abdominal area. 18 gastrointestinal urologic Where might peritonitis cause pain? It might cause pain anywhere in the abdominal area. 18 gastrointestinal urologic Why does early abdominal pain tend to be vague and poorly localized? It tends to be vague and poorly localized because visceral peritoneum is usually irritated first. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What is peptic ulcer disease (PUD)? The protective layer is eroded, allowing the acid to eat into the organ itself over the course of weeks, months, or even years. 18 definition gastrointestinal urologic What causes most peptic ulcers? Most are caused by an infection of the stomach with Heliocobacter pylori. Another major cause is chronic use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), as well as alcohol and smoking. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What do patients experience with peptic ulcers? They experience a classic sequence of burning or gnawing pain in the stomach that subsides or diminishes immediately after eating and then reemerges 2 to 3 hours later. 18 gastrointestinal urologic Where might a peptic ulcer cause pain? It might cause pain in the upper abdomen, but sometimes may be found below the sternum. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What are common symptoms of a peptic ulcer? Nausea, vomiting, belching, and heartburn are common symptoms of it. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What are gallstones? They form and block the outlet from the gallbladder, causing pain and inflammation. 18 definition gastrointestinal urologic What is cholecystitis? A condition in which the wall of the gallbladder becomes inflammed. 18 definition gastrointestinal urologic How does cholecystitis present? The condition presents as a constant, severe pain in the right upper or midabdominal region, and may refer to the right upper back, shoulder area, or flank. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What are common symptoms of cholecystitis? Symptoms include general gastrointestinal distress such as nausea and vomiting, indigestion, bloating, gas, and belching. 18 gastrointestinal urologic When does cholecystitis produce symptoms? It commonly produces symptoms about 30 minutes after a particularly fatty meal and usually at night. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What causes pancreatitis? It can be caused by an obstructing gallstone, alcohol abuse, and other diseases that cause inflammation of the pancreas. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What is appendicitis? It is inflammation or infection in the appendix. 18 definition gastrointestinal urologic What are symptoms of appendicitis? Symptoms are initially generalized and dull pain near the umbilical area. The pain later localizes to the right lower quadrant. A classic symptom is rebound tenderness. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What is esophagitis? It occurs when the lining of the esophagus becomes inflammed by infection or from the acids in the stomach (gastrophageal reflux disease). 18 definition gastrointestinal urologic What causes esophageal varices? They occur when the amount of pressure within the blood vessels surrounding esophagus increases. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What causes Mallory-Weiss syndrome? It occurs when the junction between the esophagus and the stomach tears, causing severe bleeding and eventually death. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What is the principal symptom of Mallory-Weiss syndrome? The principal syndrome is vomiting. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What is acute gastroenteritis? It comprises a family of conditions revolving around a central theme of infection combined with diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. 18 definition gastrointestinal urologic What causes diverticulitis? It is caused when a lack of fiber leads to hard stool which requires more intestinal contractions, subsequently increasing pressure within the colon. In this environment, small defects within the colonic wall that would otherwise never pose a problem now fail, resulting in bulges in the wall. These small outcroppings eventually turn into pouches, called diverticula. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What are the symptoms of diverticulitis? Symptoms are abdominal pain in the left side of the lower abdomen, fever, malaise, body aches, chills, nausea, and vomiting, as well as constipation. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What is cystitis? It is bladder infammation. 18 definition gastrointestinal urologic What is another name for cystitis? Another name for it is urinary tract infection (UTI). 18 gastrointestinal urologic Where do patients with UTI tend to have pain? They have pain in their lower abdominal quadrants. 18 assessment gastrointestinal urologic What is uremia? It is when a patient's kidneys fail, and the patient loses the ability to excrete waste from the body, and the urea remains in the blood instead of going into the urine. 18 definition gastrointestinal urologic What is another name for kidney stones? Renal calculi is another name for it this. 18 anatomy disease excretory gastrointestinal genitourinary urologic Can acute renal failure be reversed? This can be reversed with prompt diagnosis and treatment. 18 causes disease excretory gastrointestinal genitourinary mastery urologic What should you always consider with a woman with lower quadrant pain or tenderness? You should always consider that she may have a problem with her ovaries. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What is a cause of abdominal aoritc aneurysm (AAA)? It is caused when in older people, the wall of the aorta develops weak areas that swell. 18 causes gastrointestinal urologic What is a common complaint of AAA? Back pain is a common complaint with it. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What is a hernia? It is a protrusion of an organ or tissue through a hole or opening into a body cavity where it does not belong. 18 abdomen definition gastrointestinal urologic What causes hernia? Causes of it include: A congenital defect, as around the umbilicus; a surgical wound that has failed to heal properly; a natural weakness in an area such as in the groin. 18 causes gastrointestinal urologic What is a reducible hernia? It is a hernia that can disappear back into the body cavity in which it belongs. 18 abdomen definition gastrointestinal urologic What is an incarcerated hernia? It is a hernia that cannot be pushed back into the body cavity. 18 abdomen definition gastrointestinal urologic What is strangulation? It is when a hernia is incarcerated, and its contents may become seriously compressed by the surrounding tissue, compromising the blood supply. 18 abdomen definition gastrointestinal urologic What is an important question to ask a patient with possible gastrointestinal issues regarding bleeding? Ask them if they have blood in their vomit (hematemesis) or black, tarry stool (melena). 18 gastrointestinal urologic If a patient has drawn up their right knee, what condition might this be? This stance may indicate appendicitis. 18 gastrointestinal urologic If a patient is curled up to one side, what condition may this be? This stance may indicate pancreatitis. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What is one way to decrease nausea? Providing a patient low-flow oxygen often decreases it. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What happens if a patient misses a dialysis treatment? If this happens, weakness and pulmonary edema can be the first in a series of conditions that can become progressively more serious. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What are some adverse affects of dialysis? They include hypotension, muscle cramps, nausea and vomiting, hemorrhage from the access site, and infection at the access site. 18 gastrointestinal urologic What are endocrine glands? They secrete and release chemicals that are used inside the body. 19 anatomy endocrine hematologic What is a hormone? It is a substance produced by a gland that has special regulatory effects on other organs and tissues. 19 definition endocrine hematologic hormone What can cause endocrine disorders? Hypersecretion or hyposecretion of a gland can cause it. 19 causes disease endocrine hematologic How much of the population does diabetes affect? It affects about 7% of the population. 19 endocrine hematologic statistic What is glucose? It is one of the basic sugars used in the body and, in conjunction with oxygen, is the primary fuel for cellular metabolism. It is also called dextrose. 19 definition endocrine hematologic What is the full name of diabetes? "Its full name is diabetes mellitus, which means ""sweet diabetes""." 19 endocrine hematologic What is type 1 diabetes? When patients do not produce insulin. It typically developments during childhood. 19 definition endocrine hematologic What is type 2 diabetes? When patients produce inadequate amounts of insulin, or what is produced does not function effectively. It is more common than type 1 diabetes, and on the rise due to obesity. 19 definition endocrine hematologic What are some medications that treat diabetes? Chlorpropamide (Diabinese), tolbutamide (Orinase), glyburide (Micronase), glipizide (Glucotrol), metformin (Glucophage), and rosiglitazone (Avandia) are some of these types of muscles. 19 endocrine hematologic medication What kind of problem is type 1 diabetes considered? It is considered an autoimmune problem, because the body becomes allergic to, and, therefore, destroys the insulin-producing cells of the endocrine glands in the pancreas. 19 endocrine hematologic What is the normal level of blood glucose levels? The normal amount is 80 to 120 mg/dL 19 endocrine hematologic value vitals "What are the ""3 Ps"" of uncontrolled diabetes symptoms?" They are polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (frequent drinking and thirst), and polyphagia (excessive eating). 19 endocrine hematologic mnemonic What happens when the body can't use glucose to supply energy for cells? When this happens, fat is used as an immediate energy source, which produces ketones and fatty acids as waste products and are hard for the body to excrete. 19 endocrine hematologic What is diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)? It is a type of hyperglycemic crisis. It a form of acidosis seen in uncontrolled diabetes. 19 definition endocrine hematologic What are the signs and symptoms of DKA? They are weakness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, a weak and rapid pulse, and Kussmaul respirations 19 endocrine hematologic signs symptoms What is often a result of type 2 diabetes? A common result is HHNC, hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic coma. 19 endocrine hematologic How do diabetes lead to dehydration? The body tries to get rid of the excess sugar in the urine. The fluid follows the sugar, causing dehydration. 19 endocrine hematologic What occurs with prolonged hyperglycemia? It results in diabetic ketoacidosis. 19 endocrine hematologic What occurs with prolonged hypoglycemia? It progresses to unresponsiveness and eventually hypoglycemic crisis. 19 endocrine hematologic What are common signs of both hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia? Staggering and an intoxicated appearance or unresponsiveness are signs of both. 19 endocrine hematologic What is hyperglycemic crisis? It is a state of unconsciousness resulting from several problems, including ketoacidosis, hyperglycemia, and dehydration. 19 definition endocrine hematologic What are some symptoms of hyperglycemic crisis? "Some symptoms of Kussmaul respirations, dehydration, sweet or fruity odor on the breath, a rapid thready pulse, normal or slightly low blood pressure, weakness, nausea, and the ""3 Ps""." 19 endocrine hematologic What is a hypoglycemic crisis? It occurs when the patient has taken too much insulin, not eaten enough food, or had an unusual amount of physical activity. 19 definition emergencies endocrine hematologic What are the symptoms of hypoglycemia? Symptoms include normal to shallow or rapid respirations, pale clammy skin, sweating, a rapid pulse, normal to low blood pressure, anxious or combative behavior, hunger, weakness on one side of the body, and rapid changes in mental status. 19 endocrine hematologic symptoms How many grams of glucose does one tube contain? It contains 15 grams of glucose. 19 endocrine hematologic value What are the contraindications to oral glucose? They are an inability to swallow and unconsciousness, because aspiration can occur. 19 contraindications endocrine hematologic What is hematology? It is the study and prevention of blood-related diseases. 19 definition endocrine hematologic What percentage of blood volume is red blood cells (erythrocytes)? 47% in males and 42% in females is made up of it. 19 endocrine hematologic value What is the scientific term for white blood cells? white blood cells are also know as leukocytes 19 definition endocrine hematologic What is sickle cell disease? It is an inherited blood disorder that affect the red blood cells. The cells are poor oxygen carriers, so patients may experience hypoxia. 19 definition endocrine hematologic How often do normal red blood cells live compared to hemoglobin S in sickle cell disease? Normal red blood cells live about 120 days. Hemoglobin S cells live only 16 days. 19 endocrine hematologic What is thrombophilia? It is the tendancy to develop blood clots, and affects approximately 5% to 7% of the Caucasian population of European descent in the United States. 19 definition endocrine hematologic What is hemophilia? It is a genetic disorder usually inherited from the mother, in which the blood is not able to control bleeding. It occurs mostly in males, in approximately 1 in every 5 to 10 thousand births. 19 definition endocrine hematologic How many Americans die of allergic reactions every year? At least 1,000 Americans die every year. 20 allergy immunologic statistic What is immunology? It is the study of the body's immune system. 20 definition immunologic What is the immune system? It is the system that protects the human body from substances and organisms that are foreign to the body. 20 definition immunologic What is an allergic reaction? It is an exaggerated immune response by the body's immune system, which releases chemicals to combat the stimulus. 20 allergy definition immunologic What are some chemicals released by the immune system? histamine, leukotrienes 20 allergy immunologic What is anaphylaxis? It is an extreme allergic reaction that is life threatening and involves multiple organ systems. 12 20 allergy definition emergencies immunologic shock What is one of the most common signs of anaphylaxis? wheezing 12 20 allergy immunologic shock signs symptoms What is urticaria? smalls areas of generalized itching or burning that appear as multiple, small, raised areas on the skin. 20 allergy definition immunologic signs symptoms What is envenomation? Venom injected into the body by an animal or insect. 20 allergy definition environmental immunologic venom What are five general catagories of allergens? insect bites and stings
20 allergy environmental immunologic list venom How many species of bees, wasps, and hornets are there? There are more than 100,000 species of them. 20 allergy environmental immunologic venom What is a wheal? It is a raised, swollen, well-defined area of the skin. 20 allergy definition immunologic signs symptoms What is a special consideration for honeybee stings? Their stingers remain in the wound for up to 20 minutes and continue to inject venom. 20 allergy environmental immunologic venom What are some actions you should take with insect stings? Position the injection site slightly below the level of the heart, and apply ice or cold packs to the area, but not directly on the skin. Don't use tweezers to remove the barb as squeezing it might release more venom. 20 allergy environmental immunologic venom What position should you place a patient with an insect sting? Place them in the shock position, and give oxygen if needed. 20 allergy immunologic position venom What percentage of the population are allergic to the venom of the bee, hornet, yellow jacket, and wasp? Approximately 5% are allergic. 20 allergy environmental immunologic statistic venom How many people die each year from reactions to stings? About 200 people a year die from this. 20 allergy environmental immunologic statistic venom What are some common symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction to stings? Patients may experience generalized itching and burning, widespread urticaria, wheals, swelling about the lips and tongue, bronchospasm and wheezing, chest tightness and coughing, dyspnea, anxiety, abdominal cramps, and hypotension. 20 allergy environmental immunologic shock symptoms venom When do most terminal anaphylactic patients die? Two-thirds of them die within the first half hour, so speed is essential. 20 allergy immunologic What is the definitive treatment for anaphylactic shock? administration of epinephrine 12 20 allergy immunologic shock treatment What vital signs should you assess and reassess during reassessment? Pulse, respirations, blood pressure, skin, pupils, and oxygen saturation. 09 20 assessment immunologic vitals What is a useful method for assessing an allergic patient's perfusion status? Pulse oximetry is a useful method for this. 09 20 assessment immunologic vitals What kind of chemical is epinephrine? It is a sympathomimetic, which means it mimics the sympathetic (flight-or-fight) response. 20 allergy immunologic medication treatment How does epinephrine work? It has various properties that cause the blood vessels to constrict, which reverses vasodilation and hypotension. This, in turn, elevates the diastolic pressure and improves coronary blood flow. It also increases cardiac contractility and relieves bronchospasm in the lungs. 20 allergy immunologic medication treatment How much epinephrine do auto-injectable syringes contain? The adult EpiPen system delivers 0.3 mg of  it via an automatic needle and syringe system; the infant-child system delivers 0.15 mg.
The Twinject auto-injector contains two doses of it and is also available in two strengths, 0.15 mg for those weighing 33 to 66 lbs., and 0.3 mg for those who weigh 66 lbs. or more.
20 allergy BLS dosage immunologic medication treatment What are antihistamines? These are agents that block the effect of histamines. They work relatively slowly, within several minutes to 1 hour. 20 allergy definition immunologic medication What is one thing you should do with all patients with suspected anaphylaxis? They should be given high-flow, high-concentration oxygen. 12 20 allergy immunologic shock treatment What are some common signs and symptoms of allergic reactions regarding the respiratory system? They are shortness of breath (dyspnea), sneezing or an itchy runny nose, tightness in the throat or chest, irritating dry cough, hoarseness, respirations that become rapid, labored, or noisey, and wheezing and/or stridor (progressing to a silent chest with anaphylaxis). 15 20 airway allergy breathing definition immunologic respiratory signs symptoms What are some common signs and symptoms of allergic reactions regarding the cardiovascular system? They are a decrease in blood pressure as blood vessels dilate (hypotension), an increase in pulse rate (tachycardia), pale skin as the vascular system fails, and loss of consciousness and coma. 20 allergy immunologic signs symptoms What are some common signs and symptoms of allergic reactions regarding the skin? They are flushing, itching, or burning skin, especially common over the face and upper part of the chest, urticaria over large areas of the body (internal or external), swelling (especially of the face, neck, hands, feet, and or tongue), swelling and cyanosis or pallor around the lips, and a warm, tingling feeling in the face, mouth, chest, feet, and hands. 20 allergy immunologic signs symptoms What are some additional common signs and symptoms of allergic reactions? They are anxiety, abdominal cramps, headache, itchy, watery eyes, dizziness, and a decreasing mental status. 20 allergy immunologic signs symptoms How many children and adult suffer acute poisoning each year? Approximately 5 million each year suffer from this. 21 toxicology What are opoids? They are medicines with actions similar to morphine. 21 toxicology What is toxicology? It is the study of toxic or poisonous substances. 21 toxicology What is a poison? It is any substance whose chemical action can damage body structures or impair body function. 21 toxicology What is substance abuse? It is the misuse of any substance to produce a desired effect. 21 toxicology What is overdose? It is when a patient takes a toxic dose of a drug. 21 toxicology What should you do if you have even the slightest suspicion that a patient has taken a poisonous substance? If you suspect this, you should notify medical control and begin emergency treatment at once. 21 toxicology What does the presence of injuries such as burning or blistering around the mouth suggest? It strongly suggests the ingestion of a poison, such as lye. 21 toxicology What are some questions you can ask a patient you think might have ingested poison? "In this case, you can ask: ""What substances did you take? When did you take it/ were you exposed to it? How much did you ingest? What actions have been taken? How much do you weigh?""" 21 toxicology What should you do if a possibly poisoned patient vomits in the ambulance? If this occurs, you should try to collect the vomitus in a separate plastic bag so that it can be analyzed at the hospital. 21 ambulance toxicology What is the telephone number for the Poison Help hotline? The number is 1(800) 222.1222. 21 toxicology What should you do if you believe that a patient has been poisoned? If you think this has happened, you should immediately provide the poison center with all relevant information. 21 toxicology In general, what is the most important treatment you can perform for a patient you believed poisoned? In this situation, the most important treatment you can perform in general is to dilute and/or physically remove the poisonous agent. 21 toxicology What are the four avenues through which poison can get into a patient's body? They are: Inhalation, absorption (surface contact), ingestion, and injection 21 toxicology What are some examples of inhaled poisons? Some examples are natural gas, sewer gas, certain pesticides, carbon monoxide, chlorine, and other gases. 21 toxicology What might have to happen if the patient is found inside a toxic environment? In this case, patients may need to be decontaminated by specially trained personnel after they are removed from the environment. The patient's clothing should be removed in this process because it may contain trapped gases that can be released. You cannot administer emergency care until this step has been completed and there is no danger of the poison contaminating you. 21 toxicology What are some signs and symptoms of inhalation of chlorine or other irritant toxics? Symptoms of this include: burning eyes, sore throat, cough, chest pain, hoarseness, wheezing, respiratory distress, dizziness, confusion, headache, or stridor in severe cases. The patient may also have seizures or an altered mental status. 21 toxicology What are some products that are very destructive on contact? Acids, alkalis, and some petroleum (hydrocarbon) products are very destructive. 21 toxicology What should you do when a large amount of material has been spilled in the eyes? In this case, flooding the eyes for at least 20 minutes may be the fastest and most effective treatment. 21 toxicology What should you not do to chemical burns? In this case, do not spend time trying to neutralize substances on the skin with additional chemicals. This action may actually be more harmful. 21 toxicology What should you do if you suspect that toxic or hazardous materials are present? In this case, you should call for specialized resources such as the Hazardous Materials Team. 21 toxicology When should you not irrigate the contact area with water? When a patient has been contaminated with a poison that reacts violently to water, such as phosphorus or elemental sodium. Instead, brush the chemical off the patient, remove contaminated clothing, and apply a dry dressing to the burn area. 21 toxicology What are some signs and symptoms of opiods? Some examples are hypoventilation or respiratory arrest, pinpoint pupils, sedation or coma, and hypotension. 21 toxicology What are some signs and symptoms of sympathomimetics? Some symptoms are hypertension, tachycardia, dilated pupils, agitation or seizures, and hyperthermia. 21 toxicology What are some signs and symptoms of sedative-hypnotics? Some examples are slurred speech, sedation or coma, hypoventilation, hypotension. 21 toxicology What are some signs and symptoms of anticholinergics? Some examples are tachycardia, hyperthermia, hypertension, dilated pupils, dry skin and mucous membranes, sedation, agitation, seizures, coma, or delirium, and decreased bowel sounds. 21 toxicology What are some signs and symptoms of cholinergics? Some examples are excess defecation or urination, muscle fasciculations, pinpoint pupils, excess lacrimation or salivation, airway compromise, nausea or vomiting. 21 toxicology How many people dies from alcohol every year? 200,000 people die from this each year. 21 toxicology What is the most common long-term effect of alcohol consumption? It is liver damage, with estimates that up to 90% of heavy drinkers will develop some level of hepatitis and 10% to 20% will develop cirrhosis. Atrophy of the cerebrum is another long-term effect. 21 disease toxicology What is alcohol? It is a powerful Central Nervous System (CNS) depressant, a sedative, and a hypnotic (it induces sleep). 21 toxicology What happens to a patient experiencing alcohol withdrawal? They may experience hallucinations or delirium tremens (DTs), which may develop 1 to 7 days after a person stops drinking. 21 toxicology What are some symptoms of alcohol withdrawal besides DTs? They are agitation and restlessness, fever, sweating, tremors, confusion and/or disorientation, delusions, and seizures. 21 toxicology What is a trade name of hydrocodone? Vicondin 21 toxicology What is a trade name of hydromorphone? Dilaudid 21 toxicology What is a trade name of meperidine? Demerol 21 toxicology What is a trade name of methadone? Dolophine 21 toxicology What is a trade name of oxycodone? Percocet 21 toxicology What is a trade name of oxycodone hydrochloride? OxyContin 21 toxicology What are signs and symptoms of opiod patients? They are sedated or unconscious, cyanotic, and (most telling) pinpoint pupils. 21 toxicology What treatment should EMTs provide to opioid paitent? Treatment includes supporting the airway and breathing. You may try to arouse patients by talking loudly to them or shaking them gently. Always open the airway, give supplemental oxygen, and be prepared for vomiting. 21 toxicology What position should you put opioid patients in? In this situation, place them in the supine position; this will help compensate for likely hypotension. 21 toxicology What should you NOT attempt to do with opioid patients? In this situation, do NOT use home remedies, such as forcing milk or applying ice to the groin. 21 toxicology How quickly with naloxone (Narcan) work? It will work within two minutes. 21 toxicology What is the only effective antidote to reverse the symptoms of opioid overdose? The only one are certain narcotic antagonists such as naloxone (Narcan). 21 toxicology "What is an example ""date-rape"", ""knock out"", or ""Mickey Finn"" drugs?" One example is flunitrazepam (Rohypnol). 21 toxicology What is a trade name for phenobarbital? Luminal 21 toxicology What is a trade name alprazolam? Xanax 21 toxicology What is the trade name of diazepam? Valium 21 toxicology What is a trade name of flunitrazepam? Rohypnol 21 toxicology What is a trade name of lorazepam? Ativan 21 toxicology What is a trade name of carisoprodol Soma 21 toxicology What is a trade name of chloral hydrate? """Mickey Finn""" 21 toxicology What is ethyl alcohol? This is drinking alcohol. 21 toxicology What is isopropyl alcohol? This is rubbing alcohol. 21 toxicology What is an important precaution when dealing with patients who inhaled halogenated hydrocarbon solvents? Patients who have used these have hearts that are hypersensative to the patient's own adrenaline, putting the patient at high risk for sudden cardiac death because of ventricular fibrillation; even the action of walking may release enough adrenaline to cause a fatal ventricular arrhythmia. 21 toxicology What is a stimulant? This is an agent that produces an excited state. 21 definition drugs medication toxicology vocab What are cholinergic agents? These agents overstimulate normal body functions that are controlled by the parasympathetic nerves, resulting in salivation, mucous secretion, urination, crying, and an abnormal heart rate. 21 toxicology What does DUMBELS stand for? Defecation
Miosis (constriction of the pupils)
Bronchorrhea (discharge of mucus from the lungs)
21 40 assessment disaster incident operations safety signs symptoms terrorism toxicology What is the most important consideration in caring for a patient who has been exposed to an organophosphate insecticide or some other cholinergic agent. The most important consideration is to avoid exposure yourself. 21 toxicology What are the most common antidotes to nerve agents? They are the Mark I kit and the DuoDote kit. The kits consist of an auto-injector of atropine and one of 2-PAM chloride (pralidoxime chloride). 21 toxicology What is a trade name for phenothiazines? Thorazine 21 toxicology What is a trade name for tetrahydrozoline? Visine 21 toxicology What are the two types of food poisoning? One type, the organism causes disease; in the other type, the organism produces toxins that cause disease 21 toxicology What is Salmonella? It is an organism that produces directs effects of food poisoning. It is characterized by severe gastrointestinal symptoms within 72 hours of ingestion, including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. 21 toxicology What is Staphylococcus? It is a bacteria that is quick to grow and produce toxins in foods that have been prepared in advance and kept too long, even in the refrigerator. It results in sudden gastrointestinal symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Symptoms usually start within 2 to 3 hours after ingestion, up to 8 to 12 hours. 21 toxicology What is one of the most severe forms of food poisoning? It is botulism, which results from eating improperly canned food, in which spores of Clostridium bacteria have grown and produced a toxin. 21 toxicology What are the symptoms of botulism? They are neurologic: blurring of vision, weakness, and difficulty in speaking and breathing. It can also cause muscle paralysis and is typically fatal once it reaches respiratory muscles. 21 toxicology When do symptoms of botulism first develop? They develop as long as 4 days after ingestion, or as early as the first 24 hours. 21 toxicology How many caes of poisoning from plants occur each year? Several thousand cases of this occur each year. 21 toxicology What is the scientific name for hemlock? Conium maculatum 21 toxicology What is the scientific name for lily of the valley? convallaria majalis 21 toxicology What is the scientific name for oleander? Nerium oleander 21 toxicology What is the scientific name for mistletoe? Phoradendron 21 toxicology What is another name for azalea? Rhododendron 21 toxicology What is the scientific name for nightshade? Solarium nigrum 21 toxicology What is the emergency treatment of diffenbachia? This includes maintaining an open airway, giving oxygen, and transporting the patient promptly to the hospital for respiratory support. 21 toxicology What is dieffenbachia? "This is also called ""dumbcane"". It causes irritation of skin and mucous membranes. When chewed, a single leaf (""elephant ears"") may irritate the lining of the upper airway." 21 toxicology What is the third leading cause of death in the States? It is stroke, after heart disease and cancer. 17 neurologic statistic What are the statistics regarding gender and strokes? Men have more, but they are more likely to be fatal in women. 17 neurologic statistic What ethnicities have a higher risk for stroke? African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians have a higher risk for this. 17 neurologic statistic What are some of the causes of seizures? They may occur as a result of a recent or an old head injury, a brain tumor, a metabolic problem, or simply a genetic disposition. 17 causes neurologic What are some possible causes of AMS? Some possible causes are intoxication, head injury, hypoxia, stroke, metabolic disturbances, among others. 17 causes neurologic What is a possible sign that the primary problem of a patient is in the brain? If the patient has signs and symptoms affecting only one side of the body, it may be because of this. 17 neurologic signs How do the brain and skull feel pain? They do not actually sense pain because neither contains pain receptors. 17 neurologic What are meninges? They are membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. 17 definition neurologic What are some possible life-threatening causes of headaches? They can be caused by a stroke, tumor, infection of the central nervous system, or hypertension. 17 causes emergencies neurologic What might a situation with more than one patient reporting a headache tell you? It might signify carbon monoxide. 17 neurologic What is the most common type of headache? Tension headaches are the most common types. 17 neurologic What causes tension headaches? They are caused by muscle contractions in the head and neck are attributed to stress. 17 causes neurologic What is the second most common type of headache? Migraine headaches are the second most common. 17 neurologic What causes migraines? They are caused by changes in the blood vessel size in the base of the brain. 17 causes neurologic What causes sinus headaches? They are caused by pressure that is the result of fluid accumulation in the sinus cavities. 17 causes neurologic What is a possible sign of a hemorrhagic stroke? A sudden, severe headache, often described as the worst pain the patient has ever had. 17 neurologic What causes the pain in a hemorrhagic stroke? The blood from a ruptured blood vessel irritates the tissues of the brain and can cause increased intracranial pressure, resulting in this. 17 causes neurologic What are some signs of increased intracranial pressure? They are headache, vomiting, AMS, and seizures. 17 neurologic What is bacterial meningitis? It is an inflammation of the meninges caused by a bacterial infection, and is a central nervous system infection in which the patient may complain of a headache, stiff neck, fever, and sensitivity to light. 17 definition neurologic What is another name for a stroke? Another name for it is a cerebrovascular accident (CVA). 17 definition neurologic What is a CVA? It is an interruption of blood flow to the brain that results in the loss of brain function. 17 abbreviations definition neurologic What is ischemia? It is a lack of oxygen that causes the cells not to function properly. 17 definition neurologic What are the two types of strokes? The two types are ischemic and hemorrhagic. 17 neurologic What causes an ischemic stroke? It is caused by a direct blockage of blood flow through the cerebral arteries. 17 causes neurologic What causes a hemorrhagic stroke? It is caused by a blood vessel rupturing, which causes increased pressure in the brain and subsequent brain damage. 17 causes neurologic What is thrombosis? It is when a clot forms at the site of blockage. 17 19 cardiovascular definition disease hematologic neurologic What is embolus? It is when a clot forms in a remote area, and then travels to the site of blockage. 17 definition neurologic What percentage of strokes are ischemic? More than 80% of all strokes are caused by this. 17 neurologic statistic Who is most at risk for hemorrhagic stroke? People who have very high blood pressure or long-term elevated blood pressure. After many years of high pressure, the blood vessels in the brain weaken. If a vessel ruptures, the bleeding in the brain will increase the pressure inside the cranium. 17 neurologic statistic What is an aneurysm? It is a swelling or enlargement of part of an artery resulting from weakening of the arterial wall. 17 definition neurologic What is the likely cause of a hemorrhagic stroke in an otherwise healthy person? The likely cause is often a weakness in a blood vessel called a berry aneurysm. 17 causes neurologic What is a berry aneurysm? This type of aneurysm resembles a tiny balloon (or berry) that juts out from the artery. When the aneurysm is overstreched and ruptures, blood spurts into an area between two of the coverings of the brain called the subarachnoid space. These types of strokes are called subarachnoid space. 17 definition neurologic What is a transient ischemic attack (TIA)? This is when stroke symptoms go away on their own in less than 24 hours. Some patients call these ministrokes. 17 definition neurologic How many patients who have experienced a TIA will experience a stroke soon after? Approximately 1/3 will experience one. 17 neurologic statistic What are the general signs and symptoms of stroke? They include: Facial drooping, sudden weakness or numbness in the face, arm, leg, or one side of the body, loss of movement and sensation on one side of the body, ataxia, sudden loss of vision in one eye, difficulty swallowing, decreased or increased level of responsiveness, dysphasia, expressive aphasia, dysarthria, receptive aphasia, decreased or absent movement in one or more extremities, sudden or severe headache, sudden loss of balance or trouble walking, confusion, dizziness, weakness, combativeness, restlessness, tongue deviation, coma. 17 neurologic What is aphasia? It is an inability to produce or understand speech. It may be caused by a stroke in the left cerebral hemisphere. 17 definition neurologic What are some signs that a patient's right cerebral hemisphere is not getting enough oxygen? In this situation, patients will understand langauge and be able to speak, but their words may be slurred and hard to understand. If you ask the patient to life their left arm and they cannot, they will lift their right arm instead; they seem to have forgotten that the left arm even exists (neglect). 17 neurologic What might high blood pressure be a result of regarding a cerebral hemorrhage? High blood pressure can cause the bleeding, but many times the high blood pressure is a compensatory response to the bleeding itself. 17 neurologic What happens when bleeding occurs inside the brain? When this happens, the pressure inside the skull increases. 17 neurologic What are three conditions may appear to be a stroke? The three conditions are hypoglycemia, a postictal state, and subdural or epidural bleeding that presses on the brain. 17 definition neurologic Why would a hypoglycemic patient present as someone having a stroke? This is because oxygen and glucose are both needed for the brain's metabolism. 17 neurologic What is a lucid interval? It is the period between injury and deterioration (minutes to hours) during an epidural hemorrhage. 17 definition neurologic How many EMS 911 calls involve a patient with a stroke? As many as 30% of them involve this. 17 neurologic statistic How many people are estimated to have epilepsy? c. 4 million people in the US have it. 17 neurologic statistic What is the leading cause of death in the United States among people under 40? Traumatic Injuries are the leading cause of death for this group. 24 emergencies overview statistic trauma What causes trauma emergencies? They occur as a result of physical forces applied to the body. 24 causes emergencies overview trauma What are the three concepts of energy typically associated with injury (excluding thermal)? They are potential energy, kinetic energy, and work. 24 emergencies overview trauma What is Newton's first law? Newton's first law states that objects at rest tend to stay at rest and objects in motion tend to stay in motion, unless acted on by some force. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What is Newton's second law? It is that Force (F) equals Mass (M) times acceleration (A), that is: F=M(A) 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What is Newton's third law? It is that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What is work? It defined as force acting over a distance. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What is kinetic energy? It is the energy of a moving object. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What is the equation for kinetic energy? The equation is:
KE=m/2 x v2
24 definition emergencies overview trauma What is relation between energy and speed regarding energy available to cause injury? Notice that the energy available to cause injury doubles when an object's weight doubles, but quadruples when an object's speed doubles. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What is potential energy? It is the product of mass, force of gravity, and height, and is mostly associated with the energy of falling objects. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What are some examples of significant MOIs? They include multi-system trauma, falls from heights, motor vehicle and motorcycle crashes, car versus pedestrian, gunshot wounds, and stabbings. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What are the two types of traumas? They are blunt trauma and penetrating trauma. 24 emergencies overview trauma What is blunt trauma? It is the result of force (or energy transmission) to the body that causes injury without penetrating the soft tissues or internal organs and cavities. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What is penetrating trauma? It is caused by objects that primarily pierce and penetrate the surface of the body and cause damage to soft tissues, internal organs, and body cavities. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What are the five classifications of car crashes? They are classified as frontal (head-on), rear-end, lateral (T-bone), rollovers, and rotational (spins). 24 emergencies list overview physics trauma vehicle What are the three collisions in a typical vehicular impact? They are: The collision of the car against another car, a tree, or another object; The collision of the passenger against the interior of the car; and the collision of the passenger's internal organs against the solid structures of the body. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What are some common passenger injuries in a vehicular crash? They include lower extremity fractures (knees into the dashboard), flail chest (rib cage into the steering wheel), and head trauma (head into the windshield). 24 emergencies overview trauma What is coup-contrecoup brain injury? It is a result of trauma to the head that causes a compression injury (or bruising) to the anteior portion of the brain and streching (or tearing) of the posterior portion of the brain. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What should you suspect if you see a contusion on the patient's forehead and the windshield is starred? In this situation you should strongly suspect an injury to the brain. 24 emergencies overview trauma What should you always suspect whenever there is a significant impact to the head? In this situation, you should also suspect a spinal injury. 24 emergencies overview trauma If one or more of the passengers in a vehicular crash are dead, what action must be taken? In this situation, you should suspect that the other passengers have sustained serious injuries. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What should you initially determine when investigating a frontal crash? In this event, you should determine whether the passenger was restrained by a full and properly applied three-point restraint, as well as whether the airbag deployed. Identifying the types of restraints used and whether the airbags were deployed will help you identify injury patterns related to the supplemental restraint systems. 24 emergencies overview trauma "Where should children shorter than 4'9"" sit in a car?" This kind of person should ride in the rear seat or, in the case of a pickup truck or other single-seated vehicle, the air bag should be turned off. 24 emergencies overview trauma vehicle Where are seatbelts designed to be worn? They are designed to be worn over the iliac crest of the pelvis in order to distribute the force over the bony surface. 24 equipment overview safety trauma What type of injuries are associated with rear-end impacts? This type of impact is known to cause whiplash-type injuries, particularly when the passenger's head and/or neck is not restrained by an appropriately placed headset. 24 emergencies overview trauma vehicle What is one type of injury to be aware of in a lateral (T-bone) collision? In this type of collision, the car is typically struck above its center of gravity and begins to rock away from the side of the impact. This results in the passenger sustaining a lateral whiplash injury. The cervical spine has little tolerance for lateral bending. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What is the most common life-threatening event in a rollover? In this event, the most common life-threatening event is ejection or partial ejection of the passenger from the vehicle. 24 emergencies overview trauma What should the first step be when evaluating the MOI in a car-versus-pedestrian collision? In this event, your first step should be to estimate the speed of the vehicle that struck the patient; next determine whether the patient was thrown through the air and at what distance or whether the patient was pulled under the vehicle. 24 emergencies overview trauma What should you presume in a bicycle collision? In this event, you should presume that the patient has sustained an injury to the spinal column, until proven otherwise at the hospital. 24 emergencies overview trauma What are the four types of motorcycle impacts? The four types are head-on collision, angular, ejection, and controlled crash. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma At what height should a fall be considered significant? More than 15' or 3 times the patient's height is considered significant. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What is something to consider in older patients who have suffered a fall? In this situation, remember that the patient may have osteoporosis, and may have actually sustained a fracture before the fall. 24 definition emergencies overview trauma What does the CNS (Central Nervous System) include? It includes the brain and the spinal cord, including the nuclei and cell bodies of most nerve cells, and long nerve fibers that link these cells to the body's various organs through openings in the spinal column. 27 chest injury What is the cerebrum? It contains about 75% of the brain's total volume, and controls a wide variety of activities, including most voluntary motor functions and conscious thought. 27 chest definition injury What is grey matter composed of? This is composed of neural cell bodies and synapses, which are connections between nerve cells. 27 chest definition injury What does white matter consist of? This consists of fiber pathways. 27 chest definition injury What is the skull covered by? It is covered by layers of muscle, superficial fascia, and thick skin. 27 anatomy chest definition injury What protects the CNS? It is protected by the meninges, three distinct laters of tissue that suspend the brain and the spinal cord within the skull and the spinal canal.. 27 chest injury What is the outer layer of the meninges? It is the dura mater, a tough fibrous layer that closely resembles leather. 27 chest definition injury What are the two inner layers of the meninges? They are the arachnoid and the pia mater. They contain the blood vessels that nourish the brain and spinal cord. 27 chest definition injury Where is CSF (Cerebral Spinal Fluid) produced? This is produced inside a chamber in the brain, called the third ventricle. 27 chest injury Where is cerebral spinal fluid, A.K.A. CSF, located? This is located in the subarachnoid space below the arachnoid. 27 chest injury How much CSF is in the brain at any one time? There is approximately 125 to 150 ml of this in the brain at any one time. 27 chest injury What is the primary purpose of CSF? The primary purpose of this is to act as a shock absorber for the brain. 27 chest definition injury How many anatomic parts does the peripheral nervous system have? It has two parts: 31 pairs of spinal nerves and 12 pairs of cranial nerves. 27 chest injury How many pairs of spinal nerves are there? There are 31 pairs of these. 27 chest injury What do the spinal nerves do? They conduct sensory impulses from the skin and other organs to the spinal cord. 27 chest injury What does the brachial plexus control? This controls the arms. 27 chest definition injury What does the lumbosacral plexus control? This controls the legs. 27 chest definition injury How many pairs of cranial nerves are there? There 12 pairs of these. 27 chest injury What are cranial nerves? These emerge from the brain stem and transmit information directly to or from the brain. For the most part, they perform special functions in the head and face, including sight, smell, taste, hearing, and facial expressions. 27 anatomy face neurologic skull What are the two major types of peripheral nerves? They are the sensory nerves and motor nerves. 27 chest injury What do the sensory nerves do? These carry information from the body to the brain via the spinal cord. 27 chest injury What do the motor nerves do? These carry information from the CNS to the muscles. 27 chest injury What are connecting nerves? These, found only in the brain and spinal cord, connect the sensory and motor nerves with short fibers, which allow the cells on either end to exchange simple messages. 27 chest injury What are voluntary activities? These are actions which are consciously perform, in which sensory input determines the specific muscular activity. 27 chest injury What are involuntary activities? These are actions that are not under a person's conscious control, such as breathing. 27 chest injury What part of our nervous system controls our voluntary activities? This is called the somatic or voluntary nervous system. 28 definition head injury neurologic spine What part of our nervous system controls many of our body's vital organs, over which the brain has no voluntary control? This is called the autonomic nervous system. 28 definition head injury neurologic spine What are the names of the two parts of the autonomic nervous system? They are called the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. 28 definition head injury neurologic spine What is the name of the groups of bones that compose the skull? They are called the cranium, which protects the brain, and the facial bones. 28 definition head injury spine What is the cranium occupied by? It is occupied by 80% brain tissue, 10% blood supply, and 10% CSF. 28 definition head injury spine What are the four major bones that make up the cranium? These are the occiput in the posterior, temple or temporal regions at the lateral portions, the parietal regions between the occiput and temporal regions, and forehead anteriorly. 28 anatomy head injury skeletal spine What is the body's central supporting structure? It is the spinal column. 28 definition head injury spine What are the five sections of the spinal column, and how many vertebrae in each? They are the cervical (7), thoracic (12), lumbar (5), sacral (5), and coccygeal (4). 28 definition head injury spine What connects and separates the vertebrae? They are connected by ligaments and separated by cushions known as intervertebral disks. 28 definition head injury spine How many people in the US experience head injuries each year? Approximately 4 million people experience this. 28 head injury statistic trauma How many death occur annually as a result of head injury? 52,000 of these occur annually. 28 head injury spine statistic trauma What percentage of traumatic deaths are a result of head injuries? 50% of all traumatic deaths result from this. 28 head injury spine statistic trauma What are closed head injuries? These are injuries in which the brain has been injured but there is no opening into the brain. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What is an open head injury? This is an injury in which an opening from the brain to the outside world exists. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What percentage of people involved in motor vehicle crashes experience a head injury? More than 2/3s of people in motor vehicle crashes experience this. 28 head injury spine statistic trauma What are the general signs and symptoms of a head injury? The general signs and symptoms of this are:
Lacerations, contusions, or hematomas to the scalp;
Soft area or depression on palpation;
Visible fractures or deformities of the skull;
Decreased mentation;
Irregular breathing pattern;
Widening pulse pressure;
Slow heart rate;
Ecchymosis about the eyes or behind the ear over the mastoid process;
Clear or pink CSF leakage from a scalp wound, the nose, or the ear;
Failure of the pupils to respond to light;
Unequal pupil size;
Loss of sensation and/or motor function;
A period of unconsciousness;
Numbness or tingling in the extremities;
Irregular respirations;
Visual complaints;
Combative or other abnormal behavior;
Nausea or vomiting;
Posturing (decorticate or decerebrate)

28 definition head injury spine trauma Where is a skull fracture diagnosis usually made? This is usually made in a hospital with a computed tomographic, or CT, scan. 28 head injury spine trauma What are some signs of a skull fracture? Some signs of this are ecchymosis (bruising) that develops under the eyes (aka raccoon eyes) or behind one ear over the mastoid process (aka battle's sign). 28 definition head injury signs spine trauma What % of skull fractures are linear skull fractures (aka nondisplaced skull fractures)? Appromixately 80% of all skull fractures are these kind. 28 definition head injury spine statistic trauma What causes compressed skull fractures? These result from high-energy direct trauma to the head with a blunt object (such as a baseball bat to the head). 28 causes head injury spine trauma What are basilar skull fractures? These are associated with high-energy trauma, and usually occur following diffuse impact to the headj (e.g. falls, motor crashes). These injuries generally result from extension of a linear fracture to the base of the skull and can be difficult to diagnose with radiography (X-ray). 28 definition head injury spine trauma What are the signs of a basilar skull fracture? Signs of this include CSF drainage from the ears (a risk for bacterial meningitis), which indicates rupture of the tympanic membrane in the ear. Other signs include raccoon eyes or battle's sign. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What is a traumatic brain injury (TBI)? "These are defined as ""a traumatic insult to the brain capable of producing physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and vocational changes"" (from the National Head Injury Foundation)." 28 definition head injury spine trauma What are the two broad catagories of TBI? These are primary (direct) injuries and secondary (indirect) injuries. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What are primary (direct) injuries? These are injury to the brain and its associated structures that results instantaneously from impact to the head. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What are secondary (indirect) brain injuries? These refer to a multitude of processes that increase the severity of a primary brain injury and therefore, negatively impact the outcome. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What are the two most common causes of secondary injuries to the brain? The two most common causes of this are hypoxia and hypotension. 28 causes definition head injury spine trauma What are some causes of secondary injuries to the brain? These may be caused by cerebral edema, intracranial hemorrhage, increased intracranial pressure, cerebral ischemia, infection, and hypoxia and hypotension (the two most common causes). 28 causes definition head injury spine trauma How long after a TBI can secondary brain injuries occur? They can occur anywhere from a few minuters to several days following the injury. 28 head injury spine trauma What is coup-contrecoup injury? This is when the brain strikes the front and back of the skull due to rapid deceleration. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What is cerebral edema? This is swelling of the brain, and may not develop until several hours after the initial injury. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What aggravates and improves cerebral edema? This is aggravated by low oxygen levels in the blood, and improved by high ones. This is especially true if the patient is unconscious. 28 definition head injury spine trauma Why is it not uncommon for a patient with a head injury to have a seizure? This is not uncommon for a patient with a head injury as a result of excessive excitability of the brain, caused by direct injury or the accumulation of fluid within the brain (edema). 28 head injury spine trauma What can lead to a rapid increase in intracranial pressure? This can be caused by an accumulation of blood within the skull or swelling of the brain. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What are the signs and symptoms of a mild elevation of intracranial pressure? The signs and symptoms of this are:
Increased blood pressure and decreased pulse rate;
Pupils that are still reactive;
Cheyne-Strokes respirations (respirations that are fast and then become slow, with intervening periods of apnea);
Patient initially attempts to localize and remove painful stimuli, followed by withdrawal and extension;
28 definition head injury signs spine symptoms trauma What are the signs and symptoms of moderate elevation in intracranial pressure? The signs and symptoms of this are:
Widened pulse pressure and bradycardia;
Pupils that are sluggish or nonreactive;
Central neurogenic hyperventilation (deep, rapid respirations);
Decerebrate posturing;
28 definition head injury signs spine symptoms trauma What are the signs and symptoms of marked elevation in intracranial pressure? The signs and symptoms of this are:
Unilateral fixed and dilated pupils;
Ataxic respirations (characterized by irregular rate, pattern, and volume of breathing with intermittent periods of apnea), or absent respirations;
Flaccid response to painful stimuli;
Irregular pulse rate;
Diminished blood pressure;
NB: This level of ICP indicates that the lower portion of the brain stem is involved
28 definition head injury signs spine symptoms trauma What is an epidural hematoma? This is an accumulation of blood between the skull and dura mater. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What is a common cause of epidural hematoma? These are nearly always the result of a blow to the head that produces a linear fracture of the thin temporal bone, where the middle meningeal artery runs along and is vulnerable in the event of a fracture. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What is the patients condition immediately following an injury that causes an epidural hematoma? In this situation, the patient often loses consciousness immediately following the injury; this is often followed by a brief period of consciousness (aka lucid interval), after which the patient lapses back into unconsciousness. 28 head injury spine trauma What is a subdural hematoma? This is an accumulation of blood beneath the dura mater but outside the brain. They are more common than epidural hematomas and may or may not be associated with a skull fracture. 28 definition head injury spine trauma Why do subdural hematomas and the signs of ICP develop more gradually than epidural hematomas? These develop more gradually than epidural hematomas because these are associated with venous bleeding. 28 head injury signs spine trauma What is an intracerebral hematoma? This involves bleeding within the brain tissue itself. They have a high mortality rate. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What is a subarachnoid hemorrhage? This is when bleeding occurs into the subarachnoid space, where the CSF circulates. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What are common causes of subarachnoid hematoma? The common causes of this condition include trauma or rupture of an aneurysm. 28 causes definition head injury spine trauma What is a common symptom of a subarachnoid hematoma? A common symptom of this is a sudden, severe headache. Mortality rates are high, and permanent neurologic impairment is common. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What is a concussion? This is a mild TBI caused by a blow to the head or face. It is in general a closed injury with a temporary loss of alteration of part or all of the brain's abilities to function without demonstrable physical damage to the brain. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What percentage of patients who sustain a concussion experience a loss of consciousness? Apprixmiately 10% of these patients experience a loss of consciousness. 28 head injury spine trauma What is retrograde amneisa? This is when the patient can remember everything but the events leading up to the injury. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What is anterograde (posttraumatic) amnesia? This is when a patient is unable to remember events after the injury. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What are some additional signs and symptoms you may see in concussion patients? With these patients, you may see nausea or vomiting, ringing in the ears, slurred speech, and an inability to focus. 28 head injury signs spine symptoms trauma What should you always assume with patients with symptoms of a concussion? You should always assume that these patients have a more serious injury. 28 head injury spine trauma What is a brain contusion? A contusion involves physical injury to the brain tissue, and is therefore more serious than a concussion. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What often causes spinal compression injuries? These can occur as a result of a fall, regardless of whether the patient landed on his or her feet, coccyx, or on top of the head. 28 causes head injury spine trauma What is a distraction? This is when the spine is pulled along its length. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What is subluxation? This is an incomplete dislocation of a joint. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What is the best way to protect a patient with a spinal injury's airway? The best way to do this is to use advanced airway techniques employed by AEMT and paramedics. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What does the absence of pain and/or the ability to move and feel extremities tell you about spinal injuries? This does NOT rule out spinal injuries. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What does a gradual and progressive deterioration in the patient's response to stimuli indicate? This usually indicates serious brain injury that may need surgical treatment; physicians at the hospital will need to know when a loss of consciousness occurs. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What is another name for Cushing's triad? Another name for this is herniation syndrome. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What are the signs of Cushing's triad? The signs of this are: hypertension, bradycardia, irregular respirations (for example Cheyne-Stokes respirations), central neurogenic hyperventilation, and Biot respirations (irregular rate, pattern, and depth of breathing). 28 head injury spine trauma What is Cushing's triad / herniation syndrome? This is when the intracranial pressure is so great that it forces the brain stem and the midbrain through the foramen magnum. 28 definition head injury spine trauma What is the prime concern for the patient when you perform the four-person log roll? The prime concern in this situation is to ensure that the head, torso, and pelvis move as a unit, with your teammates controlling the movement of the body. 28 head injury spine trauma What should you do with a patient wandering around after an accident whom you suspect of having a skull or spinal injuries? In this situation, you should NOT have them lie down; immobilize them with a long backboard in the upright position. 28 head injury spine transport trauma treatment When should a helmet be left on an injured trauma patient? This should always be left on provided: There are no impending airway or breathing problems; it does not interfere with assessment and treatment of airway or ventilation problems; and you can properly immobilize the spine. 28 head injury spine trauma When should a helmet be removed? This should be removed from a trauma patient if:
1) It makes assessing or managing airway problems difficult and removing of the face guard is not possible.
2) It prevents you from properly immobilizing the spine.
Or 3) It allows excessive head movement.
Remember to always remove in the event of cardiac arrest, and, most importantly:
28 head injury spine trauma treatment What is an additional consideration for children with helmets and skull or spinal injuries? In this situation, they may require additional padding to maintain the in-line neutral position due to their smaller airways and larger heads. 28 definition head injury pediatric spine trauma treatment How many emergency department visits are due to chest traumas in the US annually? More than 700,000 of these are due to them each year. 27 chest injury How many deaths are cuased by chest trauma in the US annually? More than 18,000 deaths are caused by this annually. 27 chest injury What are the intercostal muscles? These muscles extend between the ribs, and are innervated from the spinal nerves originating in the cervical region C6 and C7, and allow the chest to expand on contraction and allow for the active portion of ventilation to occur. 27 chest injury What is belly breathing? This occurs when a patient is breathing entirely with their diaphragm, and is considered a clinical or positive diagnostic finding that indicates cord damage at or above the C6 or C7 level. 27 chest definition injury What is a closed chest injury? This is an injury in which the skin is not broken, and is generally caused by blunt trauma. These types of injuries often cause significant contusions in both the cardiac muscle and lung tissues (pulmonary contusions), impairing the function of these organs. 27 chest definition injury What is an open chest injury? This is when some object penetrates the chest wall itself. 27 chest definition injury What kills almost 1/3 of all people who die immediately in car crashes. 1/3 of these patients die as a result of traumatic rupture of the aorta. 27 chest injury What are the signs and symptoms of chest injury? Signs and symptoms of these are:
Pain at the site of injury;
Pain localized at the site of injury that is aggravated by or increasing with breathing;
Bruising to the chest wall;
Crepitus with palpation of the chest;
Any penetrating injury to the chest;
Hemoptysis (coughing up blood);
Failure of one or both sides of the chest to expand normally with inspiration;
Rapid, weak pulse and low blood pressure;
Cyanosis around the lips or fingernails
27 chest definition injury signs symptoms What kind of breathing do chest trauma patients often have? Patients with this injury often have tachypnea and shallow respirations, as it hurts to take a breath. 27 chest injury What is pleuritic pain or pleurisy? This is irritation of or damage to the pleural surfaces, which causes a characteristic sharp or sticking pain with each breath when these normally smooth surfaces slide on one another. 27 chest definition injury In a patient with chest trauma, what does dyspnea indicate? This indicates many things, including airway obstruction, damage to the chest wall, improper chest expansion because of the loss of normal control of breathing, or lung compression because of accumulated blood or air in the chest cavity. 27 chest definition injury What does hemoptysis in a chest trauma patient indicate? This indicates that the lung itself or the air passages have been damaged. 27 chest definition injury What is paradoxical motion? This is an abnormality associated with multiple fractured ribs, in which one segment (often referred to as a flail segment) of the chest wall moves opposite the remainder of the chest; that is, out with expiration and in with inspiration. 27 chest definition injury What is occlusive dressing? This is a dressing made of Vaseline-impregnated gauze, aluminum foil, or plastic that protects a wound from air and bacteria. 27 chest definition injury What should you remember when treating a chest trauma patient with positive-pressure ventilation? In this situation, it is important to remember that you are overcoming normal physiologic functions, and if your patient has pneumothorax, you can easily exacerbate the injury. 27 chest injury What are the Deadly Dozen Chest Injuries that must be detected and managed during primary assessment? These are:
1. Airway obstruction
2. Bronchial disruption
3. Diaphragmatic tear
4. Esophageal injury
5. Open pneumothorax
6. Tension pneumothorax
7. Massive hemothorax
8. Flail chest
9. Cardiac tamponade
10. Thoracic aortic dissection
11. Myocardial contusion
12. Pulmonary contusion
27 chest definition injury What should you always be alert for in elderly trauma patient? With these patients, reduced bone density may cause a number of fractures to the rib cage. 27 chest injury What is the difference between hypoxia and hypoxemia? The first is a decrease in available oxygen; the second is a decreased number of red blood cells that can carry oxygen. 27 chest injury What is an open pneumothorax? This is an open or penetrating wound to the chest that  is also called a sucking chest wound. You can actually hear a sucking sound as the patient inhales and a rushing sound as they exhale. 27 chest definition injury Past what percentage of collapse will you start to hear dimished breath sounds on a side of the lungs? You will hear this after 30% to 40% of collapse. 27 chest definition injury What should you do and in what order when faced with an open pneumothorax? In this true emergency situation, you should:
1. Clear the airway;
2. Maintian airway;
3. Provide oxygen;
4. Rapidly seal the wound with a sterile occlusive dressing.
27 chest injury What is a flutter valve? This is a one-way valve that allows air to leave the chest cavity but not return. Careful obervation is required after the placement of this dressing. 27 chest definition injury What should you do if signs of a tension pneumothorax develop? If this develops, it is suggested that the occlusive dressing be partially removed to allow the chest to vent. 27 chest injury What is the weakened area of the lung called? This area is called a bleb. 27 chest definition injury What is spontaneous pneumothorax? This event is not related to any major injury but simply happens with normal breathing or may occur during times of strenous physical activity such as exercise or coughing forcefully. 27 chest definition injury What is simple pneumothorax? This condition is any pneumothorax that does not result in major changes in the patient's physiology. 27 chest definition injury What is a tension pneumothorax? This conditions occurs when there is significant ongoing air accumulation in the pleural space. This air gradually increases the pressure in the chest, first causing the complete collapse of the affected lung and then pushing the mediastinum (the central part of the chest containing the heart and great vessels) into opposite pleural cavity. This prevents blood from returning through the venae cavae to the heart, ultimately leading to shock and death. 27 chest definition injury What are common signs and symptoms of tension pneumothorax? Common signs and symptoms of this are: increasing respiratory distress, altered level of consciousness, distended neck veins, deviation of the trachea to the side of the chest opposite, and decreased breath sounds on the side of the injury. 27 chest injury signs symptoms What is the most common cause of tension pneumothorax? The most common cause of this is closed, blunt injury to the chest in which a fractured rib lacerates a lung or bronchus. 27 chest injury What is hemothorax? This is a condition in which blood collects in the pleural space of the thorax. 27 chest definition injury What is hemopneumothorax? This condition is the presence of air and blood in the pleural space of the thorax. 27 chest definition injury What is cardiac tamponade (pericardial tamponade)? This condition occurs more commonly in the presence of penetrating chest trauma, when the protective membrane around the heart (pericardial sac) fills with blood or fluid (pus from an infection). As the fluid amount increases, the heart is less able to fill with blood during relaxation, so the heart cannont pump an adequate amount of blood. 27 chest definition injury What are the signs and symptoms of cardiac tamponade (pericardial tamponade)? The signs and symptoms of this are referred to as Beck's triad, and include: distended or engorged jugular veins seen on both sides of the trachea, a narrowing pulse pressure (difference between systolic and diasystolic), and muffled heart sounds. 27 chest definition injury signs symptoms What is the Frank-Starling mechanism? This is the mechanism that streches the heart to create a good contraction to pump blood out of the heart's ventricles. 27 chest definition injury What does crepitus (subcutaneous emphysema) indicate in a chest trauma patient? This condition indicates that air escaping from a lacerated lung is leaking into the chest wall. 27 chest definition injury What is flail chest? This condition is when three or more ribs are fractured in two or more places, or if the sternum is fractured along with several ribs, and a segment of the chest wall may detach from the rest of the thoracic cage. This seriously interferes with the body's normal ventilation mechanics and must be addressed quickly. 27 chest definition injury How should you treat a patient with a flail chest? In this situation, you should maintain the airway, provide respiratory support if necessay, give supplemental oxygen, and perform ongoing assessments for possible pneumothorax or other respiratory complications. Treatment may also include positive-pressure ventilations with a bag-mask device. You can also immobilize the patient with a pillow that the patient can hold against the chest wall. 27 chest injury What is a pulmonary contusion? This the injuring or bruising of lung tissue that results in hemorrhage. 27 chest definition injury When should you suspect pulmonary contusion, and what should you provide? You should always suspect this in patients with flail chest, and should provide respiratory support and supplemental oxygen to ensure adequate ventilation. 27 chest injury What is traumatic asphyxia? This is result of a sudden, severe compression of the chest, which produces a sudden increase in intrathoracic pressure, and results in a characteristic appearance, including distended neck veins, cyanosis in the face and neck, and hemorrhage into the sclera of the eyes. 27 chest definition injury How should you treat traumatic asphyxia? This condition is severe and you should provide ventilatory support with supplemental oxygen and monitor the patient's vital signs as you provide IMMEDIATE transport. 27 chest injury What is myocardial contusion? This is the bruising of the heart muscle. Provide supplemental oxygen and transport immediately. 27 chest definition injury What is commotio cordis? This is a blunt chest injury caused by a sudden, direct blow to the chest over the heart that occurs during the critical portion of a heartbeat, possibly resulting in immediate cardiac arrest. The blunt force causes a lethal abnormal heart rhythm called ventricular fibrillation. 27 chest definition injury How should you treat commotio cordis? In this situation, the ventricular fibrillation that occurs from this injury responds well to early defibrillation if provided in the first 2 minutes after injury. 27 chest injury What are the large blood vessels in the chest? These are the superior vena cava, the inferior vena cava, the pulmonary arteries, four main pulmonary veins, and the aorta. 27 chest injury What percentage of deaths due to blunt trauma include a transection of the aorta? 20% of deaths due to blunt trauma include this. 27 chest injury statistic How many people die every year as a result of aortic or great vessel rupture? 5,000 to 8,000 people die a year as a result of this. 27 chest injury What is the most common cause of shock following trauma? Bleeding is the most common cause of this after trauma. 25 bleeding How long can cells in the brain, spinal column, and heart live without blood? These can only survive for no more than a few minutes without blood. 25 bleeding How long can cells in organs such as the kidneys and lungs survive without blood? These cells can survive for almost an hour without blood. 25 bleeding How long can skeletal muscle cells survive without blood? These can survive for 2 hours without blood. 25 bleeding What are the 3 main parts of the cardiovascular system? These 3 parts are:
1) The pump (heart)
2) Containers (blood vessels that reach every cell in the body)
3) Fluid (Blood and body fluids)
25 bleeding What does the heart and its muscles absolutely need at all times to function? This requires a rich and well-dsitributed blood supply to function. 25 bleeding definition From where does blood enter the right atrium? Blood enters here from the vena cava. 25 bleeding Where does the blood go as the right ventricle contracts? From there, the blood flows into the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary circulation. 25 bleeding Through what does oxygenated blood return to the left atrium? The blood returns to here through the pulmonary veins. 25 bleeding Which chamber is responsible for providing 100% of the body with oxygen-rich blood? The left ventricle is responsible for all of this. 25 bleeding What are the five types of blood vessels? These are:
1) Arteries
2) Arterioles
3) Capillaries
4) Venules
5) Veins
25 bleeding Where does blood pass into as it leaves the left ventricle? It passes into the aorta, the largest artery in the body. 25 bleeding What are arterioles? These are smaller vessels that connect the arteries and capillaries. 25 bleeding definition What are capillaries? These are small tubes, with the diamter of a single red blood cell, that pass among all the cells in the body, linking the arterioles and the venules. 25 bleeding definition What are venules? These are small, thin-walled vessels that connect the capillaries with the veins. 25 bleeding definition What are veins? These are blood vessels that return blood to the heart (usually through the vena cava) 25 bleeding definition What are platelets? These are found in the blood and are responsible for forming blood clots. 25 bleeding definition What is fibrinogen? This is a substance in the body that reinforces clumping red blood cells, helping to form a clot. 25 bleeding definition What is one thing the autonomic nervous system does during emergencies? This automatically redirects blood away from other organs to the heart, brain, lungs, and kidneys. 25 bleeding definition How fast must blood pass through the cardiovascular system? This must pass through the system at a speed that is fast enough to maintain adequate circulation throughout the body and slow enough to allow each cell time to exchange oxygen and nutrients for carbon dioxide and other waste products. 25 bleeding When does one require a minimal blood supply? When one is asleep is a good example of this. 25 bleeding When does the gastrointestinal tract require a high flow of blood? It requires a high flow after a meal. 25 bleeding When may an organ or tissue be better able to resist damage from hypoperfusion? In this situation, considerably colder temperatures may help resist damage. 25 bleeding What is hemorrhage? This another word for bleeding. 25 bleeding definition What are some signs and symptoms of hypovolemic shock? These signs include:
Rapid, weak pulse;
Changes in mental status (AMS);
Cool, clammy skin;
low blood pressure (late sign).
25 bleeding definition signs symptoms Up to what percentage of total blood volume loss can the body tolerate? The body can not tolerate an acute loss of this greater than 20%. 25 bleeding definition How much blood does the average person have per kilogram of body weight? The average person has 70ml of this per kilogram. 25 bleeding Appromixately how much blood does a person weighing 80 kg (175 lbs.) have A person weighing this much has approximately 6 L (10-12 pints) of blood. 25 bleeding At what level of blood loss will a typical adult experience significant changes in vital signs, including increasing heart rate, increasing respiratory rates, and decreasing blood pressure? A typical adult will experience these changes if they lose more than 1 L (2 pints) of blood. 25 bleeding How much total blood volume does a 1 year old infant have? They have a total blood volume of only 800 mL. 25 bleeding At what level of blood loss will significant symptoms appear in 1 year old infants? Significant symptoms will occur in them after only 100 to 200 mL of blood loss (a soft drink can holds 355 mL) 25 bleeding How much is 1 unit of blood? This is 500 mL of blood. 25 bleeding What are the characteristics of arterial bleeding? Typically, this kind of bleeding results in brighter red blood (high in oxygen) and spurts in time with the pulse. 25 bleeding cardiovascular emergencies What are the characteristics of venous bleeding? This kind of bleeding results in blood that is darker (lower in oxygen) and flows slowly or severely, depending on the size. 25 bleeding definition On its own, how quickly does manageable bleeding stop itself? On its own, internal mechanisms can stop this within about 10 minutes. 25 bleeding What is vasoconstriction? This is a narrowing of blood vessels, a possible response to bleeding. 25 bleeding definition What is coagulation? This is a process whereby clots form and seal injured portions of the blood vessel. 25 bleeding definition What can interfere with clotting? A number of medications, including aspirin, can interfere with this. 25 bleeding definition What is one common cause of severe internal blood loss? Broken bones, and especially broken ribs, may cause this. 25 bleeding definition What can easily result in the loss of 1 L or more of internal bleeding? A broken femur can result in this amount of internal bleeding into the thigh. 25 bleeding definition What are some of the only signs of internal bleeding? Sometimes the only signs of this are local swelling and bruising. 25 bleeding definition What is one way to assist the body's clotting process? Keeping the patient's body as still and quiet as possible will aid in this process. 25 bleeding definition At least how long should you hold uninterrupted pressure on an external wound to stop the bleeding? You should hold uninterrupted pressure here for at least 5 minutes. 25 bleeding What are some methods to control external bleeding? These methods are:
Direct, even pressure and elevation;
pressure dressings and/or splints;
25 bleeding What blood pressure should alert you to the presence of hypoperfusion? A systolic blood pressure of less than 100 mm Hg with a weak, rapid pulse should suggest this to you. 25 bleeding definition What are common potential bleeding sources for a fall from a ladder striking the head? A common potential internal bleeding source for this MOI are head injury and hematoma. 25 bleeding causes injury What are common potential bleeding sources for a fall from a ladder striking the extremities? A common potential internal bleeding source for this MOI are possible fractures or the possibility of chest injury 25 bleeding causes injury What are common potential bleeding sources for a child struck by a car? A common potential internal bleeding source for this MOI are head trauma, chest and abdominal pain, or leg fractures. 25 bleeding definition What are common potential bleeding sources for a fall on an outstreched arm? A common potential internal bleeding source for this MOI are possible broken bones or joint injury. 25 bleeding causes injury What are common potential bleeding sources for a child thrown or falling from a great height? A common potential internal bleeding source for this MOI are head injury, owing to their top-heaviness. 25 bleeding causes injury What are common potential bleeding sources for an unrestrained driver in a head-on collision? A common potential internal bleeding source for this MOI are head and neck, chest, abdomen injuries, as well as knee, femur, hip, and pelvis injuries. 25 bleeding definition What are common potential bleeding sources for an unrestrained front-seat passenger in a side impact collision with intrusion into the vehicle? A common potential internal bleeding source for this MOI are broken humeruses exposing the chest wall (possible flail chest) and pelvis and acetabulum injuries. 25 bleeding definition What are common potential bleeding sources for an unrestrained driver crushed against the steering column? A common potential internal bleeding source for this MOI are chest and abdomen injuries, ruptured spleen, and neck trauma. 25 bleeding definition What are common potential bleeding sources for a bike injury? A common potential internal bleeding source for this MOI are fractured clavicles, road rash, and head trauma (esp. if not helmet is present). 25 bleeding causes injury What are common potential bleeding sources for an abrupt motorcycle stop? A common potential internal bleeding source for this MOI are fractured femur and head and neck injuries. 25 bleeding definition What are common potential bleeding sources for diving into the shallow end of a swimming pool? A common potential internal bleeding source for this MOI are head and neck injuries. 25 bleeding definition What are common potential bleeding sources for an assault or fight?
A common potential internal bleeding source for this MOI are punching or kicking injury to the chest, the abdomen, or the face.
25 bleeding causes injury What are common potential bleeding sources for a blast or explosive?
A common potential internal bleeding source for this MOI are injury from direct strike with debris, indirect and pressure wave in enclosed space; external injuries are dependent upon the anatomic area of the body injured. Internally, air-containing organs such as the middle of the ears and lungs are the most susceptible to injury.
25 bleeding causes injury What is a good rule of thumb when entering a scene where you suspect there are multiple patients with bleeding? In a situation such as this, place several pairs of gloves in your pocket for easy access. 25 bleeding definition What is hemoptysis? This is the coughing up of bright red blood. 25 bleeding definition What are the later signs of hypoperfusion that suggest internal bleeding? These signs include:
weakness, fainting, or dizziness at rest;
nausea and vomiting;
cold, moist skin;
shallow, rapid breathing;
dull eyes;
slightly dilated pupils that are slow to respond to light;
capillary refill of more than 2 seconds infants and children;
weak, rapid pulse;
decreasing blood pressure;
altered level of consciousness.
25 bleeding definition What is hematemesis? This is vomited blood. 25 bleeding definition What is melena? This is a black, tarry stool that contains digested blood. 25 bleeding definition What are some of the common causes of nontraumatic internal bleeding? These include bleeding ulcers, bleeding from the colon, ruptured ectopic pregnancy, and aneurysms. 25 bleeding causes What are some possible signs of internal bleeding? These include abdominal tenderness, guarding, rigidity, pain, and distention. 25 bleeding definition What is the second leading cause of trauma death in the United States? Penetrating trauma is the second leading cause of this in the United States. 24 trauma What is a proijectile's trajectory? This is the path the projectile takes, and may be difficult to determine, as medium and high-velocity projectiles may flatten out, tumble, or even ricochet within the body. 24 definition trauma What is temporary cavitation? This is caused by the acceleration of the bullet and causes a streching of the tissues. 24 definition trauma What is permanent cavitation? This is caused by the bullet path and remains once the projectile has passed through the tissue. 24 definition trauma What is drag? This is another term for air resistance, and over distance will slow the projectile, decreasing the depth of penetration and thus reducing damage to the tissues. 24 definition trauma What is one reason that exit wounds are often many times larger than entrance wounds? One reason for this is that, much like a boat moving through water, the bullet disrupts not only the tissues that are directly in its path but also those in the wake. 24 definition trauma The abdomen contains organs from which systems? This contains the organs for the digestive, urinary, and genitourinary systems.  28 abdomen genitourinary injury What percentage of all significant trauma involves the abdomen? Eight percent of all significant trauma involves this. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What percentage of all trauma patients have some form of genitourinary tract injury? 10% to 20% of all trauma patients have some form of this. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What organs are commonly found in the upper right quadrant? The liver, gallbladder, duodenum, and a small portion of the pancreas are commonly found here. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What organs are commonly found in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen? The stomach and the spleen are commonly found here. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What organs are commonly found in the lower left quadrant? The descending colon, part of the transverse colon, and parts of the small intestine are commonly found here. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What organs are commonly found in the lower right quadrant? The distal end of the large intestines (aka the appendix), the ascending large intestines, and part of the small intestines are commonly found here, 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What is the peritoneal cavity? This is another name for the abdominal cavity. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What are the three parts of the large intestines? The three parts of this are the cecum, the colon, and the rectum. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What is the intestinal mesentery? This is a fold of tissue that contains a web of vessels, both arteries and veins, as well as nerves and lymphatic tissues, that connects the small intestines to the posterior of the abdominal wall. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What is the Cullen sign? This is periumbilical ecchymosis. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What is found in the retroperitoneal region? The kidneys, bladder, ureters, a majority of the pancreas, the last portion of the colon, as well as the abdominal aorta and the inferior vena cava are found here. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What are closed abdominal injuries? These are in juries in which blunt force trauma results in injury to the abdomen without breaking the skin. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What are some common MOI for closed abdominal injuries? Common MOI for this include:
Motorcycle collisions
Blast injuries
Pedestrian injuries
28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What is a clasp-knife injury? This is a pattern of compression injury that is caused by a poorly placed lap belt. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury Why can pain in the abdomen frequently be deceiving? In the abdomen, this can be deceiving because it is often diffuse in nature and may be referred from the site of injury to another location in the body. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What is the Kehr sign? This is often found in patients with liver and spleen injuries, in whom there is bleeding into the peritoneal space; pain is referred to the shoulder. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury When a patient reports pain that is tearing and reports it as going from the abdomen posteriorly, what is a frequent cause? If the patient is reporting this kind of pain, he or she is often describing symptoms of an abdominal aneurysm that is undergoing dissection. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What is a possible cause of pain that is following the angle from the lateral hip to the midline of the groin? This kind of pain may be a result of damage to the kidneys or the ureters. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What can pain located in the lower right quadrant indicate? This kind of pain can indicate an inflamed or ruptured appendix. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury Where can pain from an injured or inflammed gallbladder be found? Pain from this can be found just under the margin of the ribs on the right side or between the shoulder blades. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What is guarding? This is intentional or unintentional stiffening of the abdomen muscles, most often the rectus abdominis muscles. This is a natural attempt to splint the area to prevent unnecessary movement. 09 18 25 28 30 abdomen assessment definition gastrointestinal genitourinary injury signs trauma What is often the cause of abdominal distention or swelling between the xiphoid process and the groin? The cause of this is often free fluid, blood, or organ contents spilling into the peritoneal cavity. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury How long might it take for the contusions or hematomas of a closed abdominal injury to become present on the surface? It might take several minutes to hours after the injury for these to become present on the surface. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury Where should a seatbelt properly be worn on the body? This should be worn below the anterior superior iliac spines of the pelvis and against the hip joints. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury safety vehicle What is a concern for women in the later stages of pregnancy regarding seatbelts? For these patients, the gravid uterus has displaced the bladder to the anterior. This anatomic change allows the normally protected bladder to become more susceptible to injuries from impacts and the seatbelt. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What are open abdominal injuries? These are injuries in which a foreign object enters the abdomen and opens the peritoneal cavity to the outside; they are also known as penetrating injuries. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What are some observations to make for hospital personnel regarding vehicle accidents? In these situations, be thorough in documenting whether the airbags deployed and the condition of the exterior and steering column. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What are the 3 kinds of open abdominal injuries? The three kinds of this are:
Low-velocity injuries (knives)
Medium-velocity injuries (low-caliber handguns and shotguns)
High-velocity injuries (high-powered rifles and handguns)
28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What should you assume anytime you have a patient with an injury at or below the xiphoid process? Anytime you have a patient with this, you should assume that the thoracic and peritoneal cavity have both been violated. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What is one very common sign of significant abdominal injury? One very common sign of this is tachycardia, because the heart is increasing its pumping action to compensate for blood loss. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What are flanks? These are the posterior region below the lower margin of the rib cage. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What is Gary Turner sign, and what may it suggest? This is bruising in the upper right quadrant, left lower quadrant, or flank, and may suggest injury to the liver, spleen, or kidney, respectively. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What can air in the peritoneal cavity cause? This can produce pain, irritate the tissues it contacts and can cause tissue ischemia and infarction. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What will air in the peritoneal cavity typically do when a patient changes position? This seeks the most superior space or void, and thus will change position as a patient it re-positioned. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury position trauma What is the largest organ in the abdomen? This is the liver. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury When is the spleen often injured? This is often injured during motor vehicle collisions (especially in the cases of improperly placed seatbelts or from steering wheels) falls from heights or onto sharp objects, and bicycle and motorcycle accidents where the patient hits the handlebars on impact. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What are dysbarism injuries? These are the signs and symptoms related to changes in barometric pressure. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury At what age do infants gain the ability to shiver in order to regulare their temperature at birth? Infants do no gain this ability until about 12 to 18 months of age. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury Why are the elderly frequently cold? They are frequently in this condition because they have lost subcutaneous tissues, reducing the amount of insulation they have. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is an important catalyst for much of our body's metabolism? Water is an important catalyst for this. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury At what temperature do many hypothermia cases occur? Many of these cases occur at temperatures between 30 and 50 F. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury At what temperature do most heat stroke cases occur? Most of these cases occur when the temperature is 80 F and humidity is 80%. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is hypothermia? This condition is when the entire (core) body temperature falls. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the five ways the body loses heat? They are:
32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is conduction? This is the direct transfer of heat from one part of the body to a colder object by direct contact; heat passes directly from the body to the colder object. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is convection? This occurs when heat is transferred to ciculating air, such as when cool air moves across the body surface. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is evaporation? This is the conversion of any liquid to a gas, a process that requires energy, or heat. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is radiation? This is the transfer of heat by radiant energy, a type of invisible light that transfers heat. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What kind of clothes provide good insulation? Layers of clothes that trap air, as well as wool, down, and synthetic fabrics that have small pockets of trapped air are good for this. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is core temperature? This is the temperature of the heart, lungs, and vital organs. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What does the body normally do to protect itself against heat loss? The body normally constricts blood vessels in the skin to protect against this, resulting in the appearance of blue lips and/or fingertips. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury How should you assess a patient's general temperature? To do this, pull back on your glove and place the back of your hand on the patient's skin at the abdomen. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the characteristics of mild hypothermia (93 to 95° Fahrenheit / 34 to 35° Celsius)? At this stage, shivering and foot stamping occurs; vasoconstriction and tachycardia are common responses; and patient appears withdrawn. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the characteristics of moderate hypothermia (89 to 92F/ 32 to 33C)? At this stage, loss of coordination and muscle stiffness presents; respiration and pulse slows; and patient appears confused and lethargic. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the characteristics of severe hypothermia (80 to 88F/ 27 to 31C)? Patient is comatose and unresponsive; pulse is weak, respirations are very slow, and arrhythmias are present; cardiac arrest likely. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is frostnip? This is when exposed parts of the body become very cold but not frozen. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are some factors to consider in determing the severity of a local cold injury? Some underlying factors to consider include:
Exposure to wet conditions
Inadequate insulation from cold or wind
restricted circulation from tight clothing or shoes or ciculatory disease
Poor nutrition
Alcohol or drug abuse
Cardiovascular disease
Older age
32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is immersion foot? This is also called trench foot, and occurs after prolonged exposure to cold water. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are some possible mechanisms of damage from frostbite? Though the exact causes are not known, the presence of ice crystals within the cells may cause physical damage, or the change in the water content may change the concentration of electrolytes. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is gangrene? This is cell death, and may require amputation. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are some signs and symptoms of frostbite? Signs and symptoms of this are:
Hard or waxy tissue
Red, purple, white, mottled or cyanotic skin
32 definition emergencies environmental injury signs symptoms What is the difference between superficial and deep frostbite? In the second, more serious condition, the deeper tissues are frozen as well. Note that you will be unable to tell the difference in the field; even an experienced surgeon in a hospital setting may not be able to tell until several days have gone by. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What kind of oxygen (if available) should you use on patients with hypothermia. If available, use warmed and humidified oxygen in this situation. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury Why might pulse oximetry often be inaccurate with hypothermic patients? Pulse oximetry will often be inaccurate in these kinds of patients due to the lack of perfusion in the extremities. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What kind of clothing should you never remove from a patient's skin. Never remove this if it's frozen to their skin. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What should you not allow hypothermic patients to do when treating them? With these patients, you should not allow the patients to eat, use any stimulants, such as coffee, tea, or cola, or to smoke or chew tobacco. Do not message the extremities. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What can you do to patients with mild cases of hypothermia? In this situation, you can give warm fluids by mouth, assuming that the patient can swallow without a problem. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What should you never do with patients with moderate or severe hypothermia? In these cases, you should never try to actively rewarm the patients, as this may cause a fatal cardiac arrhythmia that requires defibrillation. For this reason, passive rewarming is also best delivered at an appropriate facility. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What should you do if prompt hospital care is not available and medical control instructs you to begin rewarming a hypothermic or frostbitten patient in the field? In this situation, use a warm-water bath with a temperature of between 100 and 105F (38 and 40.5C). 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is ambient temperature? This is the temperature of the surrounding environment. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is hyperthermia? This is a high core body temperature, usually 101F (38.3 C) or higher. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury How much water should a person drink a day when exertion or heat is involved? In this situation, a person should consume 3 L of water. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury During vigorous exercise, how much sweat can lose an hour? During this situation, the body can lose more than 1 L sweat 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the three forms of illness from heat exposure? The three forms are:
Heat cramps
Heat exhaustion
32 definition emergencies environmental injury Who are the persons at greatest risk for heat illnesses? The people at greatest risk for these are:
Geriatric patients,
patients with heart disease,
and patients with limited mobility.
32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are heat cramps? These are painful muscle spasms that occur after vigorous exercise. Their exact cause is not understood, and may be related to a loss of essential electrolytes from the cells. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What should you suspect with a patient with a sudden onset of abdominal cramps? In this situation, you should suspect heat cramps. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is heat exhaustion? This is the most common serious illness caused by heat, and is also called heat prostration; it is caused by hypovolemia as the result of the loss of water and electrolytes from heavy sweating. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion? The signs and symptoms of this are:
Muscle cramping
Nausea and vomiting
Cold, clammy skin with ashen pallor
Dry tongue and thirst
Rapid and weak pulse
Low diastolic blood pressure
32 definition emergencies environmental injury signs symptoms What is heatstroke? This is the least common but most serious illness caused by heat exposure. It occurs when the body is subjected to more heat than it can handle and normal mechanisms are overwhelmed. Untreated, it always results in death. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are some signs and symptoms of heat stroke? Some signs and symptoms of this are:
A body temperature that may rise to 106F (41C)
A patient CAN still be sweating
A change in behavior
Decreasing consciousness, followed by unconsciousness
Increased respiratory rate.
32 definition emergencies environmental injury signs symptoms Can you treat heat cramps with hydration? In this situation, you can treat with water or a diluted elctrolyte solution. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What does moist, pale, cool skin indicate? This indicates excessive fluid and salt loss. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What does hot, dry or hot, moist skin indicate? This indicates that the body is unable to regulate core temperature. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are some examples of non-ionized radiation? Some examples of this are cell phones, microwave ovens, and UV sunlight. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury How long can it take for sunlight to burn unprotected skin? This can burn in as little as 30 minutes. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is drowning? This is the process of experiencing respiratory impairment from submersion/immersion in liquid. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury According to the CDC, how many unintentional drownings occur a day? According to the CDC, 10 of these occur per day. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What percentage of drownings are children younger than 14? 25% of these are younger than 14. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury statistic What is laryngospasm? This occurs when very small amounts of either fresh or salt water can severely irritate the larynx. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury In what percentage of drowning cases is there significant amounts of water in the lungs of the victim? In these situations, 85% to 90% of cases have these. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury statistic When should you assume a drowning patient has a spinal injury? You should assume this when:
The submersion has resulted from a diving mishap or long fall.
The patient is unconscious, and no information is available to rule out the possibility of a mechanism causing neck injury.
The patient is conscious but complains of weakness, paralysis, or numbness in the arms or legs.
You suspect the possibility of spinal injury despite what witnesses say.
32 definition emergencies environmental injury SCUBA Self-contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus 32 abbreviations definition environmental equipment How do you stabilize a suspected spinal injury in water? In order to do this:
1. Turn the patient supine (always roate the entire upper half of the body as a single unit)
2. Restore the airway and begin ventilation
3. Float a buoyant back board under the patient as you continue ventilation.
4. Secure the trunk and head to the backboard to eliminate motion of the cervical spine. Do not remove the patient from the water until this is done.
5. Remove the patient from the water on the backboard.
6. Cover the patient with a blanket, give oxygen or initiate CPR depending on pulse and breath.
32 definition emergencies environmental injury When should you give up on resuscitating a cold-water victim? You should never do this. When a person is submerged in water that is colder than body temperature, heat will be conducted from the body to the water. The resulting hypothermia can protect vital organs from the lack of oxygen. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is the diving reflex? This is a slowing of the heart rate caused by submersion in cold water, and may cause immediate bradycardia. Loss of consciousness and drowning may occur; however, due to the slower metabolic rate, the patient may be able to survive for an extended period of time. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury reflex What are descent emergencies? These are usually caused by the sudden increase in pressure on the body as the person dives deeper into the water. The usual areas affected are the lungs, the sinus cavities, the middle ear, the teeth, and the area of the face surrounded by the diving mask. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is a special concern for a diver with a perforated tympanic membrane? If cold water enters the middle ear through this, the diver may lose his or her balance and orientation. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are two particularly dangerous medical emergencies that result from ascent emergencies? "These are air embolisms and decompression sickness (aka ""the bends"")." 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is an air embolism? This is a condition involving bubbles of air in the blood vessels. They can occur on a dive as shallow as 6'. The problem starts when the diver holds his or her breath during a rapid ascent. The air pressure in the lungs remains at a high level while the external pressure on the chest decreases. As a result, the air inside the lungs expand rapidly, causing the alveoli in the lungs to rupture. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What injuries can result from a scuba air embolism? The following injuries can result from this condition:
Air may enter the pleural space and compress the lungs (pneumothorax)
Air may enter the mediastinum
Air may enter the bloodstream and create bubbles of air in the vessels called air emboli.
32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the signs and symptoms of an air embolism? The signs and symptoms of this are:
Blotching (mottling of the skin)
Froth at the nose and mouth
Severe pain in muscles, joints, or abdomen
Dyspnea and/or chest pain
Dizziness, nausea, and vomiting
Dysphasia (difficulty speaking)
Difficulty with vision
Paralysis and/or coma
Irregular pulse and even cardiac arrest
32 definition emergencies environmental injury signs symptoms What is decompression sickness (aka the bends)? This occurs when bubbles of gas, especially nitrogen, obstruct the blood vessels. It results from too rapid an ascent from a dive, too long of a dive at too deep a depth, or repeated dives on the same day without the proper time intervals. During the dive, nitrogen that is being breathed dissolves in the blood and tissues because it is under pressure. When the diver ascends, the external pressure is decreased, and the dissolved nitrogen forms small bubbles within those tissues. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is the most striking symptom regarding decompression sickness? "The most striking symptom of this is joint pain so severe that the patient literally doubles up, or ""bends""." 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is a danger to consider regarding decompression sickness? "In this case, even after a ""safe dive"", this can occur from driving up a mountain or flying in an unpressurized plane. The risk of this diminishes after 24 to 48 hours." 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is the general rule regarding air embolism and decompression sickness? As a general rule, the first occurs immediately on return to the surface, the second may not occur for several hours. However, the emergency is the same for both: BLS, then recompression in a hyperbaric chamber. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What position should you place a conscious patient you suspect of having an air embolism or decompression sickness? In this situation, you should place the patient in a left lateral recumbent position with their head down. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury position trauma treatment What is breath-holding syncope? This is a loss of consciousness caused by a decreased stimulus for breathing. This happens to swimmers who breathe in and out rapidly and deeply before entering the water in an effort to expand their capacity to stay underwater. Whereas this technique increases the swimmer's oxygen level, the hyperventilation involved lowers the carbon dioxide level. Because an elevated level of carbon dioxide in the blood is the strongest stimulus for breathing, the swimmer may not feel the need to breathe even after using up all the oxygen in his or her lungs. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the 3 kinds of high altitude sickness? These are:
1) Acute mountain sickness
2) High-Altitude Cerebral Edema (HACE)
3) High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE)
32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is acute mountain sickness? This is caused by diminished oxygen pressure in the air at altitudes above 8,000', resulting in hypoxia. It strikes those who ascend too fast and those not acclimated to high altitudes. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the signs and symptoms of acute mountain sickness? The signs and symptoms of this include a headache, lightheadedness, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, difficulty sleeping, shortness of breath, and swollen face. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury signs symptoms What is HAPE (high-altitude pulmonary edema)? With this, fluid collects in the lungs, hindering the passage of oxygen in the bloodstream. It can occur at altitudes of 10,000'. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the signs and symptoms of HAPE? The signs and symptoms of this include:
Shortness of breath
Cough with pink sputum
and a rapid pulse
32 definition emergencies environmental injury signs symptoms What is HACE (high-altitude cerebral edema)? This occurs in climbers who climb above 12,000'. It may accompany HAPE and can quickly become life threatening. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the signs and symptoms of HACE? Signs and symptoms of this include:
Severe, constantly throbbing headache
Ataxia (lack of muscle coordination)
Extreme fatigue
Loss of consciousness
32 definition emergencies environmental injury signs symptoms How should you treat high altitude sickness? Treatment for this consists of providing oxygen, descending from height, and transport. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury According to the National Weather Service, how many cloud-to-ground lightning flashes are there in the US each year? There are 25 million of these each year according to the National Weather Service. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury How many documented deaths from lightning strikes are there annually in the US? This causes 60-70 documented deaths in the United States annually. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury How many documented injuries from lightning are reported in the US every year? There are about 300 of these reported each year in the US. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is the 3rd most common cause of death from isolated environmental phenomena? This is lightning. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What degree of energy is typically found in lightning? This has a direct current of up to 200,000 volts and a potential of 100 million volts or more. Temperatures generated vary between 20,000 and 60,000 F. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the three catagories of lightning injuries? The three catagories are:
1) Mild (loss of consciousness, amnesia, confusion, tingling, superficial burns)
2) Moderate (seizures, respiratory arrest, cardiac asystole that spontaneously resolves, superficial burns
3) Severe (cardiopulmonary arrest; survival rare)
32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is a sure sign of an immenent lightning strike, and what should you do to prevent being hit? If you suddenly feel a tingling sensation or your hair standing on end, make yourself as small as possible by squatting down into a ball, close to but not touching the ground. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is reverse triage? This process differs from conventional triage, which emphasizes treating patients not in cardiac arrest. Here, you should focus your efforts on those who are in respiratory or cardiac arrest. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury triage What may occur following a massive direct current shock? This can cause tetany (massive muscle spasms) that can result in fractures of long bones and spinal vertebrae. Therefore, always use the jaw-thrust maneuver. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is a black widow spider? "This spider's latin name is Latrodectus hesperus/mactans/variolus (depending on region), and the female measures approx. 2"" long. It is usually black and has a distinctive, bright red-orange marking in the shape of an hourglass on its abdomen. The female is larger and more toxic than the male. They are found in every state except Alaska." 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the effects of a black widow spider bite? Most of these bites cause localized pain and symptoms, including agonizing muscle spasms. In some cases, a bite on the abdomen cause muscle spasms so severe that the patient may be thought to have an acute abdominal condition, possibly peritonitis. The venom is a neurotoxic (damages to nerve tissues). Other symptoms include dizziness, sweating, nausea, vomiting, and rashes. These signs and symptoms generally subside over 48 hours. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is an antivenim? This is a serum containing antibodies that counteract the venom. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury How are black widow spider bites usually treated? For very severe bites, the aged or feeble, or children younger than five, the antivenim is used. Severe muscle spasms are usually treated with IV benzodiazepines. In field and if time permits, apply an ice pack to the bite area and clean the wound with soap and water. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is the brown recluse spider? "This spider's Latin name is loxosceles reclusa. It is dull brown and 1"" in diamter. It has a violin-shaped mark on its back. They can be found throughout the US. Its venom is cytotoxic, which means it causes local tissue damage. Bites become swollen and painful within hours." 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are hymentoptera? This term refers to bees, wasps, ants, and yellow jackets. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury How many spider bites occur each year around the world? There are 300,000 of these in the world annually. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury How many deaths are caused by spider bites in the world annually? There are over 30 to 40,000 deaths annually attributed to this throughout the world. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury How many snakebite fatalities are reported in Southeast Asia and India each year? There are 25,000 to 30,000 of these reported each year in SE Asia and India. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury How many snakebite fatalities are reported in South America each year? There are 3 to 4,000 of these reported each year in South America. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury How many snakebites are reported annually in the States? There are 40 to 50,000 reported each year in the States. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury How many snakebite fatalities are reported in the US each year? There are 15 of these reported in the US every year. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury How many snake species are in the US, and how many are poisonous? There are 115 of these, though only 19 are poisonous. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is the science name for rattlesnakes? This is Crotalus. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is the latin name for copperheads? This is Agkistrodon contortrix. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is a latin name for water moccasins? This is Agkistrodon piscivorus. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What states have major concentrations of snake bites? These states are Louisiana, Georgia, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Arkansas, West Virginia, and Mississippi. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury Why do only a third of snake bites result in significant local or systemic injuries? This is because envenomation does not always occur, as the snake has only a finite supply of venom. 32 causes definition emergencies environmental injury What are pit vipers? These are venomous snakes, including rattlesnakes, copperheads, and cottonmouths, that take their name from the small heat-sensing pits located just behind each nostril and in front of each eye. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the physical features of rattlesnakes? These have colored diamond patterns, and can grow to 6' or more. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the physical features of copperheads? These are smaller than rattlesnakes, 2' to 3' long, typically reddish coppery brown with brown or red bands. Their venom is rarely fatal; it is, however, capable of destroying extremities. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the physical features of cottonmouths? These grow to about 4' in length, olive or brown with black cross-bands. Fatalities are rare, but tissue destruction may be severe. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the signs of envenomation? The signs of this are:
Severe burning pain at the site
Signs are evident 5 to 10 minutes after the unjury and spread over the next 36 hours
Distal bleeding (venom interferes with clotting mechanisms)
Vomiting and Nausea
32 definition emergencies environmental injury How should you treat a pit viper bite? "To treat this type of injury:
1) Calm the patient (remind them that snake bites are rarely fatal) and place them in a supine position
2) Locate the bite area and clean with a mild antiseptic (no ice); Place a constricting band 4"" to 6"" above the wound if the patient is hypotensive.
3) Place the extremity below the level of the heart
" 32 definition emergencies environmental injury venom What are coral snakes? These are small reptiles with red, yellow, and black bands. Their venom is highly toxic that causes paralysis of the nervous system. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury Which species of scorpion in the US is dangerous to humans? This is the Centruroides sculpturatus, A.K.A., the Arizona bark scorpion. It is the most venomous scorpion in North America, and its venom can cause severe pain, typically lasting 24 to 72 hours. Symptoms in extreme reactions include numbness, frothing at the mouth, paralysis, and what may be confused as a seizure that makes breathing difficult. Fatalities are generally limited to children, the elderly, immuno-surpressed patients, and pets. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the symptoms of a Centruroides sculpturatus sting? The symptoms for this are: circulatory collapse, severe muscle contractions, excessive salivation, hypertension, convulsions, and cardiac failure. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are the symptoms of Rocky Mountain spotted fever? Symptoms of this include nausea, vomiting, headache, weakness, paralysis, and possible cardiorespiratory failure. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury How long does it take for transmission of an infection from a tick to the host? This transmission takes 12 hours. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are coelenterates? These invertebrate animals include fire coral, Protuguese man-of-war, sea wasp, sea nettles, true jellyfish, sea anemones, true coral, and soft coral. They are responsible for more envenomations than any other marine animals. Their stinging cells are called nemocysts. 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What are common symptoms of nemocystic envenomation? Symptoms of this include:
muscle cramps
32 definition emergencies environmental injury How should you treat coelenterate envenomation? To treat this:
1) Keep the patient calm and reduce movement
2) Inactive the nemocysts with vinegar for at least 30 seconds, or isopropyl alcohol if vinegar is not available
3) Remove any remaining tentacles by scraping them off with the edge of a credit card or similar item.
4) Transport
32 definition emergencies environmental injury What is normal human body temperature? This is 98.6 F (37 C). 32 definition emergencies environmental injury What can happen if the diaphragm is penetrated or ruptured? If this happens, loops of bowel are likely to invade the thoracic cavity and can cause bowel sounds to be present during auscultation of the lungs. Patients will exhibit dyspnea. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What is hematuria, and what might it indicate? This is blood in the urine, and may indicate the kidneys are injured. 24 29 31 bleeding causes definition emergencies injury orthopaedic signs trauma urologic What does blood on the urinary meatus indicate? This indicates significant trauma to the genitourinary system. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What is the urinary meatus? This is the opening in the urethra, situated on the glans penis in males and in the vulva in females. 28 abdomen anatomy definition genitourinary injury urologic What is something to remember in pediatric patients regarding abdominal injury? In this situation, remember that the rib cage is so flexible that the chest can be flattened alsmot to the spine before rib fractures occur; the ribs then recoil to their normal position, and the patient is left with very few outward signs that an injury has occurred. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury position trauma What can you do with patients with abdominal pain without suspected spinal injury to help alleviate pain? With these patients, you can allow the patient to stay in a position of comfort - with legs pulled up toward the abdomen. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury position treatment What should you do for patients with abdominal pain who you suspect of spinal injury to alleviate pain? With these patients, place padding such as blankets or pillows under the patient's knees to help alleviate tension on the abdominal wall. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What are axillae? These are armpits. 28 abdomen anatomy arm chest definition genitourinary injury What should you report if you can't hear bowel sounds? "You should report that they are ""hypoactive""." 28 abdomen genitourinary injury When you begin palpating the abdominal region, what should you remember to do? When you start this, remember to start palpating the quadrant farthest away from the quadrant that is exhibiting pain. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury Where are the kidneys located? These are located in the flank region of the back. 28 abdomen anatomy endocrine genitourinary What may a patient who has a ruptured diaphragm have? A patient with this may have an abdomen with a sunken anterior wall (scaphoid abdomen) and difficulty breathing because of bowel contents in the chest cavity. These patients should receive positive-pressure ventilation with a bag-mask device. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What is the biggest concern in patients with closed abdominal injuries? The biggest concern with these patients is the fact that you do not know the true extent of the injury. Therefore, expedient transport is essential. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury A patient with a blunt abdominal injury may have one or more of which injuries? A patient with this injury may have one or more of the following injuries:
Severe bruising of the abdominal wall;
Laceration of the liver and spleen;
Rupture of the intestine;
Tears in the mesentery;
Rupture of the kidneys or avulsion of the kidneys from their arteries and veins;
Rupture of the bladder;
Severe intra-abdominal hemorrhage;
Peritoneal irritation and inflammation in response to the rupture of hollow organs.
28 abdomen genitourinary injury What position should you place a patient who has sustained a blunt abdominal injury? You should log roll this kind of patient to a supine position on a backboard. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury position trauma What should you do with abdominal evisceration? With these injuries, never try to replace an organ that is protruding from an abdominal laceration; cover it with sterile gauze compresses moistened with sterile saline solution and secure with a sterile dressing; do NOT use any material that is adherent or loses its substance when wet, such as toilet paper, facial tissue, paper towels, or absorbent cotton. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What are PASG (Pneumatic AntiShock Garment)? These were originally developed by the military for fighter pilots who wore them as g-suits. The military needed to increase the pilot's systolic blood pressure to keep the pilot from losing consciousness at high altitudes or while performing certain maneuvers; many studies have now shown that while the g-suit works very efficiently on healthy fighter pilots, it does not resolve shock in the typical trauma patient. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What does the urinary system do? This system controls the discharge of certain waste materials filtered from the blood by the kidneys. 28 abdomen anatomy definition genitourinary injury Where does the genital system lie in the male and female? The male genitalia, except for the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles, lie outside the pelvic cavity. The female genitalia, except for the vulva, clitoris, and labia, are contained entirely within the pelvis. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What is something to remember regarding penetrating and blunt kidney injuries? With these injuries, it almost always involve other organs. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury When should you suspect kidney damage? You should suspect this kind of damage if the patient has a history or physical evidence of any of the following:
An abrasion, laceration, or contusion in the flank.
A penetrating wound in the region of the lower rib cage (flank) or the upper abdomen.
Fractures on either side of the lower rib cage, the lower thoracic, or upper lumbar vertebrae,
And, A hematoma in the flank region
28 abdomen genitourinary injury What can sudden deceleration in a crash cause in a male patient? This event can literally shear the bladder from the urethra. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What should you remember regarding injuries of the external male genitalia? With these injuries, it is important to remember that although these injuries are uniformly painful and generally a source of great concern to the patient, they are rarely considered life threatening and should not be given priority over other, more severe wounds. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury Why are injuries to the uterus particularly severe? These injuries are particularly severe because the uterus has a rich blood supply during pregnancy. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What is something important to cosider regarding the blood pressure of a patient in the last trimester of her pregnancy? With these patients, remember that that uterus may obstruct the vena cava, decreasing the amount of blood returning to the heart if the patient is placed in a supine position (supine hypotensive syndrome). The patient should instead be placed on her left side so that the uterus will not lie on the vena cava. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary gynecologic injury obstetrics position vitals What should you not do regarding vaginal bleed? In this situation, do not insert instruments, gloved fingers, or a tampon in the vagina as this can cause further damage. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What are some common complaints associated with genitourinary injuries? These include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, blood in the urine (hematuria), vomiting blood (hematemesis), or abnormal bowel and bladder habits such as an increase in frequency or the absence of the need to void. 28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury What can cause lacerations of the urethra? These injuries can result from straddle injuries, pelvic fractures, or penetrating wounds of the perineum. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What can direct blows to the scrotum result in? These can result in significant accumulation of blood around the testes; you should apply an ice pack to the scrotal area while transporting the patient. 28 abdomen genitourinary injury What are some causes of rectal bleeding? This can be caused by sexual assault, hemorrhoids, colitis, or ulcer of the digestive track. 28 abdomen causes definition genitourinary injury What are some general steps to follow regarding sexual assault cases? In these situations, remember to:
Take care to shield the patient from curious onlookers.
Because you may have to appear in court as much as 2 or 3 years later, you must document the patient's history, assessment, treatment, and response to treatment in detail.
Advise the patient not to wash, douche, urinate, or defecate until after a physician has examined him or her.
If the patient will tolerate being wrapped in a sterile burn sheet, this may help investigators to find any hair, fluid, or fiber from the alleged offender.
Place all articles or evidence in a paper bag, NOT plastic.
28 abdomen definition genitourinary injury How many visits to physicians occur annually as a result of complaints related to the musculoskeletal system? There are almost 60 million of these every year. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What percentage of Americans experience some type of musculoskeletal impairment, costing hundreds of billions of dollars a year? Approximately one in seven Americans will experience this in their lives. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic statistic trauma What percentage of all patients with multiple system trauma have one or more musculoskeletal injuries? An estimated 70% to 80% all patients with this trauma have this kind of injury. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are the three types of muscles? These are:
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are skeletal muscles (aka striated muscle)? These muscles attach to the bones and usually cross at least one joint, forming the muscle mass of the body. This type of muscle is also called voluntary muscle, because it is under direct control of the brain. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What attaches skeletal muscle to the bone? This is attached to bone by tough, ropelike fibrous structures known as tendons, which are extensions of fascia that covers all skeletal muscle. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma How many bones are in the human skeleton? There are 206 bones. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are the functions of bones? These protect our vital organs, allow us to move, produce blood cells in the marrow, and serve as a reservoir for minerals and electrolytes. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What protects the heart, lungs, and great vessels? These are protected by the thoracic cage. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What protects the liver and spleen? These are protected by the lower ribs. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What protects the spinal cord? The spinal canal protects this. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the pectoral girdle? This consists of two scapulae and two clavicles. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the upper extremity? This extends from the shoulder to the fingertips and is composed of the arm (humerus), elbow, forearm (radius and ulna), wrist, hand, and fingers. It joins the shoulder girdle at the glenohumeral joint. 29 anatomy definition injury muscular orthopaedic skeletal What bones make up the forearm? This is made up of the radius and ulna. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are the three set of hand bones? These sets of bones are the carpals, the metacarpals, and phalanges. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma When are carpals vulnerable to fracture? These bones are vulnerable to fracture when a person falls on an outstreched hand. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma When are phalanges vulnerable to injury? These bones are vulnerable to crushing injury. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the pelvis? This supports the body weight and protects the structures within the pelvis - the bladder, rectum, and female reproductive organs. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are the three bones in the pelvic girdle? The three separate bones are:
the ischium
and pubis
These together make up the innominate bone.
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What connects the two pubic bones anteriorly? These are joined by ligaments to each other at the pubic symphasis. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What do the iliac bones connect to posteriorly? These are joined by ligaments to the sacrum at the sacroliac joint. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the femur? This is a long, powerful bone that connects in the ball-and-socket joint of the pelvis and in the hinge joint of the knee. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the head of the femur? This is the ball-shaped part that fits into the acetabulum and is a common fracture point. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What connects the head of the femur to the shaft? These are connected by the femoral neck, a common site for fractures, especially in the older population. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the name for the upper part of the femur? This is called the greater trochanter. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the name for the lower part of the femur? This is called the lesser trochanter. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are the two bones of the lower leg? This consists of two bones, the tibia and fibula. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the tibia? This connects to the patella to form the knee joint and runs down the front of the lower leg. 29 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic What are the three classes of foot bones? These 3 are:
the tarsals (ankle bones)
the metatarsals (foot bones)
and the phalanges (toe bones)
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the calcaneus? This is the largest of the tarsal bones; it is also known as the heel bone, and is subject to injury when a person jumps from a height and lands on the feet. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a joint? This is formed whenever two bones come into contact. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What holds joints together? These are held together in a tough fibrous structure known as a capsule, and supported by bands of fibrous tissue called ligaments. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the sternoclavicular joint? This is where the sternum and the clavicle come together. 29 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic What is articular cartilage? This is a thin layer of cartilage that covers the ends of bones in moving joints; it is a pearly substance that allows the ends of the bones to glide easily. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is synovial fluid? This bathes and lubricates joints. It is also known as joint fluid. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are skull sutures? These are joints present in the first 18 months of life that fuse together during growth to create a solid, immobile, bony structure. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a fracture? This is a break in the continuity of the bone. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a dislocation? This is a disruption of a joint in which the bone ends are no longer in contact. The supporting ligaments are often torn, usually completely allowing the bone ends to separate completely from each other. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is fascia? This is the fibrous tissue that surrounds and supports the muscles and neurovascular structures. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a sprain? This is an injury to ligaments, articular capsule, synovial membrane, and tendons crossing the joint. After the injury, the joint surfaces generally fall back into alignment, so the joint is not significantly displaced. The most severe sprains involve actual of the ligament and may allow joint dislocation. Mild sprains are caused by ligament streching rather than tearing. The most vulnerable joints are the knees, shoulders, and ankles. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a strain? This is a streching or tearing of the muscle, causing pain, swelling, and bruising of the soft tissues in the area. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the zone of injury? This is injury to soft tissues, especially to the adjacent nerves and blood vessels, surrounding an injury to bones and joints. 29 definition injury orthopaedic What is an indirect force injury? This may cause a fracture or dislocation at a distant point, as when a person falls and lands on an outstreched hand. The direct impact may cause a wrist fracture, but the indirect force can cause dislocation of the elbow or a fracture of the forearm, humerus, or even clavicle. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a closed fracture? This is a fracture in which the skin is not broken. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is an open fracture? This is a fracture in which there is an external wound, caused either by the same blow that fractured the bone or by the broken bone ends lacerating the skin. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a nondisplaced fracture? This is a simple crack of the bone in which the bone has not moved from its normal position. It is also called a hairline fracture. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a displaced fracture? This produces actual deformity, or distortion, of the limb by shortening, rotating, or angulating it; it can be associated with crepitus. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a greenstick fracture? This is an incomplete fracture that passes only partway through the shaft of a bone but may still cause substantial angulation; occurs in children. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a comminuted fracture? This is a fracture in which the bone is broken into more than two fractures. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a pathologic fracture? This is a fracture of weakened or diseased bone, seen in patients with osteoprosis or cancer, generally produced by minimal force. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is an epiphyseal fracture? This is a fracture that occurs in a growth section of a child's bone and may lead to growth abnormalities. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is an oblique fracture? This is a fracture in which the bone is broken at an angle across the bone. This is usually the result of a sharp angled blow to the bone. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a transverse fracture? This is a fracture that occurs straight across the bone. This is usually the result of a direct blow or stress fracture caused by prolonged running. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a spiral fracture? This is a fracture caused by a twisting force, causing an oblique fracture around the bone and through the bone. This is often the result of abuse in very young children. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is an incomplete fracture? This is a fracture that does not run completely through the bone; a nondisplaced partial crack. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the most reliable indicator of an underlying fracture? This is point tenderness on palpation in the zone of injury. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma How long after a fracture may fluid build-up and swelling occur? This may occur several hours after a fracture. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is crepitus? This is a grating or grinding sensation that can sometimes be felt and/or heard when fractured bone ends rub together. 09 31 anatomy assessment definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is flase motion? This is motion at a point in the limb where there is no joint. Also called free movement, it is a positive indication of a fracture. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What does it mean when a dislocated joint spontaneously reduces? This means the joint will return to its normal position. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are the signs and symptoms of a dislocated joint? The signs and symptoms of this are:
Marked deformity
Pain that is aggravated by any attempt at movement
Tenderness on palpation
Virtually complete loss of normal joint motion (locked joint)
Numbness or impaired circulation to the limb or digit
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic signs symptoms trauma Where do sprains occur most often? These occur most often in the knee and the ankle, though they can occur anywhere. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are the signs and symptoms of a sprain? The signs and symptoms of this are:
Point tenderness can be elicited over the injured ligaments
Swelling and ecchymosis appear at the point of injury to the ligament as a result of torn blood vessels
Pain prevents the patient from moving or using the limb normally
Instability of the joint us indicated by increased motion, especially at the knee; however, this may be masked by severe swelling and guarding
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic signs symptoms trauma What should you general approach be with ankle trauama? With this, always focus on determing the MOI. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma When does compartment syndrome most commonly occur, and when does it develop? This most commonly occurs with a fractured tibia or forearm of children and is often overlooked, especially in patients with an altered level of consciousness. It typically develops within 6 to 12 hours after injury, usually as a result of excessive bleeding, a severely crushed extremity, or the rapid return of blood to an ischemic limb. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are the signs and symptoms of compartment syndrome? This is characterized by pain that is out of proportion to the injury, pain on passive strech of muscles within the compartment, pallor, decreased sensation, and decreased power. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic signs symptoms trauma Why is any suspected open fracture or vascular injury considered a medical emergency? These are always considered medical emergencies, as in an extremity with anything less than complete circulation, prolonged hypoperfusion can cause significant damage. 31 anatomy definition emergencies injury orthopaedic trauma What are some examples of minor musculoskeletal injuries? Some examples of this are minor sprains and fractures or dislocations of digits. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are some examples of moderate musculoskeletal injuries? Some examples of this are open fractures of digits,
nondisplaced long-bone fractures,
nondisplaced pelvic fractures
major sprains of a major joint.
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are some examples of severe musculoskeletal injuries? Some examples of this are:
Displaced long-bone fractures
Multiple hand and foot fractures
Open long-bone fractures
Displaced pelvic fractures
Dislocations of major joints
Multiple digit amputations
Laceration of major nerves or blood vessels
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are some examples severe, life-threatening musculoskeletal injuries (survival is probable)?

Some examples of this include:
Multiple closed fractures
Limb amputations
Fractures of both long bones of the legs (bilateral femur fractures
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are some examples of critical musculoskeletal injuries (survival is uncertain)? Some examples of this include:
Multiple open fractures of the limbs
Suspected pelvic fractures with hemodynamic instability
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What does a patient with bilateral fractures of the long bones (humerus, femur, or tibia) indicate? This indicates that the patient has been subjected to a high amount of kinetic energy, which should dramatically increase your index of suspicion for serious unseen injuries. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are the 6 Ps of injured limb examination? These are:
Paresthesias (numbness or tingling),
and Pressure
31 definition injury orthopaedic trauma What should you always do before and after splinting a patient? You should always check circulation, motor function, and sensation before and after this. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are the steps to follow when caring for a patient with musculoskeletal injuries? "With these types of patients, you should:
1) Remove any jewelry.
2) Completely cover any open wounds with dry, sterile dressing, and apply direct pressure to control bleeding (use a tourniquet if bleeding cannot be controlled).
3) Apply the appropriate splint, and elevate the extremity approx. 6"" to minimize swelling.
4) If swelling is present, apply cold packs to the area.
5) Prepate the patient for transport.
" 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a splint? This is a flexible or rigid device that is used to protect and maintain the position of an injured extremity. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic transport trauma treatment How is splinting useful? This is useful as it prevents:
1) movement of fracture fragments, bone ends, dislocated joints, or damaged soft tissue, reducing pain.
2) further damage to muscles, spinal cords, nerves, and blood vessels.
3) laceration of the skin by broken bone ends (one of the primary indications for this is to prevent a closed fracture from becoming an open fracture.)
4) restriction of distal blood flow resulting from pressure of the bone ends on blood vessels
5) paralysis of extremities resulting from a damaged spine.
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are the 13 general principles of splinting? The 13 general principles of this are:
1) Remove clothing from the area so you can inspect for DCAP-BTLS
2) Take CSM
3) Cover all wounds with dry, sterile dressing
4) Do not move the patient prior to application unless there is immediate danger
5) In a suspected fracture of the shaft, be sure to stabilize the joints above and below the fracture
6) With injuries in and around the joint, be sure to stabilize the bones above and below the injured joint
7) Pad all straps
8) During application, maintain manual stabilization
9) If the fracture of a long-bone shaft has resulted in severe deformity, use constant, gentle manual traction to align the limb. This is especially important if the distal part of the extremity is cyanotic or pulseless.
10) If you erncounter resistance, perform the procedure with the limb in its deformed position
11) Stabilize all suspected spinal injuries in a neutral in-line position on a backboard
12) If the patient has signs of hypoperfusion, align the limb in the normal anatomic position, and provide transport
13) When in doubt, splint
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic transport trauma treatment What is traction? This is the act of pulling on a body structure in the direction of its normal alignment. It is the most effective way to realign a fracture of the shaft of a long bone so that the limb can be splinted more effectively. 29 definition injury orthopaedic What should you NOT attempt to do with traction? When doing this, remember you should not attempt to reduce the fracture or force all of the bone fragments back into alignment. This is the physician's responsibility. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What should you do before applying a traction splint? Before applying this, be sure to control any external bleeding. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma How much force is required for proper traction? This varies, but often does not exceed 15 lb. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are the two situations in which you must splint the limb in the position of deformity? You must do this when:
1) the deformity is severe, as is the case with many dislocations,
2) when you encounter resistance or extreme pain when applying gentle traction to the fracture of a shaft of a long bone.
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the most commonly used formable or soft splint? The most commonly used one of these is the precontured, inflatable, clear plastic air splint. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is something to consider regarding air splints? With these, remember that significant changes in the weather affect the pressure of the air in the splint, which decreases as the environment grows colder and increases as the environment grows warmer. The same thing happens when there changes in altitude, which can be a problem with helicopter transport of patients. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma When are traction splints primarily used? They are used primarily to secure fractures of the shaft of the femur, characterized by pain, swelling, and deformity of the midthigh. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma When should you NOT use traction splints? Do not use this for any of the following conditions:
1) Injuries of the upper extremity.
2) Injuries close to or involving the knee.
3) Injuries of the hip.
4) Injuries of the pelvis.
5) Partial amputations or avulsions with bone separation.
And 6) Lower leg, foot, or ankle injury.
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are pelvic binders? These are used to splint the bony pelvis to reduce hemorrhage from bone ends, venous disruption, and pain. They are easily applied by one person, and should allow access to the abdomen, perineum, anus, and groin for examination and diagnostic testing. 31 abdomen anatomy definition equipment injury orthopaedic trauma When should you not use PASGs? Do not use this if any of the following conditions exist:
Pulmonary edema,
Acute heart failure,
Penetrating chest injuries,
Groin injuries,
Major head injuries,
And a transport time of less than 30 minutes
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a general rule for PASGs? As a general rule with these, gradually inflate the legs before inflating the abdominal portion. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are some hazards associated with the improper application of splints? The following hazards are associated with this:
Compression of nerves, tissues, and blood vessels
Delay in transport of a patient with a life-threatening injury
Reduction of distal circulation
Aggravation of the injury
Injury to tissue, nerves, blood vessels, or muscles as a result of excessive movement of the bone or joint.
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is one of the most commonly fractured bone in the body? The clavicle, or collarbone, is this. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a another name for the scapula? Another name for this is shoulder blade. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the acromioclavicular (AC) joint? This is the joint between the outer end of the clavicle and the acromion process of the scapula. Dislocation of this is called an AC separation. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a sling? This is any bandage or material that helps support the weight of an injured upper extremity, relieving the downward pull of gravity on the injured site. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a swathe? This is a bandage that passses completely around the chest to stabilize the arm. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the glenoid fossa? This is the part of the scapula that joins with the head of the humerus, forming the glenhumeral joint (shoulder joint). 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What symptoms indicate a shoulder dislocation? The symptoms of this condition are as follows:
The shoulder joint will usually be locked, and the sholder will appear squared off or flattened. The humeral head will protrude anteriorly underneath the pectoralis major on the anterior chest wall. As a result, the anxillary nerve may be compressed, causing a numb patch on the outer aspect of the shoulder. Be sure to document this finding.
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma Why is stabilizing an anterior shoulder dislocation difficult? This is difficult because any attempt to bring the arm in toward the chest will produce pain. You must splint the joint in whatever position is most comfortable for the patient, so if necessary, place a pillow or rolled blanket or towels between the arm and chest to fill up the space between them. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma Where do fractures of the humerus occur? They occur either: proximally at the midshaft, or distally at the elbow. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is another name for a fracture of the distal humerus? This is also known as a supracondylar or intercondylar fracture. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What kind of fracture is common in children? Fracture of the distal humerus (supracondylar or intercondylar fracture) are common with this group. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a common deformity of a dislocated elbow? A common deformity of this is the posterior displacement of the ulna and radius, which makes the olecranon process of the ulna much more prominent. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What generally causes fractures of the radial head? These are generally caused from direct or indirect forces and is often associated with lacerations and abrasions. 31 anatomy causes injury orthopaedic trauma What does a cold, pale hand or a weak or absent pulse and poor capillary refill in a patient with an elbow injury indicate? These indicate that blood vessels have likely been injured. Notify medical control immediately and provide prompt transport. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic pulse trauma What should you do if a limb is pulseless and significantly deformed at the elbow? In this situation, you should gently apply manual traction in line with the long axis of the limb to decrease the deformity. This may restore the pulse, but if no pulse returns after one attempt, splint in the most comfortable position for the patient. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a nightstick fracture? This is a fracture on the shaft of the ulnaas a result of a direct blow. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are Colles fractures? These are fractures of the distal radius, and are common in elderly patients with osteoporosis. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma "What is ""silver fork deformity""?" This is the distinctive appearance of a distal radius fracture. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is something you can do to alleviate swelling in extremity fractures? In this situation, you can elevate the injured extremity above the heart. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a common wrist injury? A common one of these is the isolated, nondisplaced fracture of a carpal bone, especially the scaphoid. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the position of function? This is a hand position in which the wrist is slightly dorsiflexed and all finger joints are moderately flexed. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic position trauma What is the retroperitoneal space? This is the space between the abdominal cavity and the posterior abdominal wall, containing the kidneys, certain large vessels, and parts of the gastrointestinal tract. 29 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic What is an important consideration regarding pelvic fractures? These types of injuries may be accompanied by life-threatening loss of blood from the laceration of blood vessels affixed to the pelvis at certain key points. Several liters of blood may drain into the pelvic space and the retroperitoneal space. You must take immediate steps to treat shock, even if there is only minimal swelling. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma When should you suspect a pelvic fracture? You should suspect this injury whenever a patient has sustained a high-velocity injury and complains of discomfort in the lower back or abdomen (deformity or swelling may be difficult to see). 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma How should you palpate the pelvis? To perform this palpation:
1) Place the palms of your hands over the lateral aspect of each iliac crest, and apply firm but gentle inward pressure on the pelvic ring.
2) With the patient lying supine, place a palm over the anterior aspect of weach iliac crest, and apply firm downward pressure.
3) Use your palm to firmly but gently palpate the pubic symphysis. The area will be tender if there is injury to the anterior portion of the pelvic ring.
31 assessment definition injury orthopaedic trauma What most commonly causes hip dislocations? These are most commonly caused by automobile accidents in which the knee meets with a direct force, such as the dashboard. 31 anatomy causes definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is a frequent complication of posterior dislocation of the hip? A frequent complication of this is injury to the sciatic nerve. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the sciatic nerve? This is the most important nerve in the lower extremity; it controls the activity of muscles in the posterior thigh and below the knee and the sensation in most of the leg and foot. 29 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic What is a sign of sciatic nerve injury? "Decreased sensation in the leg and foot, and the characteristic ""foot drop"" are signs of this." 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma In what position do patients with posterior dislocation of the hip typically lie? This type of patient typically lie with the hip joint flexed and the thigh rotated inwards toward the midline of the body over the top of the opposite thigh. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic position trauma What are the three types of proximal femur fractures? The three types of this injury are:
1) a fracture through the neck of the femur
2) the intertrochanteric (middle) region
3) across the proximal shaft of the femur (subtrochanteric fractures).
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What typically occurs following a femoral shaft fracture? "Following this type of injury, muscles spasm in an attempt to ""splint"" the unstable limb, causing significant deformity and shorterning of the limb." 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma How many mL of blood can be lost as a result of a fracture of the femur shaft? As much as 500 to 1,000 mL of blood can be lost as a result of this injury. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma Which knee ligaments are most frequently injured? The ligaments on the medial side of this joint are most frequently injured, typically when the foot is fixed to the ground and the lateral aspect is struck by a heavy object. 31 anatomy causes injury orthopaedic trauma What should you do with all suspected knee ligament injuries? You should always splint all suspected injuries of this type. If you encounter resistance or pain when trying to straighten the limb, splint in the flexed position. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma How significant are knee dislocations? These are true emergencies that may threaten the limb. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the most common type of knee dislocations? Anterior dislocations, which results from extreme hyperextension, are the most common kind of this injury. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What are some possible complications from knee dislocations? Complications of this type of injury include limb-threatening popliteal artery disruption, injuries to the nerves, and joint instability. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma How should you splint a knee dislocation if the knee is bent and the foot has a good pulse? In this situation, splint the joint in the bent position. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What may medical control direct you to do on rare occasions with knee dislocations? In this situation, medical control may direct you realigned a deformed, pulseless limb to reduce compression of the popliteal artery, thus restoring distal circulation. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is it easy to confuse fractures about the knee with/ These can frequently be confused with ligament injuries. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What should you do if there is an adequate distal pulse and no significant deformity with a fracture about the knee? In this situation, splint the limb with the knee straight. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What should you do if there is an adequate distal pulse and significant deformity with a fracture about the knee? In this situation, splint the joint in the position of deformity. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What should you do if there is no pulse below the level of the injury? In this situation, suspect possible vascular and nerve damage, and contact medical control immediately for further instructions. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What should you do if you suspect a fractured knee? With this injury, never use a traction splint. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma Where does the patella usually displace to? This usually displaces to the lateral side. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma How should you splint the knee with a dislocated patella? With this injury, splint the knee in which you found it often moderately flexed). 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma How should you stabilize fractures of the tibia and fibula? With these injuries, the bones should be stabilized with a padded, rigid long leg splint, or an air splint that extends from the foot to the upper thigh. Once splinted, the affected leg should be secured to the opposite leg. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma How should you generally manage the wide spectrum of injuries to the ankle? Manage these types of injuries as follows:
1) Dress all open wounds
2) Assess distal neurovascular function
3) Correct any gross deformity by gently applying longitudinal traction to the heel
4) Before releasing traction, apply a splint.
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What bone is most commonly fractured in foot injuries? The most common fractured bone in this situation is the calcaneus. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What should you be aware of when a patient who has fallen from a height complains of heel pain? In this situation, be aware of back pain complaints, and check the spine for tenderness and deformity. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What should you remember remember when splinting an injured foot? When doing this, remember to leave a toe exposed so you can check for a distal pulse. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma If you have a pediatric patient with a fracture below the elbow or knee, what might the following symptoms indicate: extreme pain, decreased pain sensation, pain on streching of affected muscles, and decreased power? In this situation, these symptoms indicate that the pressure within a fascial compartment is elevated. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What indicates a strain? "This type of injury often has no deformity and only minor swelling; some patients report a ""snap"" when a muscle tears and complain of increased sharp pain with passive movement of the injured extremity." 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is the general treatment of strains and sprains? Treatment of this injury includes the following:
1) Immobilize or splint the injured area
2) Ice or cold pack over the injury
3) Compression with an elastic bandage
4) Elevation
5) Reduced weight bearing
6) Pain management
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What usually causes sprains? These are usually caused by a sudden twisting of a joint beyond its normal range of motion that also causes a temporary subluxation. 31 anatomy causes definition injury orthopaedic trauma What usually characterizes a sprain? These are typically characterized by pain, swelling (edema) at the joint, discoloration over the injured joint, and point tenderness. 31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic trauma What is one of the first signs of hypoperfusion? One of the first signs of this is a change in mental status, such as anxiety, restlessness, or combativeness. 25 bleeding definition What are the later signs of hypoperfusion suggesting internal bleeding? Later signs of this include:
Weakness, fainting, or dizziness at rest
Nausea and vomiting
Cold, moist skin
Shallow, rapid breathing
Dull eyes
Slightly dilated pupils that are non-reactive to light
Capillary refill of more than 2 seconds in infants and children
Weak, rapid (thready) pulse
Decreasing blood pressure
Altered level of consciousness
25 bleeding definition When dealing with multiple bleeding patients, what should you remember to do? When doing this, remember to place several pairs of gloves in your pocket for easy access. 25 bleeding equipment PPE safety trauma What does a systolic blood pressure of less than 100 mg Hg with a weak, rapid pulse suggest? This suggests the presence of hypoperfusion in a patient who may have significant bleeding. 25 bleeding definition pulse When the MOI is a fall from a ladder striking the head, what is a potential internal bleeding source? A potential internal bleeding source from this MOI is a head injury or hematoma. 25 bleeding When the MOI is a fall from a ladder striking the extremities, what is a potential internal bleeding source? A potential internal bleeding source from this MOI is possible fractures, and also possible chest injuries. 25 bleeding When the MOI is a child striking a car, what is a potential internal bleeding source? A potential internal bleeding source from this MOI is head trauma, chest and abdominal injuries, and leg fractures. 25 bleeding When the MOI is a fall onto an outstretched arm, what is a potential internal bleeding source? A potential internal bleeding source from this MOI is possible bone fractures and joint injuries. 25 bleeding When the MOI is a child thrown or falls from a height, what is a potential internal bleeding source? A potential internal bleeding source from this MOI is head injury. 25 bleeding When the MOI is an unrestrained driver in a head-on collision, what is a potential internal bleeding source? A potential internal bleeding source from this MOI is head and neck, chest, abdominal injuries, and knee, femur, hip, or pelvis injuries. 25 bleeding When the MOI is an unrestrained front-seat passenger or side-impact collision with intrusion into the vehicle, what is a potential internal bleeding source? A potential internal bleeding source from this MOI is a broken humerus exposing the chest wall (possible flail chest), as well as pelvic and acetabulum injuries. 25 bleeding When the MOI is an unrestrained driver crushed against the steering column, what is a potential internal bleeding source? A potential internal bleeding source from this MOI is a chest or abdomen injury, a ruptured spleen, and neck trauma. 25 bleeding When the MOI is a fall over the handlebars of a bike, what is a potential internal bleeding source? A potential internal bleeding source from this MOI are a fractured clavicle, road rash, and head trauma if there was no helmet. 25 bleeding When the MOI is an abrupt motorcycle stop, and the patient went over the handlebars, what is a potential internal bleeding source? A potential internal bleeding source from this MOI are fractured femurs, and head or neck injuries. 25 bleeding When the MOI is diving into the shallow end of a swimming pool, what is a potential internal bleeding source? A potential internal bleeding source from this MOI are head and neck injuries. 25 bleeding When the MOI is an assault or fight, what is a potential internal bleeding source? A potential internal bleeding source from this MOI is injury to the abdomen, chest, and face. 25 bleeding When the MOI is a blast or explosion, what is a potential internal bleeding source? A potential internal bleeding source from this MOI is: injury from direct strike with debris; an indirect pressure wave in an enclosed space; and, internally, air-containing organs, such as the middle of the ears and lungs, are the most susceptible to injury. 25 bleeding With a patient with obvious external bleeding, what is the very least PPE needed? With these patients, BSI includes at the very least gloves and eye protection, and often a mask and possibly a gown. 25 bleeding What are the methods available to control external bleeding? The most commonly used method to do this include:
1) Direct, even pressure and elevation
2) Pressure dressings and/or splints
3) Tourniquiets
25 bleeding definition How long (minimum) should you hold uninterrupted pressure on an open wound to stop bleeding? You should do this for at least 5 minutes. 25 bleeding What is a pressure point? This is a spot where a blood vessel lies near a bone. 25 bleeding definition What is one way to assist in the body's natural clotting process? One way to do this is to keep the patient as still and quiet as possible. 25 bleeding definition What are the signs and symptoms of blunt or penetrating trauma to the neck? Signs and symptoms of this are: Noisy or labored breathing, and swelling of the face or neck. 24 definition overview signs symptoms trauma What is the index of suspicion of blunt or penetrating trauma to the neck? The index of suspicion of blunt or penetrating trauma to the neck is:
Significant bleeding or foreign bodies in the upper or lower airway, causing obstruction;
Be alert for airway compromise 24 overview trauma What are the signs and symptoms of significant chest wall, blunt trauma from motor vehicle crashes, car-versus-pedestrian accidents, other crashes, and penetrating trauma to the chest wall? Signs and symptoms of this are: Significant chest pain, shortness of breath, and asymmetrical chest wall movement. 24 definition overview signs symptoms trauma What are the signs and symptoms of any significant blunt force trauma from motor vehicle crashes or penetrating injury? Signs and symptoms of this are: Blunt or penetrating trauma to the neck, chest, abdomen, or groin, blows to the head sustained during motor vehicle crashes, falls, or other incidents, producing loss of consciousness, altered mental status, inability to recall events, combativeness, or changes in speech patterns, and difficulty moving extremities and headaches, especially with nausea and vomiting. 24 definition overview signs symptoms trauma What are the signs and symptoms of any significant blunt force trauma, falls from a significant height, or penetrating trauma? Signs and symptoms of this are: Severe back and/or neck pain, a history of difficulty moving extremities, and loss of sensation or tingling in the extremities. 24 definition overview signs symptoms trauma What is the index of suspicion of significant chest wall, blunt trauma from motor vehicle crashes, car-versus-pedestrian accidents, other crashes, and penetrating trauma to the chest wall? The index of suspicion of this is:
Cardiac or pulmonary contusion;
Pneumothorax or hemothorax;
Broken ribs, causing breathing compromise 24 overview trauma What is the index of suspicion of any significant blunt force trauma from motor vehicle crashes or penetrating injury? The index of suspicion of this is:
Injuries in these regions may tear and cause damage to the large blood vessels located in these body areas, resulting in significant internal and external bleeding.
Be alert to the possibility of bruising to the brain and bleeding in and around the brain tissue, which may cause the development of excess pressure inside the skull around the brain. 24 overview trauma What is the index of suspicion of any significant blunt force trauma, falls from a significant height, or penetrating trauma? The index of suspicion of this is:
Injury to the bones of the spinal column or to the spinal cord. 24 overview trauma What organ system is most sensitive to blast injuries? The ear is the organ system most sensitive to this. 24 overview trauma What happens to the tympanic membrane when hit by a pressure wave? This has evolved to detect minor chasnges in pressure and will rupture at pressures of 5 to 7 pounds per square inch above atmosphere pressure. 24 definition overview trauma What are pulmonary blast injuries? These are defined as pulmonary trauma (consisting of contusions and hemorrhages) that results from short-range exposure to the detonation of explosives. 24 definition overview trauma What should you avoid with victims of blast injuries with suspected lung injury? With these patients, avoid giving oxygen under positive pressure (that is by demand valve), because that may simply increase the damage to the lungs. 24 overview trauma What is an arterial air embolism? This is one of the most concerning pulmonary blast injuries, and occurs on alveolar disruption with subsequent air embolization into the pulmonary vasculature. This can produce disturbances in vision, changes in behavior, changes in state of consciousness, and a variety of other neurologic signs. 24 definition overview trauma What are petechiae? These are pinpoint hemorrhages that show up on the skin, and are the dominant form of pathology for hollow organs injured by blast pressure waves. 24 definition overview trauma What are the most common causes of death from blast injuries? Neurologic injuries and head trauma are the most common causes of death from this. 24 causes definition overview trauma What can trigger instant but transient unconsciousness, with or without retrograde amnesia? This can be triggered not only by head trauma, but also by cardiovascular problems. 24 definition overview trauma What is something to remember about body armor in blast injury treatment? "This may limit or prevent shrapnel from entering the body, but it also ""catches"" more energy from the blast wave, possibly resulting in the victim being thrown backward, thus increasing the potential for spine and spinal cord injury." 24 definition overview trauma What is multisystem trauma? This is a term that describes a preson who has been subjected to multiple traumatic injuries involving more than one body system.  24 definition overview trauma What kind of care do most patients with multisystem trauma require? "With these patients, definitive care requires surgical intervention; therefore, on-scene time should be limited to 10 minutes or less; this is referred to as the ""platinum 10 minutes""." 24 overview trauma What can a crushing injury to the upper part of the neck cause? This injury can cause the cartilages of the upper airway and larynx to fracture. The can lead to the leakage of air into the soft tissue of the neck. 24 definition overview trauma What is subcutaneous crepitation? This is when air is trapped in subcutaneous tissue. 24 definition overview trauma What is the appropriate use of emergency air medical services for trauma patients? This medical service is appropriate for the following situations:
1) There is an extended period required to access or extricate a remote or trapped patient.
2) The distance to the trauma center is greater than 20 to 25 miles
3) The patient needs medical care and stabilizatio at the ALS level, and there is no ALS-level ground ambulance service available within a reasonable time frame.
4) Traffice conditions or hospital availability make it unlikely that the patient will get to a trauma center.
5) There are multiple patients who will overwhelm resources at the trauma center reachable by ground.
6) EMS systems require bringing a patient to the nearest hospital for initial evaluation and stabilization.
7) There is a mass-casualty incident.
24 ambulance definition overview transport trauma What key elements are in a Level I trauma center? Key elements of this are:
1) 24 hour in-house coverage by general surgeons
2) Availability of care in specialties such as orthopaedic surgery, neurosurgery, anesthesiology, emergency medicine, radiology, internal medicine, and critical care
3) Should also include cardiac, hand, pediatric, and microvascular surgery and hemodialysis.
4) Provides leadership in prevention, public education, and continuing education of trauma team members.
5) Committed to continued improvement through a comprehensive quality assessment program and organized research to help direct new innovations in trauma care.
24 overview trauma What key elements are in a Level II trauma center? Key elements of this are:
1) 24 hour in-house coverage by general surgeons
2) Availability of care in specialties such as orthopaedic surgery, neurosurgery, anesthesiology, emergency medicine, radiology, internal medicine, and critical care
3) Committed to trauma prevention and continuing education of trauma team members.
4) Provides continued improvement in trauma care through a comprehensive quality assessment program.
24 overview trauma What key elements are in a Level III trauma center? Key elements of this are:
1) 24 hour in-house coverage by general surgeons
2) Committed to continued improvement through a comprehensive quality assessment program
3) Has developed transfer agreements for patients requiring more comprehensive care at a Level I or Level iI trauma center.
4) Committed to continuing education of nursing and allied health personnel or the trauma team.
5) Must be involved with prevention and have an active outreach program for its referring communities.
24 overview trauma What key elements are in a Level IV trauma center? Key elements of this are:
1) Include basic emergency department facilities to implement ATLS protocols and 24-hour laboratory coverage.
2) Transfer to higher level trauma centers follows the guidelines outlined in formal transfer agreements.
3) Committed to continued improvement of these trauma care activities through a formal quality assessment program.
4) Involved in prevention, outreach, and education within its community.
24 overview trauma What is a trauma score? This is a way to calcualte a number from 1 to 16, that accurately evaluates the extent of trauma in a patient. 24 definition overview trauma In the Glasgow Coma Scale, how do you rate eye opening? For this evaluation:
4 - Spontaneous
3 - To Voice
2 - To Pain
1 - None
24 overview trauma In the Glasgow Coma Scale, how do you rate verbal response? For this evaluation:
5 - Oriented
4 - Confused
3 - Inappropriate Words
2 - Incomprehensible Words
1 - None
24 overview trauma In the Glasgow Coma Scale, how do you rate motor response? For this evaluation:
6 - Obeys Commands
5 - Localizes Pain
4 - Withdraws (pain)
3 - Flexion (pain)
2 - Extension (pain)
1 - None
24 overview trauma What is the American College of Surgeons' Criteria for a Level I Patient? Criteria for this are:
1) Confirmed blood pressure of less than 90 mg Hg at any time in adults, and age-specific hypotension in children.
2) Respiratory compromise, obstruction, and/or intubation
3) Receiving blood to maintain vital signs
4) Emergency physician's discretion
5) Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score of less than or equal to 8 with mechanism attributed to trauma
6) Gunshot wound to the abdomen, neck, or chest.
24 definition overview trauma What are the primary female reproductive organs? These are the ovaries. 23 gynecologic How many ovum are produced each month? Each ovary produces an ovum in alternating months and releases it into the fallopian tube. 23 anatomy gynecologic value What is the term for when the ovum is released? This is called ovulation. 23 gynecologic What are the fallopian tubes? These connect each ovary with the uterus and are the primary location for fertilization of the ovum. 23 gynecologic What is the uterus? This is the muscular organ where the fetus grows during pregnancy. 23 gynecologic What is the cervix? This is the narrowest and lowest portion of the uterus, and opens into the vagina. 23 gynecologic What is the vagina? This is the outermost cavity of a woman's reproductive system and forms the lower part of the birth canal. It is about 8 to 12 cm in length. 23 gynecologic What are the labia majora and labia minora? These are folds of tissue that surround the urethral and vaginal openings. 23 gynecologic What is the perineum? This is the area of skin between the vagina and the anus. 23 gynecologic What is pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)? This is an infection of the female upper organs of reproduction (uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes) that occurs almost exclusively in sexually active women. 23 gynecologic What is an ectopic pregnancy? This is a pregnancy that develops outside the uterus, most often in the fallopian tubes. 23 gynecologic What are the common presenting signs of PID? Common signs of this include:
Lower abdominal pain
Abnormal and foul-smelling vaginal discharge
Increased pain with intercourse
General Malaise
Nausea and vomiting
23 gynecologic What is chlamydia? This is a common sexually transmitted disease, affecting an estimated 2.8 million Americans each year. Symptoms include lower abdominal pain, low back pain, nausea, fever, pain during intercourse, and/or bleeding between menstrual periods. 23 disease gynecologic What is bacterial vaginosis? This is one of the most common conditions to afflict women. Symptoms may include itching, burning, or pain. 23 gynecologic What is gonorrhea? This is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Symptoms, which are generally more severe in men than in women, appear in approximately 2 to 10 days after exposure, and include painful urination, burning or itching, yellowish or bloody discharge, and blood associated with vaginal intercourse. 23 gynecologic What should you determine if a female patient has vaginal bleeding? If she has this, determine how many pads she is using per hour. 23 gynecologic How should you intervene if the patient has vaginal bleeding? In this situation, the patient should be treated for hypoperfusion or shock. Keep her warm, place her in a supine position with her legs elevated, and provide her with supplemental oxygen even if she is not experiencing difficulty breathing, then promptly transport. 23 gynecologic What should you remember about external genital injuries? These have a rich nerve supply, making injuries very painful. Treat any external lacerations, abrasions, and tears with moist, sterile compresses, using local pressure to control bleeding and a diaper-type bandage to hold the dressings in place. 23 gynecologic What kind of pain will a patient with PID complain about? "A patient with this kind of PID will complain of abdominal pain. The pain generally starets during or after normal menstruation. The pain may be described as ""achy"" and may be made worse by walking. Other symptoms may include vaginal discharge, fever and chills, and pain or burning on urination." 23 gynecologic What percentage of women are raped in the US? One in three are raped in their lifetimes. 23 gynecologic What percentage of women will be sexually molested in their lifetimes? One in every four will be sexually molested, often before the age of 12. 23 gynecologic What special treatment principles should be applied to patients who have been sexually assaulted? In addition to the usual treatment principles, in this situation you should also:
1). Document the patient's history, assessment, treatment, and response to treatment in detail because you may have to appear in court as long as 2 or 3 years later. Do not speculate. Record only the facts.
2) Make airway maintenance a major priority.
3) Complete the SAMPLE history objectively.
4) Follow any crime scene policy established by your system to protect the scene and any potential evidence for police, particularly that for evidence collection. If the patient will tolerate being wrapped in a sterile burn sheet, this may help investigators to find any hair, fluid, or fiber from the alleged offender.
5) Do not examine the genitalia unless there is major bleeding. If an object has been inserted into the vagina or rectum, do not attempt to remove it.
6) To reduce the patient's anxiety, make sure the EMT is the same sex as the patient, whenever possible.
7) Discourage the patient from bathing, voiding, or cleaning any wounds until the hospital staff has completed an assessment. Handle the patient's clothes as little as possible, placing articles and any other evidence in paper bags. If the patient insists on urinating, ask the patient to do so in a sterile urine container (if available). Also, deposit the toilet paper in a paper bag. Seal and mark the bag for the police. This can be critical evidence.
23 gynecologic What can cause a psychological or behavioral crisis? These can be the result of the emergency situation, mental illness, mind-alternating substances, stress, or many other causes. 22 causes emergencies psychiatric What is the code for a psychiatric emergency? This is referred to as a section 12. 22 emergencies psychiatric terminology What is behavior? This is what you can see of a person's response to the environment: his or her actions. 22 definition emergencies psychiatric What is a behavioral crisis? This is any reaction to events that interferes with the activities of daily living or has become unacceptable to the patient, family, or community. 22 definition emergencies psychiatric How long a period does an abnormal or disturbing pattern last before it is regarded as a matter of concern from a mental health standpoint? This is regarded as a matter of concern from a mental health standpoint if it lasts for at least a month. 22 emergencies psychiatric What is chronic depression? This is a persistent feeling of sadness and despair, and may be a symptom of a mental or physical disorder. 22 definition emergencies psychiatric What is a psychiatric emergency? This is an emergency in which abnormal behavior threatens a person's own health and safety or the health and safety of another person, for example when a person becomes suicidal, homicidal, or has a psychotic episode. 22 definition emergencies psychiatric What is a psychiatric disorder? This is an illness with psychological or behavioral symptoms that may result in impaired functioning. 22 definition emergencies psychiatric According to the National Institute of Mental Health, however many Americans have some type of psychiatric disorder? According to this institute, one in five Americans has some type of psychaitric disorder. 22 psychiatric statistic What are some underlying causes of psychiatric disorders? Some underlying causes of this include:
social and situational stress such as divorce or death of a loved one,
psychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia,
physical illnesses such as diabetic emergencies,
chemical problems such as alcohol or drug use,
or biologic disturbances such as electrolyte imbalances.
22 causes psychiatric What are the two basic categories of diagnosis that a physician will use for a behavioral crisis or psychiatric emergency? A physician will diagnosis these as either organic (physical) or functional (psychological). 22 emergencies psychiatric What is organic brain syndrome? This is a temporary or permanent dysfunction of the brain caused by a disturbance in the physical or physiologic functioning of the brain tissue. 22 emergencies psychiatric What are some causes of organic brain syndrome? Some causes of this include:
sudden illness
recent trauma to the head
seizure disorders
drug and alcohol intoxication, overdose, or withdrawal
and diseases of the brain, such as Alzheimer disease and meningitis.
22 emergencies psychiatric What is altered mental status? This can arise from a low level of blood glucose, lack of oxygen, inadequate blood flow to the brain, and excessive heat or cold. 22 emergencies psychiatric What is a functional disorder? This is one in which the abnormal operation of an organ cannot be traced to an obvious change in the actual structure or physiology of the organ or organ system. 22 emergencies psychiatric What are some examples of psychiatric disorders? Some examples of this include schizophrenia, anxiety conditions, and depression. 22 emergencies psychiatric What are some safety guidelines for a behavioral crisis or a psychiatric emergency? Safety guidelines for these include:
1) Be prepared to spend extra time
2) Have a definite plan of action
3) Identify yourself calmly
4) Be direct
5) Assess the scene
6) Stay with the patient
7) Encourage purposeful movement (getting dressed, packing for the hospital, etc.)
8) Express interest in the patient's story
9) Do not get too close to the patient
10) Avoid fighting with the patient
11) Be honest and reassuring
12) Do not judge
22 emergencies psychiatric When trying to determine the reason for the patient's behavioral state, what 3 major areas should be considered as possible contributors? 3 major areas to consider as possible contributors to this should be:
1) Is the patient's central nervous system functioning properly?
2) Are hallucinogens or other drugs or alcohol a factor?
3) Are psychogenic circumstances, symptoms, or illness (caused by mental rather than physical factors) involved?
22 emergencies psychiatric In geriatric patients, what should you consider as a possible cause of abnormal behavior? With these patients, you should consider Alzheimer disease as a possible cause of abnormal behavior. 22 emergencies psychiatric When dealing with psychiatric emergencies, what two primary goals does the SAMPLE assessment have? This has two primary goals: recognizing major threats to life and reducing the stress of the situation as much as possible. 22 emergencies psychiatric When assessing a patient in a psychiatric emergency or behavioral crisis, what can be very useful? In this situation, it can be very useful to gather information separately from a relative or caregiver. 22 emergencies psychiatric What is psychosis? This is a state of delusion in which the person is out of touch with reality. 22 emergencies psychiatric What are some of reasons psychotic episodes occur? These occur due to:
The use of mind-altering substances
Intense stress
Delusional disorders
22 emergencies psychiatric What are some symptoms of schizophrenia? Some symptoms of this include delusions, hallucinations, a lack of interest in pleasure, and erratic speech. 22 emergencies psychiatric What guidelines should you follow when dealing with a psychotic patient? When dealing with these patients, you should
Determine if the situation is a danger to yourself or others
Identify yourself clearly
Be calm, direct, and straightforward
Maintain an emotional distance. Do not touch the patient, and do not be overly friendly or effusively reassuring.
Do not argue.
Explain what you would like to do.
Involve people the patient trusts, such as family or friends, to gain patient cooperation.
22 emergencies psychiatric When the patient has risk factors associated with suicide, what warning signs should you be alert to? When dealing with these patients, be alert for the following warning signs:
Does the patient have an air of tearfulness, sadness, deep despair, or hopelessness?
Does the patient avoid eye contact, speak slowly or haltingly, and give off a sense of vacancy?
Does the patient seem unable to talk about the future?
Is there any suggestion of suicide?
Does the patient have any specific plans relating to death?
22 emergencies psychiatric What percentage of successful suicides are preceded by at least one attempt? About 80% of these were preceded by at least one attempt. 22 emergencies psychiatric What group is particularly at risk of suicide? Men who are older than 55 and are single, widowed, divorced, alcoholic, or depressed, have an especially high risk and are very often successful if they make an attempt. 22 emergencies psychiatric What is agitated delirium? This is a condition of impairment in cognitive function that can present with disorientation, hallucinations, or delusions combined with restlessness or irregular physical activity. 22 emergencies psychiatric What are some common physical symptoms of agitated delirium? Common physical symptoms include hypertension, tachycardia, diaphoresis, and dilated pupils. 22 emergencies psychiatric What does a section 35 code mean? This is code for an under-the-influence situation. 22 emergencies psychiatric Should you err on the side of treatment or refusal when dealing with patients who deny treatment? In this situation, err on the side of treatment and transport. It is far easier to defend yourself against charges of battery than it is to justify abandonment. 22 emergencies psychiatric What should you ALWAYS do before restraining a patient? Before doing this, you should ALWAYS consult medical control and contact law enforcement. 22 emergencies psychiatric How many people should be present to carry out the restraint? At least four people should be present. 22 emergencies psychiatric What percentage of violent attacks does depression account for? This accounts for 20% of violent attacks. 22 emergencies psychiatric In the late 1700s, what was one of the most advanced professional emergency medical patient care systems in the world? In the late 1700s, Napoleon Bonaparte had one of the world's most advanced system of this in the world. 37 history statistic transport When did American hospitals initiate their own professional ambulance services? These began initiating their own professional ambulance services during the late 1860s. 37 ambulance history transport vehicle What is an ambulance? This is a vehicle that is used for treating and transporting patients who need emergency medical care to a hospital. 37 ambulance definition transport When was the first motor-powered ambulance introduced? This was first introduced in 1906. 37 ambulance history transport vehicle What are first responder vehicles? These are vehicles whuch respond initially to the scene with personnel and equipment to treat the sick and injured until an amublance can arrive. 37 definition transport vehicle According to the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences, what features must a modern ambulance have? According to this organization, such a vehicle has the following features:
A driver's compartment
A patient compartment that can accommodate two EMTs and two supine patients (one on the strecher, one on the bench) positioned so that at least one the patients can receive CPR during transport.
Equipment and supplies to provide emergency medical care at the scene and during transport, to safeguard personnel and patients from hazardous conditions, and to carry out light extrication procedures.
Two-way radio communication so that ambulance personnel can speak with the dispatcher, the hospital, public safety authorities, and online medical control.
Design and construction that ensure maximum safety and comfort.
37 ambulance equipment government legal transport vehicle What is a type I ambulance design? This is a conventional, truck cab-chassis with a modular ambulance body that can be transferred to a newer chassis as needed. 37 ambulance definition transport What is a type II ambulance design? This is a standard van, forward-control integral cab-body ambulance. 37 ambulance definition transport What is a type III ambulance design? This is a specialty van, forward-control integral cab-body ambulance. 37 ambulance definition transport How do you identify vehicles as ambulances? These are identified by the six-pointed Star of Life emblem. 37 ambulance equipment transport vehicle What are the nine phases of an ambulance call? The nine phases of this are:
1) preparation
2) dispatch
3) en route
4) arrival at scene
5) transfer to patient to ambulance
6) en route to receiving facility (transport)
7) delivery (at the receiving facility)
8) en route to station
9) postrun
37 ambulance list transport vehicle What is an important part of the preparation phase? An important part of this phase is making sure that equipment and supplies are in their proper places. 37 sequential transport What is a general rule regarding equipment? As a general rule, the more complex one of these is and the harder it is to use, the more likely it is to malfunction during an emergency. 37 equipment transport When should new equipment be placed on an ambulance? This should only be placed on an ambulance after proper instruction on its use and consulting with the medical director. 37 ambulance equipment safety transport How should equipment be stored in the ambulance? This should be stored here according to how urgently and how often they are used. 37 ambulance equipment transport What are the kinds of supplies typically carried in an ambulance? These kinds are:
1) Basic supplies
2) Airway and ventilation equipment
3) Basic Wound Care Supplies
4) Splinting Supplies
5) Childbirth Supplies
6) Automated External Defibrillator
7) Patient Transfer Equipment
8) Medications and Other Supplies
37 ambulance equipment list transport vehicle What are some basic supplies found in ambulances? These include: disposable gloves and sharps, sterile sheets, blankets and towels, disposable emesis bags or basins, boxes of disposable tissue, bedpans and urinals, blood pressure cuffs, stethoscopes, disposable drinking cups, unbreakable container of water, wet wipes, cold/hot packs, sterile irrigation fluid, restraining devices, plastic bags for waste, and sets of hearing protectors. 37 ambulance equipment list transport vehicle What are some airway and ventilation equipment found in an ambulance? Some of these include:
Oropharyngeal airways for adults, children, and infants
Nasopharyngeal airways for adults and children
Two sets of advanced airway procedure equipment (one in the ambulance and one in the jump kit) as regulated by state and local regulations
Bag-mask devices capable of oxygen enrichment are able to supply 100% oxygen
A portable and mounted suctioning unit
37 ambulance equipment list transport vehicle How powerful must the suctioning units found in an ambulance be? These must be powerful enough to generate a vacuum of 300 mm Hg when the tube is clamped. 37 ambulance equipment transport value vehicle What the minimum capacity required for the portable oxygen supply unit in an ambulance? This should have a minimum of 500 L of oxygen and be able to deliver oxygen at a variable rate between 1 and 15 L/min (NB: at least one extra canister should be kept onboard as well). 37 ambulance equipment transport value vehicle What's the minimum capacity required for the mounted oxygen unit in the ambulance? This should have a capacity of 3,000 L. 37 ambulance equipment transport value vehicle Which ambulance services should have a disposable, single-use humidifier for the mounted oxygen system? Ambulance services that often transport patients on runs lasting longer than 1 hour should have one of these. 37 ambulance equipment transport value vehicle What is a CPR board? This provides a firm surface under the patient's torso so that you can give effective chest compressions, as well as establishing an appropriate degree of head tilt. 37 equipment resuscitation What should you use if you don't have a CPR board? "If you don't have one of these, you can place a long or short backboard under the patient on the strecher, and use a tightly rolled sheet or towel to raise the patient's shoulders 3"" to 4"", as this will keep the patient's head in a position of maximum backward tilt." 37 equipment resuscitation transport What are some basic wound care supplies carried in all ambulances? These include:
trauma shears
sterile sheets
sterile burn sheets
adhesive tape in several widths
self-adhering, soft roller bandages
Sterile dressings
abdominal or laparotomy pads
sterile universal trauma dressings
sterile, occlusive, nonadherent dressings
adhesive bandages
a tourniquet
(sometimes) an adult-size pneumatic antishock garment
37 ambulance equipment list transport vehicle What are some splinting supplies found in an ambulance? These include:
an adult-size traction splint
a child-size traction splint
arm and leg splints
triangular bandages
roller bandages
short backboard device
long backboard
head immobilization devices
cervical collars in adjustable sizes
37 ambulance equipment list transport vehicle What is found inside an emergency obstetric kit? These kits include:
a pair of sugical scissors, hemostats or special cord clamps, umbilical tape or sterilized cord
a small rubber bulb syringe
gauze sponges
pairs of sterile gloves
sanitary napkins
a plastic bag
baby stocking cap
baby blanket
37 equipment obstetrics transport When was the first prehospital use of a defibrillator? This was first used in the late 1970s in New York City, by Doctor William Grace. 37 history transport vehicle What kind of patient transfer equipment can be found in all ambulances? These include:
A primary wheeled ambulance strecher
A wheeled stair chair for use in narrow spaces
A long backboard
A short backboard or short immobilization device
A scoop stretcher
A folding stretcher
A basket stretcher
37 ambulance carrying equipment transport vehicle What is a jump kit? This contains anything you might need in the first 5 minutes with the patient except for the semiautomated external defibrillator and oxygen cylinder. 37 definition equipment transport What kind of equipment can be found in a jump kit? "These include:
Disposable gloves
Triangular bandages
trauma shears
adhesive tape in various widths
universal trauma dressings
self-adhering soft roller bandages, 4""x 5 yd and 2"" x 5 yd
Oropharyngeal airways in adult, child, and infant sizes
Bag-mask device with masks for adults, children, and infants
Blood pressure cuff
sterile gauze dressings, 4"" x 4""
sterile dressings, 6"" x 9"" or 8"" x 10""
adhesive strips
oral glucose
activated charcoal
" 37 equipment list transport vehicle What kind of personal safety equipment should an ambulance have at all times? These include:
Face shields
gowns, shoe covers, caps
turnout gear
helmets with face shields or safety goggles
safety shoes or boots
37 ambulance equipment list PPE transport vehicle What kind of equipment for work areas should an ambulance have at all times? These include:
Warning devices that flash or have reflectors
Two high-intensity halogen 20,000 candlepower flashlights
fire extinguisher, type BC, dry powder, 5-lb minimum
hard hats or helmets with faceshields or safety goggles
portalbe floodlights
37 ambulance equipment list transport vehicle What are some kinds of extrication equipment every ambulance should have onboard? "These include:
A 12 inch adjustable wrench
A 12 standard square bar screwdriver
An 8 Phillips head #2 screwdriver
Hacksaw with 12"" wire blades
10"" vise-grip pliers
5-lb hammer with 15"" handle
24"" fire ax
24"" wrecking bar
51"" crowbar, pitch point
Bolt cutter with 1"" to 1 1/4 jaw opening
Folding shovel with pointed blade
Tin snips, double action, 8"" minimum
Gauntlets, reinforced
Rescue blankets
Ropes, 5,400 lb tensile strength in 50' length
Mastic knife
Spring-load center punch
Roll of duct tape
Pruning saw
Heavy-duty 2"" x 4"" and 4"" x 4"" shoring blocks
" 37 ambulance equipment extrication list transport vehicle What should you check during an ambulance inspection? During this, the following should be checked:
Fuel level
Oil level
Transmission fluid level
Engine cooling system and fluid levels
Brake fluid
Engine belts
Wheels and tires, including spares
All interior and exterior lights
Windshield wipers and fluid
Air conditioners and heaters
Ventilating system
Communication systems
All windows and mirrors.
37 ambulance safety sequential transport How should portable oxygen tanks always be secured? These should always be secured by fixed clasps or housings. Never attempt to secure a tank to the stretcher or bench, unless using a commercially manufactured device specifically designed for such purpose. 37 equipment safety transport vehicle What is the minimum information gathered by the dispatcher during the dispatch phase of a call? The dispatcher will gather in the following information during this phase:
The nature of the call
The name, present location, and call-back telephone number
The location(s) of the patient(s)
The number of patients and some idea of the severity of their conditions
Any other special problems or pertinent information
37 communications list transport vehicle What can you report to dispatch after you arrive on scene and perform a scene size up first? In this situation, you should provide dispatch with your information, which will help them decide if en route units should continue to the scene. 37 communications safety transport What should you do if you are the first EMT at the scene of a mass-casualty incident? If this occurs, quickly estimate the number of patients, and communicate with the incident commander. 37 communications role safety transport treatment triage Where and how should you park the ambulance? You should park this about 100 feet past the scene on the same side of the road, in a location that will not hamper leaving the scene. Parking before the scene creates a barrier between you and oncoming traffic, and may also be a good idea. It is best to park uphill and upwind of the scene if smoke or hazardous materials are present. Always leave your warning lights or devices on. 37 ambulance safety transport value vehicle When should you concern yourself with restoring the flow of traffic? You should only concern yourself with this when all patients have been treated and the emergency situation is under control. 37 emergencies safety transport vehicle How do you properly secure a patient in the ambulance so the are not injured by sudden deceleration? To prevent this, use deceleration or stopping straps over the shoulders. 37 ambulance care equipment safety transport vehicle When you are ready to leave the scene with the patient (transport phase), what info should you report to dispatch? At this point, report the number of patients, the name of the receiving hospital, and the beginning mileage of the ambulance.
Then report online medical control about your patient(s) and the nature of the problem(s).
37 ambulance communications transport What is an important thing to remember during the transport phase? During this phase, it is important to not abandon the patient emotionally. 37 care sequential transport What are the steps to follow to transfer the patient to the receiving hospital (delivery phase)? During this phase, follow these steps:
1) Report your arrival to the triage nurse or other arrival personnel.
2) Physically transfer the patient from the stretcher to the bed directed for your patient.
3) Present a complete verbal report at the bedside to the nurse or physician who is taking over the patient's care.
4) Complete a detailed written report, obtain the required signatures, and leave a copy with an appropriate staff member.
37 list transport What do you need to inform dispatch about once you leave the hospital (en route to station phase)? During this phase, you need to inform dispatch as to whether you are in service and where you are going. 37 communications safety transport What should you do as soon as you are back at the station? At this time, you should:
1) Clean and disinfect the ambulance and any equipment that was used, if you did not do so before leaving the hospital.
2) Restock any supplies you did not get at the hospital.
37 ambulance disease PPE safety sequential transport What should you do during the postrun phase? During this phase, you should complete and file any additional written reports. You are also responsible at this time for maintaining the ambulance so that it is safe and available on a moment's notice. 37 ambulance sequential transport What is cleaning? This is the process of removing dirt, dust, blood, or other visible contaminants from a surface or equipment. 37 definition disease PPE safety transport What is disinfection? This is the killing of pathogenic agents by directly applying a chemical made for that purpose to a surface or equipment. 37 definition disease PPE safety transport What is high-level disinfection? This is the killing of pathogenic agents by the use of potent means of disinfection. 37 definition disease PPE safety transport What is sterilization? This is a process, such as the use of heat, that removes all microbial contamination. 37 definition equipment safety transport What basic steps should you follow after every call? After this, do the following:
1) Strip used linens from the stretcher immediately after use, and place them in a plastic bag or in the designated receptacle in the emergency department.
2) In an appropriate receptable, discard all disposable equipment used for care of the patient that meets your state's definition of medical waste.
3) Wash contaminated areas with soap and water.
4) Disinfect all nondisposable equipment used in the care of the patient.
5) Clean the stretcher with an EPA-registered germicidal/virucidal solution or bleach and water at 1:100 dilution.
6) If any spillage or other contamination occurred in the ambulance, clean it with the same solution.
7) Create a schedule for routine full cleaning of the ambulance.
8) Have a written policy/procedure for cleaning each piece of equipment.

37 ambulance disease list PPE safety transport How many ambulances are involved in crashes each year in the US? More than 6,000 of these are involved in crashes each year in the US. 37 ambulance safety statistic transport vehicle How many fatal ambulance accidents occurred between 1991 and 2001 according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention? In this time period, there were 300 fatal abulance accidents with 275 pedestrians and motorists killed. 82 fatalities were onboard the ambulance, of which 27 were EMS personnel. 37 ambulance safety statistic transport vehicle What is the first rule in ambulance driving? This rule is: Speed does not save lives; good care does. 37 ambulance definition safety transport vehicle Studies show that what percentage of EMTs wear seatbelts in the ambulance? Studies show that fewer than half do this. 37 ambulance equipment safety statistic transport What are some guidelines for safe ambulance driving? Some guidelines for this are as follows:
1) Select the shortest and least congested route to the scene at the time of the dispatch.
2) Avoid routes with heavy traffic congestion; know alternative routes to each hospital during rush hours.
3) Avoid one-way streets; they may become clogged.
4) Watch carefully for bystanders as you approach the scene.
5) Park the ambulance in a safe place once you arrive at the scene. If you park facing into traffic, turn off your headlights so they do not blind oncoming drivers unless needed to illuminate the scene. If the vehicle is blocking part of the road, keep your warning lights on to alert oncoming motorists; otherwise, turn them off.
6) Drive within the speed limit while transporting patients, except in the rare extreme emergency.
7) Go with the flow of the traffic.
8) Always drive defensively.
9) Always maintain a safe following distance. Stay at least 4 seconds behind another vehicle in the same lane.
10) Try to maintain an open space or cushion in the lane next to you as an escape route.
11) Use your siren if you turn on the emergency lights, except when you are on a freeway.
12) Always assume that other drivers will not hear the siren or see your emergency lights.
13) When driving on a multilane highway, you should stay in the extreme left-hand lane.
37 ambulance equipment extrication list transport vehicle How might the PA system make the situation worse when driving? This might make the situation worse because motorists may hesitate or make unexpected moves so that they can hear or follow instructions. 37 equipment safety transport vehicle Where are the 3 blind spots on an ambulance? These 3 are:
1) The mirror itself, which can obstruct the view ahead.
2) The rear; use a spotter when backing up.
3) The side of the vehicle.
37 ambulance list safety transport vehicle What is a cushion of safety? "This is keeping a safe distance (c. 4 ""seconds"") between the ambulance and other vehicles on the road." 37 ambulance definition safety transport vehicle What is something your partner in the rear can do to discourage tailgaters? This person can stay alert for tailgaters in the rear compartment, and can look like they are visibly writing down the license plates of any tailgating cars. 37 safety transport vehicle What is the best way to distance oneself from a tailgater? The best way to handle this situation is to slow down, NOT speed up; the other driver will likely get annoyed and speed past. 37 safety transport vehicle What kind of protection do most states offer emergency vehicles traveling beyond the speed limit in emergencies? Most states offer little or no protection against prosecution in the event of this. 37 emergencies government legal safety transport vehicle What is important to consider regarding type I and III vehicles? It is important to remember these vehicles are wider than they look from behind the steering. 37 safety transport vehicle What factors greatly influence braking and stopping distances? A vehicle's size and weight greatly influence these. 37 transport What should you do if you run into unexpected traffic congestion? In this situation, remember to notify the dispatcher so that other emergency vehicles can select alternative routes. 37 communications emergencies transport vehicle At what speed can hydroplaning occur? "At speeds of greater than 30 mph, this may occur as water ""piles up"" under the tires." 37 ambulance safety transport value vehicle If you are on an emergency call and are using your warning lights and siren, what are you allowed to do? In this situation, you are allowed to do the following:
Park or stand in an otherwise illegal location
Proceed through a red traffic light or stop sign, but never without stopping first
Drive faster than the posted speed limit
Drive against the flow of traffic on a one-way street or make a turn that is normally illegal
Travel left of center to make an otherwise illegal pass
[NB: These exemptions vary by state and local jurisdiction]
37 government legal safety transport vehicle What is an emergency vehicle NEVER allowed to do? "This is NEVER allowed to pass a school bus that has stopped to load or unload children and is displaying its flashing red lights or extended ""stop arm""." 37 government legal safety transport What are the 3 basic principles that govern the use of warning lights and sirens on an ambulance? The 3 basic principles are:
1) The unit must be on a true emergency call to the best of your knowledge.
2) Both audible and visual warning devices must be used simultaneously.
3) The unit must be operated with due regard for the safety of all others, on and off the roadway.
37 ambulance equipment list transport vehicle Why can using a police escort be dangerous? This can be dangerous because when other motorists hear a siren and see a police car passing, they might assume that the police car is the only emergency vehicle and not see the ambulance. This is justified only when you are in unfamiliar terrain and need a guide as much as an escort. 37 ambulance safety transport vehicle When can an emergency vehicle exceed the speed limit in a school zone? An emergency vehicle can NEVER exceed the speed limit in these zones. 37 government legal safety transport vehicle What does MDT stand for? This stands for mobile dispatch terminals. 37 transport What are air ambulances? These are used to evacuate medical and trauma patients. There are two different types: fixed-wing and rotary-winged. 37 aircraft ambulance definition safety transport vehicle When are fixed-winged aircraft used for medievac? These are usually used for interhospital patient transfers over distances greater than 100 to 150 miles. 37 aircraft special transport value vehicle How fast do most helicopters used for emergency medical operations fly? These fly in excess of 100 mph. 37 aircraft transport value vehicle What is a medivac? This is a medical evacuation of a patient, generally performed by helicopters. 37 aircraft definition transport vehicle Why call for a medivac? Do this if:
the transport time to the hospital by ground is too long considering the patients condition.
... ... ...
Road or environmental conditions prohibit the use of a ground ambulance.
The patient requires advanced care that you are unable to provide, such as medication or other specialized procedures.
Multiple other patients will overwhelm the hospital reachable by ground transport.
37 aircraft ambulance communications transport vehicle Who receives a medivac? These should be utilized for patients with time-dependent injuries or illnesses, such as serious spinal injury, strokes, heart attacks, scuba diving accidents, and limb replantation. 37 aircraft emergencies transport vehicle Whom do you call for a medivac? Generally, you call your dispatcher for one of these. You may be able to access the crew on a specially designated radio frequency once it has been initiated. 37 aircraft communications transport vehicle What are the most dangerous phases of air transport? The most dangerous phases of this are take off and landing. 37 safety transport vehicle What is the most dangerous mode of operation for a helicopter? This mode of operation for a helicopter is flying straight up and down. 37 aircraft safety transport vehicle What method of landing allows for safer operations on a helicopter? Taking off at an angle is a safer method for this. 37 aircraft safety transport vehicle When selecting and establishing a landing zone, what guidelines should be considered? In this situation, consider the following:
The area should be a hard or grassy level surface of c. 100' x 100' and no less than 60' x 60'.
The area musts be clear of all loose debris, including trashbins, flares, accident tape, medical equipment and supplies.
Survey the area for overhead or tall hazards such as powerlines, antenna, and tall trees.
Mark the site with weighted cones on positioned emergency vehicles at the corners with headlights facing inward to form an X (Do not use flares)
Move all nonessentials outside of the landing zone.
Advise on wind strength and direction, using a bed sheet secured to a tree or pole as a directional aid (Never tape).
37 aircraft list safety transport vehicle What does it mean when an aircraft is hot? This means the aircraft's blades are spinning. 37 aircraft safety transport vehicle How should you enter the landing zone is you are asked to enter? If you do this, stay away from the tail rotor, and never approach from the rear, even if it is not running. 37 aircraft safety transport vehicle What should you remember about the height of the main rotor blades? On many aircraft, this is flexible and may dip as low as 4' off the ground, with wind sometimes pushing it down as well. 37 aircraft safety transport value vehicle What safety guidelines should you always follow when operating at a landing zone? Always follow these guidelines when operating here:
Do not approach the aircraft unless instructed by flight crew.
Make certain that all patient care equipment is properly secured to the stretcher and that the patient is fastened as well.
Smoking, open lights or flames and flares are prohibited within 50' of the aircraft.
37 aircraft safety transport What should you never do during a night landing? In this situation, do not shine spotlights or flashlights in the air to help the pilot; they may temporarily blind the pilot. 37 aircraft communications equipment safety transport vehicle When an aircraft has landed on uneven ground, how should you approach it? In this situation, approach from the downhill side only. 37 aircraft safety transport vehicle What is the maximum limit on flight elevation for helicopters? This is limited to 10,000' above sea level. 37 aircraft transport value vehicle How much do medivac flights typically cost compared to ambulance transport? These cost in the range of $8,000 to $10,000, in comparison to $400 to $1,000 for ambulance transport. 37 aircraft ambulance statistic transport vehicle How often are EMTs responsible for rescue and extrication? Generally, these are not responsible for rescue and extrication. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle What is some protective gear needed at dangerous scenes? Some examples of this include: turnout gear, helmets, hearing protection, and fire extinguishers. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle What will you often need over your disposable gloves? You should wear a pair of leather gloves over these if you are involved with extrication. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle What happens to bumpers following a front or rear-end collision? "Following this, the shock absorbers within these bumpers may be compressed or ""loaded"". Avoid standing directly in front of these, as the absorbers can release and injure you." 38 extrication rescue special vehicle What are the distances you should generally maintain around non-deployed airbags? "Generally, maintain at least a 5"" clearance around side-impact, 10"" around driver-side, and 20"" around passenger side." 38 extrication rescue special vehicle What is the haze sometimes visible inside vehicles in which air bags have deployed? This is cornstarch or talc used to reduce friction. It may cause a minor skin irritation, so use appropriate protective gear, including eye protection. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle What is extrication?
Removal of a patient from entrapment or a dangerous situation or position, such as removal from a wrecked vehicle, industrial incident, or collapse building
38 carrying definition extrication incident lifting operations rescue safety special transport vehicle What is entrapment?
To be caught (trapped) within a vehicle, room, or container with no way out, or to have a limb or other body part trapped.
38 carrying definition extrication incident lifting operations rescue safety special transport vehicle What are the 10 phases of extrication? The 10 phases of this are:
1) Preparation
2) En route to the scene
3) Arrival and scene size-up
4) Hazard control
5) Support operations
6) Gaining access
7) Emergency care
8) Removal of the patient
9) Transfer of the patient
10) Termination
38 extrication list rescue sequential special vehicle What is one of the most important resonsibilities of scene size-up? One of the most important parts of this is determining what, if any, additional resources will be needed. These may include additional EMS units and personnel, HazMat or utility departments. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle During your initial 360 walk-around of a trauma scene, what should you look for? During this, look for the following:
The mechanism of injury
Downed electrical lines
Leaking fuels or fluid
Smoke or fire
Broken glass
Trapped or ejected patients

Evaluate the need for additional resources such as:
Extrication equipment
Fire suppression
Law enforcement
HazMat units
Utility companies
Advanced life support units
Aeromedical transport
38 extrication rescue special vehicle What is the rescue team responsible for at the crash scene? This is responsible for properly securing and stabilizing the vehicle, providing safe entrance and access to the patients, extricating any patients, ensuring that patients are properly protected during extrication or other rescue activities, and providing adequate room so that patients can be removed properly. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle SCBA Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus 38 abbreviations equipment extrication fire PPE rescue safety special vehicle Should you leave the scene of a fire as soon as the fire it out? In this situation, do not leave the scene even after the fire is out because you may need to treat a fire fighter who has been injured during salvage and overhaul. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle Once you arrive at the scene of a structure fire, what should you do? Once you do this, you should ask the incident commander where the ambulance should be staged; it is essential that the ambulance be parked far enough from the fire to be safe form the fire itself or a collapsing building. 38 ambulance extrication rescue special vehicle What does FAILURE stand for? This stands for:
Failure to understand the environment or underestimating it
Additional medical problems not considered
Inadequate rescue skills
Lack of teamwork or experience
Underestimating the logistics of the incident
Rescue versus recovery mode not considered
Equipment not mastered
38 abbreviations extrication mnemonic rescue special vehicle What is a structure fire? This is a fire in a house, apartment building, office, school, plant, warehouse, or other building. 38 definition extrication rescue special In most areas, when is an ambulance dispatched with the fire department? In most areas, this is dispatched with the fire department apparatus to any structure fire, whether or not injuries are reported. 38 ambulance extrication rescue special vehicle SWAT
Special Weapons And Tactics
38 abbreviations definition extrication rescue safety special teams terminology vehicle tactical situation A hostage, robbery, or other situation in which armed conflict is threatened or shots have been fired and the threat of violence remains. 38 definition extrication rescue safety special vehicle What is the command post? This is the location of the incident commander. 38 39 area definition extrication rescue special Once you arrive at a tactical situation, what should be coordinated between the EMT team and the incident commander? In this situation, the following information should be coordinated:
Specific location information of the incident (including the street address and the side of the street.
A safe location where you can meet SWAT team members should an injury occur, as well as a safe route to this point.
A primary and secondary helicopter landing zone.
The closest hospital, burn center, and trauma center, as well as routes to these.
38 extrication rescue safety special vehicle When arriving at a tactical situation, what should you do? When arriving here, lights and sirens should be turned off when nearing the scene, and outside radio speakers should not be used. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle How deep a trench can medical or rescue personnel enter? At no time should medical or rescue personnel enter one of these deeper than 4' without proper shoring in place. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle How far back should traffic be diverted from a collapse scene? This should be diverted 500' back from the scene. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle How far back should response vehicles be parked back from a cave-in or trench collapse? Response vehicles should be park at least 500' back from the scene of one of these incidents. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle Who is the only person permitted to communicate any news or progress of the search to the family? Only the incident commander should communicate the progress of this situation. 38 extrication rescue role special vehicle As an EMT, what will your role be during a lost person search and rescue? As an EMT, your role during one of these sitautions will be to stand by at the command post until the person or people has been found. 38 extrication rescue role special vehicle How should you treat all downed wires? You should treat all of these as live until you receive specific clearance otherwise. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle technical rescue situation
A rescue that require special technical skills and equipment in one of many specialized rescue areas, such as technical rope rescue, cave rescue, and dive rescue.
38 area definition extrication rescue special vehicle technical rescue group A team of emergency responders from one or more departments in a region who are trained and on call for certain types of technical rescues. 38 definition disaster extrication incident operations rescue role special teams vehicle Who is the incident commander? This is the individual who has over-all command of the scene in the field. 38 extrication rescue role special vehicle What are the specialized skills need by technical rescue teams? Some skills needed by these kinds of teams include:
Cave rescue
Confined space rescue
Cross-field and trail rescue (park rangers)
Dive rescue
Lost person search and rescue
Mine rescue
Mountain, rock, and ice-climbing rescue
Ski slope and cross-country or trail snow rescue (ski patrol)
Structural collapse rescue
Technical rope rescue (low- and high-angle)
Trench rescue
Water and small craft rescue
White-water rescue
38 extrication rescue special vehicle What is termination? This involves returning the emergency units to service. 38 definition extrication rescue special vehicle How should you move a patient? Move this person in a series of smooth, slow, controlled steps, with stops designated between them to allow for the repositioning and adjustment that are needed. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle What are EMS personnel responsible for at extrication scenes? EMS personnel at these scenes are responsible for assessing and providing immediate medical care, triaging and assigning priority to patients, packaging patients, providing additional assessment and care as needed once patients are removed, and providing transport to the emergency department. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle What are law enforcement personnel responsible at an extrication scene? These personnel are responsible for traffic control and direction, maintaining order at the scene, investigating the crash or crime scene, and establishing and maintaining lines so that bystanders are kept at a safe distance and out of the way of rescuers. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle What are fire fighting personnel responsible for at the extrication scene? These personnel are responsible for extinguishing any fires, preventing further ignition, ensuring that the scene is safe, and removing any spilled fuel. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle If power lines are touching or located in proximity to a vehcile involved in a crash, what should you do? In this situation, patient should be instructed to remain in the vehicle until power is removed. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle safe zone An area of protection providing safety from the danger zone (hot zone). 38 39 alias area definition disaster extrication hazmat incident operations rescue special vehicle What is the hot zone? This is an area where individuals can be exposed to electrical hazards such as sharp metal edges, broken glass, toxic substances, lethal rays, or ignition or explosion of hazardous materials. 38 39 definition extrication rescue special vehicle How can vehicles themselves be dangerous to you? These can be a hazard when they are on their side or roof. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle What should you do prior to attempting to gain access to a vehicle involved in a crash? "Prior to doing this, you should ensure that the vehicle is in ""park"" with the parking brake set and the ignition is turned off." 38 extrication rescue special vehicle What should you do to the battery of a car involved in a crash prior to attempting to gain access to it? Prior to this, the battery should be disconnected, negative side first, to minimize the possibility of sparks or fire. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle Where are many batteries for alternative fuel vehicles located? In more than 40% of these vehicles, the batteries are not located in the engine compartment. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle Which kind of batteries have higher amperes? Hybrid car versions of these have higher amperes than traditional. 38 equipment extrication rescue special vehicle What are some examples of support operations? Some examples of these include:
Lighting the scene
Establishing tool and equipment staging areas
Marking helicopter landing zones
38 examples extrication operations rescue special vehicle In a multiple vehicle crash scene, what important step should you do before you proceed with any treatment and patient packaging? Before doing any of this, you should locate and rapidly triage each patient to determine who needs urgent care. 38 extrication rescue special triage vehicle What are some vehicle extrication techniques? Some examples of these techniques include:
Brake and gas pedal displacement
Dash roll-up
Door removal
Roof opening and removal
Seat displacement
Steering column displacement
Steering wheel cutting
38 extrication rescue special vehicle How should you protect yourself and the patient during the removal phase? During this phase, both you and the patient should be covered by a thick, fire-resistant canvas or blanket for protection from broken glass and other hazards. It is also often noisy, so hearing protection is also essential. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle What is disentanglement? This, also called extrication, involves the removal of the patient from a dangerous situation or position. 38 definition extrication rescue special vehicle Who is responsible for the assessment and care of the patient at an extrication scene? The team leader, customarily the senior medical person is responsible for this. 38 extrication rescue role special vehicle What is complex access? This requires the use of special tools, such as hand, pneumatic, and hydraulic devices, and special training that includes breaking windows or other means of forcible entry. 38 definition extrication fire rescue special terminology vehicle Once entrance and access to the patient have been provided, and unless there is an immediate threat of fire, explosion or other danger, what should you do? In this situation at this time, you should perform a primary assessment and provide care before further extrication begins, as follows:
1) Provide manual stabilization
2) Open the airway
3) Provide high-flow oxygen
4) Assist or provide for adequate ventilation
5) Control any significant external bleeding
6) Treat all critical injuries
38 extrication rescue safety special vehicle What is simple access? This is getting to the patient as quickly and simply as possible without using any tools or breaking any glass. 38 definition extrication fire rescue special vehicle What tools should be available for use to gain access to the patient when delayed access could be life-threatening and the rescue team has not arrived? In this situation, simple hand tools, such as hammers, center punches, pry bars, and hacksaws should be available on the ambulance. 38 ambulance extrication rescue special trauma vehicle What should you always do with the patient during extrication? During this, remember to always talk to the patient and describe what you are going to do before you do it and as you are doing it, even if you think the patient is unconscious. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle In what common position is CPR NOT effective? This is not effective when the patient is in a sitting position or lying on the soft seat of a vehicle. You may have to use the rapid extrication technique to move the patient. 38 extrication rescue special vehicle What is a seizure? This is a temporary alteration in consciousness. 17 definition neurologic What is a generalized seizure? This is typically characterized by unconsciousness and a generalized severe twitching of all of the body's muscles that lasts several minutes or more. It results from abnormal discharges from large areas of the brain, usually involving both hemispheres. 17 definition neurologic What is an absence seizure?  This is characterized by a brief lapse of consciousness in which the patient seems to stare and not to respond to anyone. It was formerly called a petit mal. 17 definition neurologic What is a partial seizure? This begins in one part of the brain and is classified as simple or complex. 17 definition neurologic What is a simple partial seizure? In this, there is no change in the patient's level of consciousness. Patients may complain of numbness, weakness, or dizziness. They may report visual changes and unusual smells or tastes. Twitching of extremities and brief paralysis are also possible. 17 definition neurologic What is a complex partial seizure? In this, the patient has an AMS. This results from abnormal discharges from the temporal lobe of the brain. Other characteristics may be lip smacking, eye blinking, isolated convulsions. Unpleasant smells, visual halluncinations, uncontrollable fear, repetitive physical behavior are also possible. 17 definition neurologic What is an aura? This is something a patient may experience prior to an seizure as a warning. 17 definition neurologic What is a tonic phase? This may occur right before a seizure, usually lasting only a few seconds, and involves constant muscle contraction and trembling, tongue biting, and bladder and/or bowel incontinence. 17 definition neurologic vocab How long do most seizures last? These usually last 3 to five minutes. 17 neurologic What is a postictal state? This is a lengthy period (5 to 30 minutes) immediately following a seizure. The patient gradually regains consciousness, and the state is over when the patient regains a complete return of his or her normal level of consciousness. 17 definition neurologic What is status epilepticus? This condition is when seizures continue every few minutes without the person regaining consciousness or last longer than 30 minutes. 17 definition neurologic What are some causes of seizures? These include high fever, structural problems in the brain, or metabolic or chemical problems in the body. 17 causes neurologic What are some medications for controlling seizures? Some examples of these medications are phenytoin (Dilantin), phenobarbital, or carbamazepine (Tegretol). 17 neurologic What is a cause of epileptic seizures? One cause of these is congenital. 17 causes definition neurologic What are some causes of structural seizures? Some causes of these include: Tumors, infections, scar tissue from injury, head trauma, and strokes. 17 causes definition neurologic What are some causes of metabolic seizures? Some causes of these include: Hypoxia, abnormal blood chemical values, hypoglycemia, poisoning, drug overdose, and sudden withdrawal from alcohol or medications. 17 causes definition neurologic What is a cause of febrile seizures? This is caused by a sudden high fever. They are generally well tolerated by children, but transport to a hospital is necessary. 17 causes definition neurologic What is a result of the constant muscle contraction during a seizure? A result of this is that the muscles use a lot of oxygen. There is therefore a buildup of acids in the bloodstream, and the patient may turn cyanotic from lack of oxygen. 17 neurologic What might a seizure cause in a diabetic patient? In these kinds of patients, the blood glucose value may drop because of excessive muscular contraction of a seizure. 17 causes neurologic What is one clue that an unconscious or confused patient may have had a seizure? One clue that an unconscious or confused patient may have had one of these is to find that they were incontinent. 17 neurologic What happens during the postictal state? During this state, muscles become flaccid, breathing becomes labored in an attempt to compensate for the buildup of acids in the bloodstream. 17 neurologic What is hemiparesis? This is weakness on one side of the body, resembling a stroke. 17 definition neurologic What is one way to differentiate between a patient who has had a stroke, and a hypoglycemic patient? One way to differentiate between these two kinds of patients is:
A patient who has had a stroke may be alert and attempting to communicate normally, whereas a patient with hypoglycemia almost always has an altered or decreased level of consciousness.
17 neurologic When should you especially consider hypoglycemia in a patient who has had a seizure? You should especially consider this in the seizure patient if they have a history of diabetes. 17 neurologic Is AMS a symptom or a disease? Remember this is a symptom, not a disease. 17 definition neurologic symptoms What are the Tips of the Vowels (for reviewing possible causes of AMS)? T Trauma
I Infection
P Psychogenic causes
S Seizure / Syncope

A Alcohol
E Electrolytes
I Insulin
O Opiates
U Uremia (Toxic condition from kidney disease)
17 neurologic What is the optimal treatment window for stroke victims? The optimal treatment for this kind of patient is 3 hours. 17 neurologic "Why is it important to recognize a patient as a ""stroke alert"" and warn the hospital staff ASAP?" This is important because most hospitals do not have CT technicians available 24 hours a day. 17 neurologic In the Glasgow coma scale, what are the 4 levels of eye opening? They are:
4 Spontaneous
3 In reponse to speech
2 In reponse to pain
1 None
17 neurologic In the Glasgow coma scale, what are the 4 levels of verbal response? 5 Oriented conversation
4 Confused conversation
3 Inappropriate words
2 Incomprehensible sounds
1 None
17 neurologic In the Glasgow coma scale, what are the 4 levels of motor response? 6 Obeys commands
5 Localizes pain
4 Withdraws to pain
3 Abnormal flexion
2 Abnormal extension
1 None
17 neurologic In the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale, what are the normal and abnormal results of the facial droop test (ask patient to show teeth or smile)? Normal: Both sides of face move easily well.

Abnormal: One side of the face does not move as well as other.
17 neurologic In the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale, what are the normal and abnormal results of the arm drift test (ask patient to close eyes and hold both arms out with palms up)? Normal: Both arms move the same, or both arms do not move.

Abnormal: One arm does not move, or one arm drifts down compared with the other side.
17 neurologic "In the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale, what are the normal and abnormal results of the speech test (ask patient to say ""the sky is blue in Cincinnati)?" Normal: Patient uses correct words with no slurring.

Abnormal: Patient slurs words, uses inappropriate words, or is unable to speak.
17 neurologic According to the American Heart Association, how many Americans died of cardiovascular disease in 2017? 868,662 Americans died of this disease in 2017. 16 cardiovascular statistic What percentage of deaths in America is caused by cardiovascular disease? 35.5% of all deaths in America is caused by this. 16 cardiovascular statistic What divides the heart down the middle? It is divided by a wall called the septum. 16 cardiovascular definition What is the atrium? This is the upper chamber of the heart that receives incoming blood. 16 anatomy cardiovascular definition What is the ventricle? This is the lower chamber of the heart, and pumps out the outgoing blood. 16 anatomy cardiovascular definition What is the aorta? This is the body's main artery, and it receives the blood ejected from the left ventricle and delivers it to all the other arteries. 16 anatomy cardiovascular definition What does the right side of the heart do? This side of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from the veins of the body, through the vena cava. After contraction of the ventricle on this side, blood flows into the pulmonary artery where the blood is oxygenated. 16 anatomy cardiovascular definition How does the oxygenated blood return to the heart? This returns to the heart through the pulmonary veins to the left side of the heart. 16 cardiovascular What is automaticity? This is a special characteristic foubd in cardiac muscle cells. It allows a cardiac muscle cell to contract spontaneously without stimulus from a nerve-source. 16 cardiovascular definition What is the autonomic nervous system? This is the part of the brain that controls the functions of the body that do not require conscious thought, such as the heartbeat, respirations, dilation and constriction of blood vessels, and digestion of food. It has two parts: The sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. 16 cardiovascular definition What does the sympathetic nervous system do? This speeds up the heart rate, increases respiratory rate and depth, dilates blood vessels in the muscle, and constricts blood vessels in the digestive system. 16 cardiovascular definition What is the mycardium? This is heart muscle, and must have a continuous supple of oxygen and nutrients. 16 cardiovascular definition What is stroke volume? This is the volume of blood ejected with each ventricular contraction. 16 cardiovascular definition What are coronary arteries? These are blood vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle. 16 cardiovascular What is occlusion? This is another term for blockage. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies What is lumen? This is the inside diameter of the artery. It narrows as a person ages. 16 cardiovascular definition Where can the posterior tibial pulse be felt? This can be felt on the inside of the ankle. 16 cardiovascular pulse vitals Where can the dorsalis pedis pulse be felt? This can be felt at the top of the foot. 16 anatomy assessment cardiovascular pulse vitals Where can the brachial pulse be felt? This can be felt on the inside of the upper arm. 16 cardiovascular pulse vitals What is a thromboembolism? This is a blood clot that is floating through blood vessels until it reaches an area too narrow for it to pass. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies What is an acute myocardial infarction (AMI)? This is a blockage that occurs in a coronary artery, and is also known as a heart attack. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies What is cardiac arrest? This is the complete stopage of the heart, caused by infarction, or death of heart tissue. It is determined by the absence of a palpable pulse at the carotid artery. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies What is acute coronary syndrome (ACS)? This describes a group of symptoms caused by myocardial ischemia, or a decrease blood flow to the heart, which leads to chest pain. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies What is angina pectoris? This is when, for a brief time, heart tissues are not getting enough oxygen. It is often a symptom of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies Why is fast action so critical in treating an A.M.I. (A.K.A. a heart attack)? Fast action is critical in treating this because once dead, heart muscle tissue cannot be revived. Instead, they turn into scar tissue and become a burden to the beating heart. 16 cardiovascular emergencies What is the timeline for an AMI? During this, 30 minutes after blood flow is cut off, some cells begin to die. After 2 hours, as many as half. After 4-6, more than 90%. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies What are the signs and symptoms of AMI? Signs and symptoms of this include:
Sudden onset fo weakness, nausea, and sweating without an obvious cause.
Chest pain, discomfort, or pressure that is often crushing or squeezing and that does not change with each breath.
Pain, discomfort, or pressure in the lower jaw, arms, back, abdomen, or neck.
Irregular heartbeat and syncope.
Shortness of breath, or dyspnea
Pink, frothy sputum
Sudden death
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies signs symptoms How is the pain of an AMI different from the pain of angina? It is different from angina in three ways:
It can occur during exercise OR when a person is sitting quietly or even sleeping.
It does not resolve in a few minutes; rather, it can last between 30 minutes and several hours.
It may or may not be relieved by rest or nitroglycerin.
16 cardiovascular emergencies What are the physical findings of AMI? These are:
Nausea, vomiting, sweating, pale skin, possible cyanosis, irregular or even a slowing of the pulse, bradycardia if the inferior portion of the heart has been damaged, difficulty breathing, and an impending sense of doom.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies What is an arrhythmia? This is an abnormality of heart rhythm, whereby the heart is using up energy without pumping any blood. It is also known as ventricular fibrillation. 16 cardiovascular definition signs symptoms What is tachycardia? This is rapid beating of the heart, 100 BPM or higher. 16 cardiovascular definition signs symptoms What is bradycardia? This is unusually slow beating of the heart, 60 BPM or less. 16 cardiovascular definition signs symptoms What is ventricular tachycardia? This occurs when electrical activity starts in the ventricle instead of the atrium, causing a rapid heart rate of 150-200 BPM. Blood pressure falls, pulse drops, and may deteriorate into ventricular defibrillation. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies What is congestive heart failure
This is when the ventricular heart muscle is so damaged that it can no longer keep up with the return flow of blood from the atria. Blood backs up in the pulmonary veins, increasing pressure in the capillaries of the lungs and forcing water into the alveoli, causing pulmonary edema. 15 cardiovascular definition emergencies What is dependent edema? This is the collection of fluid in the part of the body that is closest to the ground. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies What is a hypertensive emergency? This is when the systolic pressure is greater than 160 mm Hg. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies What is an aortic aneurysm? This is a weakness in the wall of the aorta, making it susceptible to rupture. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies What is a dissecting aneurysm? This occurs when the inner layers of the aorta become separated, allowing blood to flow between the layers. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies What is special consideration for atheltic patients? These patients tend to have slower heart rates at rest. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies What is the difference between AMI and dissecting aneurysm regarding the onset of pain? The difference between the two is:
AMI: Gradual, with additional symptoms.
Dissecting Aneurysm: Abrupt, without additional sympoms.
16 cardiovascular emergencies What is the difference between AMI and dissecting aneurysm regarding the quality of pain? The difference is:
AMI: Tightness or pressure
Dissecting aneurysm: Sharp or Tearing
16 cardiovascular emergencies What is the difference between AMI and dissecting aneurysm regarding the severity of pain? The difference is:
AMI: Increases with time
Dissecting aneurysm: Maximal from the outset
16 cardiovascular emergencies What is the difference between AMI and dissecting aneurysm regarding the timing of pain? The difference is:
AMI: May wax and wane
Dissecting Aneurysm: Does not abate once it has started
16 cardiovascular emergencies What is the difference between AMI and dissecting aneurysm regarding the region/radiation of pain? The difference is:
AMI: Substernal; back rarely involved
Dissecting Aneurysm: Back possibly involved, between the shoulder blades
16 cardiovascular emergencies What is the difference between AMI and dissecting aneurysm regarding clinical signs? The difference is:
AMI: Peripheral pulses equal
Dissecting Aneurysm: Blood pressure discrepancy between arms or decrease in femoral or carotid pulse.
16 cardiovascular emergencies What is dyspnea? Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 09 10 13 15 breathing definition emergencies respiratory signs symptoms What structures make up the upper airway? This consists of the nose, mouth, jaw, oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx. 10 airway anatomy breathing definition respiratory What is carbon dioxide retention? This is the failure of the respiratory center in the brain to respond normally to a rise in arterial levels of carbon dioxide. 15 breathing definition emergencies respiratory What is the normal breathing rate of an adult patient? This is 12-20 BPM. 15 emergencies respiratory What are the signs and symptoms of asthma? Signs and symptoms of this include:
Wheezing on inspiration / expiration
15 definition emergencies respiratory signs symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis? Signs and symptoms include:
Flushed skin or hives
Generalized edema
Decreased blood pressure
Laryngeal edema with dyspnea
15 definition emergencies respiratory signs symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of bronchitis? Signs and symptoms include:
Chronic cough
Productive cough
15 definition emergencies respiratory signs symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure? Signs and symptoms include:
Dependent edema
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
15 emergencies respiratory signs symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of croup? Signs and symptoms include:
Barking cough
Mostly seen in pediatric patients
15 emergencies respiratory signs symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of emphysema? Signs and symptoms include:
Barrel chest
Pursed lip breathing
Dyspnea on exertion
15 emergencies respiratory signs symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of pneumonia? Signs and symptoms include:
Chills, fever
Dark sputum
15 breathing emergencies respiratory signs symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of pneumothorax? Signs and symptoms include:
Sudden chest pain with dyspnea
Decreased lung sounds/affected side
15 emergencies respiratory signs symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism? Signs and symptoms include:
Sharp, pinpoint pain
Sudden onset
After childbirth or surgery
15 definition emergencies respiratory signs symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of tension pneumothorax? Signs and symptoms include:
Progressive shortness of breath
Increasing altered level of consciousness
Neck vein distention
Tracheal deviation
15 definition emergencies respiratory signs symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of pertussis? "Signs and symptoms include:
Coughing spells
""Whooping"" sound
Mostly seen in pediatric patients
" 15 definition emergencies respiratory signs symptoms As you treat patients with disorders of the lungs, what situations should you be aware of? While treating these kinds of patients, be aware of these situations:
Gas exchange between alveoli and pulmonary circulation is obstructed by fluid in the lung, infection, or collapsed alveoli (atelectasis)
The alveoli are damaged and cannot transport gases properly across their own walls
The air passages are obstructed by muscle spasm, mucus, or weakened floppy airway walls
Blood flow to the lungs is obstructed by blood clots
The pleural space is filled with air or excess fluid, so the lungs cannot properly expand
15 definition emergencies respiratory What is atelectasis? This is the collapse of the alveolar space in the lungs. 15 breathing definition emergencies respiratory What are the characteristics of bronchitis? Characteristics of this are:
An acute or chronic inflammation of the air passages (bronchi and bronchioles) often due to infection, usually associated with productive cough, and usually presents without fever
Accumulation of fluid within the air passages, as well as swelling of the walls, resticts air flow and may lead to signs of asthma such as wheezing. It is often associated with rhonchi. Crackles are not usually present unless pneumonia has developed.
The breathing pattern in bronchitis does not indicate major airway obstruction, but the patient may experience tachypnea, an increase in the breathing rate, which is an attempt to compensate for the reduced amount of normal lung tissue and for the buildup of fluid.
15 definition emergencies respiratory What is the pathophysiology of the common cold?
A viral infection usually associated with swollen nasal mucous membranes and the production of fluid from the sinuses and nose.
15 emergencies respiratory What are the characteristics of TB? Characteristics of this are:
A disease that can lay dormant in a person's lungs for decades, then reactivate.
Dangerous because many TB strains are resistant to many antibiotics.
Spread by cough. Droplet nuclei can remain intact for decades.
Use a high-efficiency air particulate, or HEPA, respirator.
15 definition emergencies respiratory What are the characteristics of diphtheria? Characteristics of this are:
Highly contagious and serious when it occurs
The formation of diphtheritic membrane lining the pharynx that is composed of debris, inflammatory cells, and mucus. This membrane can rapidly and severely obstruct the passage of air into the larynx.
15 definition emergencies respiratory What are the characteristics of epiglottitis? Characteristics of this are:
An inflammation of the epiglottis due to bacterial infection that can produce severe swelling of the flap over the larynx.
Can swell to two or three times its normal size, especially in young children.
The airway may become almost completely obstructed, sometimes quite suddenly.
Stridor (harsh, high-pitched, continued rough, barking inspiratory sounds) may be heard late in the development of airway obstruction.
Characterized in adults by a severe sore throat.
15 definition emergencies respiratory What is the pathophysiology of croup?
Inflammation and swelling of the whole airway (pharynx, larynx, and trachea) typically seen in children 6 months - 3 years old.
Rarely seen in adults because that airways are larger.
15 emergencies respiratory What is the pathophysiology of respiratory syncytial virus?
Causes an infection of the lungs and breathing passages; can lead to other serious illnesses that affect the lungs or heart, such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia.  
Highly contagious and spread through droplets
15 emergencies respiratory What is the pathophysiology of pertussis?
An airborne bacterial infection that affects mostly children younger than 6 years.
Highly contagious through droplet infection.
Does not cause the typical whooping illness in adults. It causes a severe upper respiratory infection that could be an entry pathway to pneumonia in older people.
15 emergencies respiratory What are the characteristics of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)?
Characteristics of this are:
A serious, potentially life-threatening viral infection caused by a recently discovered family of viruses best known as the second most common cause of the common cold.
Usually starts with flu-like symptoms, and may progress to pneumonia, respiratory failure, and, in some cases, death.
SARS is thought to be transmitted primarily by close person-to-person contact.
15 definition emergencies respiratory What are the characteristics of Influenza type A? Characteristics of this are:
A virus that has crossed the animal/human barrier and has infected humans.
A flu that has the potential to spread at a pandemic level.
15 definition disease respiratory virus What are the characteristics of Meningococcal meningitis? Characteristics of this include:
An inflammation of the meningeal coverings of the brain and spinal cord that can be highly contagious.
The bacteria can be spread through the exchange of respiratory and throat secretions through coughing and sneezing.
The effects are lethal in some cases. Victims who survive can be left with brain damage, hearing loss, or learning disabilities.
Patients may present with flulike symptoms, but unique to this are high fever, severe headache, photophobia, and a stiff neck in adults. Patients soemtimes have an altered level of consciousness and can have red blotches on skin.
Use respiratory protection, and report and potential cases.
15 definition emergencies respiratory What is pulmonary edema? This is a build up of fluid between the alveoli and the pulmonary capillaries, which interferes with the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen. It can result from heart muscle so injured after a heart attack or other illness that it cannot circulate blood properly; in these cases, the left side of the heart cannot remove blood from the lung as fast as the right side delivers it. Patients with this usually experience dyspnea with rapid, shallow respirations, or frothy pink sputum at the nose in mouth in severe cases. 15 definition emergencies respiratory What is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? The is the slow process of dilation and disruption of the airways and alveoli caused by chronic bronchial obstruction. An estimated 12.1 million adults are reported to have this disease, and is the fourth leading cause of death. 15 definition emergencies respiratory What is chronic bronchitis? This is an ongoing irritation of the trachea and bronchi; excess mucus obstructs small airways and alveoli. This can lead to right-sided heart failure and fluid retention, such as edema in the legs. 15 definition emergencies respiratory What is emphysema? This is a loss of the elastic material around the air spaces as a result of chronic stretching of the alveoli when inflamed airways (due to smoking for example) obstruct easy explusion of gases. 15 definition emergencies respiratory What are the characteristics of COPD? Characteristics of this are:
A disease of the lung characterized by shortness of breath and wheezing.
Home oxygen, bronchodilators, and steroids for treatment.
Breathing progressively worse over time.
Usually in long-term smokers
Shortness of breath mostly on exertion
Chronic coughing
Sputum may be thick
No jugular vein distention or dependent edema
Patient usually thin with a barrel chest
15 definition emergencies respiratory What are the characteristics of congestive heart failure? Characteristics of this are:
A disease of the heart characterized by shortness of breath, edema, and weakness.
Diuretics prescribed to help promote cardiac function and to reduce fluid loads on the heart.
Sudden onset of shortness of breath.
Patient may or may not smoke.
Shortness of breath all the time.
Sputum may be pink and frothy.
Jugular vein distention and dependent edema.
May have distended abdomen.
15 definition emergencies respiratory What is the sequence of events in anaphylaxis? The sequence of events for this is:
A. The antigen is introduced to the body.
B. The antigen-antibody reaction at the surface of a mast cell.
C. Release of a cell chemical mediators.
D. Chemical mediators exert their effects on end organs.
15 emergencies respiratory What is pneumothorax? This is a partial or complete accumulation of air in the pleural space. It is often caused by trauma. 15 definition emergencies respiratory When may spontaneous pneumothorax occur? This tends to occur in patients with certain chronic lung infections or in young people born with weak areas of the lung, and often during severe coughing. 15 emergencies respiratory What is pleuritic chest pain? This is a sharp, stabbing pain on one side that is worse during inspiration and expiration or with certain movements of the chest wall. 15 definition emergencies respiratory What is a pleural effusion? This is a collection of fluid outside the lung on one or both sides of the chest. Patients will have decreased lung sounds and will feel better sitting upright. 15 definition emergencies respiratory What is a tonic-clonic seizure? This, also called a grand mal seizure, is one in which the patient has a sudden loss of consciousness, rapid muscle movement of the body, and often incontinence. This type of seizure typically only lasts minutes. 15 17 definition emergencies neurologic respiratory vocab What is status epilipticus? This is when a patient continues to have seizures every few minutes without regaining consciousness, and/or the seizure lasts longer than 30 minutes. It could be life threatening. 15 definition emergencies respiratory What is an embolus? This is anything in the circulatory system that moves from it's point of origin to a distant site and lodges there, obstructing subsequent blood flow in that area. 15 definition emergencies respiratory What is a pulmonary embolism? This is the passage of a blood clot formed in a vein, usually in the legs or pelvis, that breaks off and circulates through the venous system, enters the pulmonary artery, where it becomes lodged, significantly decreasing or blocking blood flow. Arterial carbon dioxide rises, and oxygen level may drop enough to cause cyanosis. 15 definition emergencies respiratory What are the signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolisms? Signs and symptoms of these include:
Acute chest pain
Hemoptysis (coughing up blood)
Vary degrees of hypoxia
15 definition emergencies respiratory signs symptoms What is acidosis? This is the buildup of excess acid in the blood or body tissues that results from the primary illness. 15 definition disease emergencies medical respiratory signs What is alkalosis? This is the buildup of excess base in the body fluids. 15 definition emergencies respiratory What is Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)? This is a bacterium that can cause infection in different parts of the body and is transmitted by different routes. It is resistant to many commonly used antibiotics. 15 definition emergencies respiratory What is tuberculosis (TB)? This is an infection most commonyl found in the lungs but can also affect any organ of the body, including the kidneys, bones, and meninges. 15 definition emergencies respiratory What are adventitious breath sounds? These are abnormal, decreased, or absent breath sounds. 15 emergencies respiratory What are vesicular breath sounds? These are normal breath sounds in a patient. 15 emergencies respiratory What are some risk factors for congestive heart failure? Risk factors for this include hypertension and a history of coronary artery disease and/or atrial fibrillation, a condition in which the atria no longer contract, but quiver. 15 definition emergencies respiratory What are some signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure? Signs and symptoms of this are:
cool, diaphoretic, and/or cyanotic skin
Adventitious breath sounds such as crackles, wheezing, or rales
A tachycardiac pulse.
15 definition emergencies respiratory signs symptoms What is cystic fibrosis (CF)? This is a genetic disorder that affects the lungs and digestive system. This disrupts the normal function of cells that make up the sweat glands in the skin and that also line the lungs and digestive and reproductive systems. 15 definition emergencies respiratory How is croup treated? This often responds well to humidified oxygen. 15 emergencies respiratory What is proper treatment for hyperventilation? Proper treatment for this consists of: reassuing the patient, supplying supplemental oxygen, and providing prompt transport to the emergency department. 15 definition emergencies respiratory What is the proper treatment for pulmonary embolism? Proper treatment for this consists of: Placing the patient in a comfrotable position, be aware of possible hemoptysis as an airway obstruction, and transport promptly, as this may cause cardiac arrest. 15 emergencies position respiratory What should you watch for in patients with COPD? Oftentimes these patients will overuse their inhalers, so watch for side effects. 15 emergencies respiratory What does PASTE stand for? This stands for:
Progression: You want to know if the problem started suddenly or has worsened
Associated chest pain: Dyspnea can be a significant symptom of a cardiac problem.
Sputum: Mucus like sputum could indicate a respiratory infection, while frothy pink sputum indicates fluid in the lungs.
Talking tiredness: How many words a patient can saw between breaths.
Exercise tolerance: What activity was the patient doing before the problem started.
15 abbreviations definition emergencies respiratory What is wheezing? This is a sound that is generally heard on exhalation as a high-pitched, almost whistling sound. It is extremely common in patients with asthma and sometimes in patients with COPD; it indicates constriction and/or inflammation in the bronchus. 15 breathing definition emergencies respiratory What are rales? "These are the sounds of air trying to pass through fluid in the alveoli. It is a crackling or bubbling sound typically heard on inspiration. There are high-pitched ""fine"" sounds and low-pitched ""coarse"" sounds. These often indicate congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema, or other fluid in the lungs." 15 breathing definition emergencies respiratory What are rhonchi and what do they indicate? These are lower pitched sounds caused by secretions or mucus in the larger airway.
It indicates infections, pneumonia, or bronchitis. 09 15 assessment breathing definition emergencies infection respiratory symptoms What is stridor? This is a high-pitched sound heard on inspiration as air tries to pass through obstruction in the upper airway. This indicates a partial obstruction of the trachea and is seen in patients with anatomic or foreign body airway obstruction. 10 15 20 airway allergy assessment breathing definition emergencies respiratory signs symptoms What is an example of an endocrine condition? An example of this kind of condition is diabetes mellitus. 12 definition medical overview What are the 5 major components of patient assessment? These are:
Scene size-up
Primary assessment
History taking
Secondary assessment
09 definition medical overview What is the index of suspicion? This is your awareness and concern for potentially serious underlying and unseen injuries or illness. 12 definition medical overview Where can the pulse be most strongly palpated? This can be most strongly palpated at the carotid artery. 12 cardiovascular medical overview pulse vitals What kinds of patients are always considered in serious condition and should be transported immediately? These kinds of patients include:
Patients who are unconscious or who have an altered mental status
Patients with airway or breathing problems
Patients with obvious  circulation problems such as severe bleeding or signs of shock
12 medical overview transport How often should you recheck vitals? You should recheck these every 5 minutes for unstable patients or every 15 minutes for stable patients. 12 medical overview How much time should you spend on scene? You should spend no more than 10 minutes here. 12 medical overview What should you remember about stable patients who are also very old or very young? You should remember that these types of patients should still be considered critical. 12 medical overview What are some typical chief complaints? Typical kinds of these include fever. nausea, rash, pleuritic chest pain, and difficulty breathing. 12 medical overview What are some general management principles? Some of these include:
Place the patient in the position of comfort on the stretcher to keep warm.
Be empathetic.
Always show respect for the feelings of the patient and family members.
12 medical overview position treatment What is herpes simplex? This is a common virus strain carried by humans. 80% of individuals carrying it are asymptomatic. 12 definition medical overview What other virus is far more contagious than HIV? Hepatitis B is far more contagious than this. 12 disease infection medical overview safety virus How is syphilis transmitted? This disease is transmitted both sexually and via bloodborne vectors. 12 medical overview What is a common symptom of initial syphilis infection? An initial infection of this disease is a lesion called a chancre, commonly located in the genital region. 12 definition medical overview What is virulence? This is the strength or ability of a pathogen to produce disease. 12 definition medical overview How long can Mycobacterium tuberculosis remain alive? As long as they are shielded from ultraviolet light, these bacterium can stay alive for decades. 12 medical overview What is another name for H1N1? "Another name for this is the ""swine flu""." 12 definition medical overview What are the characteristics of of Hepatitis A? Characteristics of this are:
Route infection via fecal-oral, infected food, or drink
An incubation period of 2-6 weeks
A vaccine is available, and no treatment is available
Mild illness, approx. 2% or people die.
After infection, patient has life-long immunity
12 definition disease infection medical overview virus What are the characteristics of of Hepatitis B? Route of infection via blood, sexual contact, saliva, urine, breast milk
4-12 week incubation period
Chronic infection affect up to 10% of pateints and 90% of newborns
Vaccine available, treatment is minimally effective.
Up to 30% of patients may become chronic carriers; patients are asymptomatic and without signs of liver disease. Approx. 1-2% of patients die.
12 definition disease infection medical overview virus What are the characteristics of of Hepatitis C? Route of infection via blood or sexual contact
2-10 week of incubation
Chronic infection affects 90% of patients
No vaccine available, treatment minimally effective
Cirrhosis of the liver develops in 50% of patients; chronic infection increases the risk of liver cancer
12 definition disease infection medical overview virus What are the characteristics of of Hepatitis D? Route of infection via blood or sexual contact
4-12 weeks of incubation
Chronic infection common
No vaccine or treatment available
Occurs only in patients with active hepatitis B infection; fulminant disease may develop in 20% of patients.
12 definition disease infection medical overview virus What are the characteristics of of Toxin-induced Hepatitis? Characteristics of this are:
route of infection via inhalation, skin or mucus membrane exposure, oral ingestion, or intravenous administration
Incubation hours to days after exposure
Some chemicals may initiate an inflammatory response that continues to cause liver damage long after the chemical is out of the body.
No vaccine available.
Patients may have jaundice.
12 definition disease medical overview What is the hantavirus? This is a newly recognized disease, transmitted via rodent urine and droppings 12 definition medical overview How is the West Nile Virus transmitted? This virus' vector is the mosquito. 12 medical overview What is the order of BLS if you suspect cardiac arrest? If this is suspected, BLS order becomes CAB. 13 BLS resuscitation What is the chain of survival? This is:
1. Early access (ie Access EMS by calling 911)
2. Early CPR (keeps blood flowing)
3. Early defibrillation
4. Early advanced care
5. Integrated post-arrest care (including controlling temperature and maintaining glucose levels in the patient who is hypoglycemic)
13 BLS definition EMS list resuscitation sequential What is important to remember regarding time and CPR? It's important to remember regarding this that few patients survive cardiac arrest if this is not administered within the first few minutes, and if the time from cardiac arrest to defibrillation is more than 10 minutes, the chance of survival is minimal. 13 BLS definition resuscitation What is arrhythmia? This is sudden cardiac rhythm disturbance. 13 BLS definition resuscitation What is ventricular fibrillation? This is the disorganized twitching of the ventricles, resulting in no blood flow and a state of cardiac arrest. 13 BLS definition resuscitation For each minute the patient remains in V-fib or pulseless V-tach, how much does the chance of survival decrease? For each minute in these states, there is a 7% to 10% less chance of survival. 13 BLS resuscitation What is a common cause of cardiac arrest in children? Respiratory failure is usually the cause of this in children. 13 BLS definition pediatric resuscitation Where should you place the AED electrode on patients with an implanted defibrillator or pacemaker? If you see a patient with one of these, you should place the AED electrode at least 1 inch to the side of the device. 13 BLS resuscitation On average, how much blood is pumped through the body when external chest compressions are performed as proficiently as possible? Only one third of the blood that is normally pumped by is circulated through this method. 13 BLS resuscitation Where should the patient's head be while administring chest compressions? This should not be elevated at a level above the heart because this will further reduce blood flow to the brain. 13 BLS resuscitation What kind of surface should a patient receiving chest compressions be placed on? During this, the patient should be placed on the floor or have a board placed under the back. 13 BLS resuscitation When performing CPR on an adult, how many chest compressions should be given a minute? Give at least 100 compressions per minute for this type of patient. 13 BLS resuscitation What is the recovery position? This is a side-lying position (patient's hand under their head) used to maintain a clear airway in unconscious patients without injuries who are adequately breathing. 10 13 airway BLS breathing definition position respiratory resuscitation What is the focus of pediatric BLS? The focus of BLS for these types of patients is airway and breathing. 13 BLS resuscitation Where do you check the pulse on infants? You check the pulse on the brachial artery for these patients. 13 BLS pulse resuscitation vitals Where do you check the pulse on children (1-12 years)? You check the pulse on the carotid or femoral artery for these patients. 13 BLS pediatric pulse resuscitation vitals What is the compression rate for infants and children in CPR? For these patients, the compression rate is at least 100/min. 13 BLS definition pediatric resuscitation What is the compression-to-ventilation ratio in CPR for infants and children? For these patients, the compression-to-ventilation ratio is 30:2 for one rescuer, and 15:2 for 2 rescuers. 13 BLS definition pediatric resuscitation With infants and children, what is the ventilation rate during CPR? With these patients, the ventilation rate is 1 breath every 3-5 seconds. 13 BLS pediatric resuscitation What should you do with a patient who has a mild airway obstruction? With these patients, you should encourage him or her to cough or to continue coughing if they are already doing so. 13 BLS resuscitation What is homeostasis? This is a balance of all systems and conditions of the body; as shock progresses, this degrades. 12 19 definition endocrine hematologic shock What are the three parts of the cardiovascular system? The three parts of this system are:
A pump,
A set of pipes,
and the contents of the container.
12 anatomy cardiovascular definition shock What is systolic pressure? This is the peak arterial pressure, or pressure generated every time the heart contracts. 10 12 assessment cardiovascular definition vitals What is diastolic pressure? This is the pressure maintained within the arteries while the heart rests between the heartbeats. 10 12 assessment cardiovascular definition vitals What are sphincters? These are circular muscles that encircle and, by contracting, constrict a duct, tube, or opening. 12 anatomy definition shock What are the three basic causes of shock? The three basic causes of this are:

1. Pump failure (caused by: heart attack, trauma to heart, and obstructive causes).
2. Low fluid volume (caused by: trauma to vessels or tissues, and fluid loss from GI tract),
3. Poor vessel function (caused by: infection, drug overdose, spinal cord injuries, and anaphylaxis).
12 causes definition shock What does pump failure cause? Cardiogenic and obstructive shock are caused by this kind of failure. 12 definition shock What kinds of shock does poor vessel function cause? Distributive shock, septic shock, neurogenic shock, anaphylactic shock, and psychogenic shock are caused by this kind of failure. 12 shock What kinds of shock does low fluid volume cause? Hypovolemic shock, hemorrhagic shock, and nonhemorrhagic shock are caused by this kind of failure. 12 shock What causes cardiogenic shock? This is caused by inadequate functioning of the heart, or pump failure. 12 causes definition shock What is edema? This is the presence of abnormally large amounts of fluid between cells in body tissues, causing swelling of the affected area. 12 definition shock When does cardiogenic shock develop? This develops when the heart cannot maintain sufficient output (or cardiac output) to meet the demands of the body. 12 shock What is myocardial contractility? This is the ability for the heart to contract. 12 definition shock What is preload? This is the precontraction pressure in the heart as the volume of blood builds up. 12 definition shock What is afterload? This is the force or resistance against which the heart pumps. 12 definition shock What is obstructive shock? This results when conditions that cause mechanical obstruction of the cardiac muscle also impact pump function. 12 definition shock What are two of the most common examples of obstructive shock? Two of the most common examples of this are cardiac tamponade and tension pneumothorax. 12 definition shock What is a cardiac tamponade (A.K.A. a pericardial tamponade)? This is a collection of fluid between the pericardial sac and the myocardium. It is caused by blunt or penetrating trauma and can progress rapidly. 12 definition shock What happens during a cardiac tamponade? When this occurs, blood leaks into the tough fibrous membrane known as the pericardium, causing an accumulation of blood within the pericardial sac. This accumulation leads to compression of the heart. Because the pericardium has a limited ability to stretch, each contraction of the heart allows more blood accumulation between the heart and the sac. The accumulated blood prevents the heart from opening up to allow complete refilling. 12 bleeding cardiovascular definition emergencies injury shock What are the signs and symptoms of cardiac tamponade? The signs and symptoms of this are referred to as Beck's Triad. They are:
1) Jugular vein distention.
2) Muffled heart sounds,
3) The merging of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. 
12 definition shock signs symptoms What causes tension pneumothorax? This is caused by damage to the lung tissue. This damage allows air normally held within the lung to escape into the chest cavity. If this condition is allowed to continue untreated, a sufficient amount of air will accumulate within the chest cavity and begin applying pressure to the structures in the mediastinum. The trapped air begins to shift the chest organs toward the uninjured side, which creates the condition. 12 causes definition shock What is distributive shock? This is when there is widespread dilation of the small arterioles, small venules, or both. 12 definition shock What is septic shock? This is a result of severe infections, usually bacterial, in which toxins are generated by the bacteria or by infected body tissues; the toxins damage the vessel walls, causing increased cellular permeability. The vessel walls leak and are unable to contract well. Widespread dilation of vessels, in combination with plasma loss through the injured vessel walls, resulting in shock. 12 definition shock What is usually the cause of neurogenic shock? This is usually caused by damage to the spinal cord, particularly at the upper cervical level, which damages the part of the nervous system that controls the size and muscular tone of the blood vessels. 12 definition shock What is an important consideration in patients in neurogenic shock? One important consideration in these kinds of patients is that these patients lack the ability to regulate body temperature. 12 definition shock What are signs of anaphylactic shock on the skin, in the circulatory system, and in the respiratory system? Signs of this include:

On the skin:
Flushing, itching, or burning, especially over the face and upper part of the chest.
Urticaria, which may spread over large areas of the body.
Edema, especially of the face, tongue, and lips.
Cyanosis about the lips.

In the circulatory system:
Dilation of peripheral blood vessels.
Increased vessel permeability.
A drop in blood pressure.
A weak, barely palpable pulse.
Fainting and coma.

In the respiratory system:
Sneezing or itching.
Tightness in the chest, with a persistent dry cough.
Wheezing and dyspnea.
Secretions of fluid and mucus into the bronchial passages, alveoli, and lung tissues, causing coughing.
Constriction of the bronchi.
Forced expiration accompanied by wheezing.
Eventual cessation of breathing.
12 definition shock What is psychogenic shock? This is when a patient has had a sudden reaction of the nervous system that produces a temporary, generalized vascular dilation, resulting in fainting, or syncope. 12 definition shock What are some causes of syncope that are potentially life threatening? Causes of this that are potentially life threatening are an irregular heartbeat or brain aneurysm. 12 causes definition shock What is hypovolemic shock? This is the result of inadequate amount of fluid or volume in the system. 12 definition shock What are some causes of hypovolemic shock? Some causes of this kind of shock include hemorrhagic causes, non-hemorrhagic causes (such as vomiting and diarrhea), as well as severe thermal burns; in those cases, it is intravascular plasma that is lost, leaking from the circulatory system into the burned tissues. 12 burn causes definition shock How does carbon monoxide affect the ability of cells to metabolize or carry oxygen? This substance has a 250 times greater affinity for hemoglobin than oxygen. If a patient is in an environment with this substance, it will bind to the blood's hemoglobin, preventing oxygen from binding. 12 shock What is compensated shock? This is the early stage of shock, when the body can still compensate for blood loss. Signs and symptoms include:
Feeling of impending doom,
Weak, rapid, or absent pulse,
Clammy skin,
Pallor with cyanosis around the lips,
Shallow, rapid breathing,
Shortness of breath,
Nausea or vomiting,
Marked thirst.
12 definition shock What is decompensated shock? This is a later stage of shock, when blood pressure falls. Signs and symptoms include:
Falling blood pressure (systolic blood pressure of 90 mm Hg or lower in an adult),
Labored or irregular breathing,
Ashen, mottled, or cyanotic skin,
Thready or absent peripheral pulses,
Dilated pupils,
Poor urinary output.
12 definition shock What is irreversible shock? This is the last stage of shock, when shock has progressed to a terminal stage. A transfusion during this stage will not save the patient's life. 12 definition shock What should you remember about blood pressure drops in children and infants? Remember that these patients can maintain their blood pressure until they have lost more than half their blood volume. By the time their blood pressure drops in shock, they are close to death. 12 pediatric shock Which conditions in patients should make you suspect shock? You should expect this if a patient has any one of the following conditions:
Multiple severe fractures,
Abdominal or chest injury,
Spinal injury,
A severe infection,
A major heart attack,
12 shock What is the only real effective treatment for a severe, acute allergic reaction? The only real effective treatment for this is to administer epinephrine. 12 shock What are the signs and symptoms of cardiogenic shock, and how should you treat it? Signs and symptoms of this include:
Chest pain,
Irregular pulse,
Weak pulse,
Low blood pressure,
Cyanosis of the lips and under the nails,
Cool, clammy skin,
and pulmonary edema.

Treat this by:
Positioning the patient comfortably, administering oxygen, assisting with ventilations, and transporting promptly.
12 assessment definition shock signs symptoms treatment What are the signs and symptoms of obstructive shock, and how should you treat it? Signs and symptoms of this are dependent on the cause, and include:
A rapid, weak pulse,
Rapid, shallow breaths,
Decreased lung compliance,
Unilateral, decreased, or absent breath sounds,
Decreased blood pressure,
Subcutaneous emphysema,
Tracheal deviation towards the unaffected side,
Beck's Triad, which are: Muffled heart sounds, Jugular vein distention, and, The merging of systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Treatment of this is also dependent on the cause, and includes:
ALS assist, and / or rapid transport.
12 definition shock signs symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of septic shock, and how should you treat it? Signs and symptoms of this include:
Warm skin,
and, low blood pressure.

Treatment for this includes:
Transporting promptly, administering oxygen en route, providing full ventilatory support, keeping the patient warm, and considering elevating the legs.
12 definition shock signs symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of neurogenic shock, and how should you treat it? Signs and symptoms of this include:
Low blood pressure,
Signs of neck injury.

Treatment of this includes:
Securing the airway,
stabilizing the spine,
assisting ventilations,
administering high-flow oxygen,
preserving body heat,
transporting promptly.
12 definition shock signs symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of anaphylactic shock, and how should you treat it? Signs and symptoms of this include:
Mild itching or rash,
Burning skin,
Vascular dilation,
Generalized edema,
rapid death.

Treatment for this includes:
Managing the airway,
Assisting ventilations,
administering high-flow oxygen,
assisting with administration of epinephrine,
transporting promptly.
12 definition shock signs symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of psychogenic shock, and how should you treat it? Signs and symptoms of this include:
A rapid pulse,
Normal or low blood pressure.

Treatment for this includes:
Determining the duration of unconsciousness,
Recording initial vitals and mental status,
Suspecting head trauma if the patient is confused or slow to regain consciousness,
Transporting promptly.
12 definition shock signs symptoms What are the signs and symptoms of hypovolemic shock, and how should you treat it? Signs and symptoms of this include:
A rapid, weak pulse,
Low blood pressure,
A change in mental status,
Cyanosis of the lips and / or nails,
Cool, clammy skin,
An increased respiratory rate.

Treatment for this includes:
Securing the airway,
Administering high-flow oxygen,
Controlling external bleeding,
Keeping the patient warm,
Possibly elevating the legs,
Transporting promptly.
12 definition shock signs symptoms How should you treat tension pneumothorax? Treat this with high-flow oxygen via non-re-breathing mask. Be cautious about providing positive-pressure ventilation to a patient with this condition. Usually the only action that can prevent eventual death from this is decompression of the injured side of the chest. This can be performed by ALS personnel. 12 shock What position should you place patients with neurogenic shock? With these patients, slight elevation of the foot end spine board may help bring the blood that is pooling in the vessels of the legs to the vital organs. Placing the patient's arms across his or her chest without moving the spine will also return some pooled blood. 12 28 emergencies injury neurologic position shock transport trauma When will brain tissue start to die without oxygen? This will begin to die within 4 to 6 minutes. 13 airway breathing respiratory resuscitation value What anatomic structures make up the upper airway? The nose, mouth, jaw, oral cavity, pharynx, and larynx are located here. 10 15 airway breathing definition respiratory What is the major function of the upper airway? The major function of this is to:
Warm, filter, and humidify air as it enters the body.
10 airway breathing respiratory What is the lowest portion of the pharynx? This is the laryngopharynx. At its base, it splits into two lumens, the larynx anteriorly, and the esophagus posteriorly. 10 15 airway breathing definition respiratory What is the nasopharynx? This is formed by the union of the facial bones, and is lined with a cilated mucous membrane that keeps contaminants such as dust and other small particles out of the respiratory tract. The membrane also warms and humidifies air as it enters the body. 10 15 airway breathing definition respiratory What is the larynx? This marks where the upper airway ends and the lower airway begins. 10 15 airway breathing definition respiratory What is the thyroid cartilage? "This is a shield-shaped structure formed by two plates that join in a ""V"" shape anteriorly to form the larnygeal prominence known as the Adam's apple." 10 airway anatomy definition respiratory What is the cricoid cartilage? This lies inferiorly to the thyroid cartilage; it forms the lowest portion of the larynx. It is the only airway structure that forms a complete ring. 10 airway anatomy definition respiratory What is the glottis? This is space in between the vocal cords and the narrowest portion of the adult's airway. 10 airway anatomy definition respiratory What is the carina? This is the point at which the trachea bifurcates into the left and right mainstream bronchi. 10 airway anatomy definition respiratory What is visceral pleura? This is a thin, slippery outer membrane that covers all lung tissue. 10 airway anatomy definition respiratory What is the parietal pleura? This lines the inside of the thoracic cavity. 10 airway anatomy definition respiratory What lies between the visceral pleura and the parietal pleura? Between these is a small amount of fluid, which serves as a lubricant to prevent friction during breathing. 10 airway anatomy breathing definition What should you remember about children's airways? With these patients' airway, remember that:
They have a proportionately smaller mandible and a proportionately larger tongue, both of which increase the incidence of airway obstruction.
They have a proportionately larger occipital lobe, so when positioning the airway, place a folded towel under the shoulders to maintain a neutral position.
In general, the airway of these patients are smaller and narrower at all levels.
10 airway anatomy breathing pediatric position What is the mediastinum? This is the space between the lungs, and is surrounded by tough, connective tissue. This space contains the heart, great vessels, esophagus, trachea, major bronchi, and nerves. 10 32 airway anatomy cardiovascular chest definition respiratory What is the phrenic nerve? This is one of the most important nervous structures in the body. It innervates the diaphragm muscle. 10 airway definition neurologic respiratory What is ventilation? This is the physical act of moving air into and out of the lungs. 10 airway breathing definition respiratory What is oxygenation? This is the process of loading oxygen molecules onto hemoglobin molecules in the bloodstream. 10 airway breathing definition respiratory What is respiration? This is the actual exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli as well as the tissues of the body. 10 airway breathing definition respiratory What is inhalation? This is the active, muscular part of breathing. 10 airway breathing definition respiratory How much air does 1 breath draw in? This is approximately 500 ml in an adult. 09 10 airway breathing What is partial pressure? This is the term used to describe the amount of gas in air or dissolved in fluid, such as blood. It is measured in millimeters of mercury (Hg). 10 airway breathing definition respiratory What is the partial pressure of oxygen in air in the alveoli? This pressure is 104 mm Hg. 10 airway respiratory What is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in air in the alveoli? This pressure is 40 mm Hg. 10 airway respiratory What is alveolar ventilation, and how is it determined? This is the volume of air that reaches the alveoli, and is determined by subtracting the amount of dead space air from the tidal volume. 10 airway definition respiratory What is tidal volume? This is the amount of air that is moved into or out of the lungs during a single breath. The average volume for an adult man is approximately 500 ml. 10 airway definition respiratory What is minute ventilation (A.K.A. minute volume)? This is the amount of air moved through the lungs in 1 minute minus the dead space. An average adult male patient might have a rate of 4200 mL , (12 breaths per minute, a tidal volume of 500 mL per breath, and a dead space of 150 mL) 10 airway definition respiratory What is vital capacity? This refers to the amount of air that can be forcibly expelled from the lungs after breathing deeply. 10 airway definition respiratory What is residual volume? This is the air that remains after maximal expiration. It is approximately 1200 mL in the average adult male. 10 airway definition respiratory What is exhalation? This is the passive part of the breathing process, in which the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles relax, forcing air out of the lungs. 10 airway definition respiratory How are ventilation changes primarily regulated? These are regulated primarily by the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid, which is directly related to the amount of carbon dioxide dissolved in the plasma portion of the blood. 09 airway respiratory What is the hypoxic drive? This is a condition in which chronically low levels of oxygen in the blood stimulate the respiratory drive; it is seen in patients with end-stage C.O.P.D. 10 15 breathing definition disease respiratory What is COPD? "This is when patients have difficulty eliminating carbon dioxide through exhalation; thus, they always have higher levels of carbon dioxide. This potentially alters their drive for breathing. The body uses a ""backup system"", the hypoxic drive, to control breathing. This is different from the primary control of breathing that uses carbon dioxide. Caution should be taken when administering high concentrations of oxygen to these kinds of patients, as providing high concentrations of oxygen over time will increase the amount of oxygen dissolved in plasma; this could potentially negatively affect their body's drive to breathe." 10 airway definition respiratory What is another name for metabolism? Another name for this is cellular respiration. 10 airway definition respiratory What is the chemical composition of air on average? On average, the chemical composition of this is about 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, and 0.3% carbon dioxide. 10 airway definition respiratory What is surfactant? This is a liquid protein substance that coats the alveoli in the lungs, decreases alveolar surface tension, and keeps the alveoli expanded; a low level in a premature infant contributes to respiratory distress syndrome. 10 airway definition respiratory Under normal conditions, what percentage of hemoglobin receptor sites contain oxygen? Under normal conditions, 96% to 100% of these contain oxygen. 10 airway respiratory What is aerobic respiration? This can proceed only in the presence of oxygen.  Energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (A.K.A., A.T.P.) is produced through a series of processes known as the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. Together, these chemical processes yield nearly 40 molecules of energy-rich ATP for each molecule of glucose metabolized. 10 airway definition respiratory What are chemoreceptors? These monitor the levels of O2, CO2, and the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid and then provide feedback to the respiratory centers to modify the rate and depth of breathing based on the body's needs at any given time. 10 airway definition respiratory How will an elevation in carbon dioxide levels affect the pH balance in CSF? This will decrease the pH of the cerebrospinal fluid. 09 airway respiratory What is the normal resting minute ventilation? The normal rate of this is approximately 6000 mL per minute. About a third of this volume fills dead space; therefore, resting alveolar ventilation is approximately 4000 mL per minute. 10 airway respiratory What is intrapulmonary shunting? This is the bypassing of oxygen-poor blood past nonfunctional alveoli to the left side of the heart, inhibiting diffusion and perfusion. 09 airway definition respiratory What is the normal respiratory rate of adults? For this group, the average respiratory rate is 12 to 20 breaths per minute. 10 airway respiratory What is the normal respiratory rate of children? The normal respiratory rate of this group is 15 to 30 breaths per minute. 10 airway pediatric respiratory What is the normal respiratory rate of infants? The normal respiratory rate of this group is 25 to 50 breaths per minute. 10 airway respiratory What are retractions? This is when the skin pulls in around the ribs or above the clavicle during respiration. It is a sign of inadequate breathing. 10 airway definition respiratory What are agonal gasps? These are occasional gasping breaths that occur after the heart has stopped. They occur when the respiratory center in the brain continues to send signals to the respiratory muscles. 10 airway definition respiratory What are Cheyne-Stokes respirations? This is an irregular respiratory pattern in which the patient breathes with an increasing rate and depth of respirations that is followed by a period of apnea, or lack of spontaneous breathing, followed again by a pattern of increasing rate and depth of respiration. 10 airway definition respiratory What is ataxic respirations? This is a pattern of irregular, ineffective respirations that may or may not have an identifiable pattern. 10 airway definition respiratory What are Kussmaul respirations? This is an irregular breathing pattern characterized as deep, gasping respirations commonly seen in patients with metabolic acidosis. 10 19 airway breathing definition endocrine hematologic respiratory signs What maneuver should you use on a patient if you suspect a cervical spine injury to open the airway? In this situation, use the the jaw-thrust maneuver.
10 airway respiratory What is the only acceptable method of inserting an oral airway in children? With this group, the only acceptable method of inserting an oral airway is to use a tongue blade to hold the tongue down. 10 airway pediatric respiratory When should you consult medical control about inserting a nasopharyngeal airway? You should consult medical control about this when a patient has sustained severe trauma to the head or face. 10 airway respiratory How much airflow and vacuum should a suctioning unit be able to generate? This should generate airflow of more than 40 L per minute, and a vacuum of more than 300 mm Hg when the tubing is clamped. 09 airway respiratory What is a suction catheter? This is a hollow cylindrical device used to remove fluid from the patient's airway. 10 airway definition respiratory How long should you suction a patient's mouth or nose? You should never do this for more than 15 seconds at a time for adults, 10 seconds for children, and 5 for infants. 09 airway pediatric respiratory What is the pin-indexing system? This is a system established for portable cylinders to ensure that a regulator is not connected to a cylinder containing the wrong type of gas. 10 airway definition respiratory What is the flow rate and percent of oxygen delivered for a nasal cannula? This device has a flow rate of 1000 to 6000 mL per minute, and delivers 24% to 44% oxygen. 10 airway definition respiratory What is the flow rate and percent of oxygen delivered for a nonre-breathing mask? This device has a flow rate of 10 to 15 L per minute, and delivers up to 90% oxygen. 10 airway definition respiratory What is the flow rate and percent of oxygen delivered for a bag-mask device with reservoir? This device has a flow rate of 15 litres per minute, and delivers nearly 100% oxygen. 10 airway definition respiratory What is the flow rate and percent of oxygen delivered for a mouth-to-mask device? This device has a flow rate of 15 litres per minute, and delivers nearly 55% oxygen. 10 airway definition respiratory What is a partial rebreathing mask? This is similar to a nonrebreathing mask except that there is no one-way valve between the mask and reservoir. Consequently, patients rebreathe a small amount of their exhaled air. This is advantageous for patients who you think are suffering from hyperventilation syndrome. You can easily convert a nonrebreathing mask to this by removing the one-way valve between the mask and the reservoir bag. 10 airway definition respiratory What is the nature of air movement in normal ventilation versus positive-pressure ventilation? Regarding this, in normal ventilation:
air is sucked into the lungs due to the negative intrathoracic created when the diaphragm contracts.
Whereas in positive-pressure ventilation:
Air is forced into the lungs through a means of mechanical ventilation.
10 airway respiratory
What is the nature of blood movement in normal ventilation versus positive-pressure ventilation?
Regarding this, in normal ventilation:
Normal breathing allows blood to naturally be pulled back to the heart.
Whereas in positive-pressure ventilation:
Intrathoracic pressure is increased, not allowing blood to be adequately pulled back to the heart. This causes the amount of blood pumnped by the heart to be reduced.
10 airway respiratory
What is the nature of airway wall pressure in normal ventilation versus positive-pressure ventilation?
Regarding this, in normal ventilation:
This is not affected during normal breathing.
Whereas in positive-pressure ventilation:
More volume is required to have the same effects as normal breathing. As a result, the walls are pushed out of their normal anatomic shape.
10 airway respiratory
What is the nature of esophageal opening pressure in normal ventilation versus positive-pressure ventilation?
Regarding this, in normal ventilation:
This is not affected during normal breathing.
Whereas in positive-pressure ventilation:
Air is forced into the stomach, causing gastric distention that could result in vomiting and aspiration.
10 airway respiratory
What is the nature of overventilation in normal ventilation versus positive-pressure ventilation?
Regarding this, in normal ventilation:
This is not typical of normal breathing.
Whereas in positive-pressure ventilation:
Forcing volume and rate results in increased intrathoracic pressure, gastric distention, and a decrease in cardiac output.
10 airway respiratory For apneic patients with a pulse, what is the ventilation rate in adults? For these patients, the rate is 1 breath every 5 to 6 seconds. 10 airway breathing definition respiratory vitals For apneic patients with a pulse, what is the ventilation rate in children and infants? For these patients, the rate is 1 breath every 3 to 5 seconds. 10 airway breathing definition pediatric respiratory vitals When should you use a bag-mask device? This should be used when you need to deliver high concentrations of oxygen to patients who not ventilating adequately. The device is also used for patients in respiratory arrest, cardiopulmonary arrest, and respiratory failure. You should use an oral or nasal airway adjunct. 10 airway respiratory What is the volume capability of the adult bag-mask device? The volume capability for this device is 1200 to 1600 mL. 10 airway definition respiratory What is the volume capability of the pediatric bag-mask device? The volume capability of this device is 500 to 700 mL. 10 airway definition respiratory What is the volume capability of the infant bag-mask device? The volume capability of this device is 150 to 240 mL. 10 airway definition respiratory What is a manually triggered ventilation device, AKA a flow-restricted, oxygen-powered ventilation device? This is a fixed flow/rate ventilation device that delivers a breath every time its button is pushed. The major advantage of this device is that it allows a single rescuer to use both hand to maintain a mask-to-face seal. 10 airway definition respiratory What is compliance? This is the ability of the alveoli to expand when air is drawn in during inhalation. 10 airway definition respiratory What is CPAP? This is a noninvasive means of providing ventilatory support for patients experiencing respiratory distress.
Indications for this include:
Patient must be alert and able to follow commands.
Patient is displaying obvious signs of moderate to severe respiratory distress from an underlying pathology, such as pulmonary edema or obstructive pulmonary disease.
The patient is breathing rapidly, such that it affects over-all minute volume.
Pulse oximetry reading is less than 90%.

Contraindications include:
A patient who is in respiratory arrest.
Signs and symptoms of a pneumothorax or chest trauma.
Active gastrointestinal bleeding or vomiting.
The patient is unable to follow verbal commands.
10 airway definition respiratory What are the steps in the assessment process? This is divided into five main parts:
1) Scene size-up.
2) Primary assessment.
3) History taking.
4) Secondary assessment.
5) Reassessment
09 assessment definition Whether you are assessing a medical patient or trauma patient, what is the key in both situations? The key to both of these situations, whether medical or trauma, is to remain organized. 09 assessment How is the underlying condition or problem of a patient often revealed to you? It is frequently a combination of many signs and symptoms that reveals this to you. 09 assessment What is a symptom? This is a subjective condition that the patient feels and tells you about. 09 assessment definition What is a sign? This is an objective condition that you can observe about the patient. 09 assessment definition What is the minimum appropriate visibility gear? This is an American National Standards Institute 207 certified high-visibility public safety vest. 09 assessment What is the way you typically leave a scene? This is typically the exact same way you entered the scene. 09 assessment What is an important consideration for your patients in severe environmental conditions? With this, remember: You are obliged to provide protection for the patient. Consider the scene factors. 09 assessment definition What is mechanism of injury? This is the way in which traumatic injuries occur; the forces that act on the body to cause damage. 09 assessment definition overview What is the difference between 1) blunt trauma and 2) penetrating trauma?  With the first, the force of the injury occurs over a broad area, and the skin is usually not broken. However, the tissues and organs below the area of impact may be damaged.
With the second, the force of the injury occurs at a small point of contact between the skin and the object. The object pierces the skin and creates an open wound that carries a high potential for infection.
09 assessment What is nature of illness (NOI), how should you determine it, and what are some examples of it? This is the general type of illness a patient is experiencing. To quickly determine it, talk with the patient, family, or bystanders about the problem. But at the same time, use your senses to check the scene for clues as to the possible problem.
Examples of it include seizures, heart attacks, diabetic problems, and poisonings.
09 assessment definition What are standard precautions? These are protective measures that have traditionally been developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for use in dealing with objects, blood, body fluids, and other potential exposure risks of communicable disease. 09 assessment definition What is the incident command system? This is a system implemented to manage disasters and mass-casualty incidents in which section chiefs - including finance, logistics, operations, and planning - report to the incident commander. 09 assessment definition What is triage? This is the process of sorting patients based on the severity of each patient's condition. 09 assessment definition triage What is primary assessment, and what are its stages? This is the second step in patient assessment. It begins when you greet your patient, and has a single goal: to identify and initiate treatment of immediate or potential life threats. It stages are:
1) Form a general impression.
2) Assess level of consciousness
3) Assess the airway: identify and treat life threats.
4) Assess the breathing: identify and treat life threats.
5) Assess circulation: identify and treat life threats.
6) Perform rapid scan.
7) Determine priority of patient care and transport.
09 assessment definition What is orientation? This tests mental status by checking a patient's memory and thinking ability. The most common ways to evaluate this in a patient is to test the patient's ability to remember:
1) Person - Remembering his or her name.
2) Place - Identifying the current location.
3) Time - Identifying the current year, month, and approximate date.
4) Event - Describing what happened (the MOI or NOI)
09 assessment definition On the Glascow Coma Scale, what are the scores for eye opening? On this scale:
4) Spontaneous opening.
3) In response to speech.
2) In response to pain
1) None
09 assessment definition On the Glascow Coma Scale, what are the scores for verbal response? On this scale:
5) Oriented conversation.
4) Confused conversation.
3) Inappropriate words.
2) Incomprehensible sounds.
1) None
09 assessment definition On the Glascow Coma Scale, what are the scores for motor response? On this scale:
6) Obeys commands.
5) Localizes pain.
4) Withdraws to pain.
3) Abnormal flexion.
2) Abnormal extension.
1) None.
09 assessment definition On the Glascow Coma Scale (AKA GCS), what are the score breakdowns?  On this scale:
13-15: May indicate mild dysfunction, although 15 is the score some with no neurologic disabilities would receive.
9-12: May indicate moderate dysfunction.
8 or less: Indicative of severe dysfunction.
09 assessment definition When a brighter light is introduced in one eye, what should happen? In this case, both pupils should constrict equally to the appropriate size. 09 assessment eye What is anisocoria? This is a condition in which patients exhibit unequal pupil size. If the patient or family cannot confirm the presence of this condition, you must assume the patient has depressed brain function.  09 assessment definition eye What can cause depressed brain function? This can be caused by:
Injury of the brain or brain stem.
Trauma or stroke.
Brain tumor.
Inadequate oxygenation or perfusion.
Drugs or toxins (central nervous system depressants)
09 assessment definition What do opiates do to pupils? These cause to pupils to constrict so significantly, regardless of light, that they become so small as to be described as pinpoint. 09 assessment drugs What might ICP do to the pupils? This might cause sufficient pressure against the oculomotor nerve on one side that the motor commands can no longer pass from the brain to that eye. When this occurs, the eye no longer receives commands to constrict, and its pupil becomes fully dilated and fixed. This is described as a blown pupil. 09 assessment What does PEARRL stand for? This stands for:
Equal And Round,
Regular in size,
and react to

09 abbreviations assessment definition eye mnemonic What are spontaneous breathing (AKA spontaneous respirations)? This is when a patient breathes without assistance. 09 assessment definition What is the ratio of inhalation and exhalation times? These occur in a 1:3 ratio. 09 assessment What is the information you must obtain to assess breathing, and what questions should you be asking yourself? When doing this, you must obtain:
Respiratory rate,
Rhythm (regular or irregular),
Quality or character of breathing,
Depth of breathing.

You should be asking yourself:
Does the patient appear to be choking?
Is the rate too fast or too slow?
Are the respirations shallow or deep?
Is the patient cyanotic?
Do you hear abnormal sounds when listening to the lungs?
Is the patient moving air into and out of the lungs on both sides?
09 assessment A patient who coughs up thick, yellowish, or greenish sputum most likely has what? Patients with this sign likely have an advanced respiratory infection. 09 10 15 airway assessment breathing definition disease infection respiratory signs symptoms Where should you auscultate? Because you can almost always hear a patients breath sounds better from the back, do this there if the back is accessible. Do this over the apices (upper lungs), bases (lower lungs), and over the major airways. 09 assessment breathing chest respiratory trauma What are rales, AKA crackles? These are wet crackling sounds, usually on both inspiration and expiration. 09 assessment definition What are rhonchi? These are congested breath sounds and may suggest the presence of mucus in the lungs. Expect to hear low-pitched, noisy sounds that are most prominent on expiration. The patient often has a productive cough associated with these sounds. 09 15 assessment breathing definition emergencies infection respiratory symptoms What are the accessory muscles? These include the neck muscles (sternocleidomastoid), the chest pectoris majors, and the abdominal muscles. They aid in respiration. 09 airway anatomy breathing definition muscular neck respiratory What is nasal flaring? This is seen in pediatric patients with inadequate breathing. 09 assessment definition What is the tripod position? This is when a patient is sitting and leaning forward on outstreched arms with the head and chin thrust slightly forward; it indicates poor breathing. 09 assessment definition position What is the sniffing position? This is commonly seen in children. The patient sits upright with the head and chin thrust slightly forward, and the patient appears to be sniffing. 09 assessment definition position What is the normal pulse rate for infants (1 month to 1 year)? This is 100 to 160 beats per minute. 09 assessment pulse What is the normal pulse rate for toddlers (1 to 3 years)? This is 90 to 150 beats per minute. 09 assessment pulse What is the normal pulse rate for preschool chldren (3 to 6 years)? This is 80 to 140 beats per minutes. 09 assessment pulse What is the normal pulse rate for school age children (6 to 12 years)? This is 70 to 120 beats per minute. 09 assessment pulse What is the normal pulse rate for adolescents (12 to 18 years) and adults? This is 60 to 100 beats per minute. 09 assessment pulse What is the sclera? This is the normally white portion of the eye. 09 assessment definition Where should you determine capillary refill in newborns and young infants? Press on the forehead, chin, or sternum to determine capillary refill in these patients. 09 assessment How long should the rapid scan of the patient take? This should take 60 to 90 seconds. 09 assessment What conditions are examples of conditions that indicate high-priority patients who need to be transported immediately? These conditions are:
Difficulty breathing,
Poor general impression,
Unresponsive with no gag or cough reflex,
Severe chest pain,
Pale skin or other signs of poor perfusion,
Uncontrolled bleeding,
Responsive but unable to follow commands,
Severe pain in any area of the body,
Inability to move any part of the body,
Complicated childbirth.
09 assessment definition reflex What is the Golden Period and the Platinum 10? The first refers to the time from injury to definitive care, during which treatment of shock and traumatic injuries should occur because survival potential is best. Second refers to the ideal time to assess, stabilize, package, and begin transport. 09 assessment definition Which patients benefit from remaining on scene and receiving continuing care? An older patient with chest pain administered nitrogylcerin on scene and waiting for an ALS is an example of this. 09 assessment What is the chief complaint? This is the reason the patient or someone else called 9-1-1 09 assessment definition What are pertinent negatives? These are findings that warrant no care or intervention. They also indicate that a thorough and complete examination and history were performed. 09 assessment definition When should you use close-ended questions? Use these when patients say nothing or very little. Also note their silence is a clue to the patient's chief complaint. 09 assessment What should you always remember when determing the nature of the chief complaint? Remember that there may be a number of possible medical or traumatic causes for this. 09 assessment What is one of the most common causes of confusion? One of the most common causes of this is hypoxia. 09 assessment causes definition What is one way to deal with hearing impaired patients? One way to deal with this is to use your stethoscope to function like a hearing aid; have the patient place the stethoscope in his or her ears and speak into the stethoscope bell, which will amplify the sound. 09 assessment definition What is the purpose of the secondary assessment? The purpose of this is to perform a systematic physical examination of the patient. It may be a head-to-toe, full body scan or a systematic assessment that focuses on a a certain area or region of the body. 09 assessment definition What is a sphygmomanometer? This is a blood pressure cuff. 09 assessment definition What is capnography? This is a noninvasive method that can quickly and efficiently provide information on a patient's ventilatory status, circulation, and metabolism. 09 assessment definition What is capnometry? This is the use of a capnometer, a device that measures the amount of expired carbon dioxide. 09 assessment definition What is a full-body scan? This is a systematic head-to-toe examination. 09 assessment definition What is a focused assessment? This is generally performed on patients who have sustained nonsignificant MOIs or on responsive medical patients. It is based on the chief complaint. 09 assessment definition What is the normal range for blood pressure in adults? This is 90 to 140 mm Hg (systolic). 09 assessment What is the normal range for blood pressure in children (1 to 8 years old)? This is 80 to 110 mm Hg (systolic). 09 assessment What is the normal range for blood pressure in infants (newborn to 1 year)? This is 50 to 95 mm Hg (systolic). 09 assessment What is subcutaneous emphysema? This is a crackling sound produced by air bubbles under the skin. 09 assessment definition What is the reassessment phase? This is performed at regular intervals and is to identify and treat changes in a patient's condition. 09 assessment definition What should you do if the patient's condition improves? If this happens, continue whatever treatments you are providing. 09 assessment definition What is pharmacology? This is the science of drugs. 11 definition pharmacology What is pharmacodynamics? This is the process by which a medication works on the body. 11 definition pharmacology What is an agonist? This is a medication that causes stimulation of receptors. 11 definition pharmacology What is an antagonist? This is medication that binds to a receptor and block other medications. 11 definition pharmacology What is a medication's action? This is the therapeutic effect or intended effect it is expected to have on the body. 11 definition pharmacology What should you remember about doses in the elderly population? These may also need to be decreased for this population because they cannot process medications as efficiently as others. 11 pharmacology What are indication? These are the reasons or conditions for which a particular medication is given. 11 definition pharmacology What are contraindications? These are reasons or conditions for which a particular medication should not be given, even if it usually is indicated for that person's condition. 11 definition pharmacology What are side effects? These are any actions of a medication other than the desired ones. 11 definition pharmacology What are unintended effects? These are the effects that are undesirable but pose little risk to the patient. 11 definition pharmacology What are untoward effects? These are the effects that can be harmful to the patient. 11 definition pharmacology What is the difference between a medication's generic name and its trade name? The first is a simple, clear, nonproprietary name. The second is the brand name; as a proper noun, it begins with a capital letter. 11 pharmacology What are OTC medications? These are medications that can be purchased without a prescription. 11 definition pharmacology What are enteral medications? These are medications that enter the body through the digestive system. 11 definition pharmacology What are parenteral medications? These are medications that enter the body by a route other than the digestive tract, skin, or mucous membranes. These are absorbed much more quickly and offer a more predictable and measurable dose. 11 definition pharmacology What is absorption? This is the process by which medications travel through body tissues until they reach the bloodstream. 11 definition pharmacology What is the per retum (PR) route of administration? This is medication administrated by the rectum. It is most commonly used with children and patients who cannot swallow or are unconscious. 11 definition pharmacology What is the intravenous (IV) route of administration? This is medication administed into the vein. This is the fastest way to deliver a chemical substance. 11 definition pharmacology What is the intraosseous (IO) route of administration? This is medication delivered into the bone, reaching the bloodstream via the bone marrow. This is very painful, and so this route is used most often in patients who are unconscious as a result of cardiac arrest or extreme shock, as well as children who have fewer available IV sites. 11 definition pharmacology What is the subcutaneous (SC or SQ) route of administration? This is medication delivered beneath the skin as an injection into the tissue between the skin and muscle. Because there is less blood here than in the muscles, medications that are given by this route are generally absorbed more slowly, and their effects last longer. Daily insulin injections for patients with diabetes are given this way, as well as some forms of epinephrine. 11 definition pharmacology What is the intramuscular (IM) route of administration? This is medication administered into the muscle. Usually, medications given this way are absorbed quickly because muscles have a lot of blood vessels. Possible problems with this method are damage to muscle tissue and uneven, unreliable absorption, especially in people with decreased tissue perfusion. Auto-injectors frequently use this method. 11 definition pharmacology What is the inhalation route of administration? This is medication inhaled into the lungs so that they can be absorbed into the bloodstream more quickly, or so they work in the lungs. Generally, this minimizes the effects of the medication in other body tissues. 11 definition pharmacology What is the sublingual (SL) route of administration? This is medication administered under the tongue. The medication enters through the oral mucosa under the tongue and are absorbed into the bloodstream within minutes. This method is faster than the oral route, and it protects medications from chemicals in the digestive system, such as acids that can weaken or inactivate them. 11 definition pharmacology What is the transcutaneous, or transdermal route of administration? This is medication administered through the skin, and usually have longer-lasting effects. Nicotine patches or adhesive patches containing nitroglycerin are examples of this. 11 definition pharmacology What is the intranasal (IN) route of administration? This is medication administered into the nostril, typically via a specialized atomizer device called a Mucosal Atomizer Device (AKA M.A.D.). Blood flow to the head and face is very high; therefore, absorption is rather quick with this route. Naloxone can be administered to some overdose patients via this route. 11 definition pharmacology What is a solution? This is a liquid mixture of one or more substances that cannot be separated by filtering or allowing the mixture to stand. 11 definition pharmacology What is a suspension? This is a mixture of ground particles that are distributed evenly throughout a liquid but do not dissolve. It is very important that you shake or swirl a suspesion before administering it to ensure that the patient receives the right amount of medication. 11 definition pharmacology What is a metered-dose inhaler (A.K.A. an MDI)? This is a miniature spray canister used to direct such substances through the mouth and into the lungs. It delivers the same amount of medication each time it is used, and must be shaken vigorously before the medication is administered. 11 definition pharmacology What are topical medications? These are lotions, creams, and ointments that are applied to the surface of the skin. 11 definition pharmacology "What are the ""Six Rights"" of medication administration?" These are:
1) Right patient,
2) Right medication,
3) Right dose,
4) Right route,
5) Right time,
and 6) Right documentation
11 definition pharmacology What is the echo technique? This is repeating the order you receive from the physician for the administration of a medication. It is essential that you do this anytime you receive an order from a physician. 11 definition pharmacology What are the three circumstances for administering medication? These are:
1) peer-assisted medication (administering medication to yourself or your partner)
2) patient-assisted medication (assisting the patient with the administration of his or her own medication)
3) EMT-administered medication (directly administering the medication to the patient.
11 definition pharmacology What are the medications that may be administered by EMTs (depending of course on local protocol)? These medications are:
Activated charcoal,
Oral glucose,
Epinephrine auto-injector,
Meter-dose inhaler medications,
11 definition pharmacology What is Lipitor AKA atorvastatin used for? This is used to lower cholesterol. 11 definition pharmacology What is montelukast AKA Singulair used for? This is used to help prevent asthma attacks. 11 definition pharmacology What is escitalopram AKA Lexapro used for? This is used to treat depression. 11 definition pharmacology What is esomeprazole AKA Nexium used for? This is used to treat gastric reflux. 11 definition pharmacology What is levothyroxine AKA Synthroid used for? This is used to treat decreased thyroid functioning. 11 definition pharmacology What is clopidogrel AKA Plavix used for? This is used to prevent stroke and heart attack. 11 definition pharmacology What is metroprolol AKA Toprol used for? This is used to lower blood pressure. 11 definition pharmacology What is lansoprazole AKA Prevacid used for? This is used to treat stomach ulcers. 11 definition pharmacology What is ezetimibe and simvastatin AKA Vytorin AKA Zetia used for? This is used to lower cholesterol. 11 definition pharmacology What is fluticasone and salmeterol AKA Advair Diskus used for? This is used to treat asthma. 11 definition pharmacology What is cetirizine AKA Zyrtec used for? This is used to treat allergies. 11 definition pharmacology What is venlafaxine AKA Effexor used for? This is used to treat depression. 11 definition pharmacology What is pantoprazole AKA Protonix used for? This is used to treat gastic reflux. 11 definition pharmacology What is valsartan AKA Diovan used for? This is used to treat high blood pressure. 11 definition pharmacology What is alendronate AKA Fosamax used for? This is used to treat osteoporosis. 11 definition pharmacology What is potassium chloride AKA Klor-Con used for? This is used to treat low potassium levels. 11 definition pharmacology What is valsartan and hydrochlorothiazide AKA Diovan HCT used for? This is used to treat hypertension. 11 definition pharmacology What is levofloxacin AKA Levaquin? This is an antibiotic. 11 definition pharmacology What is polypharmacy? This refers to the use of multiple medications by one person. 11 definition pharmacology What is a common bronchodilator? A common kind of this medication is albuterol (AKA Proventil or Ventolin). 11 definition pharmacology What is another name for asthma? This is also known as reactive airway disease. 11 definition pharmacology What is the standard dose of epinephrine in an auto-injector? The standard dose for this is 0.3 mg. 11 pharmacology What is epinephrine (AKA adrenaline), and what are its characteristics? This is the main hormone that controls the body's fight-or-flight response and is the primary medication EMTs will administer IM. It is sympathomimetic, meaning it mimics the effect of the sympathetic nervous system.
Characteristics of this chemical are:
Secreted naturally by the adrenal glands.
Dilates passages in the lungs.
Constricts blood vessels, causing increased blood pressure.
Increases heart rate and blood pressure.

Contraindication for this include:
myocardial infarction,
no sign of wheezing or hypotension
11 definition pharmacology What is nitroglycerin? The purpose of this is to increase blood flow by relieving the spasms or causing the arteries to dilate. It does this by relaxing the muscular walls of the coronary arteries and veins. Always take the patient's blood pressure before administering this; if systolic blood pressure is less than 100 mm Hg, do not administer this medication.
Contraindications for this include:
sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), vardenafil (Levitra), or any other medications that are used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction taken in the previous 24 hours.
11 definition pharmacology What is the standard dose for nitroglycerin? The standard dose for this is .4 mg / pill. 11 pharmacology How long should you wait between doses of nitroglycerin? You should wait 5 minutes before administering another dose of this. 11 pharmacology What is aspirin (A.K.A. acetylsalicylic acid or A.S.A.)? This is an antipyretic (fever reducer), analgesic (reduces pain), and anti-inflammatory medication that also inhibits platelet aggregation. Taken during a heart attack, this may prove lifesaving. It should not be given to children during episodes of fever-causing illness due to its association with Reye syndrome (which causes swelling in the brain and liver). 11 definition pharmacology What is adsorption? This means to bind or stick to a surface. 11 definition pharmacology What is the usual dose for activated charcoal? This is usually 1 to 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. 11 pharmacology As an EMT, what is the only way you can administer oral glucose? As an EMT, you can only administer this orally. 11 definition pharmacology What are the action, indications, contraindications, routes, sides effects, interactions, adult dose, and administration concerns of Acetaminophen / Tylenol? For this medication:
Action: Analgesic and antifever
Indications: Relief of mild pain or fever, headache, and muscle aches
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity
Routes: PO
Side Effects: Allergic reaction
Interactions: Caution must be taken when EMTs are administering this to avoid potential overdosing.
Adult dose: 500 to 1000 mg every 4 hours as needed; dose is weight based for children.
Administration concerns: Weight of child is more important than age.
11 definition pharmacology What are the action, indications, contraindications, routes, sides effects, interactions, adult dose, and administration concerns of activated charcoal / actidose with Sorbitol? For this medication:
Action: Adsorbs toxic substances in the digestive tract.
Indications: Most oral poisonings; overdose.
Contraindications: Decreased level of consciousness; overdose of corrosives, caustics, or petroleum substances.
Routes: PO.
Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, constipation, black stool.
Interactions: Bonds with and inactivates most medications / substance in the digestive tract.
Adult dose: 1 to 2 grams per kilogram
Administration concerns: Stains; protect patient and provider clothing; do not give when giving other PO medications.
11 definition pharmacology What are the action, indications, contraindications, routes, sides effects, interactions, adult dose, and administration concerns of Aspirin / Bayer? For this medication:
Action: Anti-inflammatory agent and anti-fever agent; prevents platelets from clumping, thereby decreasing formation of new clots.
Indications: Relief of mild pain, headache, muscle aches, chest pain when considering myocardial infarction.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, recent bleeding.
Routes: PO
Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, bleeding, allergic reactions.
Interactions: Caution should be used in patients who are taking anticoagulants.
Adult dose: 160 to 325 mg for chest pain.
Administration concerns: Do not administer for pain cause by trauma or for fevers in children; patients with chest pain must be able to chew tablets.
11 definition pharmacology What are the action, indications, contraindications, routes, sides effects, interactions, adult dose, and administration concerns of Albuterol / Proventil, Ventolin? For this medication:
Action: Stimulates nervous system, causing bronchodilation.
Indications: Asthma / difficulty breathing with wheezing.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, tachycardia, myocardial infarction.
Routes: MDI / inhalation.
Side Effects: Hypertension, tachycardia, anxiety, restlessness.
Interactions: Increases effects of other nervous system stimulants.
Adult dose: 1 to 2 inhalations; wait 5 minutes before repeating dose.
Administration concerns: Patient must inhale all medication in 1 breath; coach patient to hold breath for 5 seconds after inhalation.
11 definition pharmacology What are the action, indications, contraindications, routes, sides effects, interactions, adult dose, and administration concerns of diphenhydramine / Benadryl? For this medication:
Action: Antihistamine.
Indications: Mild allergic reactions.
Contraindications: Asthma, glaucoma, pregnancy, hypertension, infants.
Routes: PO
Side Effects: Sleepiness, dry mouth, and throat.
Interactions: Do not take with alcohol or MAO inhibitors (a type of psychiatric medication).
Adult dose: 25 to 50 mg.
Administration concerns: Can use in severe allergic reaction; however, epinephrine is administered first.
11 definition pharmacology What are the action, indications, contraindications, routes, sides effects, interactions, adult dose, and administration concerns of Epinephrine / EpiPen? For this medication:
Action: Stimulates nervous system, causing bronchodilation.
Indications: Severe allergic reactions.
Contraindications: Myocardial infarction, hypothermia, hypertension.
Routes: IM (auto-injector).
Side Effects: Hypertension, tachycardia, anxiety, restlessness.
Interactions: Increases effects of other nervous system stimulants.
Adult dose: 1 auto-injector.
Administration concerns: Medication will last approximately 5 minutes; do not repeat dose; ensure ALS is en route for continuing treatment.
11 definition pharmacology What are the action, indications, contraindications, routes, sides effects, interactions, adult dose, and administration concerns of ibuprofen / Advil, Motrin, Nuprin? For this medication:
Action: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug that reduces inflammation and fever, analgesic.
Indications: Mild pain or fever, headache, muscle aches.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity.
Routes: PO
Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, bleeding, allergic reactions.
Interactions: Do not take with aspirin.
Adult dose: 200 to 400 mg every 4 to 6 hours; dose is weight based in children.
Administration concerns: Do not take for pain caused by trauma; weight of child is more important than age.
11 definition pharmacology What are the action, indications, contraindications, routes, sides effects, interactions, adult dose, and administration concerns of nitroglycerin / Nitrostat? For this medication:
Action: Dilates blood vessels.
Indications: Chest pain due to myocardial infarction or angina.
Contraindications: Hypotension, having taken sildenafil (Viagra) or another treatment for erectile dysfunction with the past 24 hours; head injury.
Routes: SL / Spray.
Side Effects: Headache, burning under tongue, hypotension, nausea.
Interactions: Increases dilating effects of other blood vessel-dilating medications.
Adult dose: 0.3 to 0.4 mg SL; 0.4 mg spray.
Administration concerns: Ensure ALS is en route.
11 definition pharmacology What are the action, indications, contraindications, routes, sides effects, interactions, adult dose, and administration concerns of oral glucose / Glutose? For this medication:
Action: When absorbed, provides glucose for cell use.
Indications: Hypoglycemia.
Contraindications: Decreased level of consciousness, nausea, vomiting.
Routes: PO
Side Effects: Nausea, vomiting.
Interactions: None.
Adult dose: 1/2 to 1 tube.
Administration concerns: Patient must have control of airway and be awake and able to follow commands.
11 definition pharmacology What are the action, indications, contraindications, routes, sides effects, interactions, adult dose, and administration concerns of oxygen? For this medication:
Action: Reverses hypoxia, provides oxygen to be absorbed by lungs.
Indications: Hypoxia or suspected hypoxia.
Contraindications: Very rarely in patients with C.O.P.D.
Routes: Gas / Inhalation.
Side Effects: Decreased respiratory effort in rare cases in patients with C.O.P.D.
Interactions: Can support combustion.
Adult dose: Use oxygen delivery to administer 28% to 100% oxygen.
Administration concerns: No open flames nearby; do not withhold oxygen from patients in respiratory distress.
11 definition pharmacology What is the first key rule of lifting? The first key rule of this is to always keep your back in an upright position and lift without twisting. 08 definition lifting moving What is the safest and most powerful way to lift? The power lift is this kind of lift. 08 lifting moving How many rescuers should you use whenever possible, and who is responsible for coordinating the moves? You should try to have four of these whenever resourcers allow; the team leader is responsible for this. 08 lifting moving What is the most commonly used device to move and transport patients? The wheeled ambulance stretcher is the most commonly used one of these. 08 ambulance equipment lifting moving What are devices used to carry patients? Types of these devices include:
The wheeled ambulance stretchers,
Portable stretchers,
Flexible stretchers,
Basket stretchers (AKA Stokes litters),
Scoop stretchers,
Stair chairs.
08 ambulance carrying lifting moving What is bariatrics? This is a branch of medicine concerned with the management, prevention and control of obesity and allied diseases. 08 definition lifting moving What is a basket stretcher (AKA a Stokes litter)? This is a rigid stretcher commonly used in technical and water rescues that surrounds and supports the patient yet allows water to drain through holes in the bottom. 08 definition equipment lifting moving What is a diamond carry? This is a carrying technique in which one EMT is located at the head end of the stretcher or backboard, one at the foot end, and one at each side of the patient; each of the EMTs at the sides use one hand to support the stretcher / backboard so that all are able to face forward as they walk. 08 carrying definition equipment lifting moving What is the direct ground lift? This is a lifting technique that is used for patients who are found lying supine on the ground with no suspected spinal injury. 08 definition lifting moving What is an emergency move? This is a move in which the patient is dragged or pulled from a dangerous scene before assessment and care are provided. 08 definition lifting moving What is an extremity lift? This is a lifting technique that is used for patients who are supine or in a sitting position with no suspected extremity or spinal injury. 08 definition lifting moving position What is a flexible stretcher? This is a stretcher that is a rigid carrying device when secured around a patient but can be folded or rolled when not in use. 08 carrying definition equipment lifting moving What is a portable stretcher? This is a stretcher with a strong rectangular tubular metal frame and rigid fabric stretched across it. 08 definition equipment lifting moving What is a power grip? This is a technique in which the litter or backboard is gripped by inserting each hand under the handle with the palm facing up and the thumb extended, fully supporting the underside of the handle on the curved palm with the fingers and thumb. 08 definition lifting moving What is the power lift? This is a lifting technique in which the EMTs' back is held upright, with legs bent, and the patient is lifted when the EMT straightens the legs to raise the upper body and arms. 08 definition lifting moving What is the rapid extrication technique? This is a technique to move a patient from a sitting position inside a vehicle to supine on a backboard in less than 1 minute when conditions do not allow for standard immobilization. 08 definition extrication lifting moving position """PASTE"" is an alternate assessment tool for {{c1::respiratory}} patients" 15 respiratory A pleural {{c1::effusion}} is MOST accurately defined as fluid accumulation outside the lung. 15 respiratory
{{c1::Asthma}} is caused by {{c2::a response of the immune system.}}
15 airway breathing disease immunologic respiratory {{c1::Crackles (rales)}} are caused  {{c1::by air passing through fluid}}. 15 respiratory In order for efficient pulmonary gas exchange to occur oxygen and carbon dioxide must be able to freely {{c1::diffuse}} across the alveolar-capillary membrane. 15 respiratory In what area of the lungs does respiration occur? Alveoli 15 respiratory When auscultating the lungs of a patient with respiratory distress, you hear adventitious sounds. This means that the patient has {{c1::abnormal}} breath sounds. 15 respiratory Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that predisposes the patient to repeated {{c1::lung}} infections. 15 respiratory What must be assessed in every respiratory patient? Lung sounds 15 respiratory "{{c2::Low-pitched ""rattling"" sounds bilaterally at the bases on the lungs indicating aspiration}} are consistent with {{c1::pneumonia}}." 15 assessment respiratory Your patient has a chronic respiratory condition. His stimulus to breathe is triggered by low oxygen levels in the blood. This is known as the {{c1::hypoxic}} drive. 15 respiratory Acute pulmonary edema would MOST likely develop as the result of toxic chemical {{c1::inhalation}}. 15 respiratory Alkalosis is a condition that occurs when blood acidity is reduced by excessive {{c1::breathing}}. 15 respiratory  A regular pattern of inhalation and exhalation and breath sounds that are clear and equal on both sides of the chest indicates adequate {{c1::air exchange}}. 15 respiratory Common signs and symptoms of acute {{c1::hyperventilation}} syndrome include tachypnea and tingling in the extremities. 15 respiratory signs symptoms Dyspnea is MOST accurately defined as shortness of {{c1::breath}} or difficulty {{c2::breathing}}. 15 respiratory When the level of arterial carbon dioxide rises above normal- respirations increase in {{c1::rate}} and {{c2::depth}}. 15 respiratory Anaphylaxis is characterized by airway {{c1::swelling}} and {{c2::hypo}}tension. 15 respiratory The hypoxic drive stimulates a person to breathe on the basis of {{c1::low}} oxygen levels. 15 respiratory Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND), rales, and dependent edema are clinical indicators of {{c1::congestive heart failure}}. 15 respiratory Thromboembolism is a blood {{c1::clot}} floating through blood vessels until it reaches a narrow area and {{c2::blocks}} blood flow. 15 respiratory
Ischemia means lack of {{c1::oxygen}}. It is potentially reversible because permanent injury has not occured yet.
15 respiratory Infarction means {{c1::tissue}} death. 15 respiratory Cardiogenic shock can occur within {{c1::24}} hours of a(n) Acute Myocardial Infarction 15 respiratory The only vein(s) in the body that carry oxygenated blood is/are the {{c1::pulmonary}} veins. 15 respiratory When, for a brief period of time, heart tissues do not get enough oxygen, the pain is called {{c1::angina}}. 15 respiratory About {{c1::30}} minutes after blood flow is cut off, some heart muscle cells begin to die. 15 respiratory
Automaticity allows a cardiac muscle cell to contract spontaneously without a stimulus from a {{c1::nerve}} source.

15 respiratory {{c1::Pacemakers}} are inserted when the electrical control system of the heart is so damaged that it cannot function properly. 15 respiratory In general, a maximum of {{c1::3}} dose(s) of nitroglycerin is/are given for any one episode of chest pain. 15 respiratory A percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) restores {{c1::blood flow}} to the ischemic myocardium by {{c2::dilating}} the affected coronary artery with a small inflatable balloon. 15 respiratory {{c1::Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)}} is a term used to describe a group of symptoms that are caused by myocardial ischemia. 15 respiratory After assisting your patient with prescribed nitroglycerin, you should reassess his or her blood pressure within {{c1::5}} minutes to detect {{c2::hypotension}}. 15 respiratory Blood that is ejected from the right ventricle flows into the {{c1::pulmonary}} arteries. 15 respiratory Cardiac output may {{c1::decrease}} if the heart beats too rapidly because there is not enough time in between contractions for the heart to {{c2::refill}} completely. 15 respiratory {{c1::Cardiogenic}} shock following AMI is caused by decreased pumping force of the heart muscle. 15 respiratory A common side effect of nitroglycerin include {{c1::hypertension}}. 15 respiratory A common sign and symptom of AMI includes pain exacerbated by {{c1::breathing}}. "" 15 respiratory In contrast to AMI, a dissecting aortic aneurysm often presents with pain that is {{c1::maximal}} from the onset. 15 respiratory Ischemic heart disease is defined as decreased blood flow to one or more portions of the {{c1::myocardium}}. 15 respiratory Most patients are instructed by their physician to take up to {{c1::3}} doses of nitroglycerin before calling EMS. 15 respiratory Nitroglycerin relieves cardiac-related chest pain by {{c1::dilating}} the coronary arteries and improving cardiac blood flow. 15 respiratory Rapid, labored breathing in a patient with signs and symptoms of AMI should make you suspicious for {{c1::Congestive Heart Failure}}. 15 respiratory Sudden death following AMI is MOST often caused by {{c1::ventricular fibrillation}}.

Ventricular fibrillation is when electrical impulses in the heart start firing randomy in the lower chambers which makes the heart quiver and unable to beat properly. 15 respiratory The descending aorta divides into the two iliac arteries at the level of the {{c1::navel}}. 15 respiratory The electrical stimulus that originates in the heart's primary pacemaker is controlled by impulses from the brain that arrive by way of the {{c1::autonomic}} nervous system. 15 respiratory The head and brain receive their supply of oxygenated blood from the {{c1::carotid}} arteries. 15 respiratory The iliac arteries immediately subdivide into the {{c1::femoral}} arteries. 15 respiratory The MOST common error associated with the use of the AED is failure of the EMT to ensure {{c1::the battery is charged.}} 15 respiratory The MOST common reason that many people experiencing AMI do not seek immediate medical attention is because they are in {{c1::denial}}. 15 respiratory The myocardium receives oxygenated blood from the {{c1::coronary}} arteries, which originate(s) from the {{c2::aorta}}. 15 respiratory The posterior {{c1::tibial}} pulse can be palpated behind the medial malleolus, on the inside of the {{c2::ankle}}. "
" 15 assessment cardiovascular vitals The purpose of {{c1::defibrillation}} is to stop the chaotic, disorganized contraction of the cardiac cells. 15 respiratory Ventricular tachycardia causes {{c1::hypotension}} because the left ventricle does not adequately fill with blood. 15 respiratory {{c1::Acidosis}} is the buildup of excess acid in the body or body tissues that results from a primary illness. 15 respiratory {{c1::Adventitious}} breath sounds are abnormal breath sounds such as wheezing, stridor, rhonchi, and crackles.
15 respiratory {{c1::Alkalosis}} is the buildup of excess base (lack of acids) in the body fluids.
15 respiratory An {{c1::allergen}} is a substance that causes allergic reaction. 15 respiratory {{c1::Asthma}} is an acute spasm of the smaller air passages, called brochioles, associated with excessive mucus production and with swelling of the mucous lining of the respiratory passages.
15 respiratory {{c1::Atelectasis}} is the collapse of the aveolar air spaces of the lungs.
15 respiratory {{c1::Bronchial}} breath sounds are normal breath sounds made by air moving through the bronchi.
15 respiratory {{c1::Bronchiolitis}} is the inflammation of the bronchioles that usually occurs in children younger than 2 and is often caused by the respiratory syncytial virus.
15 respiratory {{c1::Bronchitis}} is an acute or chronic inflammation of the lung that may damage lung tissue; usually associated with cough and production of sputum and, depending on its cause, sometimes fever.
" 15 respiratory {{c1::Carbon dioxide retention}} is a condition characterized by a chronically high blood level of carbon dioxide in which the respiratory center no longer responds to high blood levels of carbon dioxide.
15 respiratory {{c1::Carbon monoxide}} is an odorless, colorless, tasteless, and highly poisonous gas that results from incomplete oxidation of carbon in combustion.
15 respiratory Chronic {{c1::bronchitis}} is an irritation of the major lung passageways from infectious disease or irritants such as smoke. 15 respiratory {{c1::Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)}} is a slow process of dilation and disruption of the airways and alveoli caused by chonic bronchial obstruction.
15 respiratory {{c1::Diptheria}} is an infectious disease in which a membrane form, lining the pharynx; this lining can severely obstruct the passage of air into the larynx.
15 respiratory An {{c1::embolus}} is a blood clot or other substance in the circulatory system that travels to a blood bessel where it causes a blockage.
15 respiratory {{c1::Epiglottitis}} is a disease in which the epiglottis becomes inflamed and enlarged and may cause an upper airway obstruction.
15 respiratory {{c1::Hay fever}} is an allergic response usually to outdoor airborne allergens such as pollen or sometimes indoor allergens such as dust mites or pet danders; also called allergic {{c2::rhinitis}}.
15 respiratory {{c1::Hyperventilation}} syndrom occurs in the absence of other physical problems and is rapid or deep breathing that lowers the blood {{c2::carbon dioxide}} level below normal. The respirations of a person who is experiencing this syndrome may be as high as 40 shallow breaths/min or as low as only 20 very deep breaths/min
15 respiratory {{c1::Influenza Type A}} is a virus that has crossed the animal/human barrier and has infected humans, recently reaching a pandemic level with the H1N1 strain.
15 respiratory {{c1::Orthopnea}} is sever dyspnea experienced when lying down and relieved by sitting up.
15 respiratory Paroxysmal {{c1::norcturnal dyspnea}} is severe shortness of breath, especially at night after several hours of reclining; the person is forced to sit up to breathe.
15 respiratory "{{c1::Pertussis}} is an airborne bacterial infection that affects mostly children younger than 6, in which the patient is feverish and exhibits a ""whoop"" sound on inspiration {{c2::after}} a {{c3::coughing}} attack; highly contagious through droplet infection.
" 15 respiratory {{c1::Pleural effusion}} is a collection of fluid between the lung and chest wall that may compress the lung.
15 respiratory {{c1::Pleuritic}} chest pain is a sharp, stabbing pain in the chest that is worsened by a deep breath or other chest wall movement; often caused by inflammation or irritation of the pleura. 
15 respiratory {{c1::Pneumonia}} is an infectious disease of the lung that damages lung tissue; its cause can be bacterial, viral, or fungal.
15 breathing disease respiratory A {{c1::pulmonary edema}} is a buildup of fluid in the lungs, usually as a result of congestive heart failure.
15 respiratory Respiratory {{c1::syncytial}} virus (RSV) is a virus that causes an infection of the lungs and breating passages; can lead to other serious illnesses that affect the lungs or heart, such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia; highly contagious and spread through droplets.
15 respiratory A {{c1::small-volume nebulizer }} is a respiratory device that holds liquid medicine that is turned into a fine mist. The patient inhales the medication into the airways and lungs as a treatment for conditions such as asthma. 15 respiratory {{c1::Tuberculosis}} is a chronic bacterial disease, caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, that usually affects the lungs but can also affect other organs such as the brain and kidneys; it is spread by cough and can lie {{c2::dormant}} in a person's lungs for decades and then reactivate.
15 respiratory {{c1::Vesicular}} breath sounds are normal breath sounds made by air moving in and out of the alveoli.
15 respiratory {{c1::Acture coronary}} syndrome is a group of symptoms caused by myocardial {{c2::ischemia}}; includes angina and myocardial infaction (MI).
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies "An {{c1::acute myocardial infarction (AMI)}} is a heart attack; death of heart muscle following obstruction of blood flow to it; in this context the attack is ""new"" or ""happening right now""; ie. it is acute." 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies {{c1::Angina pectoris}} is transient (short-lived) chest discomfort caused by partial or temporary blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle; also called {{c2::angina}}.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies An {{c1::aortic aneurysm}} is a weakness in the wall of the aorta that makes it susceptible to rupture. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies The {{c1::aortic valve}} is the one-way valve that lies between the left ventricle and the aorta and keeps blood from flowing back into the left ventricle adter the left ventricle ejects its blood into the aorta; one of the four heart valves. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies An {{c1::artifact}} is a tracing on an ECG that is the result of interference, such as patient movement, rather than the heart's electrical activity. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies {{c1::Asystole}} is the complete absence of all heart electrical activity.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies {{c1::Automaticity}} is the ability of the cardiac muscle cells to contract without stimulation from the nervous system.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies {{c1::Cardiac arrest}} is when the heart fails to generate effective and detectable blood flow; pulses are not palpable, even if muscular and electrical activity continues in the heart.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies pulse {{c1::Congestive heart failure}} is a disorder in which the heart loses part of its ability to effectively pump blood, usually as a result of damage to the heart muscle and usually resulting in a backup of fluid into the lungs.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies {{c1::Coronary arteries}} are the blood vessels that carry blood and nutrients to the heart muscle.
" 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies To {{c1::defibrillate}} is to shock a fibrillating (choatically beating) heart with specialized electric current in an attempt to restore a normal, rhythmic beat. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies {{c1::Dependent edema}} is swelling in the part of the body closest to the ground, caused by collection of fluid in the tissues; a possible sign of {{c2::congestive heart failure}}.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies {{c1::Dilation}} is the widening of a tubular structure such as a coronary artery.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies A {{c1::dissecting aneurysm}} is a condition in which the inner layers of an artery, such as the aorta, become separated, allowing blood (at high pressures) to flow between the layers. "
" 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies {{c1::Dysrhythmia}} is an irregular or abnormal heart rhythm.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies A {{c1::hypertensive emergency}} is an emergency situation created by excessively high blood pressure, which can lead to serious complications such as stoke or aneurysm.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies An {{c1::infarction}} is the death of a body tissue, usually caused by interruption of its blood supply. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies The {{c1::lumen}} is the inside diameter of an artery or other hollow structure.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies The {{c1::myocardium}} is the heart muscle. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies An {{c1::occulsion}} is a blockage, usually of a tubular structure such as a blood vessel. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies A {{c1::thromboembolism}} is a blood clot that has formed within a blood vessel and is floating within the bloodstream. 16 cardiovascular definition emergencies {{c1::Ventricular fibrillation}} is disorganized, ineffective quivering of the ventricles, resulting in no blood flow and a state of cardiac arrest.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies {{c1::Ventricular tachycardia}} is a rapid heart rhythm in which the electrical impulse begins in the ventricle (instead of the atrium), which may result in inadequate blood flow and eventually deteriorate into cardiac arrest.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies {{c1::Aphasia}} is the inability to understand and/or produce speech.
17 definition neurologic An {{c1::aura}} is a sensation experienced before a seizure; serves as a warning sign that a seizure is about to occur.
17 definition neurologic A {{c1::Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)}} is an interruption of blood flow to the brain that results in the loss of brain function; also called a stroke. 17 abbreviations definition neurologic A {{c1::coma}} is a state of profound unconsciousness from which the patient cannot be roused. 17 definition neurologic {{c1::Delirium}} is a sudden change in mental status that is fenerally acut and reversible, characterized by disorientation, inability to focus, inattention, inability to think logically, memory loss, striking changes in personality and affect, hallucinations, delusions, or a decreased level of consciousness.
17 definition neurologic {{c1::Dysarthria}} is slurred speech.
17 definition neurologic {{c1::Epilepsy}} is {{c2::a disorder in which abnormal electrical discharges occur in the brain, causing seizure and possible loss of consciousness}}.
17 definition neurologic {{c1::Febrile seizures}} are seizures that result from high fevers; most often seen in children.
17 definition neurologic {{c1::Glucose}} is one of the basic sugars; it is the primary fuel, in conjunction with oxygen, for cellular metabolism.
17 definition neurologic {{c1::Hemiparesis}} is weakness on one side of the body.
17 definition neurologic A {{c1::hemorrhagic stroke}} is a type of stroke that occurs as a result of bleeding inside the brain. 17 definition neurologic {{c1::Incontinence}} is a loss of bowel and/or bladder control; may be the result of a generalized seizure.
17 definition neurologic An {{c1::ischemic stroke}} is a type of stroke that occurs when blood flow to a particular part of the brain is cut off by a blockage (eg, a blood clot) inside a blood vessel. 17 definition neurologic A {{c1::partial}} seizure affecting a limited portion of the brain; also called a {{c2::focal seizure}} 17 definition neurologic The {{c1::postictal state}} is the period following a seizure that lasts 5 to 30 minutes; characterized by labored respirations and some degree of altered mental status. 17 definition neurologic A {{c1::seizure}} is a neurologic episode caused by a surge of electrical activity in the brain; can be a convulsion characterized by generalized, uncoordinated muscular activity, and can be associated with loss of consciousness.
17 definition neurologic {{c1::Status epilepticus}} is a condition in which seizures recur every few minutes or last longer than 30 minutes.
17 definition neurologic {{c1::Thombosis}} is a blood clot, either in the arterial or venous system. When the clot occurs in a cerebral artery, it may result in the interruption of cerebral blood flow and subsequent {{c2::stroke}}.
17 definition neurologic A {{c1::transient ischemic attack}} is a disorder of the brain in which brain cells temporarily stop functioning because of insufficient oxygen, causing stroke-like symptoms that resolve completely within {{c2::24}} hours of onset. 17 definition neurologic {{c1::Acute abdomen}} is a condition of sudden onset of pain within the abdomen, usually indicating peritonitis; immediate medical or surgical treatment is necessary.
18 definition {{c1::Appendicitis}} is the inflammation or infection of the appendix.
18 definition {{c1::Cholecystitis}} is the inflammation of the gallbladder.
18 definition {{c1::Cystitis}} is the inflammation of the bladder.
18 definition {{c1::Diverticulitis}} is inflammation in small pockets at weak areas in the muscle walls.
18 definition {{c1::Emesis}} is another word for vomiting.
18 definition {{c1::Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)}} is a condition in which the sphincter between the esophagus and the stomach opens, allowing stomach acid to move up into the esophagus, usually resulting in a burning sensation within the chest; also called {{c2::acid reflux}}.
18 definition {{c1::Hematemesis}} is a term that means vomited blood.
18 definition A {{c1::hernia}} is the protrusion of an organ or tissue through an abnormal body opening. "" 18 definition {{c1::Ileus}} is the paralysis of the bowel, arising from any one of several causes; stops contractions that move material through the intestine.
18 definition {{c1::Kidney stones}} are solid crystalline masses formed in the kidney, resulting from an excess of insoluble salts or uric acid crystallizing in the urine; may become trapped anywhere along the urinary tract.
18 definition urologic {{c1::Melena}} is balck, foul-smelling, tarry stool containing digested blood.
18 definition {{c1::Pancreatitis}} is inflammation of the pancreas.
18 abdomen definition The {{c1::peritoneum}} is the membrane lining the abdominal cavity and covering the abdominal organs. 18 abdomen anatomy definition {{c1::Peritonitis}} is the inflammation of the peritoneum.
18 abdomen definition {{c1::Referred pain}} is the pain felt in an area of the body other than the area where the cause of pain is located.
18 definition {{c1::Strangulation}} is {{c2::the complete obstruction of blood circulation in a given organ as a result of compression of entrapment; an emergency situation causing death of tissue.}}
18 airway breathing definition emergencies respiratory vocab {{c1::Uremia}} is severe kidney failure resulting in the buildup of waste products within the blood. Eventually {{c2::brain}} functions will be impaired.
18 definition A {{c1::urinary tract infection (UTI)}} is a bacterial infection, usually of the lower urinary tract (urethra and bladder) that occurs when normal flora bacteria enter the urethra and grow.
18 definition {{c1::Asthma}} signs and symptoms include wheezing on inspiration/expiration and bronchospasm.
15 respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Anaphylaxis}} signs and symptoms include flushed skin or hives, generalized edema, {{c2::hypotension}}, and wheezing or stridor.
15 respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Bronchiolitis}}signs and symptoms include SOB, wheezing, coughing, fever, dehydration, {{c2::tachy}}pnea, and {{c3::tachy}}cardia 15 respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Bronchitis}} signs and symptoms include chronic cough with clear or white sputum, wheezing, cyanosis, and {{c2::tachy}}pnea.
15 respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Congestive heart failure (CHF)}} signs and symptoms include dependent edema, crackles, barrel chested, orthopnea, and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and produce pink frothy sputum
15 breathing cardiovascular definition emergencies respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Croup}} signs and symptoms include fever, barking cough, stridor, and is mostly seen in pediatric patients.
15 respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Diptheria}} signs and symptoms include difficulty breathing and swallowing, sore throat, thick, gray buildup in the throat or nose, and a fever.
15 respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Emphysema}} signs and symptoms include barrel chest,  pursed lip breathing, dyspnea on exertion, cyanosis and wheezing or decreased breath sounds.  "
" 15 respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Influenza A (flu)}} signs and symptoms include cough, fever, sore throat, and fatigue.
15 definition respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Pertussis}} signs and symptoms include coughing spells, whooping sound, and fever.
15 definition respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Pneumonia}} signs and symptoms include dyspnea, chills, fever, cough, green/red/rust colored sputum, and localized wheezing or crackles.
15 definition respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Pneumothorax}} signs and symptoms include sudden chest pain with dyspnea, decreased breath sounds (affected side), and subcutaneous emphysema.
15 definition respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Pulmonary embolus}} signs and symptoms include sharp chest pain, sudden onset, dyspnea, {{c2::tachy}}cardia, clear breath sounds initially.
15 respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Tension pneumothorax}} signs and symptoms include severe shortness of breath, decreased/altered LOC, neck vein distention, tracheal deviation (late sign), hypotension; signs of shock (late sign)
15 respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)}} signs and symptoms include cough, wheezing, fever, and dehydation
15 respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Tuberculosis}} signs and symptoms include cough, fever, fatigue, and productive/bloody sputum.
15 respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)}} is a method of ventilation used primarily in the treatment of critically ill patients with respiratoy distress; can prevent the need for endotracheal intubation.
15 respiratory {{c1::Crackles}} are rattling breath sounds signaling fluid in the air spaces of the lungs; formerly called {{c2::rales}}.
15 respiratory {{c1::Dyspnea}} is difficulty breathing or shortness of breath.
15 respiratory {{c1::Emphysema}} is a disease of the lungs in which there is extreme dilation and eventual destrucion of the pulmonary alveoli with poor exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide; it is one form of {{c2::COPD}}.
15 respiratory {{c1::Hypoxia}} is a condition where the body's cells and tissues do not have enough oxygen.
15 respiratory {{c1::Hypoxic drive}} is a condition where chronically low levels of oxygen in the blood stimulate the respiratory drive; seen in patients with chronic lung diseases.
15 respiratory {{c1::Orthopnea}} is severe dyspnea experiences when lying down and relieved by sitting up
15 respiratory {{c1::Oxygenation}} is the process of delivering oxygen to the blood.
15 respiratory {{c1::Pandemic}} is an outbreak that occurs on a global scale.
15 respiratory {{c1::Pneumothorax}} is a partial or complete accumulation of air in the pleural space.
15 respiratory A {{c1::pulmonary embolism}} is a blood clot that breaks off from a large vein and travels to the blood vessels of the lung, causing obstruction of blood flow. "
" 15 respiratory The principal function of the lungs is respiration
15 respiratory {{c1::Rhonchi}} are coarse breath sounds heard in patients with chronic mucus in the airways.
15 respiratory {{c1::Stridor}} is a harsh, high pitched barking inpiratory sound often heard in actute laryngeal ({{c2::upper airway}}) obstruction.
15 respiratory {{c1::Wheezing}} is a high pitched, whistling breath sound characteristically heard on expiration in patients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
15 respiratory Respiratory Medication Actions: Albuterol, Ipratropium bromide, Levalbuterol, Metaproterenol sulfate, and Salmeterol {{c1::dilate the bronchioles}}. 15 respiratory Respiratory Medication Actions: Beclomethasone, Fluticasone, and Montelukast are {{c1::anti-inflammatory}} drugs and reduce {{c2::swelling}} 15 respiratory Respiratory Medication Actions: Fluticasone and salmeterol decrease {{c1::secretions.}} 15 respiratory Respiratory Medication Actions: Cromolyn decreases the release of {{c1::histamines}}. 15 respiratory {{c1::Cardiac output}} is the measure of volume of blood circulated by the heart in one minute, calculated by multiplying the {{c2::stroke volume}} by the heart rate.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies {{c1::Cardiogenic shock}} is a state in which not enough oxygen is delivered to the tissues of the body caused by low output of blood from the heart.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies {{c1::Return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC)}} is the return of a pulse and effective blood flow to the body in a patient who previously was in cardiac arrest.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies {{c1::Stroke volume}} is the volume of blood ejected with each ventricular contraction.
16 cardiovascular definition emergencies {{c1::Hypoglycemia}} is an abnormally low blood glucose level.
17 definition neurologic {{c1::Guarding}} is the involuntary muscle contractions (spasm) of the abdominal wall; an effort to protect the inflamed abdomen.
18 definition AMI vs Dissecting Aneurysm?: Gradual onset with tightness or pressure Acutemyocardial infarction 16 cardiovascular emergencies AMI vs Dissecting Aneurysm?: Abrupt onset of sharp or tearing pain Dissecting Aneurysm 16 cardiovascular emergencies AMI vs Dissecting Aneurysm?: Pain increases with time and pain may wax and wane Acutemyocardial infarction 16 cardiovascular emergencies AMI vs Dissecting Aneurysm?: Pain is maximal from onset and does not abate once started Dissecting Aneurysm 18 cardiovascular definition mastery AMI vs Dissecting Aneurysm?: Pain is localized substernal and does not radiate to back Acutemyocardial infarction 16 cardiovascular emergencies AMI vs Dissecting Aneurysm?: Pain possibly radiates to back or between the shoulder blades Dissecting Aneurysm 18 cardiovascular definition mastery AMI vs Dissecting Aneurysm?: Clinical signs show the peripheral pulses as equal Acutemyocardial infarction 16 cardiovascular emergencies AMI vs Dissecting Aneurysm?: Clinical signs show a blood pressure discrepancy between arms or decrease in a femoral or carotid pulse Dissecting Aneurysm 16 cardiovascular emergencies Abdominal Pathologies (Localization of Pain): Right lower quadrant (direct) around navel (deferred) with rebound tenderness Appendicitis 18 abdomen definition {{c1::Rebound tenderness}} is pain felt on rebound after palpatation.
18 abdomen definition Abdominal Pathologies (Localization of Pain): Right upper quadrant (direct); right shoulder (deferred) Cholecystitis 18 abdomen Abdominal Pathologies (Localization of Pain): Upper midabdomen or upport part of back Ulcer 18 abdomen Abdominal Pathologies (Localization of Pain): Left lower quadrant Diverticulitis 18 abdomen Abdominal Pathologies (Localization of Pain): Low part of back and lower quadrants Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) - (ruptured or dissecting) 18 abdomen Abdominal Pathologies (Localization of Pain): Lower midabdomen (retropubic) Cystitis 18 abdomen Abdominal Pathologies (Localization of Pain): Right or left flank, radiating to genitalia Kidney stone 18 abdomen Abdominal Pathologies (Localization of Pain): Costovertebral angle Kidney infection 18 abdomen Abdominal Pathologies (Localization of Pain): Upper abdomen (both quadrants); back "Pancreatitis

" 18 abdomen Abdominal Pathologies (Localization of Pain): Referred pain to the upper abdomen Pneumonia 18 abdomen Abdominal Pathologies (Localization of Pain): Anywhere in the abdominal area hernia or peritonitis 18 abdomen If you cannot palpate a pulse in an unresponsive patient whose collapse was not witnessed, you should: immediately begin CPR mastery The diastolic blood pressure represents the {{c1::minimum amount of pressure}} that is always present in the arteries. mastery Capnography is used to determine how much {{c1::carbon dioxide}} is being exhaled. mastery {{c1::Beta-blockers}} are medications that cause a patient's pulse rate to be slower than normal. "" mastery Palliating factors regarding a patient's pain involve those that {{c1::alleviate}} the pain. mastery {{c1::History taking}} is the part of the {{c2::patient assessment}} process focused on obtaining additional information about the patient's chief complaint and any medical problems he or she may have. mastery When assessing a 62-year-old female with crushing chest pain, you note that her pulse is rapid and irregular. You should administer supplemental oxygen if needed and then: transport and consider requesting ALS mastery When assessing the skin of an unresponsive patient, you note that it has a bluish tint to it. This finding is called: cyanosis mastery A properly sized blood pressure cuff should cover {{c1::2/3}} the length from the {{c2::armpit}} to the crease at the {{c3::elbow}}. mastery Normal respiratory rates should not exceed {{c2::40}} breaths per minute in toddlers and {{c1::60}} breaths per minute in infants. 13 cardiovascular pediatric respiratory resuscitation A decrease in blood pressure may indicate loss of {{c1::vascular tone.}} "" mastery During a 30-minute transport of a stable patient, you should reassess him or her at least {{c1::2}} times. mastery Supplemental oxygen without assisted ventilation would MOST likely be administered to patients with difficulty breathing an adequate {{c1::tidal volume}} mastery An adult patient who is NOT experiencing difficulty breathing will be able to speak in {{c1::complete sentences}} without unusual pauses. mastery When palpating the carotid pulse of a responsive patient, you should avoid {{c1::compressing}} both carotid arteries simultaneously. mastery In responsive patients who are older than 1 year of age, you should palpate the pulse at the {{c1::radial}} artery. mastery The pressure exerted against the walls of the artery when the left ventricle contracts is called the {{c1::systolic}} pressure. mastery You are ventilating a 40-year-old uninjured man who is apneic but has a pulse. When your partner reassesses his blood pressure, she notes that it has decreased significantly from previous readings. You should {{c1::reduce the rate or volume}} of the ventilations you are delivering. mastery The primary waste product of aerobic metabolism is {{c1::carbon dioxide}}. mastery The {{c1::Bourdon-gauge}} flowmeter is NOT affected by gravity and can be used in any position when attached to an oxygen cylinder. mastery The hypoxic drive is influenced by {{c1::low blood oxygen}} levels. mastery {{c2::Exhalation}} is a passive process caused by {{c1::increased}} intrathoracic pressure. mastery While providing CPAP to a patient in severe respiratory distress, you note that his heart rate has increased by 20 beats/min. He is conscious, but is no longer following verbal commands. You should {{c2::remove the CPAP device}} and ventilate him with a {{c1::bag-valve mask}}. mastery While eating dinner, your partner suddenly grabs his throat and has a panicked look on his face. He has a weak cough, faint inspiratory stridor, and cyanosis around the lips. You should:  stand behind him and administer abdominal thrusts. mastery Complications associated with using a manually triggered ventilation device include {{c1::lung tissue injury}} and {{c2::gastric distention}}. mastery As the single EMT managing an apneic patient's airway, the preferred initial method of providing ventilations is the: mouth-to-mask technique with a one-way valve 10 13 airway breathing PPE practice respiratory resuscitation A/An {{c1::unconscious}} patient found in {{c2::a prone position}} must be placed {{c3::in a supine position}} in case he or she {{c4::requires CPR}} 13 mastery position resuscitation treatment Central chemoreceptors located in the medulla provide feedback to increase the rate and depth of breathing when they sense slight increases in {{c1::carbon dioxide}} or a decrease in the {{c2::pH}} of the cerebrospinal fluid. mastery Based on current guidelines, supplemental oxygen be administered when there is exposure to carbon {{c1::monoxide}} and an oxygen saturation of {{c2::95%}}. mastery A 23-year-old male experienced severe head trauma after his motorcycle collided with an oncoming truck. He is unconscious, has rapid and shallow breathing, and has copious bloody secretions in his mouth. How should you manage his airway? Alternate 15 seconds of oral suctioning with 2 minutes of assisted ventilation. mastery With positive-pressure ventilation, more {{c1::volume}} is required to have the same effects as normal breathing. mastery Proper technique for suctioning the oropharynx of an adult patient includes suctioning while {{c1::withdrawing}} the catheter from the oropharynx. 10 airway breathing respiratory Prior to applying a nonrebreathing mask to a patient, you must ensure that the: reservoir bag is fully inflated mastery The diaphragm is innervated by the {{c1::phrenic}} nerve, which allows it to contract. mastery {{c2::Cyanosis}} is a late sign of {{c1::hypoxia}}. 09 assessment mastery signs symptoms In mines or confined places, where oxygen levels are low, {{c1::ventilation}} may continue despite inadequate {{c2::oxygenation}}. mastery You are ventilating an apneic woman with a bag-valve mask. She has dentures, which are tight fitting. Adequate chest rise is present with each ventilation, and the patient's oxygen saturation reads 96%. When you reassess the patency of her airway, you note that her dentures are now loose, although your ventilations are still producing adequate chest rise. You should remove her dentures, resume ventilations, and assess for adequate {{c1::chest rise}}. mastery A mucosal atomizer device (MAD) is used to deliver certain medications via the {{c1::intranasal}} route. mastery Epinephrine is secreted naturally by the {{c3::adrenal glands}}, {{c2::dilates}} passages in the lungs, and {{c1::constricts}} the blood vessels. mastery {{c1::Nitroglycerin}}, when given to patients with cardiac-related chest pain {{c2::relaxes}} the walls of the coronary arteries. mastery EMTs respond to a known heroin abuser who is unresponsive. If they give naloxone (Narcan) to this patient, the EMTs should recall that naloxone administration could cause {{c1::seizures}} in this patient. mastery A 74-year-old woman complains of heaviness in her chest, nausea, and sweating that suddenly began about an hour ago. She is conscious and alert, but anxious. Her blood pressure is 144/84 mm Hg and her heart rate is 110 beats/min. She took two of her prescribed nitroglycerin (0.4-mg tablets) before your arrival but still feels heaviness in her chest. You should recall that geriatric patients often have slower {{c1::absorption}} and {{c2::elimination}} times, which may necessitate {{c3::modification}} of the dosing of certain drugs. mastery Nitroglycerin usually given by the EMT by the {{c1::sulingual}} route. mastery Aspirin is beneficial to patients suspected of having a heart attack because it prevents the aggregation of {{c1::platelets}}. mastery A 19-year-old male was stung multiple times by fire ants. He is experiencing obvious signs and symptoms of anaphylactic shock. You administer high-flow oxygen and give him epinephrine via intramuscular injection. Upon reassessment, you determine that his condition has not improved. You should:  repeat the epinephrine injection after consulting with medical control. mastery A 56-year-old male is found semiconscious by his wife. Your assessment reveals that his respirations are rapid and shallow, his pulse is rapid and irregular, and his blood pressure is low. The patient's wife states that he complained of left arm pain and nausea the day before, but would not allow her to call 9-1-1. The MOST likely cause of this patient's present condition is:  cardiogenic hypoperfusion. mastery Neurogenic shock occurs when failure of the ... system causes widespread ... "-Nervous system

" mastery {{c3:: Bacterial infection}} of the nervous system with widespread {{c2::vasodilation}} describes {{c1::septic shock}}. mastery In terms of anaphylaxis, subsequent or secondary exposure after sensitization often produces: {{c1::a more severe reaction.}} mastery You are dispatched to a residence for a 40-year-old female who fainted. Upon your arrival, the patient is conscious and alert, and states that she is fine. Her husband tells you that she fainted after receiving news that her sister was killed in a car crash. You offer oxygen to the patient, but she refuses to accept it. At this point, your primary concern should be to:  determine if she was injured when she fainted. mastery You are transporting a 33-year-old male who was involved in a major motor vehicle crash. You have addressed all immediate and potentially life-threatening conditions and have stabilized his condition with the appropriate treatment. With an estimated time of arrival at the hospital of 20 minutes, you should reassess his condition in ... minutes. 15 mastery You respond to a residence for a patient with a severe leg injury following an accident with a chainsaw. When you arrive, you find the patient, a 44-year-old male, lying supine in the backyard. He has a partial amputation of his right lower leg that is actively bleeding. The patient is conscious and breathing adequately; however, he is restless and his skin is diaphoretic. You should: apply direct pressure to the wound. mastery Your assessment of an unresponsive patient reveals that her breathing is inadequate. Your MOST immediate action should be to: check her airway for obstructions. mastery When assessing the pulse of an unresponsive infant, you should palpate the {{c1::brachial}} artery. 13 34 pediatric resuscitation Which of the following techniques should you use to dislodge a foreign body airway obstruction in a patient who is in an advanced stage of pregnancy or who is very obese? chest thrusts mastery You are off duty at a park when you witness an apparently healthy 12-year-old child suddenly collapse. There are no bystanders around and your mobile phone is in your car. After confirming that the child is in cardiac arrest, you should: perform CPR for 2 minutes and then call 9-1-1 mastery You are off duty at a park when you come across an apparently healthy 12-year-old child who had collapsed. You did not witness the event. There are no bystanders around and your mobile phone is in your car. After confirming that the child is in cardiac arrest, you should: Perform 5 cycles of CPR and then call 9-1-1 mastery Initial treatment to dislodge a severe foreign body airway obstruction in a responsive infant involves {{c1::back slaps}}. 13 cardiovascular pediatric respiratory resuscitation You should deliver chest compressions to an unresponsive adult patient in cardiac arrest by compressing the {{c1::sternum}} between the {{c2::nipples}}. mastery In addition to looking for severe bleeding, assessment of circulation in the conscious patient should involve checking the {{c1::radial pulse}} and noting the {{c2::color}}, {{c3::temperature}}, and {{c4::condition}} of the skin. mastery Reassessment of a patient with a medical complaint should begin by repeating the {{c1::primary assessment}}. mastery Assessment of a patient's blood pressure with an automatic BP cuff reveals that it is 204/120 mm Hg. The patient is conscious and alert and denies any symptoms. The EMT should obtain a obtain a {{c1::manual blood pressure}}. mastery MRSA is a bacterium that causes {{c1::infections}} and is resistant to most {{c2::antibiotics}}. mastery The secondary assessment of a medical patient is not practical if the patient is {{c1::critically ill}} or your {{c2::transport time is short}}. mastery End-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring is clearly indicated for patients who present with {{c1::respiratory distress.}} mastery In contrast to viral hepatitis, toxin-induced hepatitis is not a {{c1::communicable}} disease. disease mastery Continuing education in EMS serves to {{c1::maintain}}, {{c2::update}}, and {{c3::expand}} the EMT's knowledge and skills. mastery Cardiac monitoring, pharmacologic interventions, and other advanced treatment skills are functions of the {{c1::paramedic}}. mastery The standards for prehospital emergency care and the individuals who provide it are typically regulated by the {{c1::state office}} of EMS. mastery According to the National EMS Scope of Practice Model, an EMT would require special permission from the medical director and the state EMS office to A. insert a peripheral {{c1::intravenous}} catheter. mastery If an EMT candidate has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, he or she should contact the {{c1::state EMS office}} and provide its staff with the {{c2::required documentation}}. mastery Which of the following skills would a layperson MOST likely be trained to perform before arrival of EMS?

A. Obtaining a manual blood pressure
B. Bleeding control using a tourniquet
C. Insertion of an oropharyngeal airway
D. Administration of supplemental oxygen

mastery According to the National EMS Scope of Practice Model, an EMT should be able to ... a patient with certain prescribed medications. Assist mastery The person who is responsible for authorizing EMTs to perform emergency medical care in the field is the {{c1::medical director}} mastery You are assessing a middle-aged man with chest pain that you suspect is caused by a cardiac problem. The patient tells you that he does not want to go to the hospital and insists that you leave him alone. You should explain the seriousness of the situation to him, but avoid causing undue ... Alarm mastery A 75-year-old male with a terminal illness has died at home. As you and your partner enter the residence, a family member becomes verbally abusive, pushes you, and states that you took too long to get there. You should:  retreat and notify law enforcement personnel. mastery According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recommended immunizations and tests include a tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis booster every {{c1::10}} years. mastery You are caring for a 40-year-old female who was involved in a motor vehicle crash. Her husband, who was driving the vehicle, was killed. When the patient asks you if her husband is all right, you should {{c1::let clergy or hospital staff}} relay the bad news if possible. mastery The spread of HIV and hepatitis in the health care setting can usually be traced to:  careless handling of sharps. disease infection mastery virus Which infectious disease confers no protection from reinfection after exposure? "Syphilis

" mastery You are summoned to a convalescent center for an 88-year-old female with an altered mental status. A staff nurse advises you that the patient has terminal cancer and her physician stated that she would probably die within the next few hours; a valid do not resuscitate (DNR) order is presented to you. When caring for this patient, you should: make her comfortable and provide emotional support. mastery If it is not possible to adequately clean your ambulance at the hospital following a call, you should clean the ambulance at ... in a designated area that is well ... - in your station
- ventilated
ambulance mastery You are assessing a woman who was thrown from a horse. She is located in a large field and you can see that a thunderstorm is rapidly approaching. Suddenly, you feel your skin begin to tingle and the hair on your arms stands on end. The ambulance is located about 30 yards away. You should {{c1::crouch down}} in a position so that only your {{c2::feet}} are touching the ground. ambulance mastery In relation to the wrist, the elbow is {{c1::proximal}} mastery Regarding medical terminology, a prefix is added to the beginnings of roots or words to {{c1::modify}} or {{c2::qualify}} their meaning. mastery The inferior cartilaginous tip of the sternum is called the {{c1::xiphoid process}}. mastery The {{c1::femoral}} head forms a ball-and-socket joint with the {{c2::acetabulum}}. "" mastery {{c1::Hydrostatic}} pressure is the pressure exerted by a liquid that occurs when blood moves through an artery at relatively high pressures.
"" mastery Both areas of the {{c1::pons}} are used to augment respirations during emotional or physical stress. "" mastery The {{c1::orbit}} is made up of the maxilla and zygoma, as well as the frontal bone of the cranium. mastery {{c1::Baroreceptors}} located throughout the body provide information to the brain regarding the {{c2::blood pressure}}. mastery {{c1::Plasma}} transports the {{c2::blood cells}} and {{c3::nutrients}}. mastery Stimulation of {{c1::alpha-adrenergic}} receptors results in {{c2::constriction}} of the blood vessels. mastery Capillary sphincter closure during internal or external bleeding is detrimental because {{c1::waste products}} are not removed and nutrients are not {{c2::delivered to the cells.}} mastery The body's backup system of respiratory control, which is based on low concentrations of oxygen in the blood, is called the {{c1::hypoxic drive}} mastery The primary organ responsible for absorption of the products of digestion is the {{c1::small intestine}} mastery {{c2::Negative}}-pressure breathing involves a {{c1::drop}} in pressure within the chest cavity. mastery The {{c1::diaphragm}} is unique because it is both a voluntary and an involuntary muscle. mastery Which set of nerves is responsible for carrying information from the body to the central nervous system? Sensory Nerves mastery "The largest portion of the brain is the .... which is commonly referred to as the ""gray matter.""" Cerebrum mastery The anterior fontanelle fuses together between the ages of {{c1::9 and 18}} months. mastery The decline in cardiac function that commonly occurs in late adulthood is MOST often related to {{c1::atherosclerosis}}. mastery {{c1::Age-related changes}} in the {{c1::renal system}} result {{c2::in a decreased ability to clear wastes from the body and a decreased ability to conserve fluids when needed}}. 18 causes development disease excretory lifespan mastery signs symptoms urologic At what age does separation anxiety typically peak in infants and small children? 10 to 18 months 13 cardiovascular pediatric respiratory resuscitation In late adults, the amount of air left in the lungs after expiration of the maximum amount of air increases, which hampers ... because of the ... that remains in the alveoli. -diffusion of gases 
-stagnant air
mastery An unrestrained patient is sitting in his car after an automobile crash. He is conscious and alert, has no visible trauma, and is complaining of neck and back pain. Before removing him from his car, you should apply a {{c1::cervical collar}} and immobilize him with a vest-style device. mastery You and your partner enter the residence of an elderly couple, both of whom are found unconscious in their bed. There is no evidence of trauma. As you begin your assessment, you and your partner notice the smell of natural gas in the residence. What should be your MOST appropriate action? Rapidly remove the patients from their residence using a blanket or clothes drag. mastery Situations in which you should use the rapid extrication technique include all of the following, EXCEPT: a patient who can be properly assessed while still in the vehicle. mastery When performing the rapid extrication technique to remove a patient from his or her vehicle, you should apply a cervical collar and immobilize the patient on a {{c1::long}} backboard. mastery A patient regains consciousness en route from his office to the emergency department. The patient tells you that he feels fine and does not want to go to the hospital. Under these circumstances, you should assess:  whether the patient's mental condition is impaired. mastery When caring for a 65-year-old male with respiratory distress, you place him in a comfortable position but do not apply oxygen. The patient's condition continues to deteriorate and he develops cardiac arrest and dies at the hospital. This scenario is an example of: {{c1::negligence}} mastery {{c1::Deviation from the standard of care that may result in further injury is considered}} {{c2::negligence}}. mastery {{c1::Attempted suicide}} requires you to notify the appropriate authorities. Knife wounds, drug overdoses, and cardiac arrests do not. mastery While transporting a woman with diabetes, you inadvertently give her oral glucose even though her blood glucose level was high. You reassess the patient and note that her condition did not change; she remained stable. You should:  contact medical control and notify them of the error. mastery You are dispatched to an apartment complex for a shooting. Law enforcement personnel are present and have the suspect in custody. You find the patient lying in a narrow space between the couch and coffee table of his small apartment. He is semiconscious and has a large gunshot wound to his chest. You should:

A. obtain permission from law enforcement before moving anything.
B. quickly move the coffee table so you can access and treat the patient.
C. treat the patient where he is so that you do not destroy any evidence.
D. drag the patient into a larger area so that you can begin treatment.
B. quickly move the coffee table so you can access and treat the patient. examples mastery safety {{c1::Diabetic Ketoacidosis}} is a form of hyperglycemia in uncontrolled diabetes in which certain acids accumulate when insulin is not available.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Hematology}} is the study and prevention of blood-related disorders.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Hemophilia}} is a congenital abnormality in which the body is unable to produce clots, which results in uncontrollable bleeding.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Hyperglycemia}} is an abnormally high blood glucose level.
19 definition endocrine Hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome (HHNS) is a life-threatening condition resulting from high blood glucose that typically occurs in older adults, and which causes {{c1::altered mental status}}, {{c2::dehydration}}, and {{c3::organ damage}}. 19 emergencies endocrine {{c1::Insulin}} is a hormone produced by the islets of Langerhans (endocrine gland located throughout the pancreas) that enables glucose in the blood to enter cells; used in synthetic form to treat and control diabetes mellitus. 19 definition endocrine {{c1::Kussmaul respirations}} are deep, rapid breathing; usually the result of an accumulation of certain acids when insulin is not available in the body. 19 definition endocrine {{c1::Polydipsia}} is an excessive thirst that persists for long periods, despite reasonable fluid intake; often the result of excessive urination. 19 definition endocrine {{c1::Diabetes mellitus}} is a metabolic disorder in which the ability to metabolize carbohydrates (sugars) is impaired, usually because of a lack of insulin.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Polyphagia}} is an excessive eating; in diabetes, the inability to use glucose properly can cause a sense of hunger.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Polyuria}} is when the passage of an unusually large volume of urine in a given period; in diabetes, this can result from the wasting of glucose in the urine.    19 definition endocrine {{c1::Sickle cell disease }} is a hereditary disease that causes normal, round red blood cells to become oblong, or sickle shaped.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Symptomatic hyperglycemia}} is a state of unconsciousness resulting from several problems, including ketoacidosis, dehydration because of excessive urination, and hyperglycemia.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Symptomatic hypoglycemia}} is severe hypoglycemia resulting in changes in mental status.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Thrombophilia}} is a tendency toward the development of blood clots as a result of an abnormality of the system of coagulation.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Type 1 diabetes}} is an autoimmune disorder in which the individual’s immune system produces antibodies to the pancreatic beta cells, and therefore the pancreas cannot produce insulin; onset in early childhood is common.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Type 2 diabetes}} is a condition in which insulin resistance develops in response to increased blood glucose levels; can be managed by exercise and diet modification, but is often managed by medications.
19 definition endocrine A {{c1::vasoocclusive crisis}} is ischemia and pain caused by sickle-shaped red blood cells that obstruct blood flow to a portion of the body. 19 definition endocrine {{c1::Acidosis}} is a pathologic condition that results from the accumulation of acids in the body.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Diabetes mellitus}} is metabolic disorder in which the ability to metabolize carbohydrates (sugars) is impaired, usually because of lack of insulin.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)}} us a form of hyperglycemia in uncontrolled diabetes in which certain acids accumulate when insulin is not available.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Endocrine glands}} are glands that secrete or release chemicals that are used in the body.
19 definition endocrine The {{c1::endocrine system}} regulates metabolism and maintains homeostasis. 19 definition endocrine {{c1::Glucose}} is one of the basic sugars; it is the primary fuel, in conjunction with oxygen, for cellular metabolism.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Hematology }}is the study and prevention of blood related disorders.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Hemophilia}} is a congenital abnormality in which the body is unable to produce clots, which results in uncontrollable bleeding.
19 definition endocrine A {{c1::hormone}} is a chemical substance produced by a gland that regulates the activity of organs and tissues. 19 definition endocrine {{c1::Hyperglycemia}}  is an abnormally high blood glucose level.
19 definition endocrine {{c1::Hypoglycemia}} is an abnormally low blood glucose level. 19 definition endocrine {{c1::Thrombosis}} is a blood clot, either in the arterial or venous system.
19 definition endocrine An {{c1::allergic reaction}} is the body’s exaggerated immune response to an internal or surface agent. 20 allergy definition immunologic {{c1::Envenomation}} is {{c2::the act of injecting venom}}.
20 allergy definition environmental immunologic venom {{c1::Histamines}} are chemical substances released by the immune system in allergic reactions that are responsible for many of the symptoms of anaphylaxis, such as vasodilation.
20 allergy definition immunologic The {{c1::immune system}} is the body system that includes all of the structures and processes designed to mount a defense against foreign substances and disease-causing agents.
20 allergy definition immunologic {{c1::Immunology}} is the study of the body's immune system.
20 definition immunologic {{c1::Leukotrienes}} are chemical substances that contribute to anaphylaxis; released by the immune system in allergic reactions.
20 allergy definition immunologic {{c1::Urticaria}} are small areas of generalized itching and/or burning that appear as multiple raised areas on the skin; hives.
20 allergy definition immunologic A {{c1::wheal}} is a raised, swollen, well-defined area on the skin resulting from an insect bite or allergic reaction. 20 allergy definition immunologic An {{c1::allergen}} is a substance that causes an allergic reaction. 20 allergy definition immunologic An {{c1::allergic reaction}} is the body's exaggerated immune response to an internal or surface agent. 20 allergy definition immunologic {{c1::Anaphylaxis}} is an extreme, life-threatening, systemic allergic reaction that may include shock and respiratory failure.
12 20 allergy definition emergencies immunologic shock {{c1::Angioedema}} are localized areas of swelling beneath the skin, often around the eyes and lips, but it can also involve other body areas as well.
20 allergy definition immunologic signs symptoms {{c1::Epinephrine}} is a substance produced by the body (commonly called adrenaline), and a drug produced by pharmaceutical companies that increases pulse rate and blood pressure; the drug of choice for an anaphylactic reaction.
20 allergy definition endocrine immunologic medication The immune {{c1::response }} is the body's response to a substance perceived by the body as foreign. 20 allergy definition immunologic The {{c1::immune system}} is the body system that includes all of the structures and processes designed to mount a defense against foreign substances and disease-causing agents. 20 allergy definition immunologic {{c1::Stridor}} is a harsh, high pitched respiratory sound, generally heard during {{c2::inspiration}}, that is caused by a partial blockage or narrowing of the upper airway; may be audible without a stethoscope.
20 airway allergy breathing definition immunologic respiratory A {{c1::toxin}}  is a poison or harmful substance.
20 allergy definition immunologic venom {{c1::Wheezing}} is a high-pitched, whistling breath sound that is most prominent on {{c2::expiration}}, and which suggests an obstruction or narrowing of the lower airways; occurs in asthma and bronchiolitis.
20 airway allergy breathing definition immunologic respiratory {{c1::Addiction}} is a state of overwhelming obsession or physical need to continue the use of a substance.
21 definition drugs toxicology An {{c1::antidote}} is a substance that is used to neutralize or counteract a poison. 21 definition toxicology venom A {{c1::hallucinogen}} is an agent that produces false perceptions in any one of the five senses. 21 definition drugs toxicology {{c1::Ingestion}} is also called swallowing; taking a substance by mouth.
21 definition toxicology A {{c1::narcotic}} is a drug that produces sleep or altered mental consciousness. 21 definition drugs toxicology An {{c1::opiate}} is a subset of the opioid family, referring to natural, non-synthetic opioids. 11 13 21 pharmacology An {{c1::opioid}} is a synthetically produced narcotic medication, drug, or agent similar to the opiate morphine, but not derived from opium; used to relieve pain. 11 13 21 pharmacology An {{c1::overdose}} is an excessive quantity of a drug that, when taken or administered, can have toxic or lethal consequences. 21 definition drugs toxicology {{c1::Poison}} is a substance whose chemical action could damage structures or impair function when introduced into the body.
21 definition toxicology A {{c1::sedative}} is a substance that decreases activity and excitement. 21 definition drugs medication toxicology A {{c1::stimulant}} is {{c2::an agent that produces an excited state}}. 21 definition drugs medication toxicology {{c1::Substance abuse}} is the misuse of any substance to produce a desired effect.
21 definition drugs toxicology {{c1::Tolerance}} is the need for increasing amounts of a drug to obtain the same effect.
21 definition drugs medication toxicology {{c1::Toxicology}} is the study of toxic or poisonous substances.
21 definition toxicology {{c1::Activities of daily living}} are the basic activities a person usually accomplishes during a normal day, such as eating, dressing, and bathing.
21 definition psychiatric toxicology {{c1::Altered mental status}} is a change in the way a person thinks and behaves that may signal disease in the central nervous system or elsewhere in the body.
21 definition toxicology {{c1::Behavior}} is how a person funcions or acts in response to his or her environment.
21 definition toxicology A {{c1::behavioral crisis}} is the point at which a person's reactions to events interfere with activities of daily living; this becomes a psychiatric emergency when it causes a major life interruption, such as attempted suicide. 21 definition toxicology {{c1::Depression}} is a persistent mood of saddness, despair, and discouragement; may be a symptom of many different mental and phsical disorders, or it may be a disorder on its own.
21 definition toxicology A {{c1::functional disorder}} is a disorder in which there is no known physiologic reason for the abnormal functioning of an organ or organ system. 22 definition psychiatric {{c1::Organic brain syndrome}} is a temporary or permanent dysfunction of the brain, causes by a disturbance in the physical or physiologic functioning of brain tissue.
22 definition psychiatric {{c1::Positional asphyxia}} is restriction of chest wall movements and/or airway obstruction; can rapidly lead to sudden death.
22 definition psychiatric {{c1::Psychiatric disorders}} are illnesses with psychological or behavioral symptoms and/or impairment in functioning caused by a social, psychological, genetic, physical, chemical, or biological distrubance.
22 definition psychiatric A {{c1::psychiatric emergency}} is one which adbnormal behavior threatens a person's own health and safety or the health and safety of another person, for example when a person becomes suicidal, homocidal, or has a psychotic episode.
22 definition psychiatric {{c1::Schizophrenia}} is a complex, difficult-to-identify mental disorder whose onset typically occurs during early adulthood. Symptoms typically become mroe prominent over time and include delusions, hallucinations, a lack of interest in pleasure or erratic speech.
22 definition psychiatric An {{c1::addiction}} is a state of overwhelming obsession or physical need to continue the use of a substance. 21 definition drugs toxicology An {{c1::antidote}} is a substance that is used to neutralize or counteract a poison. 21 definition toxicology {{c1::Delirium tremens (DTs)}} is a severe withdrawl syndrome seen in alcoholics who are deprived of ethyl alcohol; characterized by restlessness, fever, sweating, disorientation, agitation, and seizures; can be fatal if untreated. 21 definition toxicology Another word for emesis is {{c1::vomiting.}} 21 definition terminology toxicology {{c1::Hematesis}} is another word for vomiting blood.
21 definition terminology toxicology A {{c1::material safety data sheet (MSDS)}} is a form provided by manufacturers and compounders (blenders_ of chemicals, containing information about chemical composition, physical and chemical properties, health and safety hazards, emergency response, and waste disposal of a specific material; also known as a safety data sheet (SDS). 21 definition safety toxicology A {{c1::narcotic}} is a drug that produces sleep or altered mental status. 21 definition drugs toxicology {{c1::Depression}} is the persistent mood of sadness, despair, and discouragement; may be a symptom of many different mental and physical disorders, or it may be a disorder on its own.
22 definition psychiatric A {{c1::functional disorder}} is a disorder which there is no known physiologic reason for the abnormal functioning of an organ or organ system. 22 definition psychiatric {{c1::Psychosis}} is a mental disorder characterized by the loss of contact with reality.
22 definition psychiatric "{{c1::Bacterial vaginosis}} is an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina; charcterized by itching, burning, or pain and possibly a ""fishy"" smelling discharge.
" 23 bacterial definition gynecologic The {{c1::cervix}} is the lower third, or neck, of the uterus; it is the narrowest portion of the uterus and opens into the vagina. 23 gynecologic {{c1::Chalmydia}} is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis.
23 gynecologic The {{c1::fallopian tubes}} are the tubes that connect each ovary with the uterus and are the primary location for fertilization of the ovum. 23 gynecologic {{c1::Gonorrhea}} is a sexually transmitted disease caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae. 23 gynecologic The {{c1::labia majora}} are the outer fleshy lips covered with pubic hair that protect the vagina. 23 gynecologic The {{c1::labia minora}} are the inner fleshy lips devoid of pubic hair that protect the vagina. 23 gynecologic The {{c1::ovaries}} are the primary female reproductive organs that produce an ovum, or egg, that, if fertilized, will develop into a fetus. 23 gynecologic {{c1::Pelvic imflammatory disease}} is an infection of the fallopian tubes and the surrounding tissues of the pelvis.
23 gynecologic {{c1::Sexual assault}} is an attack against a person that is sexual in nature, the most common of which is rape.
23 gynecologic The {{c1::uterus}} is the muscular organ where the fetus grows, also called the womb; responsible for contractions during labor.    23 gynecologic The {{c1::vagina}} is the outermost cavity of a woman’s reproductive tract; the lower part of the birth canal. 23 gynecologic {{c1::Ovulation}} is the process in which an ovum is released from a follicle.
23 gynecologic {{c1::Perineum}} is the area of skin between the vagina and the anus.
23 gynecologic {{c1::Rape}} is sexual intercourse forbility inflicted on another person, against that person's will.
23 gynecologic {{c1::Arterial air embolism}} are air bubbles in the arterial blood vessels. 24 overview trauma {{c1::Blunt trauma}} is an impact on the body by objects that cause injury without penetratingg soft tissues or internal organs and cavities.
24 overview trauma {{c1::Cavitation}} is a phenomenon in which speed causes a bullet to generate pressure waves, which cause damage distant from the bullet's path.
24 overview trauma A {{c1::coup-contrecoup}} brain injury is a brain injury that occurs when force is applied to the head and energy transmission through brain tissue causes injury on the opposite side of the original impact.
24 overview trauma {{c1::Deceleration}} is the slowing of an object.
24 definition overview trauma {{c1::Drag}} is the resistance that slows a projectile, such as air.
24 definition overview trauma A {{c1::Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score}} is an evaluation tool used to determine level of conciousness, which evaluates and assigns point values (scores) for eye opening, verbal response, and motor respose, which are then totaled; effective in helping predict patient outcomes. 24 overview trauma An {{c1::index of suspicion}} is awareness that unseen life-threatening injuries may exist when determining the mechanism of injury. 24 overview trauma {{c1::Kinetic energy}} is the energy of a moving object.
24 definition overview trauma The {{c1::mechanism of injury (MOI)}} are the forces, or energy transmission, applied to the body that cause injury. 09 24 assessment definition injury overview trauma {{c1::Medical emergencies}} are emergencies that require EMS attention because of illnesses or condition not caused by an outside force.
24 definition overview trauma {{c1::Multi-system trauma}} is trauma that affects more than one body system.
24 definition overview trauma {{c1::Penetrating trauma}} is injury caused by objects, such as knives and bullets, that pierce the surface of the body and damage internal tissues and organs.
24 definition overview trauma {{c1::Potential energy}} is the product of mass, gravity, and height, which is converted into kinetic energy and results in injury, such as from a fall.
24 definition overview trauma A {{c1::projectile}} is any object propelled by force, such as a bullet by a weapon. 24 overview trauma {{c1::Revised Trauma Score (RTS)}} is a scoring system used for patient with head trauma.
24 overview trauma {{c1::Trajectory}} is the path a projectile takes once it is propelled.
24 overview trauma {{c1::Trauma emergencies}} are emergencies that are the result of physical forces applied to a patient's body.
24 overview trauma A {{c1::trauma score}} is a score calculated from 1 to 16, with 16 being the best possible score. It related to the likelihood of patient survival with the exception of a severe head injury. It takes into account the GCS score, respiratory rate, respiratory expansion, systolic blood pressure, and capillary refill. 24 overview trauma The {{c1::tympanic membrane}} is the eardrum, a thin, semi-transparent membrane in the middle ear that transmits soun vibrations to the internal ear by means of auditory ossicles.
24 overview trauma {{c1::Work}} is the measure of force over distance.
24 definition overview physics trauma {{c1::Pulmonary blast injuries}} are pulmonary traumas that result from short-range exposure to the detonation of explosives.
24 definition overview trauma The {{c1::aorta}} is {{c2::the main artery that receives blood from the left ventricle and delivers it to all the other arteries that carry blood to the tissues of the body.}} 24 bleeding The {{c1::arterioles}} are the smallest branches of arteries leading to the vast network of capillaries. 24 bleeding An {{c1::artery}} is a blood vessel, consisting of three layers of tissue and smooth muscle, that carries blood away from the heart. 24 bleeding {{c1::Capillaries}} are the small blood vessels that connect arterioles and venules; various substances pass through capillary walls into and out of the interstitial fluid and then on to the cells.
24 bleeding {{c1::Coagulation}} is the formation of clots to plug openings in injured blood vessels and stop blood flow.
24 bleeding A {{c1::contusion}} is a bruise from an injury that causes bleeding beneath the skin without breaking the skin. "" 24 26 bleeding definition injury {{c1::Ecchymosis}} is a building up  of blood beneath the skin that produces a characteristic blue or black discoloration as the result of an injury.
24 bleeding definition signs {{c1::Epistaxis}} is another word for nosebleed.
24 bleeding definition {{c1::Hematemesis}} is vomited blood.
24 bleeding definition A {{c1::hematoma}} is a mass of blood that has collected withindamaged tissue beneath the skin or in a body cavity. 24 bleeding {{c1::Hematuria}} is blood in the urine.
24 29 31 bleeding definition injury orthopaedic signs trauma urologic {{c1::Hemophilia}} is a hereditary condition in which the patient lacks ones or more of the blood's normal clotting factors.
24 bleeding definition {{c1::Hemoptysis}} is coughing up of blood.
24 bleeding definition {{c1::Hemorrhage}} is another word for bleeding.
24 bleeding definition A {{c1::hemostatic agent}} is a chemical compoud that slows or stops bleeding by assisting with clot formation. 24 bleeding {{c1::Hypoperfusion}} is a condition in which the circulatory system fails to provide sufficient circulation to maintain normal cellular functions; also called shock.
24 bleeding definition {{c1::Hypovolemic shock}} is a condition in which low blood volume, due to massive internal or external bleeding or extensive loss of body water, results in inadequate perfusion.
24 bleeding definition {{c1::Melena}} is black, foul-smelling, tarry stool containing digested blood.
24 bleeding definition An {{c1:: open-book pelvic fracture}} is {{c2::a life-threatening fracture of the pelvis caused by a force that displaces one or both sides of the pelvis laterally and posteriorly.}} "" 24 bleeding definition emergencies trauma vocab A {{c1::pelvic binder}} is a device to splint the bony pelvis to reduce hemorrhage from bone ends, venous disruption, and pain. "" 24 bleeding {{c1::Perfusion}} is the circulation of blood within an organ or tissue in adequate amounts to meet the current needs of the cells.
24 bleeding definition {{c1::Shock}} is a condition in which the circulatory system fails to provide sufficient circulation to maintain normal cellular functions; also called hypoperfusion.
24 bleeding A {{c1::tourniquet}} is the bleeding control method used when a wound continues to bleed despite the use of direct pressure; useful if a patient is bleeding severely from a partial or complete amputation.  24 bleeding {{c1::Vasoconstriction}} is the narrowing of a blood vessel, such as  with hypoperfusion or cold extremities.
24 bleeding cardiovascular {{c1::Veins}} are the blood vessels that carry blood from the tissues to the heart.
24 bleeding The main artery that receives blood from the left ventricle and delivers it to all the other arteries that carry blood to the tissues of the body is the {{c1::aorta}}. 24 bleeding An {{c1::abraision}} is loss or damage of the superficial layor of skin as a result of a body part rubbing or scraping across a rough or hard surface. 26 definition injury {{c1::Amputation}} is an injury in which part of the body is completely severed.
26 definition injury An {{c1::avulsion}} is an injury in which soft tissue is torn completely loose or is hanging as a flap. 26 definition injury {{c1::Burns}} are injuries in which soft-tissue damage occurs as a result of thermal heat, frictional heat, toxic chemicals, electricity, or nuclear radiation.
26 burn definition injury {{c1::Closed injuries}} are injuries in which damage occurs beneath the skin or mucous membrane but the surface of the skin remains intact.
26 definition injury {{c1::Compartment syndrome}} is swellingin a confined space that produces dangerous pressure; may cut off blood flow or damage sensitive tissue.
26 definition injury A {{c1::contact burn}} is a burn caused by direct contact with a hot object. 26 burn definition injury {{c1::Contamination}} is the presence of infective organisms or foreign bodies such as dirt, gravel, or metal.
26 definition injury A {{c1::contusion}} is a bruise from an injury that causes bleeding beneath the skin without breaking the skin. 24 26 bleeding definition injury {{c1::Crush syndrome}} is a significant metabolic derangement that develops when crushed extremities or body parts remain trapped for prolonged periods. This can lead to renal failure and death.
26 definition injury A {{c1::crushing injury}} is an injury that occurs when a great amount of force is applied to the body. 26 definition injury The {{c1::dermis}} is the inner layer of the skin, containing hair follicles, sweat glands, nerve endings and blood vessels. 26 definition injury {{c1::Ecchymosis}} is the discoloration associated with a closed wound; signifies bleeding.
"" 26 definition injury {{c1::Evisceration}} is the displacement of organs outside the body.
26 definition injury The {{c1::epidermis}} is the outer layer of skin that acts as a watertight protective covering. 26 definition injury {{c1::Excited delirium}} is {{c2::a serious behavioral condition in which a person exhibits agitated behavior combined with disorientation, hallucinations, or delusions}}; also called {{c3::agitated delirium}} or {{c3::exhaustive mania}}.
22 26 definition injury mental psychiatric signs vocab {{c1::Fascia}} is the fiberlike connective tissue that covers arteries, veins, tendonds, and ligaments.
26 definition injury A {{c1::flame burn}} is a burn caused by an open flame. 26 burn definition injury A {{c1::flash burn}} is a burn caused by exposure to very intense heat, such as an explosuon. 26 burn definition injury {{c1::Full-thickness burns}} (Third-degree burns) are burns that affect all skin layers and may affect the subcutaneous layers, muscle, bone, and internal organs, leaving the area dry, leathy, and white, dark, brown, or charred.
26 burn definition injury A {{c1::hematoma}} is blood collected within the body's tissues or in a body cavity. 26 definition injury {{c1::Impaled objects}} are objects that penetrate the skin but remain in place.
26 definition injury An {{c1::incision}} is a sharp, smooth cut in the skin. 26 definition injury A {{c1::laceration}} is a deep, jagged cut in the skin. 26 definition injury {{c1::Mucous membranes}} are the linings of body cavities and passages that are in direct contact with the outside environment.
26 definition injury {{c1::Occlusive dressings}} are dressings made of petroleum (Vaseline) gauze, aluminum foil, or plastic that prevent air and liquids from entering or exiting a wound.
26 definition injury {{c1::Open injuries}} are injuries in which there is a break in the surface of the skin or the mucous membrane, exposing deeper tissue to potential contamination.
26 definition injury {{c1::Patrial-thickness}} (Second-degree burns) are bruns that affect the epidermis and some portion of the dermis but not the subcutaneous tissue, characterized by blisters and skin that is white to red, moist, and molted.
26 burn definition injury A {{c1::penetrating wound}} is an injury resulting from a sharp, piercing object. 26 definition injury {{c1::Rabid}} means infected with rabies.
26 definition injury {{c1::Rule of nines}} is a system that assigned percentages to sections of the body, allowing calculation of the amount of skin surgace involved in the burn area.
26 burn definition injury A {{c1::scald burn}} is burn caused by hot liquids. 26 burn definition injury A {{c1::stream burn}} is a burn caused by exposure to hot steam. 26 burn definition injury {{c1::Superficial}} (first-degree) burns are burns that affect only the epidermis, characterized by skin that is red but not blistered or actually burned through.
26 burn definition injury {{c1::Thermal burns}} are burned caused by heat.
26 burn definition injury An {{c1::air embolism}} is the presence of air in the veins which can lead to cardiac arrest if it enters the heart. 27 anatomy cardiovascular definition injury respiratory {{c1::Anisocoria}} is naturally occurring uneven pupil size.
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" 27 anatomy definition eye face head A {{c1::blow-out fracture}} is a fracture of the orbit or of the bones that support the floor of the orbit. 27 anatomy definition eye face head injury skeletal {{c1::Conjunctiva}} is the delicate membrane that lines the eyelids and covers the exposed surgace of the eye.
27 anatomy definition eye face head {{c1::Conjunctivitis}} is inflammation of the conjunctiva.
27 anatomy definition The {{c1::cornea}} is the transparent tissue layer in front of the pupil and iris of the eye. 27 anatomy definition The {{c1::eustachian tube}} is a branch of the internal auditory canal that connects the middle ear to the oropharynx. 27 anatomy definition The {{c1::external auditory canal}} is the ear canal; leads to the tympanic membrane. "" 27 anatomy definition The {{c1::globe}} of the eye is the {{c2::eyeball}}. 27 anatomy definition eye head The {{c1::iris}} is the muscle and surrounding tissue behind the cornea that dilate and construct the pupil, regulating the amount of light that enters the eye; pigment in this tissue gives the eye its color. "" 27 anatomy definition {{c1::Lacrimal glands}} are glands that produce fluids to keep the eye moist; also called tear glands.
27 anatomy definition The {{c1::lens}} is the transparent part of the eye through which images are focused on the retina. 27 anatomy definition The {{c1::mastoid process}} is the prominent body mass at the base of the skull about 1 inch posterior to the external opening of the ear. 27 anatomy definition The {{c1::optic nerve}} is a cranial nerve that trasmits visual information to the brain. 27 anatomy definition The {{c1::pinna}} is the external, visible part of the ear. "" 27 anatomy definition The {{c1::pupil}} is the circular opening in the middle of the iris that admits light to the back of the eye. 27 anatomy definition The {{c1::retina}} is the light-sensitive area of the eye when images are projected; a layer of cells at the back of the eyethat changes the light image into electric impulses, which are carried by the optic nerve to the brain. 27 anatomy definition {{c1::Retinal detachment}} is the separation of the retina from its attachments at the back of the eye.
27 anatomy definition The {{c1::sclera}} is the tough, fibrous, white portion of the eye that protects the more delicate inner structure. 27 anatomy definition The {{c1::sternocleidomastoid muscles}} are the muscles on either side of the neck that allow movement of the head. 09 27 airway anatomy head muscular neck A {{c1::subcutaneous emphysema}} is a characteristic crackling sensation felt on palpation of the skin, caused by the presence of air in soft tissues. 27 anatomy definition The {{c1::temporomandibular joint}} is the joint formed when the mandible and cranium meet, just in front of the ear. 27 anatomy definition The {{c1::tragus}} small, rounded, fleshy bulge that lies immediately anterior to the ear canal. 27 anatomy definition The {{c1::turbinates}} are layers of bone within the nasal cavity. 27 anatomy definition {{c1::Anterograde (posttraumatic) amnesia}} is the inability to remember events after an injury.
28 anatomy definition injury spine trauma {{c1::Axial loading injuries}} are injuries in which load is applied along the verticle or longitudinal axis of the spine, which results in load being transmitted along the entire length of the vertebral column; for example, falling from a height and landing on the feet in an upright position.
"" 28 anatomy definition injury spine trauma {{c1::Basilar skull fractures}} usually occur following diffuse impact to the hear (such as falls, MVAs); generally result from extension of a linear fracture to the base of the skull and can be difficult to diagnose with a radiograph.
28 anatomy definition injury spine trauma A {{c1::battle sign}} is {{c2::bruising behind an ear over the mastoid process that may indicate a skull fracture}}. 28 anatomy assessment definition head injury signs skull trauma {{c1::Cerebral edema}} is swelling of the brain.
28 anatomy definition injury spine trauma A {{c1::closed head injury}} is {{c2::an injury in which the brain has been injured but the skin has not been broken and there is no obvious bleeding}}. 28 anatomy assessment definition head injury signs trauma A {{c1::concussion}} is a temporary loss or alteration of part or all of the brain's abilities to function without actual physical damage to the brain. 28 anatomy definition injury spine trauma {{c1::Coup-contrecoup injury}} is dual impacting of the brain in to the skull; coup injury occurs at the point of impact; contrecoup injury occurs on the opposite side of impact, as the brain rebounds.
"" 28 anatomy definition injury spine trauma An {{c1::epidural hematoma}} is an accumulation of blood between the skull and dura mater. 28 anatomy definition injury spine trauma {{c1::Eyes forward position}} is a head position in which the patient's eyes are looking striaght ahead and the head and torso are in line.
28 anatomy definition spine trauma A {{c1::four-person log roll}} is the recommended procedure for moving a patient with a suspected spinal injury from the groun to a long backboard  or other spinal immobilization device. 28 anatomy definition injury spine trauma The {{c1::intrevertebral disk}} is the cushion that lies between two vertebrae. 28 anatomy definition spine trauma An {{c1::intracerebral hematoma}} is bleeding within the brain tissue itself; also referred to as an intraparenchymal hematoma. 28 anatomy definition injury spine trauma {{c1::Intracranial pressure (ICP)}} is the pressure within the cranial vault.
28 anatomy definition spine trauma {{c1::Involuntary activities}} are actions of the body that are not under a person's conscious control.
28 anatomy definition neurologic spine trauma {{c1::Linear skull fractures}} account for 80% of skull fractures; also referred to as nondisplaced skull fractures; commonly occur in the temporal-parietal region of the skull; not associated with deformities to the skull.
28 anatomy definition injury spine trauma The {{c1::meninges}} are three distinct layers of tissue that surround and protect the brain and the spinal cord within the skull and the spinal canal. 28 anatomy definition spine trauma An {{c1::open head injury}} is an injury to the head often caused by a penetrating object in which there may be bleeding and exposed brain tissue. 28 anatomy definition injury spine trauma A {{c1::primary (direct) injury}} is an injury to the brain and its associated structures that is a direct result of impact to the head. "" 28 anatomy definition injury spine trauma {{c1::Raccoon eyes}} are bruising under the eyes that may indicate skull fracture.
28 anatomy definition injury signs spine trauma {{c1::Retrograde amnesia}} is the inability to remember events leading up to a head injury.
28 anatomy definition injury spine trauma {{c1::Secondary (indirect) injury}} are the after effects of the primary injury; includes abnormal processes such as cerebral edema, increased intracranial pressure, cerebral ischemia and hypoziua, and infection; onset is often delayed following the primary brain injury.
28 anatomy definition injury spine trauma A {{c1::subarachnoid hemorrhage}} is bleeding into the subarachnoid space, where the cerebrospinal fluid circulates. 28 anatomy bleeding definition injury spine trauma A {{c1::subdural hematoma}} is an accumulation of blood beneath the dura matter but outside the brain. 28 anatomy bleeding definition injury spine trauma A {{c1::traumatic brain injury (TBI)}} is a traumatic insult to the brain capable of producing physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and vocational changes. 28 anatomy bleeding definition injury spine trauma {{c1::Voluntary activities}} are actions that we consciously perform, in which sensory input or conscious thought determines a specific muscular activity.
28 anatomy definition neurologic spine trauma {{c1::Congestive heart failure (CHF)}} signs and symptoms include dependent edema, crackles, barrel chested, orthopnea, and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and produce pink frothy sputum 15 breathing cardiovascular emergencies EMS_Lab respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Anaphylaxis}} signs and symptoms include flushed skin or hives, generalized edema, {{c2::hypotension}}, and wheezing or stridor. 15 airway breathing EMS_Lab respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Emphysema}} signs and symptoms include barrel chest, breathing through {{c2::pursed lips}}, dyspnea on {{c3::exertion}}, cyanosis and wheezing or decreased breath sounds.  15 airway breathing respiratory signs symptoms A {{c1::cardiac (pericardial) tamponade}} is the compression of the heart as the result of buildup of blood or other fluid in the pericardial sac, leading to decreased cadiac output. "" 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition injury trauma A {{c1::closed chest injury}} is an injury to the chest in which the skin is not broken, usually caused by blunt trauma. 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition injury trauma {{c1::Commotio cordis}} is a blunt chest injury caused by a sudden, direct blow to the chest that occurs not only during the critical portion of a person's heartbeat.
29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition injury trauma {{c1::Crepitus}} is a grating or grinding sensation caused by fractured bone ends or joints rubbing together.
29 anatomy cardiovascular definition injury trauma {{c1::Flail chest}} is a condition in which three or more ribs are fractured in two or more places or in association with a fracture of the sternum so that a segment of the chest wall is effectively detached from the rest of the thoracic cage.
29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition injury trauma A {{c1::flutter valve}} is a one-way valve that allows air to leave the chest cavity but not return; formed by taping three sides of an occlusive dressing to the chest wall, leaving the fourth side open as a valve; may also be part of a commercial vented occlusive dressing. "

" 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition injury trauma A {{c1::hemopneumothorax}} is the accumulation of blood in the pleural space of the chest. 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition emergencies injury trauma A {{c1::hemothorax}} is a collection of blood in the pleural cavity. 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition emergencies injury trauma A {{c1::myocardial contusion}} is the bruising of the heart muscle. 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition emergencies injury trauma An {{c1::occlusive dressing}} is an airtight dressing that protects a wound from air and bacteria; a commercial vented version allows air to passively escape from the chest, while an unvented dressing may be made of petroleum jelly-based (Vaseline) gauze, aluminum foil, or plastic. 29 bleeding cardiovascular definition equipment injury trauma An {{c1::open chest injury}} is an injury to the chest in which the chest wall itself is penetrated by a fractured rib or, more frequently, by an external object such as a bullet or knife. 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular chest definition emergencies injury trauma An {{c1::open pneumothorax}} is an open or penetrating chest wall would through which air passes during inspiration and expiration, creating a sucking sound; also referred to as a sucking chest wound. 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition emergencies injury trauma {{c1::Paradoxical motion}} is the motion of the portion of the chest wall that is detached in a flail chest; the motion- in during inhalation, out during exhalation- is exactly the opposite of normal chest wall motion during breathing.
"" 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition injury trauma The {{c1::pericardium}} is the fibrous sac that surrounds the heart. 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular chest definition trauma A {{c1::pneumothorax}} is an accumulation of air or gas in the pleural cavity. 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition emergencies injury trauma A {{c1::pulmonary contusion}} is any injury or bruising of lung tissue that results in hemorrhage. 29 anatomy bleeding breathing cardiovascular definition emergencies injury respiratory trauma A {{c1::simple pneumothorax}} is any pneumothorax that is free from significant physiologic changes and does not cause drastic changes in the vital signs of the patient. 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular chest definition emergencies injury trauma A {{c1::spontaneous pneumothorax}} is a pneumothorax that occurs when a weak area on the lung ruptures in the absence of major injury, allowing air to leak into the pleural space. 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular chest definition emergencies injury trauma A {{c1::sucking chest wound}} is an open or penetrating chest wall wound through which air passes during inspiration and expiration, creating a sucking sound. 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular chest definition emergencies injury trauma {{c1::Tachypnea}} are rapid respirations.
29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular chest definition injury trauma A {{c1::tension pneumothorax}} is an accumulation of air or gas in the pleural cavity that progessively increases pressure in the chest cavity that interferes with cardiac function with potentially fatal results. 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular chest definition emergencies injury trauma {{c1::Traumatic aphyxia}} is a pattern of injuries seen after a severe force is applied to the chest, forcing blood from the great vessels back into the head and neck.
"" 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition emergencies injury trauma A {{c1::closed abdominal injury}} is an injury in which there is soft-tissue damage inside the body but the skin remains intact. 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular chest definition injury trauma An {{c1::evisceration}} is the displacement of organs outside of the body. "" 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular chest definition emergencies injury trauma The {{c1::flank}} is the region below the rib cage and above the hip. 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition injury trauma {{c1::Guarding}} is contracting the stomach muscles to minimize the pain of abdominal movement; a sign of peritonitis.
29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition injury signs trauma {{c1::Hollow organs}} are structures through which materials pass, such as the stomach, small intestines, large intestines, ureters, and urinary bladder.
29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition trauma {{c1::Melena}} are black tarry stools.
29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition injury trauma An {{c1::open abdominal injury}} is an injury in which there is a break in the surface of the skin or mucous membrane, exposing deeper tissue to potential contamination. 29 abdomen anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition injury trauma The {{c1::peritoneal cavity}} is the abdominal cavity. 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition injury trauma The {{c1::peritoneum}} is the membrane lining the abdominal cavity (parietal peritoneum) and covering the abdominal organs (visceral peritoneum). 29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition injury trauma {{c1::Solid organs}} are solid masses of tissue where much of the chemical work of the body takes place (eg, the liver, spleen, pancreas, and kidneys).
29 anatomy bleeding cardiovascular definition injury trauma An {{c1::acromioclavicular (AC) joint}} is simple joint where the bony projections of the scapula and the clavicle meet at the top of the shoulder. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma An {{c1::amputation}} is an injury in which part of the body is completely severed. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma The {{c1::articular cartilage}} is a pearly white layer of specialized cartilage covering the articular surfaces (contact surfaces on the ends) of bones in synovial joints. "" 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::closed fracture}} is any break in a bone in which the overlying skin is not broken. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Compartment syndrome}} is an elevation of pressure within a closed fascial compartment, characterized by extreme pain, decreased pain sensation, pain on stretching of affected muscles, and decreased power; frequently seen in fractures below the elbow or knee in children.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Crepitus}} is a greating or grinding sensation or sound caused by fractured bone ends or joints rubbing together.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Dislocation}} is the dislocation of a joint in which ligaments are damaged and the bone ends are no longer in contact.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::displaced fracture}} is a fracture in which bone fragments are separated from one another, producing deformity in the limb. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Ecchymosis}} is bruising or discoloration associated with bleeding withing or under the skin.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::False motion}} is movement that occurs in a bone at a point where there is no joint, indicating a fracture; also called free movement.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Fascia}} are the fiberlike connective tissue that covers arteries, veins, tendons, and ligaments.
"" 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma The {{c1::fibula}} is the outer and smaller leg bone of the two bones of the lower leg. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::fracture}} is a break in the continuity of a bone. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::joint}} is where two bones come into contact. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::ligament}} is a band of fibrous tissue that connect bones to bones. It supports and strengthens a joint. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::nondisplaced fracture}} is a simple crack in the bone that has not caused the bone to move from its normal anatomic position; also called a hairline fracture. "" 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma An {{c1::open fracture}} is any break in a bone in which the overlying skin has been broken. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::pelvic binder}} is a device to splint the bony pelvis to reduce hemorrhage from bone ends, venous disruption and pain. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Point tenderness}} is tenderness that is sharply localized at teh sit of the injury, found by gently palpating along the bone with the tip of one finger.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Position of function}} is a hand position in which the wrist is slightly dorsiflexed and all finger joints are moderately flexed.
"" 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma To {{c1::reduce}} is to returned a dislocated joint or fractured bone to its normal position; to set. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Retroperitoneal space}} is {{c2::the space between the abdominal cavity and the posterior abdominal wall, containing the kidneys, certain large vessels, and parts of the GI tract.}}
31 anatomy definition injury orthopaedic skeletal terminology trauma vocab The {{c1::sciatic nerve}} is the major nerve to the lower extermities; controls much of muscle function in the leg and sensation in most of the leg and foot.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::sling}} is a bandage or material that help to support the weight of an injured upper extremity. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::splint}}  is a flexible or rigid device used to preotect and maintain the position of an injured extremity. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::sprain}} is joint injury involving damage to supporting ligaments and sometimes partial or temporary dislocation of bone ends. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::strain}} is the stretching or tearing of a muscle; also called muscle pull. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::swathe}} is abandage that passes around the chest to secure an injured arm to the chest. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma The {{c1::tibia}} is the larger of the two lower leg bones responsible for supporting the major weight bearing surface of the knee and the ankle; the shinbone. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::tourniquet}} is the bleeding control method used when a wound continues to bleed despite the us of direct pressure and elevation; useful if a patient is bleeding severely from a partial or complete amputation. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Traction}} is the longitudinal force appled to a structure.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma The {{c1::zone of injury}} is the area of potentially damaged soft tissue, adjacent nerves, and blood vessels surrounding an injury to a bone or joint. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma An {{c1::air embolism}} is air bubbled in the blood vessels. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Ambulent temperatures}} is the temperature of the surrounding environments.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Antivenin}} is a serum that counteracts the effect of venom from an animal or insect.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Bends}} is a common name for decomopression sickness.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Breathe-holding syncope}} is a loss of conciousness caused by a decreased breathing stimulus.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Conduction}} is the loss of heat by direct contact (eg, when a body part come into contact with a colder object.)
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Convection}} is the loss of body heat caused by air movement (eg, breeze blowing across the body.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Core temperature}} is the temperature of the central part of the body (eg, the heart, lung, and vital organs.)
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Decompression sickness}} is a painful condition seen in divers who ascend too quickly in which gas especially nitrogen, forms bubbles iin blood vessels and other tissues.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma The {{c1::diving reflex}} is the slowing of the heart rate caused by submersion in cold water. 31 definition injury orthopaedic reflex skeletal trauma {{c1::Drowning}} is the process of experiencing respiratory impairment from submersion or immersion in liquid.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Dysbarism injuries}} are any signs and symptoms caused by the difference between the surrounding atmospheric pressure and the total gas pressure in various tissues, fluids, and cavities of the body.
31 definition injury orthopaedic signs skeletal symptoms trauma {{c1::Evaporation}} is the conversion of water or another fluid from a liquid to gas.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Frostbite}} is damage to tissues as the results of exposure to colg; frozen body parts.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Heat cramps}} are painful muscle spasm usually associated with vigorous activity in a hot environment.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Heat exhaustion}} is a heat emergency in which a significant amount of fluid and electrolyte loss occurs because of heavy sweating; alsi called heat prostration or heat collapse.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Heat stroke}} is a life-threatening condition of severehyperthermia caused by exposure to excessive natural or artificial heat, marked by warm, dry skin, severe altered mental status; often irrevesible coma.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Homeostasis}} is a balance of all systems of the body.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Hymenoptera}} is a family of insects that includes bees, wasps, ants, and yellow jackets.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Hyperthermia}} is a condition in which the body core termp rises to 101 degrees farenheit or more.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma "{{c1::Hypothermia}} is a condition in which the body core temp falls below 95 degrees farenheitafter exposure to a cold environment.
" 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Radiation}} is the transfer of heat to colder objects in the environment by radiant energy, for example heat gain from a fire.
"" 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Respiration}} is the loss of body heat as warm air in the lungs is exhaled into the atmosphere and cooler air is inhaled.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Reverse triage}} is a triage process used in treating multiple victims of a lightning strike, in which efforts are focused on those who are in respiratory and cardiac arrest. Reverse triage is different from conventional triage where such patients would be classified as deceased.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma triage {{c1::Scuba gear}} is a system that delivers air to the mouth and lungs at various atmospheric pressures, increasing with the depth of the dive; stands for self-contained underwater breathing apparatus.
32 abbreviations definition environmental equipment {{c1::Turgor}} is the ability of the skin to resist deformation; tested by gently pinching skin on the forehead or back of the head.
31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::comminuted}} fracture is one which the bone is broken into more than two fragments. "
" 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma An {{c1::epiphyseal}} fracture is one that occurs in a growth section of a child's bone and may lead to growth abnormalities. "" 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::greenstick}} fracture is an incomplete fracture that passes only partway through the shaft of a bone but may still cause substantial angulation; occurs in children. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma An {{c1::incomplete}} fracture is one that does not run completely through the bone; a nondisplaced fracture. "" 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma An {{c1::oblique}} fracture is one which the bone is broken at an angle across the bone. This is usually the result of a sharp angled blow to the bone. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::pathologic}} fracture is one of weakened of diseased bone; seen in patients with osteoporosis, infection, or cancer; often produced by minimal force. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::spiral}} fracture is one that is caused by a twisting or spinning force, causing a long spiral-shaped break in the bone. This is sometimes the result of abuse in young children. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma A {{c1::transverse}} fracture is one that occurs straight across the bone. This is usually the result of a direct blow injury. 31 definition injury orthopaedic skeletal trauma {{c1::Dyspnea}} is MOST accurately defined as shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. mastery Acute pulmonary edema would MOST likely develop as the result of {{c1::toxic chemical inhalation.}} mastery A 22-year-old female patient is complaining of dyspnea and numbness and tingling in her hands and feet after an argument with her fiancé. Her respirations are 40 breaths/min. You should:  provide reassurance and give oxygen as needed. mastery Hyperventilation could be associated with all of the following, EXCEPT: {{c1::narcotic overdose.}} mastery A 62-year-old man with a history of congestive heart failure presents with severe respiratory distress and with an oxygen saturation of 82%. When you auscultate his lungs, you hear widespread rales. He is conscious and alert, is able to follow simple commands, and can only speak in two- to three-word sentences at a time. You should: apply a ...... , monitor his blood pressure, and observe him for signs of improvement or deterioration. CPAP device mastery Common signs and symptoms of acute hyperventilation syndrome include {{c1::tachypnea and tingling in the extremities}}. mastery When administering supplemental oxygen to a hypoxemic patient with a chronic lung disease, you should adjust the flow rate accordingly until you see symptom improvement, but be prepared to {{c1::assist his or her ventilations}}. mastery An alert patient presents with a regular pattern of inhalation and exhalation and breath sounds that are clear and equal on both sides of the chest. These findings are consistent with {{c1::adequate air exchange.}} mastery The hypoxic drive stimulates a person to breathe on the basis of {{c1::low oxygen levels}}. mastery You are dispatched to an apartment complex where a 21-year-old female has apparently overdosed on several narcotic medications. She is semiconscious and has slow, shallow respirations. You should insert {{c1::a nasopharyngeal airway}} and begin assisted ventilation. mastery Family history of hypertension is {{c1::LEAST}} important when obtaining a medical history from a patient complaining of chest discomfort compared to prescence of personal factors, hx of previous heart attack and history of cigarette smoking. mastery Most patients are instructed by their physician to take up to {{c1::3}} doses of nitroglycerin before calling EMS. mastery The head and brain receive their supply of oxygenated blood from the {{c1::carotid arteries.}} mastery After assisting your patient with prescribed nitroglycerin, you should: reassess his or her blood pressure within 5 minutes to detect {{c1::hypotension.}} mastery You are assessing a 49-year-old man who complains of chest pressure that began the night before. He is conscious, but anxious, and tells you he has a history of angina and hypertension. After applying high-flow oxygen, you expose his chest to auscultate his lungs and note that he has a nitroglycerin patch on his right upper chest. His skin is cool and pale, his blood pressure is 78/50 mm Hg, and his pulse is 110 beats/min and irregular. You should: {{c1::remove the nitroglycerin patch}}, place him in a {{c2::supine position}} and elevate his lower extremities, and prepare for immediate transport. mastery In contrast to the sympathetic nervous system, the parasympathetic nervous system {{c1::slows the heart and respiratory rates.}} mastery Ventricular tachycardia causes hypotension because {{c1::the left ventricle does not adequately fill with blood.}} mastery A 40-year-old man is in cardiac arrest. Your partner is performing CPR. You are attaching the AED when the patient's wife tells you that he has an automatic implanted cardiac defibrillator (AICD). The AED advises that a shock is indicated. What should you do? Deliver the shock followed by immediate resumption of CPR. mastery When documenting a patient's description of his or her chest pain or discomfort, the EMT should {{c1::use the patient's own words.}} mastery You are caring for a 70-year-old female with signs and symptoms of an acute stroke. She is conscious, has secretions in her mouth, is breathing at a normal rate with adequate depth, and has an oxygen saturation of 96%. You should: {{c1::suction her oropharynx}} and transport immediately. mastery {{c1::Poisoning}} is a metabolic cause of a seizure. mastery You arrive at a local grocery store approximately 5 minutes after a 21-year-old female stopped seizing. She is confused and disoriented; she keeps asking you what happened and tells you that she is thirsty. Her brother, who witnessed the seizure, tells you that she takes valproate (Depakote) for her seizures, but has not taken it in a few days. He also tells you that she has diabetes. In addition to administering oxygen, you should: monitor her airway and breathing status and assess her blood glucose level. mastery A transient ischemic attack (TIA) occurs when a {{c1::small clot in a cerebral artery}} causes temporary symptoms. mastery You are dispatched to a residence for a 66-year-old male who, according to family members, has suffered a massive stroke. Your primary assessment reveals that the patient is unresponsive, apneic, and pulseless. You should:  initiate CPR and attach an AED as soon as possible. mastery Febrile seizures are usually {{c1::benign}} but should be evaluated. mastery The spinal cord exits the cranium through the {{c1::foramen magnum.}} mastery The mental status of a patient who has experienced a generalized seizure is likely to improve over a period of {{c1::5 to 30 minutes.}} mastery Individuals with chronic alcoholism are predisposed to intracranial bleeding and hypoglycemia secondary to abnormalities in the {{c1::liver.}} mastery You are assessing the arm drift component of the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale on a 60-year-old woman. When she holds both of her arms out in front of her and closes her eyes, both of her arms immediately fall to her sides. You should:  repeat the arm drift test and ensure that her palms are facing downward. mastery The visceral peritoneum is supplied by the same nerves from the spinal cord that supply the skin of the {{c1::abdomen}}. mastery The ... assists in the filtration of blood, serves as a blood reservoir, and produces antibodies. Spleen mastery A 60-year-old female presents with a tearing sensation in her lower back. Her skin is sweaty and she is tachycardic. The EMT should suspect {{c1::aortic aneurysm}} mastery A {{c1::strangulated hernia}} is a hernia that loses its blood supply due to compression by local tissues. mastery Injury to a hollow abdominal organ would MOST likely result in {{c1::leakage of contents into the abdominal cavity.}} mastery The spleen, kidneys, and pancreas are all {{c1::solid}} organs. mastery The parietal peritoneum lines the {{c1::walls of the abdominal cavity.}} mastery {{c1::Chronic renal failure}} is {{c2::a condition that is often caused by hypertension or diabetes}}. 18 causes disease excretory gastrointestinal genitourinary mastery urologic The kidneys help to regulate blood pressure by {{c1::removing sodium and water}} from the body. mastery What signs or symptoms would the EMT MOST likely encounter in a patient with new-onset type 1 diabetes? weight loss and polyuria mastery Kussmaul respirations are an indication that the body is attempting to {{c1::eliminate acids from the blood.}} mastery Ketone production is the result of {{c1::fat metabolization}} when {{c2::glucose}} is unavailable. mastery Common side effects of epinephrine include: tachycardia, headache, anxiety and dizziness. tachycardia, headache, and dizziness. mastery Because the stinger of a honeybee remains in the wound following a sting it can continue to inject venom for up to {{c1::20 minutes.}} mastery Immediately after giving an epinephrine injection, you should:  properly dispose of the syringe. mastery Which physiologic actions does epinephrine produce when given for an allergic reaction? Vasoconstriction and bronchodilation mastery {{c1::Epinephrine}} is indicated for patients with an allergic reaction when wheezing and hypotension are present. allergy BLS dosage mastery medication pharmacology protocol A raised, swollen, well-defined area on the skin that is the result of an insect bite or sting is called a ... Wheal mastery When administering epinephrine via auto-injector, you should hold the injector in place for .... 10 seconds mastery The foreign substance responsible for causing an allergic reaction is called a(n): {{c1::allergen}} mastery In general, injected poisons are impossible to dilute or remove because they:  are usually absorbed quickly into the body mastery Your paramedic partner administers atropine to a 49-year-old male with bradycardia. Which side effect would you expect the patient to experience? dry mucous membranes mastery A 4-year-old, 15-kg male ingested an unknown quantity of acetaminophen (Tylenol). The child's mother states that she does not know when the ingestion occurred. The child is conscious and alert and in no apparent distress. The EMT should: administer 15 g of activated charcoal. mastery Signs and symptoms of a sympathomimetic drug overdose include: {{c1::tachycardia}} mastery A 25-year-old man overdosed on heroin and is unresponsive. His breathing is slow and shallow and he is bradycardic. He has track marks on both arms. The EMT should:  insert a nasal airway and ventilate with a BVM. mastery Before giving activated charcoal, you should:  obtain approval from medical control. mastery You respond to a college campus for a young male who is acting strangely. After law enforcement has secured the scene, you enter the patient's dorm room and find him sitting on the edge of the bed; he appears agitated. As you approach him, you note that he has dried blood around both nostrils. He is breathing adequately, his pulse is rapid and irregular, and his blood pressure is 200/110 mm Hg. Treatment for this patient includes: attempting to calm him and giving him oxygen if tolerated. mastery You are dispatched to a local nursery for a 39-year-old female who is sick. When you arrive, you find the patient lying on the floor. She is semiconscious, has copious amounts of saliva coming from her mouth, and is incontinent of urine. You quickly feel her pulse and note that it is very slow. Immediate management for this patient should include:  thoroughly suctioning her oropharynx. mastery After administering activated charcoal to a patient, it is MOST important to: be alert for vomiting mastery The single most significant factor that contributes to suicide is: depression mastery A 66-year-old male presents with bizarre behavior. His daughter states that he did not seem to recognize her and was very rude to her. The patient is conscious, and has a patent airway and adequate breathing. You should: ask the daughter how her father normally behaves. mastery Organic brain syndrome is defined as a dysfunction of the brain caused by  abnormal physical or physiological function. mastery Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) typically does NOT affect the {{c1::urinary bladder.}} mastery Painful {{c1::urination}} is a common symptom of gonorrhea in both men and women. mastery {{c1::Chlamydia}} would MOST likely lead to pelvic inflammatory disease if left untreated. 23 gynecologic A {{c1::backboard}} is a A long, flat board made of rigid, rectangular material that is used to provide support to a patient who is suspected of having a hip, pelvic, spinal, or lower extremity injury; also called a spine board, trauma board, and longboard.    08 assessment definition equipment lifting moving spine {{c1::Bariatrics}} is a branch of medicine concerned with the management (prevention or control) of obesity and allied diseases.
09 assessment definition medicine obesity A {{c1::basket stretcher}} is a rigid stretcher commonly used in technical and water rescues that surrounds and supports the patient yet allows water to drain through holes in the bottom; also called a Stokes litter. This is very useful in rough terrain. 08 carrying definition equipment lifting moving spine transport {{c1::Body mechanics}} is the relationship between the body’s anatomical structures and the physical forces associated with lifting, moving, and carrying; the ways in which the body moves to achieve a specific action.
09 assessment definition The {{c1::diamond carry}} is a carrying technique in which one provider is located at the head end of the stretcher or backboard, one at the foot end, and one at each side of the patient; each of the two providers at the sides uses one hand to support the stretcher or backboard so that all are able to face forward as they walk. 09 assessment carrying definition lifting moving spine A {{c1::direct ground lift}} is a lifting technique that is used for patients who are found lying supine on the ground with no suspected spinal injury. 08 assessment definition lifting moving transport An {{c1::emergency move}} is a move in which the patient is dragged or pulled from a dangerous scene before assessment and care are provided.    08 carrying definition lifting moving An {{c1::extremity lift}} is {{c2::a lifting technique that is used for patients who are supine or in a sitting position with no suspected extremity or spinal injuries.}} 08 carrying definition lifting moving vocab {{c1::Extrication}} is the removal of a patient from entrapment or a dangerous situation or position, such as removal from a wrecked vehicle, industrial incident, or collapsed building.
09 38 assessment carrying definition extrication incident lifting operations rescue safety special transport vehicle A {{c1::flexible stretcher}} is a stretcher that is a rigid carrying device when secured around a patient but can be folded or rolled when not in use.    "" 08 carrying equipment lifting moving transport A {{c1::portable stretcher}} is a stretcher with a strong, rectangular, tubular metal frame and rigid fabric stretched across it. 08 equipment moving {{c1::Power grip}} is a technique in which the stretcher or backboard is gripped by inserting each hand under the handle with the palm facing up and the thumb extended, fully supporting the underside of the handle on the curved palm with the fingers and thumb.
08 assessment carrying definition equipment lifting spine A {{c1::power lift}} is a lifting technique in which the EMT’s back is held upright, with legs bent, and the patient is lifted when the EMT straightens the legs to raise the upper body and arms. 08 carrying definition lifting moving The {{c1::rapid extrication technique}} is {{c2::a technique to move a patient from a sitting position inside a vehicle to supine on a backboard in less than 1 minute when conditions do not allow for standard immobilization.}} 09 assessment definition extrication position vocab A {{c1::scoop stretcher}} is a stretcher that is designed to be split into two or four sections that can be fitted around a patient who is lying on the ground or other relatively flat surface; also called an orthopedic stretcher. 08 equipment moving A {{c1::stairchair}} is a lightweight folding device that is used to carry a conscious, seated patient up or down stairs. 08 definition equipment lifting moving A {{c1::wheeled ambulance stretcher}} is a specially designed stretcher that can be rolled along the ground. A collapsible undercarriage allows it to be loaded into the ambulance; also called an ambulance stretcher. 08 ambulance equipment moving The {{c1::accessory muscles}} are the secondary muscles of respiration. They include the neck muscles (sternocleidomastoids), the chest pectoralis major muscles, and the abdominal muscles. 09 airway anatomy definition head muscular neck respiratory {{c1::Altered mental status}} is any deviation from alert and oriented to person, place, time, and event, or any deviation from a patient’s normal baseline mental status; may signal disease in the central nervous system or elsewhere in the body.
09 assessment definition mental To {{c1::auscultate}} is to listen to sounds within an organ with a stethoscope. 09 assessment definition terminology {{c1::DCAP-BTLS}} is a mnemonic for assessment in which each area of the body is evaluated for {{c2::Deformities}}, {{c3::Contusions}}, {{c4::Abrasions}}, {{c5::Punctures/penetrations}}, {{c6::Burns}}, {{c7::Tenderness}}, {{c8::Lacerations}}, and {{c9::Swelling}}.   
09 abbreviations assessment burn mnemonic A {{c1::focused assessment}} is a type of physical assessment typically performed on patients who have sustained nonsignificant mechanisms of injury or on responsive medical patients. This type of examination is based on the chief complaint and focuses on one body system or part. 09 assessment definition The {{c1::general impression}} is {{c2::the overall initial impression that determines the priority for patient care;}} {{c3::based on the patient’s surroundings, the mechanism of injury, signs and symptoms, and the chief complaint}}. 09 assessment definition {{c1::History taking}} is a step within the patient assessment process that provides detail about the patient’s chief complaint and an account of the patient’s signs and symptoms.
09 assessment definition signs symptoms {{c1::SAMPLE history}} is a brief history of a patient’s condition to determine signs and symptoms, allergies, medications, pertinent past history, last oral intake, and events leading to the injury or illness.
09 assessment definition {{c1::Situational awareness}} is knowledge and understanding of one’s surroundings and the ability to recognize potential risks to the safety of the patient or EMS team.
09 definition safety vocab {{c1::Vital signs}} are the key signs that are used to evaluate the patient’s overall condition, including respirations, pulse, blood pressure, level of consciousness, and skin characteristics.
09 assessment definition pulse A {{c1::gag reflex}} is a normal reflex mechanism that causes retching; activated by touching the soft palate or the back of the throat. 10 airway assessment reflex respiratory {{c1::Hypercarbia}} is increased carbon dioxide level in the bloodstream.
10 definition respiratory {{c1::Intrapulmonary shunting}} is the bypassing of oxygen-poor blood past nonfunctional alveoli to the left side of the heart.
09 cardiovascular definition respiratory {{c1::Oxygen toxicity}} is a condition of excessive oxygen consumption resulting in cellular and tissue damage.   
09 airway breathing cardiovascular disease injury respiratory {{c1::Absorbtion}} is The process by which medications travel through body tissues until they reach the bloodstream.
11 definition pharmacology {{c1::Action}} is the therapeutic effect of a medication on the body.
"" 11 definition pharmacology {{c1::Adsorption}} is the process of binding or sticking to a surface.
11 definition pharmacology An {{c1::agonist}} is a medication that causes stimulation of receptors. 11 definition pharmacology An {{c1::antagonist}} is a medication that binds to a receptor and blocks other medications. 11 definition pharmacology {{c1::Aspirin}} is a medication that is an antipyretic (reduces fever), analgesic (reduces pain), anti-inflammatory (reduces inflammation), and a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation (clumping).
11 definition pharmacology {{c1::Contraindications}} are conditions that make a particular medication or treatment inappropriate because it would not help, or may actually harm, a patient.   
11 definition pharmacology {{c1::Enteral medications}} are {{c2::medications that enter the body through the digestive system}}.
11 BLS definition dosage gastrointestinal medication pharmacology {{c1::Epinephrine}} is a medication that increases heart rate, blood pressure but also eases breathing problems by decreasing muscle tone of the bronchiole tree.
11 definition pharmacology A {{c1::gel}} is a semiliquid substance that is administered orally in capsule form or through plastic tubes. "" 11 definition pharmacology The {{c1::generic name}} is {{c2::the original chemical name of a medication (in contrast with one of its proprietary or trade names); the name is not capitalized}}. 11 definition pharmacology The {{c1::indications}} are the therapeutic uses for a specific medication. 11 definition pharmacology An {{c1::intraosseous injection}} is an injection into the bone; a medication delivery route. 11 definition pharmacology A {{c1::medication}} is a substance that is used to treat or prevent disease or relieve pain. 11 definition pharmacology A {{c1::medication error}} is the inappropriate use of a medication that could lead to patient harm. 11 definition pharmacology A {{c1::metered-dose inhaled (MDI)}} is a miniature spray canister through which droplets or particles of medication may be inhaled through the mouth and into the lungs. 11 definition pharmacology A {{c1::mucosal atomizer device}} is a device that is used to change a liquid medication into a spray and push it into a nostril. 11 definition pharmacology {{c1::Nitroglycerin}} is a medication that increases cardiac perfusion by causing blood vessels to dilate; EMTs may be allowed to assist the patient to self-administer the medication.
11 definition pharmacology {{c1::Oral glucose}} is a simple sugar that is readily absorbed by the bloodstream; it is carried on the EMS unit.
11 definition pharmacology {{c1::Oxygen}} is a gas that all cells need for metabolism; the heart and brain, especially, cannot function without it.
11 definition pharmacology {{c1::Parenteral medications}} are medications that enter the body by a route other than the digestive tract, skin, or mucous membranes.   
11 definition pharmacology Per os (PO) means {{c1::take by mouth.}} 11 definition pharmacology {{c1::Pharmacodynamics}} is the process by which a medication works on the body. 11 definition pharmacology {{c1::Pharmacology}} is the study of the properties and effects of medications.
11 definition pharmacology {{c1::Polypharmacy}} is the use of multiple medications on a regular basis.
11 definition pharmacology {{c1::Side effects}} are any effects of a medication other than the desired ones.
11 definition pharmacology A {{c1::solution}} is a liquid mixture that cannot be separated by filtering or allowing the mixture to stand. 11 definition pharmacology A {{c1::subcutaneous injection (SC)}} is an injection into the fatty tissue between the skin and muscle; a medication delivery route. 11 definition pharmacology A {{c1::suspension}} is a mixture of ground particles that are distributed evenly throughout a liquid but do not dissolve. 11 definition pharmacology The {{c1::therapeutic effect}} is the desired or intended effect a medication is expected to have on the body. 11 definition pharmacology The {{c1::trade name}} is the brand name that a manufacturer gives a medication; the name is capitalized. 11 definition pharmacology Transcutaneous means {{c1::through the skin}}; a medication delivery route. 11 definition pharmacology {{c1::Unintended effects}} are actions that are undesirable but pose little risk to the patient.
11 definition pharmacology {{c1::Untoward effects}} are actions that can be harmful to the patient.
11 definition pharmacology The {{c1::afterload}} is the force or resistance the heart pumps against when ejecting blood. "" 12 definition shock An {{c1::aneurysm}} is an abnormal enlargement of the wall of a blood vessel that results from weakening of the vessel wall. 12 definition shock The {{c1::autonomic nervous system}} is the part of the nervous system that regulates involuntary activities of the body, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and digestion of food. 12 definition shock {{c1::Cardiac tamponade}} is the compression of the heart as the result of buildup of blood or other fluid in the pericardial sac, leading to decreased cardiac output.
12 definition shock {{c1::Cardiogenic shock}} is a state in which not enough oxygen is delivered to the tissues of the body, caused by low output of blood from the heart. It can be a severe complication of a large acute myocardial infarction, as well as other conditions.
12 definition shock {{c1::Compensated shock}} is the early stage of shock, in which the body can still compensate for blood loss.
12 definition shock {{c1::Decompensated shock}} is the late stage of shock when blood pressure is falling.
12 definition shock {{c1::Dehydration}} is the loss of water from the tissues of the body.
12 definition shock "{{c1::Distributive shock}} is a condition that occurs when there is widespread dilation of the small arterioles, small venules, or both.


" 12 definition shock {{c1::Edema}} is the presence of abnormally large amounts of fluid between cells in body tissues, causing swelling of the affected area. 12 definition shock {{c1::Homeostasis}} is a balance of all systems of the body.
12 definition shock {{c1::Hypovolemic shock}} is a condition in which low blood volume, due to massive internal or external bleeding or extensive loss of body water, results in inadequate perfusion. (Ie; VOLUME DEPLETION)
" 12 definition shock {{c1::Myocardial contractility}} is the ability of the heart muscle to contract.
12 definition shock {{c1::Neurogenic shock}} is circulatory failure caused by paralysis of the nerves that control the size of the blood vessels, leading to widespread dilation; seen in patients with spinal cord injuries.
12 definition shock {{c1::Obstructive shock}} is shock that occurs when there is a block to blood flow in the heart or great vessels, causing an insufficient blood supply to the body’s tissues.
12 definition shock {{c1::Perfusion}} is the flow of blood through body tissues and vessels.
12 definition shock A {{c1::pericardial effusion}} is a collection of fluid between the pericardial sac and the myocardium. 12 definition shock {{c1::Preload}} is the precontraction pressure in the heart as the volume of blood builds up.
12 cardiovascular definition shock {{c1::Psychogenic shock}} is shock caused by a sudden, temporary reduction in blood supply to the brain that causes fainting (syncope).
12 definition shock A {{c1::pulmonary embolism}} is a blood clot that breaks off from a large vein and travels to the blood vessels of the lung causing obstruction of blood flow. 10 12 definition shock The {{c1::pulse pressure}} is the difference between the systolic and diastolic pressures. "
" 12 definition pulse shock {{c1::Sensitization}} is the process of developing a sensitivity to a substance that initially caused no allergic reaction.
12 definition shock {{c1::Septic shock}} is shock caused by severe infection, usually a bacterial infection.
12 definition shock {{c1::Shock}} is a condition in which the circulatory system fails to provide sufficient circulation to enable every body part to perform its function;  also called hypoperfusion.
12 definition shock The {{c1::abdominal-thrust maneuver}} is the preferred method to dislodge a severe airway obstruction in adults and children; also called the Heimlich maneuver. 13 {{c1::Active compression-decompression CPR}} is a technique that involves compressing the chest and then actively pulling it back up to its neutral position or beyond (decompression); may increase the amount of blood that returns to the heart, and thus, the amount of blood ejected from the heart during the compression phase.
13 {{c1::Basic life support (BLS)}} is noninvasive emergency lifesaving care that is used to treat medical conditions, including airway obstruction, respiratory arrest, and cardiac arrest. 13 {{c1::Cardiopulmonary resuscitation}} is {{c2::the combination of chest compressions and rescue breathing used to establish adequate ventilation and circulation in a patient who is not breathing and has no pulse}}.
13 BLS definition emergencies resuscitation treatment vocab {{c1::Chest compression fraction}} is the total percentage of time during a resuscitation attempt in which active chest compressions are being performed. 
13 {{c1::Hyperventilation}} is the rapid or deep breathing that lowers the blood carbon dioxide level below normal; may lead to increased intrathoracic pressure, decreased venous return, and hypotension when associated with BVM use.
13 definition {{c1::Ischemia}} is a lack of oxygen that deprives tissues of necessary nutrients, resulting from partial or complete blockage of blood flow; potentially reversible because permanent injury has not yet occurred.
13 definition A {{c1::load-distributing band}} is a circumferential chest compression device composed of a constricting band and backboard that is either electrically or pneumatically driven to compress the heart by putting inward pressure on the thorax. 13 definition emergencies equipment resuscitation A {{c1::mechanical piston device}} is a device that depresses the sternum via a compressed gas-powered or electric-powered plunger mounted on a backboard. 13 definition emergencies equipment resuscitation A {{c1::return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC)}} is the return of a pulse and effective blood flow to the body in a patient who previously was in cardiac arrest.   13 abbreviations BLS resuscitation {{c1::Rigor mortis}} is the stiffening of the body muscles; a definitive sign of death.
13 {{c1::Dependent lividity}} is blood settling to the lowest point of the body; causing discoloration of the skin; a definitive sign of death.
13 definition A/An {{c1::epidemic}} occurs {{c2::when new cases of a disease in a human population substantially exceed the number expected based on recent experience}}.   
14 definition immunologic medical overview statistic {{c1::Herpes simplex}} is a common virus that is asymptomatic in 80% of people carrying it, but characterized by small blisters on the lips or genitals in symptomatic infections. 14 definition medical overview virus {{c1::Index of suspicion}} is the awareness that unseen life-threatening injuries or illness may exist.
14 definition medical overview {{c1::Influenza}} is a virus that has crossed the animal/human barrier and infected humans and that kills thousands of people every year.
14 definition medical overview virus {{c1::Medical emergencies}} are emergencies that are not caused by an outside force; illnesses or conditions.
14 definition medical overview {{c1::Meningitis}} is an inflammation of the meningeal coverings of the brain and spinal cord; it is usually caused by a virus or a bacterium.
"" 14 definition medical overview {{c1::Meningococcal meningitis}} is an inflammation of the meningeal coverings of the brain and spinal cord; can be highly contagious.
14 definition medical overview {{c1::Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)}} is a bacterium that can cause infections in different parts of the body and is often resistant to commonly used antibiotics; it is transmitted by different routes, including the respiratory route, and can be found on the skin, in surgical wounds, in the bloodstream, in the lungs, and urinary tract. 14 bacterial breathing definition medical overview respiratory virus A {{c1::pandemic}} is an outbreak that occurs on a global scale. 14 definition medical overview {{c1::Trauma emergencies}} are emergencies that are the result of physical forces applied to the body.
14 definition medical overview {{c1::Virulence}} is the strength or ability of a pathogen to produce disease.
14 definition medical overview While performing chest compressions in an adult patient, the EMT should compress the chest of an adult at a rate of {{c1::100 to 120}}/min to a depth of at least {{c2::2}} inches and should allow full recoil of the chest after each compression 13 The purpose of the pediatric assessment triangle is to  form a general impression of the child without touching him or her. 34 pediatric If the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck (nuchal cord), the EMT should: make one attempt to gently remove the cord from around its neck. If this is unsuccessful, clamp and cut the cord and continue with the delivery.  34 childbirth emergencies neonate obstetrics treatment {{c1::Abruptio placenta}} is the premature separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus.  Also known as {{c2::placental abruption}}. 33 definition obstetrics The ... is the fluid-filled, baglike membrane in which the fetus develops. Amniotic sac 33 anatomy definition obstetrics ... describes a condition in which the patient has too few red blood cells, resulting in a decreased ability to transport oxygen throughout the body via the bloodstream.
Anemia 33 cardiovascular definition disease obstetrics The {{c1::Apgar score}} is a scoring system for assessing the status of a newborn that assigns a number value to each of five areas. 33 childbirth definition obstetrics The vagina and cervix are the components of the {{c1::birth canal.}} 33 anatomy definition obstetrics A {{c1::bloody show}} is a small amount of blood in the vagina that appears at the beginning of labor and may include a plug of pink-tinged mucus that is discharged when the cervix begins to dilate. 33 childbirth definition obstetrics A delivery in which the buttocks come out first is called a {{c1::breech presentation.}} 33 childbirth complications definition obstetrics The {{c1::cervix}} is the narrowest portion of the uterus that opens into the vagina. 33 anatomy definition obstetrics {{c1::Crowning}} is the appearance of the fetus’s head at the vaginal opening during labor.
33 childbirth definition obstetrics {{c1::Eclampsia}} is severe hypertension in a pregnant woman, resulting in seizures (convulsions).
33 complications definition emergencies obstetrics An {{c1::ectopic pregnancy}} is a pregnancy that develops outside the uterus, typically in a fallopian tube. 33 complications definition emergencies obstetrics The {{c1::embryo stage}} is the early stage of development after the fertilization of the egg (first 10 weeks). 33 definition development obstetrics The {{c1::endometrium}} is the lining of the inside of the uterus. "" 33 anatomy definition obstetrics {{c1::Fetal alcohol syndrome}} is a condition caused by the consumption of alcohol by a pregnant woman; characterized by growth and physical problems, mental retardation, and a variety of congenital abnormalities.
33 complications definition obstetrics A {{c1::fetus}} is the developing, unborn infant inside the uterus, from 10 weeks after fertilization until birth. 33 anatomy definition obstetrics A {{c1::fundus}} is the dome-shaped top of the uterus. 33 anatomy definition obstetrics {{c1::Gestational diabetes}} is diabetes that develops during pregnancy in women who did not have diabetes before pregnancy.
33 complications definition disease obstetrics {{c1::Lightening}} is the movement of the fetus down into the pelvis late in pregnancy.
"" 33 definition obstetrics A {{c1::limb presentation}} is a delivery in which the presenting part is a single arm or leg. 33 childbirth complications definition obstetrics {{c1::Meconium}} is fetal stool. When appearing as a dark green material in the amniotic fluid, it can indicate distress or disease in the newborn; it can be aspirated into the fetus’s lungs during delivery.
"" 33 complications definition emergencies obstetrics A {{c1::miscarriage}} is the spontaneous passage of the fetus and placenta before 20 weeks; also called spontaneous abortion. 33 complications definition obstetrics The term {{c1::multigravida}} is used to describe a woman who has had previous pregnancies.
33 childbirth definition obstetrics The {{c1::nuchal cord}} is an umbilical cord that is wrapped around the fetus’s neck. 33 anatomy complications definition obstetrics A {{c1::placenta}} is the tissue attached to the uterine wall that nourishes the fetus through the umbilical cord. 33 anatomy definition obstetrics The {{c1::perineum}} is the area between the vagina and anus in a woman. 33 anatomy definition obstetrics {{c1::Placenta previa}} is a condition in which the placenta develops over and covers the cervix.
" 33 complications definition obstetrics {{c1::Preeclampsia}} is a pregnancy complication that is characterized by {{c2::high blood pressure, headache, visual abnormalities, anxiety, and swelling of the hands and feet}}; also called pregnancy-induced hypertension or toxemia of pregnancy.
33 complications definition obstetrics {{c1::Pregnancy-induced hypertension}} is a condition of late pregnancy that is characterized by {{c2::headache, visual abnormalities, anxiety, and swelling of the hands and feet}}; also called preeclampsia or toxemia of pregnancy.
33 complications definition obstetrics A {{c1::presentation}} is the position in which an infant is born; defined by the part of the body that appears first. 33 childbirth definition obstetrics terminology {{c1::Primagravida}} is a woman who is experiencing her first pregnancy.
33 childbirth definition obstetrics {{c1::Prolapse of the umbilical cord}} is a situation in which the umbilical cord comes out of the vagina before the fetus.
33 childbirth complications definition emergencies obstetrics {{c1::Spina bifida}} is a developmental defect in which a portion of the spinal cord or meninges may protrude outside of the vertebrae and possibly even outside of the body, usually at the lower third of the spine in the lumbar area.
33 childbirth complications definition obstetrics {{c1::Supine hypotensive syndrome}} is {{c2::low blood pressure resulting from compression of the inferior vena cava by the weight of the pregnant uterus when the woman is supine.}}
"" 33 complications definition obstetrics {{c1::Term gestation}} is a pregnancy that has reached full term, between 39 weeks and 40 weeks, 6 days.
33 definition obstetrics value An {{c1::umbilical cord}} is the structure that connects the pregnant woman to the fetus via the placenta; contains two arteries and one vein. 33 anatomy definition obstetrics {{c1::Venix caseosa}} is {{c2::a white, cheesy substance that covers the body of the fetus}}.
33 childbirth definition neonate obstetrics {{c1::Vertex presentation}} is a delivery in which the head of the newborn comes out first.
33 childbirth definition obstetrics An {{c1::apparent life-threatening event}} is an event that causes unresponsiveness, cyanosis, and apnea in an infant, who then resumes breathing with stimulation. 34 definition pediatric {{c1::Blanch}} is a term that means to turn white.
34 definition pediatric {{c1::Bradypnea}} is a slow respiratory rate; in a child it is an ominous sign that indicates impending respiratory arrest.
34 definition pediatric {{c1::Bronchiolitis}} is the inflammation of the bronchioles that usually occurs in children younger than 2 years and is often caused by the respiratory syncytial virus.
34 definition pediatric {{c1::Central pulses}} are pulses that are closest to the core (central) part of the body where the vital organs are located; include the carotid, femoral, and apical pulses.
34 definition pediatric A {{c1::generalized seizure}} is a seizure that features rhythmic back-and-forth motion of an extremity and body stiffness, or extreme twitching of all of the body’s muscles, that may last several minutes or more; formerly known as a grand mal seizure. 34 definition pediatric {{c1::Grunting}} is an “uh” sound heard during exhalation; reflects the child’s attempt to keep the alveoli open; a sign of increased work of breathing.
34 definition pediatric {{c1::Infancy}} is the first year of life.
34 definition pediatric {{c1::Length-based resuscitation tape}} is a tape used to estimate an infant or child’s weight on the basis of length; appropriate drug doses and equipment sizes are listed on the tape.
34 definition pediatric {{c1::Neisseria meninitides}} is a form of bacterial meningitis characterized by rapid onset of symptoms, often leading to shock and death.
34 definition pediatric The {{c1::pediatric assessment triangle}} is a structured assessment tool used to rapidly form a general impression of the infant or child without touching him or her; consists of assessing appearance, work of breathing, and circulation to the skin. "" 34 definition pediatric {{c1::Pertussis}} is an airborne bacterial infection that affects mostly children younger than 6 years, in which the patient is feverish and exhibits a “whoop” sound on inspiration after a coughing attack; highly contagious through droplet infection. Also called whooping cough.
34 definition pediatric {{c1::Shaken baby syndrome}} is a syndrome seen in abused infants and children; the patient has been subjected to violent, whiplash-type shaking injuries inflicted by the abusing individual that may cause coma, seizures, and increased intracranial pressure due to tearing of the cerebral veins with consequent bleeding into the brain.
34 definition pediatric {{c1::Sudden infant death syndrome}} is the death of an infant or young child that remains unexplained after a complete autopsy.
34 definition pediatric {{c1::Tracheitis}} is the inflammation of the trachea.
34 definition pediatric {{c1::Abdominal aortic aneurysm}} is a rapidly fatal condition in which the walls of the aorta in the abdomen weaken and blood leaks into the layers of the vessel, causing it to bulge.
35 definition An {{c1::aneurysm}} is an abnormal enlargement of a part of an artery, resulting from weakening of the arterial wall. 35 definition {{c1::Ascites}} is fluid in the abdomen.
35 definition {{c1::Cataracts}} is a term for clouding of the lens of the eye or its surrounding transparent membranes.
35 definition {{c1::Decubitus ulcers}} are sores caused by the pressure of skin against a surface for long periods; can range from a pink discoloration of the skin to a deep wound that may invade into bone or organs; also known as bedsores.
35 definition {{c1::Deep venous thrombosis}} is the formation of a blood clot within the larger veins of an extremity, typically following a period of prolonged immobilization.
35 definition {{c1::Dementia}} is the slow onset of progressive disorientation, shortened attention span, and loss of cognitive function; this condition is generally chronic and irreversible.
35 definition {{c1::Jugular vein distention}} is a visual bulging of the jugular veins in the neck that can be caused by fluid overload, pressure in the chest, cardiac tamponade, or tension pneumothorax.
35 definition {{c1::Kyphosis}} is a forward curling of the back caused by an abnormal increase in the curvature of the spine.
"" 35 definition {{c1::Neuropathy}} is a group of conditions in which the nerves leaving the spinal cord are damaged, resulting in distortion of signals to or from the brain.
35 definition {{c1::Osteoporosis}} is a generalized bone disease, commonly associated with postmenopausal women, in which there is a reduction in the amount of bone mass leading to fractures after minimal trauma in either sex.
35 definition {{c1::Peptic ulcer disease}} is an abrasion of the stomach or small intestine.
"" 35 definition {{c1::Presbycusis}} is {{c2::an age-related condition of the ear that produces progressive bilateral hearing loss that is most noted at higher frequencies}}.
35 assessment definition development disease ear geriatric signs symptoms A {{c1::pulmonary embolism}} is a condition that causes a sudden blockage of the pulmonary artery by a venous clot. 35 definition {{c1::Respiratory syncytial virus}} is a highly contagious virus that causes an infection of the upper and lower respiratory system.
35 definition {{c1::Autism spectrum disorder}} is a group of complex disorders of brain development, characterized by difficulties in social interaction, repetitive behaviors, and verbal and nonverbal communication.
36 definition {{c1::Cerebral palsy}} is a group of disorders characterized by poorly controlled body movement.
36 definition A {{c1::colostomy}} is a surgical procedure to create an opening (stoma) between the colon and the surface of the body. 36 definition {{c1::Conductive hearing loss}} is hearing loss caused by a faulty transmission of sound waves.
36 definition {{c1::Developmental disability}} is the insufficient development of the brain, resulting in some level of dysfunction or impairment.
36 definition {{c1::Down syndrome}} is a genetic chromosomal defect that can occur during fetal development and that results in intellectual impairment as well as certain physical characteristics, such as a round head with a flat occiput and slanted, wide-set eyes.
36 definition An {{c1::ileostomy}} is a surgical procedure to create an opening (stoma) between the colon and the surface of the body. 36 definition {{c1::Sensorineural deafness}} is a permanent lack of hearing caused by a lesion or damage of the inner ear.
36 definition {{c1::Shunts}} are tubes that drain excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from the brain to another part of the body outside of the brain, such as the abdomen; lowers pressure in the brain.
36 definition A {{c1::stoma}} is an opening through the skin and into an organ or other structure. 36 definition A {{c1::urostomy}} is a surgical procedure to create an opening (stoma) that connects the urinary system to the surface of the skin and allows urine to drain through the abdominal wall. 36 definition Altered mental status and unequal or fixed pupils are signs of {{c1::intracranial pressure (ICP) }} and should be treated with hyperventilation with BVM.
09 assessment mental signs terminology treatment RSV Respiratory Syncytial Virus 15 abbreviations airway breathing disease respiratory virus {{c1::Special teams}} possess specific knowledge, skills, abilities, equipment, and/or training 41 teams {{c1::Regular teams}} consistently interact with the same partner or team 41 definition teams {{c1::Temporary teams}} have EMTs who work providers with whom they do not regularly interact or may not even know 41 definition teams Examples of special EMS include:
Fire Team
Rescue Team
Hazardous materials (HazMat) Team
Tactical EMS Team
Special event EMS Team
EMS bike Team
In-hospital patient care technicians
MIH technicians
41 examples teams Regular teams {{c1::consistently interact with the same partner or team}}  41 definition teams Special teams {{c1::possess specific knowledge, skills, abilities, equipment, and/or training}} 41 definition teams Temporary teams {{c1::have EMTs who work providers with whom they do not regularly interact or may not even know}} 41 definition teams
What are the 5 essential elements of a group?
A common goal
An image of themselves as a “group”
A sense of continuity of the group
A set of shared values
Different roles within the group
41 list teams
In {{c1::dependent groups}} each individual is told what to do, and often how to do it, by his or her supervisor or group leader.
41 definition teams In {{c1::independent groups}} each individual is responsible for his or her own area 41 teams In {{c1::interdependent groups}} individuals function as a true team. 41 teams PACE Probe
41 abbreviations teams What are the steps for assisting an ALS process?
Patient preparation
Performing the procedure
Continuing care

are the steps for this process.
41 definition process sequential teams What are the steps for BE MAGIC?
B – Perform BVM preoxygenation
E – Evaluate for airway difficulties
M – Manipulate the patient
A – Attempt first-pass intubation
GI – Use a supraGlottic or Intermediate          airway if unable to intubate
C – Confirm successful intubation

are the steps for this process.
41 definition process sequential teams
What are the steps for patient prepation when assisting in an ALS procedure?
preoxygenation, and 
apenic oxygenation

are the steps for helping with this procedure.
41 definition process sequential teams What is the difference between a group and a team?
A team consists of a group of health care providers who are assigned specific roles and are working interdependently in a coordinated manner under a designated leader.
41 teams What is the difference between an opiate and an opioid? Opiates are a subset of the opioid family, referring to natural, non-synthetic opioids; opioids are not derived from opium. 11 13 21 pharmacology PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 15 abbreviations GCS Glasgow Coma Scale 10 abbreviations COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 10 abbreviations airway breathing disease respiratory What are the signs and symptoms of the common cold?
runny or stuffy nose
sore throat 10 15 airway breathing disease respiratory signs symptoms SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome 15 abbreviations disease infection virus What is the treatment for pneumonia? Possible treatments include: airway support and providing supplemental oxygen. 15 breathing disease emergencies respiratory treatment What are the signs and symptoms of pneumonia are common present in pediatric patients? Children often present with unusually rapid or labored breathing or breathing characterized by grunting or wheezing sounds 15 breathing disease emergencies respiratory signs symptoms treatment Which variant of pneumonia presents with more severe symptoms? 
Bacterial pneumonia
15 bacterial breathing disease infection respiratory virus What are the variants of pneumonia? Viral or bacterial pneumonia 15 bacterial breathing disease infection respiratory virus A {{c1::viral pneumonia}} presents more gradually and is less severe 15 bacterial breathing disease infection respiratory virus "Patient assessment order:
1. {{c1::Scene Safe/ BSI / PPE}}
2. {{c2::NOI}}
3. {{c3::# of Patients}}
4. {{c4::Request Additional Resources}}
5. {{c5::Consider C-Spine}}
6. {{c6::What is my general impression?}}
7. {{c7::AVPU}}
8. {{c8::""What seems to be the problem?""}}
9. {{c9::Chief complaint is...}}
10. {{c10::ABCs}}
10a. A: {{c11::Airway patent?}}
10b. B: {{c12::Check RRQ Lung Sounds}}
10c. C: {{c13::Check RRQ Pulse, Check Skin, Check Capillary Refill}}
11. {{c14::Take Vitals}}
12. {{c15::FAST G (if applicable)}}
13. {{c16::OPQRST}}
14. {{c17::SAMPLE (FAST 4 & PORCH)}}
15. {{c18::Fix Problem/ Call Medical Control / Administer Meds}}
16. {{c19::""Stay & Play"" or ""Load and Go""}}
17. {{c20::Secondary Assessment (FAST 5)}}
18. {{c21::Secondary Vitals}}
19. {{c22::Give Report & Diagnosis}}
" definition "Patient assessment order:
1. {{c1::Scene Safe/ BSI / PPE}}
2. {{c2::NOI}}
3. {{c3::# of Patients}}
4. {{c4::Request Additional Resources}}
5. {{c5::Consider C-Spine}}
6. {{c6::What is my general impression?}}
7. {{c7::AVPU}}
8. {{c8::""What seems to be the problem?""}}
9. {{c9::Determine Chief Compaint & Life Threats}}
10. {{c10::ABCs}}
10a. A: {{c11::Airway patent?}}
10b. B: {{c12::Check RRQ Lung Sounds}}
10c. C: {{c13::Check RRQ Pulse, Check Skin, Control major bleeding (if present)}}
11. {{c14::Shock Management (Position Properly & Conserve Body Heat)}}
12. {{c15::Rapid Trauma Assessment}}
13. {{c16::Transport (verbalize ""trauma patient / trauma alert"")}}
14. {{c18::Focused Assessment}}
15. {{c17::Vitals}}
16. {{c19::SAMPLE}}
17. {{c20::Reassessment}}
" 24 assessment definition trauma In most instances, you should move a patient on a wheeled ambulance stretcher by {{c1::pushing the head}} of the stretcher while your partner {{c1::guides the feet}} of the stretcher. 08 ambulance lifting moving {{c1::Nonfunctional alveoli}} {{c2::inhibit the diffusion of}} oxygen and carbon dioxide. 09 anatomy definition respiratory A patient who {{c1::coughs up thick, yellowish, or greenish sputum}} most likely has {{c2::advanced respiratory infection}}. 10 15 airway breathing disease infection respiratory signs symptoms {{c1::Sympathomimetic}} drugs mimic the {{c2::sympathetic}} (or {{c3::fight-or-flight)}} response. 20 definition endocrine immunologic medication neurologic {{c1::Placental abruption}} is the premature separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus.  Also known as {{c2::abruptio placenta}}. 33 obstetrics How many major blood vessels are contained in the umbilical cord? Two arteries, one vein. 33 anatomy cardiovascular obstetrics An {{c1::ectopic pregnancy}} occurs {{c2::about once in every 300}} births. 33 complications emergencies obstetrics statistic ALTE 34 abbreviations definition pediatric terminology An {{c1::emetic}} is {{c2::a substance that induces vomitting}}. 22 definition treatment {{c1::aging}} is {{c2::the process by which the temporary bond between the organophosphate and acetylcholinesterase undergoes hydrolysis, resulting in a permanent covalent bond}} 40 definition disaster hazmat operations alpha A type of energy that is emitted from a strong radiologic source; it is the least harmful penetrating type of radiation cannot travel more than a few inches or penetrate most objects. 40 definition disaster hazmat operations physics safety {{c1::anthrax}} is {{c2::a disease caused by deadly bacteria (Bacillus anthracis) that lay dormant in a spore (protective shell); the germ is released from the spore when exposed to the optimal temperature and moisture.}} 40 bacterial definition disaster hazmat operations terrorism {{c1::The routes of entry for anthrax}} are {{c2::inhalation, cutaneous and gastrointestinal (from consuming food that contains spores).}} 40 bacterial definition disaster hazmat operations terrorism ATNAA Antidote Treatment Nerve Agent Auto-Injector 40 abbreviations definition disaster equipment hazmat operations terrorism treatment
{{c1::Antidote Treatment Nerve Agent Auto-Injector (ATNAA)}} is {{c2::a nerve agent antidote kit}} containing {{c3::atropine and pralidoxime chloride}}; {{c4::delivered as a single dose through one needle}}.
40 definition disaster equipment hazmat operations terrorism treatment The ATNAA is delivered via this means.
This antidote is delivered as a single dose through one needle.
40 definition disaster hazmat operations terrorism treatment bacteria
microorganisms that reproduce by binary fission. A single cell creatures reproduce rapidly. Some can form spores (encysted variants) when environmental conditions are harsh
40 bacterial definition disaster disease hazmat infection operations terminology terrorism
{{c1::Bacteria}} are {{c2::single-celled microorganisms}} that reproduce by {{c3::binary fission}}. These single-cell creatures reproduce {{c3::rapidly}}.  Some can form {{c4::spores (encysted variants)}} when environmental conditions are harsh.
40 bacterial definition disaster disease hazmat infection operations terminology terrorism encysted variant A resting or dormant stage of a microorganism that helps the organism to survive in unfavorable environmental conditions. 40 bacterial definition disaster disease hazmat infection operations terrorism
a type of energy that is emitted from a strong radiologic source; is slightly more penetrating than alpha and requires a layer of clothing to stop it 40 definition disaster hazmat operations physics safety terrorism
{{c1::beta radiation}} is emitted from a {{c2::strong radiologic source}}; is {{c3::slightly more penetrating}} than alpha and requires {{c4::a layer of clothing to stop it}}.
40 definition disaster hazmat operations physics safety terrorism
a memory device to recall the types of weapons of mass destruction:
Explosive 40 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat mnemonic operations terrorism {{c1::botulinum}} is {{c2::the most pertinent neurotoxin known}}. 40 bacterial definition disaster disease hazmat infection operations terrorism When introduced into the body, this neurotoxin affects the nervous system’s ability to function and causes botulism. botulinum 40 bacterial definition disaster disease hazmat infection operations terrorism
{{c1::Buboes}} are {{c2::enlarged lymph nodes (up to size of a tennis ball)}} that are characteristic of {{c3::people infected with the bubonic plague}}.
40 bacterial definition disaster disease hazmat infection operations signs terrorism
{{c1::Bubonic plague}} is bacterial infection that affects the {{c2::lymphatic system}}. It is transmitted by {{c3::infected rodents and fleas}}.  Also called {{c4::the Black Death}}.
40 bacterial definition disaster disease hazmat infection operations terrorism The Black Death Another name for the bubonic plague. 40 bacterial definition disaster disease hazmat infection operations terrorism
symptoms of the bubonic plague
malaise, fever, and the formation of tender, enlarged, inflamed lymph nodes that appear as lesions called buboes 40 bacterial definition disaster disease infection operations signs symptoms terrorism {{c1::malaise, fever, and the formation of tender, enlarged, inflamed lymph nodes that appear as lesions called buboes}} are {{c2::signs and symptoms of the bubonic plague}}. 40 bacterial definition disaster disease infection operations signs symptoms terrorism Cl chlorine 40 abbreviations definition disaster terrorism {{c1::Chlorine (Cl)}} is the {{c2::first chemical agent ever used in warfare}}; has a distinct odor of {{c3::bleach}} and creates {{c3::a green haze when released as a gas}}. Exposure initially produces {{c4::upper airway irritation and a choking sensation}}. 40 definition disaster signs symptoms terrorism Signs/symptoms of chlorine gas exposure Upper airway irritation and a choking sensation. 40 definition disaster signs symptoms terrorism Upper airway irritation and a choking sensation indicate _______? chlorine gas exposure 40 definition disaster signs symptoms terrorism contact hazard
the term used to describe danger posed by chemical whose primary route of entry into the body is through the skin; posed by a hazardous agent that gives off very little or no vapors; also called a skin hazard
40 definition disaster operations safety terminology terrorism skin hazard
the term used to describe danger posed by chemical whose primary route of entry into the body is through the skin; posed by a hazardous agent that gives off very little or no vapors; also called a contact hazard
40 definition disaster operations safety terminology terrorism
an infectious disease that spreads from one human to another; communicable
40 definition disaster disease infection safety terrorism communicable disease an infectious disease that spreads from one human to another; communicable 40 definition disaster disease infection safety terrorism
an act in which the public safety community generally is no prior knowledge of the time, location, or nature of the attack 40 definition disaster operations terrorism
occurs when a person is contaminated by an agent as a result of coming into contact with another contaminated person 40 definition disaster operations safety terrorism cyanide
An agent that affects the body’s ability to use oxygen. It is a colorless gas that has an odor similar to almonds. The effects begin on a cellular level and are very rapidly seen at the organ and system levels
40 definition disaster disease operations safety terrorism
a natural process in which a material that is unstable attempts to stabilize itself by changing its structure 40 definition disaster disease operations physics safety terrorism
dirty bomb
name given to an explosive radiologic dispersal device 40 definition disaster disease operations terrorism disease vector
an animal that spreads a disease, once infected, to another animal
40 definition disaster disease infection operations terrorism
the means by which a terrorist will spread an agent, for example, by poisoning the water supply or aerosolized in the agent into the air or ventilation system of the building 40 definition disaster operations safety terrorism
domestic terrorism
terrorism that is carried out by people in their own country 40 definition disaster operations terrorism international terrorism
terrorism that is carried out by people in a country other than their own; also known as cross-border terrorism
40 definition disaster operations terrorism
cross-border terrorism
terrorism that is carried out by people in a country other than their own; also known as international terrorism 40 definition disaster operations terrorism
DuoDote Auto-Injector
intervention antidote kit containing atropine and pralidoxime chloride; delivered as a single dose through one needle 40 definition disaster equipment operations terrorism treatment
G agents
Early nerve agents that were developed by German scientists in the period after World War I and into World War II. These are three such agents: sarin, soman, and tabun 40 definition disaster operations safety terrorism {{c1::G agents}} are a group of {{c2::nerve agents}} that consist of {{c3::sarin, soman, and tabun}}. 40 definition disaster operations safety terrorism
{{c1::gamma}} radiation is a type of energy that is emitted from a {{c2::strong radiologic}} source that travels {{c2::faster}} and has {{c2::more energy}} than alpha and beta rays. These rays {{c3::easily penetrate}} through the human body and require {{c3::lead or several inches of concrete}} to prevent penetration.
40 definition disaster hazmat physics safety terrorism
the period of time between a person being exposed to an agent to the first time when symptoms appear
40 definition disaster hazmat signs symptoms terrorism
ionizing radiation
energy that is admitted in the form of rays, or particles 40 definition disaster hazmat physics safety signs symptoms terrorism
The standard measure of the dose amount of an agent or substance that will kill 50% of the population who are exposed to this level
40 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat safety terminology terrorism value
lewisite (L)
a blistering agent that has a rapid onset of symptoms and produces immediate intense pain and discomfort on contact 40 definition disaster hazmat safety terrorism
excessively constricted pupils; often bilateral after exposure to nerve agents 40 assessment definition disaster eye signs symptoms terrorism vocab
a substance that mutates, damages, and changes the structures of DNA in the body cells 40 definition hazmat
{{c1::Nerve agents}} are a {{c2::class of chemical}} called {{c2::organophosphates}}; they function by {{c3::blocking an essential enzyme in the nervous system}}, which causes {{c4::the body’s organs to become overstimulated burn out}}.
40 definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism
{{c1::Neurotoxins}} are {{c2::biologic agents}} that are {{c3::the most deadly substances known to humans}}; they include {{c4::botulism toxin and ricin}}.
40 definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism
neutron radiation
The type of energy that is emitted from a strong radiologic source, involving particles that are among the most powerful forms of radiation; the particles easily penetrate through lead and require several feet of concrete to stop them. 40 definition disaster hazmat operations physics safety terrorism
the release of an agent after exposure; for example from a person’s clothes that have been exposed to the agent
40 definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism
describes how long a chemical agent will stay on a surface before it evaporates 40 definition disaster operations safety terrorism phosgene
a pulmonary agent that is a product of combustion, resulting from a fire at a textile factory, or warehouse, or from metalwork, or burning Freon.  It is a very potent agent that has a delayed onset of symptoms, usually hours
40 definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism CX phosphine oxime 40 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism phosphine oxime (CX)
a blistering agent that has a rapid onset of symptoms and produces immediate, intense pain and discomfort on contact
40 definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism
pneumonic plague
a lung infection, also known as plague pneumonia, that is the result of inhalation of plague-causing bacteria 40 bacterial definition disaster disease safety terrorism PODs points of distribution 40 abbreviations definition disaster safety terrorism
points of distribution (PODs)
Existing facilities used as mass distribution sites for antibiotics, antidotes, vaccinations, and other medications and supplies during an emergency
40 definition disaster operations safety terrorism
primary blast injuries
injuries caused by an explosive pressure wave on the hollow organs of the body 40 definition disaster hazmat injury operations safety terrorism trauma pulmonary blast injuries
pulmonary trauma resulting from short-range exposure to the detonation of high-energy explosives
40 definition disaster hazmat injury operations safety terrorism trauma
quaternary blast injuries
A blast injury that falls into one of the following categories: burns, crushing injuries, toxic ventilation, medical emergencies, or mental health disorders 40 definition disaster hazmat injury operations safety terrorism trauma
radioactive material
Any material that emits radiation 40 definition disaster hazmat operations physics safety terrorism
radiologic dispersal device (RDD)
any container that is designed to disperse radioactive material 40 definition disaster hazmat operations physics safety terrorism RDD radiologic dispersal device 40 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat operations physics safety terrorism L lewisite 40 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat operations physics safety terrorism
a neurotoxin derived from mash that is left in the caster bean; causes pulmonary edema and respiratory and circulatory failure leading to death 40 definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism
route of exposure
the manner by which a toxic substance enters the body 40 definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism toxicology GB sarin 40 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism GA tabun 40 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism GD soman 40 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism
sarin (GB)
a nerve agent that is one of the G agents; a highly volatile colorless and odorless liquid that turns from liquid to gas within seconds to minutes at room temperature 40 definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism
secondary blast injury
a penetrating or nonpenetrating injury caused by ordinance projectiles or secondary missiles
40 definition disaster hazmat injury operations safety terrorism trauma secondary device
a secondary explosive used by terrorists, set to explode after the initial bomb
40 definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism
a highly contagious disease; it is most contagious when blisters begin to form 40 definition disaster disease operations safety terrorism virus
soman (GD)
a nerve agent that is one of the G agents; twice as persistent as sarin and five times as lethal; has a fruity odor, as a result of the type of alcohol used in the agent, and is a contact and an inhalation hazard that can enter the body through skin absorption and through the respiratory tract 40 definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism SADM
special atomic demolition munitions
40 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism
special atomic demolition munitions (SADM)
small suitcase-sized nuclear devices that were designed to destroy individual targets, such as important buildings, bridges, tunnels, and large ships
40 definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism
state-sponsored terrorism
terrorism that is funded and/or supported by nations that hold close ties with terrorist groups
40 definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism sulfur mustard (H)
a vesicant; it is a brownish, yellowish oily substance that is generally considered very persistent; has the distinct smell of garlic or mustard and, when released, is quickly absorbed into the skin and/or mucous membranes and begins an irreversible process of damaging the cells. Also called mustard gas
40 definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism mustard gas (H)
a vesicant; it is a brownish, yellowish oily substance that is generally considered very persistent; has the distinct smell of garlic or mustard and, when released, is quickly absorbed into the skin and/or mucous membranes and begins an irreversible process of damaging the cells. Also called sulfur mustard
40 definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism H sulfur mustard; also called mustard gas 40 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat operations safety terrorism syndromic surveillance
the monitoring, usually by local or state health departments, of patients presenting to emergency departments and alternative care facilities, the recording of EMS call volume, and the use of over-the-counter medications
40 definition disaster EMS operations safety terrorism tabun (GA)
a nerve agent that is one of the G agents; is 36 times more persistent than sarin and at approximately half as lethal; has a fruity smell and is unique because of the components used to manufacture the agent are easy to acquire and the agent is easy to manufacture
40 definition disaster hazmat safety terrorism
tertiary blast injury
an injury from whole-body displacement and subsequent traumatic impact with environmental objects 40 definition disaster hazmat injury safety terrorism trauma
V agent (VX)
one of the G agents; it is a clear, oily agent that has no odor and looks like baby oil; more than 100 times more lethal than sarin and is extremely persistent 40 definition disaster hazmat safety terrorism VX V agent 40 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat safety terrorism
vapor hazard
the term used to describe danger posed by an agent that enters the body through the respiratory tract 40 definition disaster hazmat safety terrorism
blister agents; the primary route of entry for this agent is due to skin 40 definition disaster hazmat safety terrorism viral hemorrhagic fevers (VHF)
a group of diseases caused by viruses that include ebola, Rift Valley, and yellow fevers, among others.  This group of viruses causes the blood in the body to seep out from the tissues and blood vessels
40 definition disaster disease safety terrorism virus virus
germs that require a living host to multiply and survive
40 definition disaster disease safety terrorism virus
how long a chemical agent will stay on a surface before it evaporates 40 definition disaster hazmat safety terrorism weapon of mass casualty (WMC)
any agent designed to bring about mass death, casualties, and/or massive damage to property and infrastructure (bridges, tunnels, airports and seaports); also known as a weapon of mass destruction (WMD)
40 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat safety terrorism WMC weapon of mass casualty 40 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat safety terrorism
weapon of mass destruction (WMD) 
any agent designed to bring about mass death, casualties, and/or massive damage to property and infrastructure (bridges, tunnels, airports and seaports); also known as a weapon of mass casualty (WMC)
40 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat safety terrorism
the creation of a weapon from a biologic agent that is generally found in nature and that causes disease; the agent is cultivated, synthesized, and/or mutated to maximize the target populations exposure to the germ
40 definition disaster disease hazmat safety terrorism
bills of lading
The shipping papers used to transport of chemicals over roads and highways; also referred to as freight bills.
39 alias definition hazmat incident operations safety freight bills The shipping papers used to transport of chemicals over roads and highways; also referred to as bills of lading. 39 alias definition hazmat incident operations safety
bulk storage containers
Any container other than non-bulky storage containers such as fixed tanks, highway cargo tanks, rail tank cars, totes, and intermodal tanks.  These are typically found in manufacturing facilities and are often surrounded by a secondary containment system to help control an accidental release. 39 definition disaster hazmat operations safety carboy
Glass, plastic, or steel container, ranging in volume from 5 to 15 gallons (19 to 57 L).
39 definition hazmat operations safety value
casualty collection area
An area set up by physicians, nurses, and other hospital staff near a major disaster scene where patients can receive further triage and medical care. 39 area definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety transport treatment triage
Chemical Transportation Emergency Center (CHEMTREC)
An agency that assists emergency responders and identifying and handling hazardous materials and transport incidents. 39 abbreviations definition disaster government hazmat incident operations safety
closed incident
An incident that is contained; all casualties are accounted for. 39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety
cold zone
A safe area at a hazardous materials incident for the agencies involved in the operations.  The incident commander, the command post, EMS providers, and other support functions necessary to control the incident should be located in the zone.  Also referred to as the clean zone or the support zone. 38 39 alias area definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety clean zone A safe area at a hazardous materials incident for the agencies involved in the operations. The incident commander, the command post, EMS providers, and other support functions necessary to control the incident should be located in the zone. Also referred to as the cold zone or the support zone. 39 alias area definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety support zone A safe area at a hazardous materials incident for the agencies involved in the operations.  The incident commander, the command post, EMS providers, and other support functions necessary to control the incident should be located in the zone.  Also referred to as the clean zone or the cold zone. 38 39 alias area definition hazmat incident operations role safety
In incident command, the position that oversees the incident, establishes the objectives and priorities, and develops a response plan. 39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations role
command post
The designated field command center where the incident commander and support staff are located and where command, coordination, control and communications are centralized. 38 39 area communications definition disaster hazmat incident operations rescue
Any vessel or receptacle that holds material, including storage vessels, pipelines, and packaging. 39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety
control zones
Areas of the hazardous materials incident that are designated as hot, warm, or cold, based on safety issues and the degree of hazard found there. 38 39 area definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety cylinders
Portable, compressed gas containers used to hold liquids and gases such as nitrogen, argon, helium, and oxygen. They have a range of sizes and internal pressures.
39 definition disaster equipment hazmat incident operations safety
The process of removing or neutralizing and properly disposing of radiation, chemical, or other hazardous materials from clothing, equipment, vehicles, patients, and responders. 37 39 definition disaster hazmat incident safety vehicle
decontamination area
The designated area in a hazardous materials incident where all patients and responders must be decontaminated before going to another area. 39 area definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety
The process of directing responders to return to the facilities when work at a disaster or mass-casualty incident is finished, at least for those particular responders. 39 area definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety
A widespread event that disrupts community resources and functions, in turn threatening public safety, citizens’ lives, and property. 39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety drums
Barrel-like containers used to store wide variety of substances, including food-grade materials, corrosives, flammable liquids, and grease.  May be constructed of low-carbon steel, polyethylene, cardboard, stainless steel, nickel, or other materials
39 definition disaster equipment hazmat incident operations safety
Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)
A preliminary action guide for the first responders operating at a hazardous materials incident in coordination with the US Department of Transportation’s labels and placards marking system.  Jointly developed by the DOT, the Secretariat of Communications and Transportation of Mexico, and Transport Canada.
39 definition disaster government hazmat incident operations safety
extrication supervisor
In incident command, the person appointed to determine the type of equipment and resources needed for a situation involving extrication or special rescue; also called the rescue officer. 39 alias definition disaster extrication hazmat incident operations role safety CHEMTREC Chemical Transportation Emergency Center 39 abbreviations definition disaster government hazmat incident operations safety ERG Emergency Response Guidebook 39 abbreviations definition disaster government hazmat incident operations safety HazMat
hazardous materials
38 39 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety terminology IC incident commander 39 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat incident operations role safety JIC joint information center 39 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat incident operations MSDS
material safety data sheet
39 abbreviations alias definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety MCI mass-casualty incident 39 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat incident operations NIMS
National Incident Management System
39 definition disaster government hazmat incident legal operations terrorism PIO public information officer 39 abbreviations communications definition disaster hazmat incident operations role rescue officer
In incident command, the person appointed to determine the type of equipment and resources needed for a situation involving extrication or special rescue; also called the extrication officer.
39 alias definition disaster equipment extrication hazmat incident operations rescue role safety finance
In incident command, the position in an incident responsible for accounting of all expenditures.
39 definition disaster incident operations role
When individual units or different organizations make independent and often inefficient decisions about the next appropriate action. 39 communications definition disaster incident operations safety
hazardous material
any substance that is toxic, poisonous, radioactive, flammable, or explosive and causes injury or death of exposure 38 39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety
hazardous materials (HazMat) incident
An incident which hazardous material is no longer appropriate properly contained and isolated. 39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety hot zone
The area immediately surrounding a hazardous material spell or incident site that endangers life and health.  All responders working in this zone must wear appropriate protective clothing and equipment.  Entry requires approval by the incident commander or other designated officer.
38 39 alias area definition disaster equipment extrication hazmat incident operations PPE rescue safety vehicle instant action plan
An oral or written plan stating general objectives reflecting the overall strategy for managing an incident.
39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety
incident command system (ICS)
A system implemented to manage disasters and mass-casualty incidents in which section chiefs, including finance, logistics, operations, and planning, report to the incident commander.
39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations
incident commander (IC)
The overall leader of the incident command system to whom commanders or leaders of incident command system divisions report.
38 39 definition disaster extrication hazmat incident operations rescue role special
intermodal tanks
Shipping and storage vessels that can be either pressurized or nonpressurized.
39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety
Joint Information Center (JIC)
An area designated by the incident commander, or designee, in which the public information officers from multiple agencies distribute information about the incident.
39 area communications definition disaster hazmat incident operations JumpSTART triage
Assorted system for pediatric patients younter than 8 years or weighing less than 100 pounds (45 kg).  There is a minor adaptation for infants because they cannot ambulate on their own.
39 definition disaster hazmat incident neonate operations pediatric transport treatment triage value
liaison officer
in incident command, the person who relays information, concerns, and requests among responding agencies
39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations role
In incident command, the position that helps procure and stockpile equipment and supplies during an incident.
39 definition disaster equipment hazmat incident operations role
material safety data sheet (MSDS)
A form, provided by manufacturers and compounders (blenders) of chemicals, containing information about chemical composition, physical and chemical properties, health and safety hazards, emergency response, and waste disposal of a specific material; also known as the safety data sheet (SDS).
39 alias definition disaster government hazmat incident legal operations safety safety data sheet (SDS) A form, provided by manufacturers and compounders (blenders) of chemicals, containing information about chemical composition, physical and chemical properties, health and safety hazards, emergency response, and waste disposal of a specific material; also known as the material safety data sheet (MSDS). 39 alias definition disaster government hazmat incident legal operations safety SDS safety data sheet 39 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety
mass-casualty incident (MCI)
An emergency situation involving three or more patients or that can place great demand on the equipment or personnel of the EMS system or has the potential to produce multiple casualties.
39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety transport treatment triage
morgue supervisor
In incident command, the person who works with area medical examiners, coroners, and law enforcement agencies to coordinate the disposition of dead victims.
39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations role transport triage mutual aid response
An agreement between neighboring EMS systems to respond to mass-casualty incidents or disasters in each other’s region when local resources are insufficient to handle the response.
39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) system designed to enable federal, state, and local governments and private sector and nongovernmental organizations to effectively and efficiently prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size, or complexity, including acts of catastrophic terrorism.
39 definition disaster government hazmat incident legal operations terrorism non-bulk storage vessel
Any container other than bulk storage containers such as drums, bags, compressed gas cylinders, and cryogenic containers.  These hold commonly used commercial and industrial chemicals such as solvents, industrial cleaners, and compounds.
39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety open incident
An incident that is not yet contained; there may be patients to be located and the situation may be ongoing, producing more patients.
39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety transport triage
In incident command, the position that carries out the orders of the commander to help resolve the incident. 39 communications definition disaster hazmat incident operations role
personal protective equipment (PPE) levels
Indicates the amount and type of protective equipment that an individual needs to avoid injury during contact with a hazardous material.
39 definition disaster equipment hazmat incident operations PPE safety placard
Signage required to be placed on all four sides of highway transport vehicles, railroad tank cars, and other forms of hazardous materials transportation; the sign identifies the hazardous contents of the vehicle using a standardization system with 10¾-inch (27 cm) diamond-shaped indicators.
39 definition disaster equipment government hazmat incident legal operations PPE safety value planning
In incident command, the position that ultimately produces a plan to resolve any incident.
39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations role
primary triage
a type of patient sorting used to rapidly categorize patients; the focus is on speed and locating all patients and determining an initial priority as their conditions warrant
39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety transport treatment triage
public information officer (PIO)
In incident command, the person who keeps the public informed and relates any information to the media.
39 communications definition disaster hazmat incident operations role
rehabilitation area
The area that provides protection and treatment to firefighters and other responders working at an emergency.  Here, workers are medically monitored and receive any needed care as they enter and leave the scene.
39 area assessment definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety treatment rehabilitation supervisor
In incident command, the person who establishes an area that provides protection for responders from the elements and the situation.
39 assessment definition disaster hazmat incident operations role safety treatment
rescue supervisor
In incident command, the person appointed to determine the type of equipment and resources needed for a situation involving extrication or special rescue; also called the extrication officer. 39 alias definition disaster equipment extrication hazmat incident operations rescue role safety safety officer
In incident command, the person who monitors the scene for conditions or operations that may present a hazard to responders and patients; he or she may stop an operation when responder safety is an issue.
39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations role safety
secondary containment
An engineered method to control spilled or released product if the main containment vessel fails. 39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety
secondary triage
A type of patient sorting used in the treatment area that involves re-triage of patients. 39 area definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety transport treatment triage
START triage
A patient sorting process that stands for Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment and uses a limited assessment of the patient’s ability to walk, respiratory status, hemodynamic status, and neurologic status. 39 abbreviations definition disaster hazmat incident mnemonic operations safety transport treatment triage single command system
A command system in which one person is in charge, generally used with small incidents that involve only one responding agency or one jurisdiction.
39 definition disaster incident operations safety span of control
In incident command, the subordinate positions under the commander’s direction to which the workload is distributed; the ideal supervisor/worker ratio is 1 supervisor for 3 to 7 workers.
39 definition disaster incident operations role safety teams value What is the ideal ratio of supervisors to workers? Between 1:3 and 1:7. 39 communications disaster incident operations safety teams value staging supervisor
In incident command, the person who locates an area to stage equipment and personnel and tracks unit arrival and deployment from the staging area.
39 disaster equipment incident operations role safety
termination of command
The end of the incident command structure when an incident draws to a close.
39 communications definition disaster incident operations
toxicity levels
Indicates the risk that a hazardous material poses the health of an individual who comes into contact with it.
39 definition disaster hazmat incident operations safety toxicology
transportation area
The area in a mass-casualty incident where ambulances and crews are organized to transport patients from the treatment area to receiving hospitals.
39 ambulance area definition disaster incident operations transport treatment triage
transportation supervisor
In incident command, the person in charge of the transportation sector in a mass-casualty incident who assigns patients from the treatment area to waiting ambulances in the transportation area. 39 ambulance definition disaster incident operations role transport treatment triage
treatment area
the location a mass-casualty incident where patients are brought after being triaged and assigned a priority, where they are reassessed, treated, and monitored until transport to the hospital
39 area definition disaster incident operations transport treatment triage
treatment supervisor
In incident command, the person, usually a physician, who is in charge of and directs EMS providers at the treatment area in a mass-casualty incident.
39 definition disaster incident operations role treatment triage
The process of sorting patients based on the severity of injury and medical need to establish treatment and transportation priorities. 39 definition disaster incident operations transport treatment triage triage supervisor
In incident command, the person in charge of the incident command triage sector who directs the sorting of patients into triage categories in a mass-casualty incident
39 definition disaster incident operations role transport treatment triage
unified command system
a command system used in larger incidents in which there is a multiagency response or multiple jurisdictions are involved 39 communications definition disaster incident operations
warm zone
The area located between the hot zone and the cold zone in a hazardous materials incident.  The decontamination corridor is located in this zone. 38 39 area definition disaster equipment hazmat incident operations PPE safety {{c1::Gaining entry to an enclosed area and reaching a patient}} is known as {{c2::access}}. 38 definition extrication rescue special terminology vehicle danger zone
An area where people can be exposed to hazards such as electric wires, sharp metal edges, broken glass, toxic substances, radiation, or fire.  Also known as the hot zone.
38 39 alias area definition disaster equipment extrication hazmat incident operations PPE rescue safety vehicle structural fire
A fire in a house, apartment building, office, school, plant, warehouse, or other building.
38 definition disaster extrication fire incident operations rescue safety special terrorism SWAT team
A specialized law enforcement tactical unit; stands for Special Weapons And Tactics
38 abbreviations definition disaster extrication incident operations rescue safety special terrorism size-up
The ongoing process of information gathering and scene evaluation to determine appropriate strategies and tactics to manage an emergency.
09 38 definition disaster emergencies extrication incident rescue safety special terminology terrorism
self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)
A respirator with independent air supply used by firefighters to enter toxic and otherwise dangerous atmospheres.
38 definition equipment extrication fire incident PPE rescue safety special terminology blind spots
Areas of the road that are blocked from your view by your vehicle or mirrors.
37 definition safety transport vehicle hydroplaning
Occurs when the tires of a vehicle are lifted off the road surface as a result of water “piling up” underneath them, making the vehicle feel as though it is floating
37 definition safety transport vehicle A {{c1::generalized seizure}} is a {{c2::seizure characterized by severe twitching of all the bodys muscles that may last several minutes or more;}} formerly known as a {{c3::grand mal seizure}} and also known as a {{c1::tonic-clonic seizure}} 17 definition neurologic terminology vocab